Non Profit Organizations Research Papers (original) (raw)

Communities have long recognized the value of the non-profit sector to the social fabric of society. Indeed most of these “third sector” organizations have been recognized as providing an essential function in society by meeting a variety... more

Communities have long recognized the value of the non-profit sector to the social fabric of society. Indeed most of these “third sector” organizations have been recognized as providing an essential function in society by meeting a variety of health, social service, and educational needs. There has however, been a general notion that while providing valuable services, the programmes offered by this sector of the economy may drain government revenues, and draw needed monies away from other economic development activities. This perception is at odds with research which has shown that in Canada today, the non-profit sector generates more revenue and employment than the oil and gas industries combined (McMullen and Schellenberg, 2002).

Evidence-based practice has become an important approach to social work practice. This paper highlights some of the ethical dilemmas which may be implicated by this approach, and encourages social workers and social work researchers to... more

Evidence-based practice has become an important approach to social work practice. This paper highlights some of the ethical dilemmas which may be implicated by this approach, and encourages social workers and social work researchers to carefully consider these potential quandaries.

This study aims at examining the impacts of internal control practices on financial accountability in Islamic non-profit organizations (NPOs) in Malaysia. Thus, this study applies an explanatory case study method to analyze intervention... more

This study aims at examining the impacts of internal control practices on financial accountability in Islamic non-profit organizations (NPOs) in Malaysia. Thus, this study applies an explanatory case study method to analyze intervention of life events which form the internal control practices. For data collection, this study used a shorter case study interview with interview protocol questions developed from the literature review. For reporting, this study adopted a multiple-case study format combining all three cases into a single report. As a result, this study identified significant interrelation impacts between internal control practices and financial accountability by Islamic NPOs in Malaysia under three aspects: (i) financial accountability 'for what'-internal control as part of financial accountability process; (ii) financial accountability 'on how'-internal control discharged financial accountability through financial disclosure; and (iii) financial accountability 'to whom'-internal control supports Islamic NPOs to gain both power (khilāfah) and trust (amānah) from stakeholders. Therefore, this study is among the few studies that examine the internal control practices especially their impacts on financial accountability of Islamic NPOs in Malaysia.

Cet article a pour objectif de dresser l'état des lieux des pratiques de gestion des ressources humaines dans le secteur des musiques actuelles et amplifi ées, ainsi que de repérer les formes d'implication des salariés. Cette... more

Cet article a pour objectif de dresser l'état des lieux des pratiques de gestion des ressources humaines dans le secteur des musiques actuelles et amplifi ées, ainsi que de repérer les formes d'implication des salariés. Cette problématique est posée dans un contexte de carence actuelle de données RH et dans une phase de professionnalisation et de croissance des activités. Nous nous appuyons sur le recueil d'informations liées à des enquêtes du réseau Fédurok. Dans un premier temps, nous mettons en évidence le manque de formalisation des structures, leur caractère adhocratique, et les particularismes de la gestion des ressources humaines, à savoir la cohabitation de statuts -salariés et bénévoles -, la faiblesse des rémunérations, l'absence de fi lière d'évolution, et la moindre reconnaissance de certains postes. Dans un second temps, nous proposons de déterminer l'implication au travers de quatre variables : l'engagement militant, l'appartenance communautaire, l'engagement artistique et le projet esthétique. Au travers de l'analyse des discours de salariés, nous étudions l'évolution de ces facettes de l'implication, et dressons le constat de l'accroissement du caractère aliénant de l'implication organisationnelle et de l'engagement militant. En parallèle, nous observons le développement des souhaits de stratégie de carrière. Ces trois éléments interrogent l'évolution du secteur et de la gestion des équipes, en faisant apparaître trois formes de risque : organisationnel, interactionnel et personnel. Des propositions, basées sur l'élucidation des rapports de pouvoir, le respect de l'identité artistique des lieux et une forme de professionnalisation « auto-limitée », visent à développer des outils ressources humaines spécifi ques aux enjeux actuels des musiques actuelles et amplifi ées.

