Habsburg Monarchy, History of (Early) Modern Nobility, administrative history Research Papers (original) (raw)
Die Eingliederung Galiziens in die Habsburgermonarchie im Rahmen der Ersten Teilung Polen-Litauens bedeutete einen eklatanten Bruch im Herrschaftsverständnis des Wiener Hofs. Um den Abgang vom dynastischen Staatsbildungsprozess zu... more
Die Eingliederung Galiziens in die Habsburgermonarchie im Rahmen der Ersten Teilung Polen-Litauens bedeutete einen eklatanten Bruch im Herrschaftsverständnis des Wiener Hofs. Um den Abgang vom dynastischen Staatsbildungsprozess zu kaschieren, wurde ein umfassender Legitimationsdiskurs auf den Weg gebracht, der von völkerrechtlichen Ableitungen über Koloni-almetaphern bis hin zu Zivilisierungsvorstellungen reichte und sich in Reiseberichten, Abhandlungen und Regierungsakten wiederfindet. Dieser Diskurs, der stark mit den durch den Kameralismus geprägten gesellschaftlichen Taxonomien zusammenhing, unterstützte insbesondere in der josefinischen Reformperiode (1780–1790) die Umwandlung der galizischen Gesellschaft, schlug danach jedoch viel stärker in ein restauratives Projekt um, in dem essentialistische Deutungen überwogen. Die galizischen Eliten reagierten auf die von den impe-rialen Zentren, insbesondere jedoch von Wien, ausgehenden Diskursen mit einer Eingliederung in den imperialen Diskurs, dessen Annahme zwecks eige-ner Stärkung und offenen Gegendiskursen zu den habsburgischen Konzepten.
This article delas with the relationship between the last lord of Rožmberkand his housekeepers in Prague in the times when Petr Vok spent only a few month a year in Prague or he did not travel to his main town residence in Prague at all... more
This article delas with the relationship between the last lord of Rožmberkand his housekeepers in Prague in the times when Petr Vok spent only a few month
a year in Prague or he did not travel to his main town residence in Prague at all (after 1603). In those times the housekeeper became a real head of Rožmberk administrative in Prague. Between 1594 and 1611 we know about 7 such officials. These were mostly men who tried to enrich from the Rožmberk´s incomes. Petr Vok knew about the problems with his too much „independent“ housekeepers and tried to find a way to make them fill all his orders. But the article shows that he did not succeed in his efforts because the position of his official bureaucracy was very strong and even an execution of one of the Prague housekeepers did not help him. At the end of his life he could only hope that the next housekeeper would be more „faithful“ and would follow his instructions. This „dream“ was realized in a personality of Jan Libra who became the Prague housekeeper between 1605 and 1609.
This study is a contribution to the history of Early Modern Age diplomacy and focuses on one specific mission of a nobleman in the service of the Emperor at the end of the 17th century. The nobleman concerned was Johann Marcus Count von... more
This study is a contribution to the history of Early Modern Age diplomacy and focuses on one specific mission of a nobleman in the service of the Emperor at the end of the 17th century. The nobleman concerned was Johann Marcus Count von Clary und Aldringen, who represented Leopold I in Saxony in the years 1686–1694. This diplomatic mission was chosen intentionally as it represents diplomatic legations, which were centred on the Holy Roman Empire, and have until now been under-researched. The author summarises fundamental facts about this mission – Clary-Aldringen’s itinerary is closely analysed and provides evidence of the very special nature of this legation, which was rather dissimilar to diplomatic travels as we know them from contemporary documents. In this case the envoy did not reside permanently in Saxony. Despite that he managed to remain in this post for a relatively long period of time and the author tries to account for the reasons. He analyses various tasks which the envoy had to carry out abroad (the provision of military assistance or the running of a diplomatic chancery); he also deals with the phenomenon of legation secretaries and describes the atypical relationship of the Count towards the Prince- elector’s family. Finally, he provides evidence that this mission contributed signifi cantly to the rise of the House of Clary- Aldringen in contemporary aristocratic society.