Previous research has analyzed the differences between Non-profit and For-profit organizations, for example divergences in vision, function, organizational structure and motivation. The present work is a conceptual paper where we have... more

Previous research has analyzed the differences between Non-profit and For-profit organizations, for example divergences in vision, function, organizational structure and motivation. The present work is a conceptual paper where we have developed a deep analysis of the Non-profit literature, integrating the Italian literature to the international one within the institutional and organizational theory framework. Therefore, we have studied the reason why many Non-profit organizations use to prepare the financial statement used by For-profit organizations, in particular the economic and financial statement. We argue that because of normative isomorphism, legitimacy, in particular strategic legitimacy and because of the fundamental importance, for this type of organization, of internal and external control, a large number of Non-profit organizations tend to prepare the financial statement similar to the For-profit ones, also if it often does not fit well with their activities and can been even disadvantageous.

N el terzo settore la comunicazione è essenziale tanto e forse più di quanto non lo sia per le imprese profit oriented, perché ci si trova in presenza di realtà il cui obiettivo primario non consiste nel realizzare un guadagno calcolabile... more

N el terzo settore la comunicazione è essenziale tanto e forse più di quanto non lo sia per le imprese profit oriented, perché ci si trova in presenza di realtà il cui obiettivo primario non consiste nel realizzare un guadagno calcolabile in termini economici, quanto piuttosto un miglioramento della qualità della vita del singolo e/o di una comunità, e con esso della società nel suo complesso. Perché ciò avvenga, è tuttavia necessario che la comunicazione cui il non profit affida la propria visibilità (e di conseguenza la sua stessa sopravvivenza) sia realmente efficace: il che non sempre accade, soprattutto laddove la comunicazione sociale, per rispetto nei confronti dei temi trattati e/o per la scarsità di mezzi a disposizione, sposa linguaggi e mezzi che tendono a metterne in luce la componente più squisitamente informativa, a discapito della dimensione emozionale e patemica. Questa tendenza, così radicata nel nostro Paese, negli ultimi

Analisis de las Libertades Fundamentales de Libre Iniciativa Privada, Empresa, Competencia y Libre Acceso al Mercado, e Instituciones Educativas en el Perú Publicado en Mayo de 2015 en la Revista Actualidad Civil, N° 11, Instituto... more

Analisis de las Libertades Fundamentales de Libre Iniciativa Privada, Empresa, Competencia y Libre Acceso al Mercado, e Instituciones Educativas en el Perú
Publicado en Mayo de 2015 en la Revista Actualidad Civil, N° 11, Instituto Pacifico Editores. Lima-Perú

The article deals with the legal meaning of «enti religiosi civilmente riconosciuti» in the context of the newly adopted Code for Third Sector (legislative decree No. 117 of 3 July 2017). The author offers new/different interpretations,... more

The article deals with the legal meaning of «enti religiosi civilmente riconosciuti» in the context of the newly adopted Code for Third Sector (legislative decree No. 117 of 3 July 2017). The author offers new/different interpretations, in conformity with delegation law No. 106 of 18 June 2016 or with constitutional principles pertaining to the freedom of religion or belief. For each suggested interpretation, the Author considers pros and issues arising from it.

This essay depicts the entangled knots in doing a social design project in a personal real-life experience. The author used to be a member of “The Flying Classroom,” which is a volunteer project that brings design projects to schools and... more

This essay depicts the entangled knots in doing a social design project in a personal real-life experience. The author used to be a member of “The Flying Classroom,” which is a volunteer project that brings design projects to schools and holds workshops in deprived areas of Iran. Going through a detailed report from one of these trips, she asks questions about the social responsibility of designers and the consequences of solutions they provide for wicked problems.

The purpose of this paper is to articulate a set of ethical standards for international volunteer tourism. The standards are focused on promoting fair trade learning principles in the management and operation of volunteer programmes.... more

The purpose of this paper is to articulate a set of ethical standards for international volunteer tourism. The standards are focused on promoting fair trade learning principles in the management and operation of volunteer programmes. Because of the unique social mission, research, and evaluation capacities of higher education, we propose first applying these principles specifically to international volunteer programmes operating at the university-community nexus. These standards have emerged through a collaborative, in-person and online process during the last two years with input by numerous concerned global citizens, international education practitioners and researchers, nongovernmental organization representatives, and community members. The document shared below represents current ‘best practice’ for maximizing the benefits and minimizing the negative impacts of volunteer tourism programmes for both host communities and volunteers.

Ground-breaking examination of organizations founded on a social mission – social enterprises, non-profits, co-operatives, credit unions, and community development organizations. The second edition contains six new case studies as well... more

Ground-breaking examination of organizations founded on a social mission – social enterprises, non-profits, co-operatives, credit unions, and community development organizations. The second edition contains six new case studies as well three new chapters addressing leadership and strategic management, and human resources management.

It has been demonstrated that brand equity is important for any entity, here being included nonprofit organizations, in this case particular NGOs. The present study aims to present a model to find brand equity for them, based on the... more

It has been demonstrated that brand equity is important for any entity, here being included nonprofit organizations, in this case particular NGOs. The present study aims to present a model to find brand equity for them, based on the models of Aaker (1991) and Faircloth (2005). After analyzing both models there have been identified five dimensions for the new scale: brand personality, brand image, brand awareness, brand loyalty and perceived quality. Another important aspect to mention refers to the notable results that derive from brand equity, and those are: fundraising, volunteers, projects and presence. The study has a cross-national character, between Spain and Nicaragua.

È stato pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 186 del 9 agosto 2019, il Decreto del Ministro del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali del 4 luglio 2019, recante le indicazioni per l'adozione delle Linee Guida per la redazione del bilancio... more

È stato pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 186 del 9 agosto 2019, il Decreto del Ministro del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali del 4 luglio 2019, recante le indicazioni per l'adozione delle Linee Guida per la redazione del bilancio sociale degli enti del Terzo Settore.
I soggetti tenuti alla redazione del bilancio sociale sono:
- gli enti di Terzo Settore diversi dalle imprese sociali, qualora abbiano ricavi o entrate superiori a un milione di euro annuo;
- tutte le imprese sociali, ivi comprese le cooperative sociali e i loro consorzi, indipendentemente dalla dimensione economica. I gruppi di imprese sociali sono tenuti a redigere il bilancio sociale in forma consolidata, cioè evidenziando gli esiti sociali di ciascun singolo ente, nonché del gruppo nel suo complesso;
- i Centri di Servizio per il Volontariato, indipendentemente dalla loro dimensione economica.
Le disposizioni di cui al Decreto del 4 luglio 2019 si applicano a partire dalla redazione del bilancio sociale relativo al primo esercizio successivo a quello in corso alla data di pubblicazione.

El desarrollo del análisis de la política cultural por parte de las ciencias sociales ha producido una teorización sobre los modelos de política cultural por parte de la sociología y la ciencia política. En estos análisis se plantea la... more

El desarrollo del análisis de la política cultural por parte de las ciencias sociales ha producido una teorización sobre los modelos de política cultural por parte de la sociología y la ciencia política. En estos análisis se plantea la influencia del modelo nacional de política cultural sobre las formas de gobernanza y gestión de los equipamientos culturales. No obstante, en este artículo defenderemos que actualmente es el modelo local de política cultural el que influye en el modelo de institución cultural. Ello se explica por la creciente importancia de la cultura en las estrategias de desarrollo local. Para demostrarlo analizaremos el caso del Modelo Barcelona de desarrollo local y política cultural, que destaca por el nivel de liderazgo del gobierno local, la gobernanza multinivel, el uso de la cultura en los procesos de planificación urbana y una tendencia a la concertación público-privado en la gestión pública. Un Modelo Barcelona que determinará la génesis y desarrollo de sus equipamientos culturales, generando un modelo singular y relativamente exitoso.

Middle-class progressives in the early 20th Century wanted to transform a corrupt and chaotic industrial America into an "authentic" democracy. But they were led astray by their privilege. Focused on enhancing the voices of individuals,... more

Middle-class progressives in the early 20th Century wanted to transform a corrupt and chaotic industrial America into an "authentic" democracy. But they were led astray by their privilege. Focused on enhancing the voices of individuals, generations of progressives remained blind to the rich culture of "democratic solidarity" infusing labor unions and organizing in poor communities. This book traces the problematic evolution of progressive democracy in America, focusing on schools as a key site of progressive practice. At the same time, it examines alternative strategies for developing more empowering approaches to democratic education and collective action.

This is a well-researched volume that examines sexual abuse in the Catholic Church from both individual and structural perspectives. It gives voice to perpetrators who discuss the elements of their lives that gave way to their offenses.... more

This is a well-researched volume that examines sexual abuse in the Catholic Church from both individual and structural perspectives. It gives voice to perpetrators who discuss the elements of their lives that gave way to their offenses. It considers these offences and their cover-up by members of the hierarchy as interlinked. The author's thesis is that factors that contributed to the conditions enabling clerical offenses also enabled bishops to act as they did. Keenan reviews significant literature on clerical sexual abuse from a variety of countries but especially the U.S., Canada, Australia and Ireland and asserts that the Catholic Church has done a poor job of learning from its own history.