When Holland and Zeeland were integrated in the Burgundian personal union, the court of the count disappeared in these counties . Instead. a regional administrative machinery was set up. in which the govemor,later called stadholder; was... more
When Holland and Zeeland were integrated in the Burgundian personal union, the court of the count disappeared in these counties . Instead. a regional administrative machinery was set up. in which the govemor,later called stadholder; was the most important officer.In the first years of Burgundian rule in Holland and Zeeland, the office of stadholder took shape. The office was based on predecessors in both the two counties as well as being modelled after French-Burgundian examples. In Holland and Zeeland the office developed out of a situation of crisis and war and found its final form after an unsuccessful experiment with a non-noble president. The stadholder replaced the count of Holland, that is the Burgundian duke, in allrespects. He was his lieutenant general and the subjects of Holland and
Zeeland regarded him as such. With the court at a distance, the stadholder was the most important link between the duke and his counties . He spoke the language of both the duke and his subjects in Holland and Zeeland. Moreover, he was a trustee of the duke and an expert in matters of justice, war and diplomacy. But he was not only formally the most important link between the regional and the supra-regional administrative level. Through
relationships based on patronage and kinship, nearly all stadholders had strong ties with one or more persons at the court . Fundamentally, the regional administration, and especially the stadholder, was the link between the duke and his subjects. They were the perfect mediators between the Burgundian dukes with their ambitious plans on the one hand and the towns that wanted to keep their independence and privileges without paying too many subsidies, on the other. In a sense they were brokers who could provide their clients access to the patron (the duke). Through their formal and informal relations, they connected the central powers with regional and local interest groups.
En su testamento político, Richelieu hacia la siguiente consideración sobre el control del mar: «La mar es aquella que entre todas las herencias sobre las que todos los Soberanos pretenden tener más parte, y sin embargo es aquella sobre... more
En su testamento político, Richelieu hacia la siguiente consideración sobre el control del mar: «La mar es aquella que entre todas las herencias sobre las que todos los Soberanos pretenden tener más parte, y sin embargo es aquella sobre la que los derechos de cada uno están menos esclarecidos; en una palabra, los viejos títulos de esta dominación son la fuerza y no la razón: hace falta pues ser poderoso para pretender a dicha herencia» 1 .
Korall 2021. 86. 107-136.
Qué sabemos sobre la estructura social y familiar en Guipuzcoa en el Antiguo Regimen De Caballeros de Hábito a diplomáticos ilustrados: los Corral de 1630 a 1810
Rubicon Grant proposal (granted)
In 1714 the treaties of Rastatt and Baden ceded the southern Netherlands to the Habsburg monarchy. The southern Netherlands were not contiguous to the rest of the monarchy and furthermore enjoyed their own distinct local rights and... more
In 1714 the treaties of Rastatt and Baden ceded the southern Netherlands to the Habsburg monarchy. The southern Netherlands were not contiguous to the rest of the monarchy and furthermore enjoyed their own distinct local rights and traditions.
Early modern composite monarchies worked primarily through the intermediation of power between the sovereign, local elites, the estates and civil servants. Integrating local nobles into the structures of power was an important tool in managing composite monarchies. Léopold Philippe, fourth duke of Arenberg, was a powerful, wealthy and high-ranking noble in the southern Netherlands. Hence he was a key player in the mediation of Habsburg sovereignty in the region. His military career is well known. However, he featured prominently in other important positions on behalf of the Habsburg sovereigns: he was grand bailli (governor) in Hainault; he facilitated the grant of subsidies and credits by the estates to the ruler; and he was a member of governmental advisory boards. This article examines in an exemplary way those areas of activity, illustrating the range of action of a member of the high nobility, and showing how Habsburg power was transmitted to distant provinces which historians have little taken into account in this respect.
Under Charles VI, Léopold Philippe amassed local offices in the military and civil establishments in the Austrian Netherlands. He enjoyed a wide scope of action. As grand bailli he staffed the magistrate of Mons, for example, and he presided over the estates in Hainault, who were responsible for approving taxes. As supreme commander of the armed forces in the Austrian Netherlands he played an important role in stabilizing Habsburg sovereignty during the War of the Austrian Succession, particularly following Maria Theresa’s accession to power.