A Roma nel 1970 Achille Bonito Oliva e Graziella Lonardi inaugurano la stagione delle mostre organizzate dagli Incontri Internazionali d’Arte. È l’inizio di un percorso che li vedrà attraversare il decennio in una città che ripensa i suoi... more

A Roma nel 1970 Achille Bonito Oliva e Graziella Lonardi inaugurano la stagione delle mostre organizzate dagli Incontri Internazionali d’Arte. È l’inizio di un percorso che li vedrà attraversare il decennio in una città che ripensa i suoi modelli culturali passando dalla sperimentazione alla crisi.

ABSTRACT The federal government provides for an array of benefits and services for the multitude of refugees who arrive in the United States each year. Generally, the government contracts implementation of these services to local... more

ABSTRACT The federal government provides for an array of benefits and services for the multitude of refugees who arrive in the United States each year. Generally, the government contracts implementation of these services to local nonprofit refugee resettlement organizations. This article examines the role of these organizations in implementing the Department of State’s Reception and Placement program. Specifically, this study focuses on the how caseworkers secure housing for newly arrived refugee clients in a context shaped not only by fluctuations in refugee admissions and allocations but also by federal contracts and performance standards. This article uses street-level organizations theory as a guide to analyze original data collected from a comparative organizational ethnography of 2 local urban refugee resettlement organizations. Key findings include that the structure of the refugee admissions and allocation system drives financial instability down to the local level, and that the ability of the local organizations to secure safe, sanitary housing differ based on the extent to which caseworkers prioritize fostering strong relationships with landlords. These findings have implications for how policy makers think about refugee allocations as well as for the ways in which social workers and administrators provide housing related services to their refugee clients.

This agenda setting text explores a broad range of value perspectives and their impact on and contribution to social work thinking on ethics. Including new perspectives, such as Islam, and drawing on international contributors, this is... more

This agenda setting text explores a broad range of value perspectives and their impact on and contribution to social work thinking on ethics. Including new perspectives, such as Islam, and drawing on international contributors, this is essential reading for all social work students studying ethics and values.

Jim Rayburn, the founder of Young Life, was an influential Christian leader during the twentieth century. His passion for teenagers to be introduced to Jesus has started a worldwide organization that exists in over 100 countries today.... more

Jim Rayburn, the founder of Young Life, was an influential Christian leader during the twentieth century. His passion for teenagers to be introduced to Jesus has started a worldwide organization that exists in over 100 countries today. This paper analyzes the life of Rayburn and what made him an effective leader. This paper also views the life of Rayburn through the lens of practice-led research and discuses how Rayburn was an early pioneer of this method.

I temi trattati dal contributo sono i seguenti: enti non profit, enti ecclesiastici ed ambito applicativo del d.lgs. 231/2001; Ia configurazione dell’organismo di vigilanza (odv) negli enti non profit; libertà di organizzazione degli enti... more

I temi trattati dal contributo sono i seguenti: enti non profit, enti ecclesiastici ed ambito applicativo del d.lgs. 231/2001; Ia configurazione dell’organismo di vigilanza (odv) negli enti non profit; libertà di organizzazione degli enti ecclesiastici ed istituzione dell’organismo di vigilanza; l’istituzione dell’odv da parte dell'ente parrocchia.

Corporations dominate our societies. They employ us, sell to us, and influence how we think and who we vote for, while their economic interests dictate local, national, and global agendas. Written in clear and accessible terms, this... more

Corporations dominate our societies. They employ us, sell to us, and influence how we think and who we vote for, while their economic interests dictate local, national, and global agendas. Written in clear and accessible terms, this much-needed textbook provides critical perspectives on all aspects of the relationship between business and society: from an historical analysis of the spread of capitalism as the foundation of the 'corporate' revolution in the late nineteenth-century to the regulation, ethics, and exclusionary implications of business in contemporary society. Furthermore, it examines how corporate power and capitalism might be resisted, outlining a range of alternatives, from the social economy through to new forms of open access or commons ownership.

Charities and not-for-profit organisations have traditionally eschewed commercial operations in favour of direct fund-raising from supporters. Competitive pressures, however, are driving charities to take on ‘dual citizenship’ (Goodall... more

Charities and not-for-profit organisations have traditionally eschewed commercial operations in favour of direct fund-raising from supporters. Competitive pressures, however, are driving charities to take on ‘dual citizenship’ (Goodall 2000) through activity in both profit (commercial) and nonprofit (voluntary) sectors. There has been little scholarly attention or professional focus on the impact that commercial trading by charities has on relations with key stakeholders, such as supporters, and upon the reputation of the community-focused organisations. This paper reports a case study of a UK charity and explores supporters’ perceptions of the impact of commercial trading upon the organisation’s reputation as well as their relationship and level of engagement with the organisation. It found that donors are overwhelmingly in support of commercial activities, as long as these are aligned with the charity’s values. The study, however, also found that commercial activities should not d...

L’art. 1, comma 3, del D.Lgs. 3 luglio 2017, n. 112 consente agli enti religiosi civilmente riconosciuti di costituire un ramo d’impresa sociale per lo svolgimento di attività d’interesse generale. L’esercizio di tale facoltà è... more

L’art. 1, comma 3, del D.Lgs. 3 luglio 2017, n. 112 consente agli enti religiosi civilmente riconosciuti di costituire un ramo d’impresa
sociale per lo svolgimento di attività d’interesse generale. L’esercizio di tale facoltà è subordinato all’adempimento di tre condizioni: l’adozione
di un regolamento; la costituzione di un patrimonio destinato; la tenuta di scritture contabili separate. Il contributo, dopo alcune riflessioni sulla nuova categoria soggettiva degli enti religiosi civilmente riconosciuti, prende in esame tali condizioni considerandone le implicazioni pratiche ed i profili di maggiore incertezza.

This research investigates how non-profit organizations achieve financially sustainability. Financial sustainability is defined here as the mix of revenue and expense management strategies that enable an organization to pursue its mission... more

This research investigates how non-profit organizations achieve financially sustainability. Financial sustainability is defined here as the mix of revenue and expense management strategies that enable an organization to pursue its mission and mandate over the long term. The research closely examines five different community-based, non-profit organizations operating in Canada. It involves a review of their sources of revenue, the way they manage their expenses, and the beliefs, actions and decision-making practices that underlie their abilities to sustain the pursuit of their mission with vigor and determination. Themes prevalent within the literature as contributing to financial sustainability include: sound financial practices, active fund development, strategic planning and thinking, and the capacity to innovate. The title of this research is: “Non-Profit Financial Sustainability.”
Keywords: non-profit organizations, financial practices, fund development, strategic planning and thinking, innovation, and financial sustainability.

Se il capitale sociale contraddistingue la cooperazione e le relazioni fiduciarie delle Ots nella promozione al bene comune, in che modo esso si dipana realmente in ambito locale e nelle dinamiche partecipative e comunicative della... more

Se il capitale sociale contraddistingue la cooperazione e le relazioni fiduciarie delle Ots nella promozione al bene comune, in che modo esso si dipana realmente in ambito locale e nelle dinamiche partecipative e comunicative della società civile?
Il volume riprende i temi di un recente convegno tenutosi in Trapani – Sviluppo del Terzo Settore e incremento del capitale sociale nel Sud –declinandoli con un taglio didattico che vuole fornire agli iscritti nelle facoltà sociologiche chiari riferimenti concettuali.
Introduce, in secondo luogo, un’interpretazione del concetto di capitale sociale in chiave relazionale e comunicativa. Individua, in ultimo, alcuni esempi di reale implementazione fra capitale sociale e società civile (o di reciproco impoverimento) sul piano della prassi.
I contributi degli autori riflettono, snodandosi in un comune orizzonte di senso, sulle modalità con il quale il capitale sociale: orienta la stessa società civile che lo costituisce (Colozzi, Di Nicola, La Spina); produce e valorizza il capitale sociale attraverso specifiche dinamiche comunicative (Gili, Boccia Artieri, Martelli); genera peculiari risorse societarie (Ferrucci) che si ridefiniscono in abito locale (Bartholini, Gucciardo, Mangone).
Il capitale sociale è quindi in grado, a giudizio degli autori, di modificare i livelli
della partecipazione democratica in contesti difficili, se integrato da un tessuto
associazionista di tipo comunitario e da un network comunicativo universalista.