This paper specifically investigates the negotiation of power between the sovereign and noble elites. On the one hand, Léopold Philippe utilized his social capital in the estates of Flanders, Brabant and Hainault for the benefit of the monarchy by mediating subsidies and cheap credit as well as arranging debt refunding. On the other hand, he used the emperor’s trust in pursuit of his own interests, even opposing Vienna’s official representatives in Brussels to the detriment of government policy.
Julius Henry, Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg was among those who obtained a domini-on in Bohemia during the Thirty Years’ War. He and his son belong to the richest aristocrats in the land what was reflected in their representation and building... more
Julius Henry, Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg was among those who obtained a domini-on in Bohemia during the Thirty Years’ War. He and his son belong to the richest aristocrats in the land what was reflected in their representation and building activity. This paper is trying to introduce some interesting moments to motivate further research about this family which should be included in the early modern aristocracy discussion.
La nobleza austriaca (Österreichischer Adel) presenta en su formación similitudes con la nobleza germánica del Sacro Romano Imperio, al que Austria perteneció durante largos siglos (1273/1806). Sin embargo, se diferencia esencialmente de... more
La nobleza austriaca (Österreichischer Adel) presenta en su formación similitudes con la nobleza germánica del Sacro Romano Imperio, al que Austria perteneció durante largos siglos (1273/1806). Sin embargo, se diferencia esencialmente de ella en que en Austria solo hubo un ente soberano, el Duque y después Archiduque, en el que durante siglos recayó también la corona imperial. El Archiduque era la máxima autoridad y a él debía lealtad toda la nobleza austriaca, ya que no existieron nunca dentro de sus tierras entes dotados de soberanía propia, como era frecuente en otras partes del Imperio.La antigua nobleza de cuño feudal dependía de él por un pacto de vasallaje, mientras que él tenía la exclusividad de crear nuevos nobles mediante una Adelsbrief (Carta de Nobleza). Así se sucedieron los ennoblecimientos desde 1453 a 1918
This article aims to analyse how the Burgundian dukes managed to control the political process in Holland and Zeeland and get a grip on the noble elites of the counties in the period 1425-1477. During the fourteenth and fifteenth century,... more
This article aims to analyse how the Burgundian dukes managed to control the political process in Holland and Zeeland and get a grip on the noble elites of the counties in the period 1425-1477. During the fourteenth and fifteenth century, noble networks in Holland competed continuously for princely favours and official positions. In the Burgundian period, from 1425 onwards, some fundamental changes in this competition took place. In the Bavarian period princes normally favoured especially one of the competing networks. Moreover, the ruler was nearby and could be approached relatively easily. The Burgundian duke, however, hardly ever visited his northernmost territories. The rivalling noble networks were not integrated into the central institutions but were given material compensations and influence at a regional level in exchange for allegiance. Subsequently, in Holland and Zeeland the Burgundian court did not have a stabilising and integrating function.
LACKO, Miroslav. Mária Terézia, Karol Ferdinand Königsegg von Erps a reformy štátnej banskej správy v habsburskej monarchii [Maria Theresia, Karl Ferdinand Königsegg von Erps und die Reformen der staatlichen Montanverwaltung in der... more
LACKO, Miroslav. Mária Terézia, Karol Ferdinand Königsegg von Erps a reformy štátnej banskej správy v habsburskej monarchii [Maria Theresia, Karl Ferdinand Königsegg von Erps und die Reformen der staatlichen Montanverwaltung in der Habsburgermonarchie]. In VAŘEKA, Marek - ZÁŘICKÝ, Aleš (edd.). Císařovna Marie Terezie a střední Evropa. 300 let od narození reformátorky. Hodonín : Město Hodonín; Masarykovo muzeum v Hodoníně; Filozofická fakulta Ostravské univerzity; Pedagogická fakulta Masarykovy univerzity; Real Academia Sancti Ambrosii Martyris, 2019, pp. 135-173. ISBN 978-80-87375-12-9
Jelen dolgozatban arra keressük a választ, hogy az ország Mohács után gyökeresen megváltozó gazdasági, politikai viszonyai miatt milyen új kihívásokkal kellett szembenézni az ekkor felkapaszkodó nemesi családoknak, és hogyan tudtak... more
Jelen dolgozatban arra keressük a választ, hogy az ország Mohács után gyökeresen megváltozó gazdasági, politikai viszonyai miatt milyen új kihívásokkal kellett szembenézni az ekkor felkapaszkodó nemesi családoknak, és hogyan tudtak megfelelni ezeknek. Az ősi birtok -a család gazdasági alapja -állandó hadszíntérré válásával sokszor nem tudott bázisa lenni a birtokos famíliáknak, és akik nem tudták biztosítani új birtokok megszerzésével vagy a kereskedelembe való bekapcsolódással, esetleg előnyös családi kötelékek kiépítésével vagyoni helyzetüket, azok menthetetlenül lecsúsztak.
The Friulan feudal lord Lucio, count Della Torre and Valsassina (1695-1723), was banned from the Venetian Republic in 1717 for serious crimes and then went on to live in the Austrian territories amid scandals and... more
The Friulan feudal lord Lucio, count Della Torre and Valsassina (1695-1723), was banned from the Venetian Republic in 1717 for serious crimes and then went on to live in the Austrian territories amid scandals and economic difficulties. After murdering his wife Eleonora Madrisio Della Torre, with the help of two members of the family of the counts Strassoldo, he was finally beheaded in Gradisca in 1723. Some mostly unpublished correspondence of the archive Della Torre Valsassina in Udine offers the opportunity to get a closer look at “Conte Lucio”’s daily struggle to survive during his exile. Through the prism of this individual experience, we can explore significant aspects of the 17th and 18th century evolution in the political-diplomatic relations between Venice and the House of Habsburg, in the ethics and behavior of the nobility, and in the dialectics of power between old aristocracy and authority of the prince in a border region with a strong feudal presence such as Venetian and Austrian Friuli.
Rodbini Semič in Semenič spadata med ministerialiteto goriških grofov, katere prve člane srečamo na Metliškem in v Marki (na Dolenjskem) v 14. stoletju. Obe rodbini sta tedaj posedovali hišo v Novem trgu v Metliki, goriški ustanovi ob... more
Rodbini Semič in Semenič spadata med ministerialiteto goriških grofov, katere prve člane srečamo na Metliškem in v Marki (na Dolenjskem) v 14. stoletju. Obe rodbini sta tedaj posedovali hišo v Novem trgu v Metliki, goriški ustanovi ob sami meji s srednjeveško Slavonijo. Medtem, ko rodbina Semič v 15. stoletju izumre (1446: Hans Schyemtzer), pa Semeniči v istem času razširijo svoje posesti in v obrambi cesarja Friderika III. na Dunaju (oktober-november 1462) ter bojih s Turki na Sotli (1475) pridobijo nemajhni vojaški sloves. 16. stoletje je čas razcveta rodbine, ki na Metliškem poseduje gradove Turn pri Semiču, Turn pri Črnomlju (Breznik), Vinica in Dominiče (Dvor pri sv. Marjeti), ter opravlja vojaško službo na sami meji dežele in cesarstva. Semeniče najdemo med prvimi protestanti Metliškega, Sigmund gradi molilnico pred mestom Metliko, njegov sin Andrej (II.) podpisuje pritožbo zoper ravnanja škofa Tomaža Hrena. Konec 16. stoletja so pridobili tudi prvo posest v Marki, dvor Grundelj, kar je že nakazovalo njihov premik iz gospodarsko in vojaško vse bolj marginalnega Metliškega v Marko. Tokom 17. stoletja so Semeniči pridobili še več manjših posesti, dvorov po Marki, in prav tam najdemo stoletje pozneje njihove zadnje posesti. Ob tem Semeniči še vedno služijo kot vojaki na nemirni meji, posebno v Brinju in Otočcu v Liki na Hrvaškem. Zadnji članici rodbine, Katarina Semenič in Marija Ana Kristina Semenič por. Bosizio sta najverjetneje umrli leta 1778.