Боловсрол мэдлэг эзэмших, эрүүл мэндийн тусламж үйлчилгээ авах, гамшиг ослоос урьдчилан сэргийлэх боломжоор хангагдах зэрэг иргэдийн үндсэн эрхээ эдлэхэд зайлшгүй шаардлагатай суурь үйлчилгээг тэгш хүргэх нөхцөлийг бүрдүүлэх нь аль ч... more

Боловсрол мэдлэг эзэмших, эрүүл мэндийн тусламж үйлчилгээ авах, гамшиг ослоос урьдчилан сэргийлэх боломжоор хангагдах зэрэг иргэдийн үндсэн эрхээ эдлэхэд зайлшгүй шаардлагатай суурь үйлчилгээг тэгш хүргэх нөхцөлийг бүрдүүлэх нь аль ч төрийн үүрэг билээ. Харин энэхүү үүргийг иргэдийн өөрсдийн оролцоо, хяналттайгаар хэрэгжүүлэх нь хамгийн үр өгөөжтэй байх тул улс орнууд нийтэд тустай үйл ажиллагааг хөхиүлэн дэмжих бодлогыг хөгжүүлж иржээ. Түүхээс үзвэл, 1600-аад оны үеэс эхлэн нийгмийн эмзэг хэсгийг дэмжих ашгийн бус зорилготой, сайн дурын үйл ажиллагааг Америкийн Нэгдсэн Улс (АНУ) болон Европын улс орнуудад төрийн бодлогоор дэмжин зохицуулж ирсэн байна.
Ашгийн бус салбар нь нийгэмд хэрэгцээтэй байгаа үйл ажиллагааг нийтийн сайн сайхны төлөө хэрэгжүүлдгээрээ чухал ач холбог- долтой юм. Нийтэд зориулсан үйлчилгээг төр дангаараа бүрэн хүргэх нөөц хязгаарлагдмал нөхцөлд иргэдийн санаачилгыг дэмжсэнээр нийгмийн эмзэг асуудлыг амжилттай шийдвэрлэх боломж нэмэгддэг. Нөгөө талаас, ашгийн бус салбар хөгжсөнөөр энэрэнгүй сэтгэлийн үүднээс нийгмийн эмзэг хэсэгт туслах, дэмжих санаачилга, хөдөлгөөн илүү зохион байгуулалттай бөгөөд чиглэсэн зорилгодоо нийцтэй, үр өгөөжтэй болж хүмүүнлэг нийгмийг бүрдүүлэхэд хувь нэмэр оруулдаг.
Монгол Улсын хувьд төрийн хяналттай социалист дэглэмээс иргэний ардчилсан нийгэмд шилжих чиг баримжааг 1990 оноос баримтлан, хүмүүнлэг, энэрэнгүй нийгмийн орчныг бүрдүүлэхийг эрхэмлэн зорьж, улс төр, эдийн засаг, нийгмийн өргөн хүрээтэй өөрчлөн байгуулалтыг эхлүүлсэн билээ. БНМАУ- ын Ардын Их Хурлаас 1992 онд баталсан Үндсэн хуульд "иргэн"-ний эрх, эрх чөлөөг төв болгон шинээр томьёолж, иргэнд хүрэх төрийн үйлчилгээ, иргэний эрхээ эдлэх, хэрэгжүүлэхэд шаардлагатай нөхцөл, баталгааг бүрдүүлэх үүргийг төрд хүлээлгэсэн. Тэрчлэн, Үндсэн хуулиараа хүмүүнлэг, иргэний ардчилсан нийгэм цогцлуулан хөгжүүлэхийг эрхэм зорилго болгосон манай улсын хувьд ч нийтэд тустай чиг үүргийг хэрэгжүүлэх иргэдийн оролцоо, санаачилгыг дэмжсэн хуулийн зохицуулалт шинээр бий болж байна. Харин ашгийн бус, нийтэд тустай үйл ажиллагааг дэмжсэн заалт зарим хуульд тусаж батлагдсан хэдий ч цогц шинжтэй эрх зүйн оновчтой зохицуулалт болж хараахан чадаагүй байна.
Судалгааны багийн зүгээс өмнө нь хийгдсэн ашгийн бус салбарт хамаарах судалгаануудыг тоймлон мета-анализ хийж, мөн энэ салбарт ажиллаж байгаа Хөдөө аж ахуйн их сургууль, Чойжин ламын сүм музей зэрэг байгууллагуудыг кейс болгон авч үзэв. Үр дүнд нь судалгааны үндсэн асуудлаа тодорхойлж, социологийн (анкет) судалгаагаар ашгийн бус салбарт үйл ажиллагаа явуулж буй аж ахуйн нэгж, байгууллага, хувь хүмүүсийн хандлагыг тодорхойллоо. Үүний үндсэн дээр
манай орны ашгийн бус салбарын эрх зүйн орчныг бусад улс орны жишиг туршлагатай харьцуулан судалж, цаашид боловсронгуй болгох чиглэл, практик алхмыг тодруулах зорилт тавин ажиллав. Судалгааны үр дүнд ашгийн бус салбарын өнөөгийн нөхцөл байдалд үнэлгээ дүгнэлт өгч, цаашид хэрхэн хөгжүүлэх талаар Зөвлөмж боловсруулан энэхүү тайланд багтааж, бодлого тодорхойлогчдод хүргүүлэхээр зорьж ажиллалаа.