Durante los tiempos medievales España se caracterizó por tener una nobleza guerrera que debe su posición a la fuerza de su espada. Tras culminada la Reconquista con la derrota del Islam invasor se instaura una monarquía cada vez más... more
Durante los tiempos medievales España se caracterizó por tener una nobleza guerrera que debe su posición a la fuerza de su espada. Tras culminada la Reconquista con la derrota del Islam invasor se instaura una monarquía cada vez más autoritaria que trata de domeñar el poder de la nobleza. Ésta se vuelve cortesana y se divide en diferentes categorías con muy diferente poder y riqueza, aunque controladas todas ellas por la Corona.
La actual Rumania es el resultado de la unión de los tres principados danubianos: Valaquia, Moldavia y Transilvania, cuya población de origen dacio se vio afectada por su estratégica situación geográfica, situada entre el occidente... more
La actual Rumania es el resultado de la unión de los tres principados danubianos: Valaquia, Moldavia y Transilvania, cuya población de origen dacio se vio afectada por su estratégica situación geográfica, situada entre el occidente europeo y el oriente otomano.
Se analiza las diferentes fases de su historia, su composición étnica en especial desde el punto de vista de una nobleza guerrera. Se completa explicando su heráldica con sus especiales matices.
The article deals with the history of nearly forgotten noble family of the Verdugos in the Habsburg monarchy. The author describes their fortunes in six following generations that lived in Spain, then in the Netherlands, Bohemia, and... more
The article deals with the history of nearly forgotten noble family of the Verdugos in the Habsburg monarchy. The author describes their fortunes in six following generations that lived in Spain, then in the Netherlands, Bohemia, and finally in Upper Silesia from the second half of 16 century up to the middle of 18 century.
The essay comments on a grand tour (Länderreise) taken by the moderately wealthy Count Franz Julius Verdugo (1661-1712) in 1681-1683. The tour led him to the noble academy in Turin (six months), to Papal Rome (six months), the noble... more
The essay comments on a grand tour (Länderreise) taken by the moderately wealthy Count Franz Julius Verdugo (1661-1712) in 1681-1683. The tour led him to the noble academy in Turin (six months), to Papal Rome (six months), the noble academy in French Angers (three months), Paris (three months) and the governor's court in Brussels (about two months). Based on a research into almost 160 letters, the essay introduces not only an itinerary and basic information on Verdugo's tour, but it also includes a detailed analysis of three partially varied viewpoints on the grand tour. It shows how differently his mother, the cavalier and his tutor perceived it. Although they all experienced the tour in a different way, they had a common goal – young Verdugo was required to " qualify himself ". He should have acquired abilities, knowledge and manners that would allow him to assert himself on a court and in the estate society of various countries in the Habsburg Monarchy after his return home. However, the journey to such a " qualification " was complicated and arose in a constant exchange of viewpoints among the three parties.
Pál Judit: A Habsburg Monarchia története, 1526–1848. Mega Könyvkiadó, Kolozsvár, 2014.
T HE siege and battle of Kinsale have signified the end of the Gaelic world for the historiography of Ireland and Spain 1 . After the defeat of the Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnell and their Spanish allies, Irish society beyond the English... more
T HE siege and battle of Kinsale have signified the end of the Gaelic world for the historiography of Ireland and Spain 1 . After the defeat of the Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnell and their Spanish allies, Irish society beyond the English Pale or enclave around Dublin, began to change dramatically. This trauma was not only experienced by the Gaelic Irish, but also by those Irish of Hiberno-Norman and Old English origins. The old customs and the Brehon law were proscribed and English Common Law was imposed on the island kingdom, at least in theory 2 .
Treviso sono rigorosamente vietati la riproduzione, la traduzione, l'adattamento, anche parziale o per estratti, per qualsiasi uso e con qualsiasi mezzo effettuati, compresi la copia fotostatica, il microfilm, la digitalizzazione... more
Treviso sono rigorosamente vietati la riproduzione, la traduzione, l'adattamento, anche parziale o per estratti, per qualsiasi uso e con qualsiasi mezzo effettuati, compresi la copia fotostatica, il microfilm, la digitalizzazione elettronica, ecc., senza la preventiva autorizzazione scritta dell'auotre.
U n fantasma tenace s'aggira per l'Università, l'idea che chi sia professore a Pavia -professore ordinario, qualcuno tiene a precisare -acquisti la dignità di «conte palatino», ossia comes palatinus (in tedesco, Hofpfalzgraf ). Per... more
U n fantasma tenace s'aggira per l'Università, l'idea che chi sia professore a Pavia -professore ordinario, qualcuno tiene a precisare -acquisti la dignità di «conte palatino», ossia comes palatinus (in tedesco, Hofpfalzgraf ). Per dissipare l'equivoco, conviene innanzitutto riepilogare le caratteristiche generali di questa dignità.
Ročenka o dejinách baníctva a hutníctva / Jahrbuch für Geschichte des Berg- und Hüttenwesens
VEDRÖDY, Egon - LACKO, Miroslav: Rod Vedrödy [Vedrödy Family]: Dejiny a genealógia šľachtického rodu [History and Genealogy of the Noble Family]. Príspevok k dejinám uhorského mincovníctva a biografii mincovného majstra Pavla Jozefa... more
VEDRÖDY, Egon - LACKO, Miroslav: Rod Vedrödy [Vedrödy Family]: Dejiny a genealógia šľachtického rodu [History and Genealogy of the Noble Family]. Príspevok k dejinám uhorského mincovníctva a biografii mincovného majstra Pavla Jozefa Vedrödyho v druhej polovici 17. a v prvej polovici 18. storočia [Contribution to the History of Hungarian Coinage and the Biography of the Mint Master Paul Joseph Vedrödy in the Second Half of the 17th Century and in the First Half of the 18th Century]. Bratislava: Slovenská spoločnosť pre sociálne a hospodárske dejiny, 2018, 206 pp. ISBN 978-80-970973-6-3.
L’auteur de ce mémoire de Master 2 a mené ses recherches sur les différentes phases de construction du château « La Fontaine » ainsi que sur le destin de ce dernier après le décès de son créateur, le comte et prince d’empire Pierre-Ernest... more
L’auteur de ce mémoire de Master 2 a mené ses recherches sur les différentes phases de construction du château « La Fontaine » ainsi que sur le destin de ce dernier après le décès de son créateur, le comte et prince d’empire Pierre-Ernest de Mansfeld (1517-1604).
Il s’est demandé de quelle façon ce château a été représenté à l’époque moderne ? L’iconographie et la cartographie de ce site sont présentées et discutées.
Des recherches approfondies ont été menées, entre autres aux Archives nationales à Luxembourg, afin de mieux cerner l’administration, l’entretien et l’utilisation du château, de ses jardins et du parc animalier jusqu’à la fin du 18e siècle. Grâce à de nouvelles découvertes, le processus de destruction du château de Mansfeld commence à être mieux connu, ainsi que les activités qui se sont développées dans l’enceinte de l’ancien domaine princier.
Realizadas en nuestra sede durante los meses de Noviembre y Diciembre de 1997, con la colaboración de la Sociedad Heráldica Española, la Imperial Orden Hispánica de Carlos V, y la Universidad Moderna de Lisboa. Se debatieron las... more
Realizadas en nuestra sede durante los meses de Noviembre y Diciembre de 1997, con la colaboración de la Sociedad Heráldica Española, la Imperial Orden Hispánica de Carlos V, y la Universidad Moderna de Lisboa. Se debatieron las consecuencias de la Herencia Imperial que aportó a España Carlos V y sus repercusiones sobre la evolución española de los dos siglos posteriores. Se dieron cita diversos espertos que intervinieron en las tres mesas redondas que se convocaron, presididas por especialistas sobre el tema. 1º Carlos de Gante y Germana de Foix, por el Excmo. Sr. Dr. Don Luis Valero de Bernabé y Martín de Eugenio; 2º Carlos de España y la Plenitud Imperial, por el Ilmo. Sr. Don Rafael Portell Pasamonte; 3º Carlos de Yuste y su Testamento Político, por el Ilmo. Sr. Don Manuel Ángel Lobeiras Fernández. Se concedió un diploma acreditativo y se publicaron las diversas ponencias presentadas en la Revista del CHEI.