Съвременно сред приоритетните цели и задачи на страните по света е изграждането на устойчив икономически модел, базиран на идеята за „интелигентен растеж“. По същество „интелигентният растеж“ е в пряка зависимост от развитието на научните... more

Съвременно сред приоритетните цели и задачи на страните по света е изграждането на устойчив икономически модел, базиран на идеята за „интелигентен растеж“. По същество „интелигентният растеж“ е в пряка зависимост от развитието на научните изследвания и иновациите на микро и макро равнище. В тази връзка в областта на иновациите основен стремеж на национално ниво е инвестициите в научноизследователска и развойна дейност (НИРД) да достигнат 1,50% от брутния вътрешен продукт (БВП) към 2020 г. Основна предпоставка за създаване на иновативни продукти и услуги е необходимостта от предлагане на ново технологично решение, което в максимална степен да е съобразено с потребителските желания и очаквания. Развитието на гражданското общество и постоянния процес на търсене на нови методи и подходи за разрешаване на проблеми от социален характер са основополагащи фактори за постигане на иновационен прогрес. Подкрепата и стимулирането на общественото, духовно, научно, икономическо и политическо развитие са приоритетни цели на организациите с нестопанска цел . Същевременно, към основните задачи на неправителствените организации все по-често се включват дейности по създаване и внедряване на иновационни проекти и новаторски решения, насърчаване и промотиране на социални иновации и иновации в публичния сектор. В икономическо развитите страни организациите с нестопанска цел подпомагат и дори изцяло заместват ролята на правителството при доставка на иновативни стоки и услуги за населението, както и при стимулиране на иновационната активност на бизнес организациите и малките и средните предприятия. По този начин организациите с нестопанска цел играят важна роля за развитието на научната мисъл и иновационен капацитет на държавите. Това прави неправителствените организации активни стопански субекти в процеса на създаване, реализиране и разпространение на резултатите от научноизследователската и развойна дейност на учени, изследователи и предприемачи. В България обаче съществува слаба информираност относно дейността им и възможностите, които те предлагат, за постигане на конкурентни предимства, базирани на НИРД. Основната цел на статията е да се анализира ролята на неправителствените организации като активни организации, извършващи иновационни дейности. Във връзка с предходното е направен анализ на съвременното състояние на сектора и размера на средствата, инвестирани в иновационни дейности.

The explanations of how and why non-profit organizations are formed have been provided since decades ago. Along the time, researchers have come out with more and more hypotheses and theories in this field. By analysing various ideas form... more

The explanations of how and why non-profit organizations are formed have been provided since decades ago. Along the time, researchers have come out with more and more hypotheses and theories in this field. By analysing various ideas form different points of views, the changing of marketing and social situation can be substantially depicted. The comparisons among the existing theories may also give us a clearer understanding on the formation of non-profit organizations. We may then observe this field with a more comprehensive view, and seek to move forward.

This article demonstrates historically and statistically that conversionary Protestants (CPs) heavily influenced the rise and spread of stable democracy around the world. It argues that CPs were a crucial catalyst initiating the... more

This article demonstrates historically and statistically that conversionary Protestants (CPs) heavily influenced the rise and spread of stable democracy around the world. It argues that CPs were a crucial catalyst initiating the development and spread of religious liberty, mass education, mass printing, newspapers, voluntary organizations, and colonial reforms, thereby creating the conditions that made stable democracy more likely. Statistically, the historic prevalence of Protestant missionaries explains about half the variation in democracy in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania and removes the impact of most variables that dominate current statistical research about democracy. The association between Protestant missions and democracy is consistent in different continents and subsamples, and it is robust to more than 50 controls and to instrumental variable analyses.