- by Mirella Marini and +1
- •
- European History, Cultural History, Women's History, Courts
Ročenka o dejinách baníctva a hutníctva / Jahrbuch für Geschichte des Berg- und Hüttenwesens
Ennoblement of the Jews in Austria (1789–1918) In the course of the past several decades, research on the nobility has undergone a noticeable transformation. Older, mostly genealogy-based studies have been replaced by scholarship that... more
The Seven Archangel´s worship strengthened the traditional bond between the monarchist and the angelic, assuming a conception that covered from Zoroastrism to Byzantine world. So, from its born in 1516, such worship was linked to Carlos V... more
The Seven Archangel´s worship strengthened the traditional bond between the monarchist and the angelic, assuming a conception that covered from Zoroastrism to Byzantine world. So, from its born in 1516, such worship was linked to Carlos V depending on its commune ministerium: the world´s government, heavenly, that from angels; land, that from emperor. In Italy motivated the creation of a Confraternità, with the title of imperiale, earning its support of Sicilian and Roman nobility; and, in Spain, the monarchical nature obtained a feminine bias because of praise that was given by monasteries of regal patronage. The baroque literature of devotion will consolidate and will spread this theological-political conception of Hispanic monarchy through the Jesuit Andrés Serrano´s work.
Motivi della ricerca, fonti e breve quadro storico pag.5
Whereas tournaments of the late thirteenth century were infused with cross-channel contact, whether in reciprocity of form or in the international composition of the participants involved, by the early fifteenth century, tournament forms... more
Whereas tournaments of the late thirteenth century were infused with cross-channel contact, whether in reciprocity of form or in the international composition of the participants involved, by the early fifteenth century, tournament forms in England and the Netherlands had significantly diverged. As has been thoroughly explored by recent historians, English tournaments became increasingly socially exclusive, whilst retaining an international dimension in the interests of diplomacy. However, this essay demonstrates that this development was by no means typical of all late medieval tournaments. The case of the Low Countries demonstrates that the more socially inclusive style tournaments did continue into the fifteenth century, and provided an opportunity for the ducal household and noblemen to come into contact with patrician townspeople and even more diverse urban audiences.
Politica, fazioni, istituzioni nell'"italia sPagnola" dall'incoronazione di carlo V (1530) alla Pace di Westfalia (1648) Coordinamento di elena fasano guarini Lo Stato di Milano nel XVII secolo Memoriali e relazioni a cura di MassiMo... more
Politica, fazioni, istituzioni nell'"italia sPagnola" dall'incoronazione di carlo V (1530) alla Pace di Westfalia (1648) Coordinamento di elena fasano guarini Lo Stato di Milano nel XVII secolo Memoriali e relazioni a cura di MassiMo carlo giannini e gianVittorio signorotto MINISTERO PER I BENI E LE ATTIVITà CULTURALI DIPARTIMENTO PER I BENI ARCHIVISICI E LIBRARI DIREZIONE GENERALE PER GLI ARCHIVI 2006 DIPARTIMENTO PER I BENI ARCHIVISTICI E LIBRARI DIREZIONE GENERALE PER GLI ARCHIVI Capo del dipartimento per i beni archivistici e librari: Salvatore Italia Direttore generale per gli archivi: Maurizio Fallace Questa pubblicazione è il frutto dell'attività dell'Unità locale dell'Università di Urbino, coordinata da Gianvittorio Signorotto, nel quadro del progetto nazionale di ricerca COFIN 1999 dal titolo "Politica, fazioni, istituzioni nell'Italia spagnola dall'incoronazione di Carlo V (1530) alla pace di Westfalia (1648)", diretto da Elena Fasano Guarini. In particolare Gianvittorio Signorotto ha avuto il coordinamento scientifico del volume e Massimo Carlo Giannini ha effettuato la trascrizione della documentazione e ne ha curato gli apparati critici. La revisione linguistica del testo è stata effettuata da Felix Labrador Arrojo.