Papaya Research Papers - (original) (raw)

A field experiment was conducted for three consecutive years from 2011 to 2013 to study the effect of different irrigation scheduling through drip irrigation on papaya (Carica papaya Linn.) production in sandy loam soil. The experiment... more

A field experiment was conducted for three consecutive years from 2011 to 2013 to study the effect of different irrigation scheduling through drip irrigation on papaya (Carica papaya Linn.) production in sandy loam soil. The experiment comprised of nine treatments under drip method of irrigation with combination of three irrigation regimes viz. 60%, 80% and 100% of cumulative pan evaporation (CPE), three different levels of fertilizer, and conventional irrigation at 50 mm CPE as a control treatment. The results showed that drip irrigation resulted in 45 to 66 % water saving with 21 to 36 % increase in papaya yield as compared to conventional method of irrigation. The water use efficiency was found maximum (3.39 t/ha/cm) in drip irrigation with 60 per cent cumulative pan evaporation (CPE) on daily basis. The drip irrigation at 100% CPE with 100% recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) was found to be optimum for growth (139.17 cm), and papaya production (112.55 kg/plant)..

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui waktu persilangan yang baik pada pepaya serta untuk memperoleh informasi ada tidaknya efek metaxenia pada pepaya. Tujuh genotipe pepaya koleksi plasma nutfah PKBT IPB yaitu IPB 1, IPB 5,... more

The effect of Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) fungi on growth, nutrient uptake and root infectivity was determined in Rough Lemon (Citrus jambhiri) seedlings raised under four phosphorus regimes in sand culture and also in sand/nitrosol... more

The effect of Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) fungi on growth, nutrient uptake and root infectivity was determined in Rough Lemon (Citrus jambhiri) seedlings raised under four phosphorus regimes in sand culture and also in sand/nitrosol sterile and unsterile conditions. Inoculation with AM fungi increased the plant height, leaf number and stem girth in relation to un-inoculated seedlings grown under equivalent P concentrations. An increase in plant height, leaf number and stem girth also occurred in both inoculated sterile and un-sterile sand/nitrosol media in relation to un-inoculated sterile and unsterile media. Arbuscular mycorrhiza also increased the leaf area and the root, leaf and stem fresh and dry weights and also caused an increase in the uptake of phosphorus and potassium in the leaf tissues. It also favoured mycorrhizal infectivity of roots and increased the root absorptive surface area. This study indicates that AM fungi improves the capacity of tropical fruit to absorb and utilize plant nutrients possibly by increasing the effective root surface area from which available form of nutrients are absorbed and also by increasing access of roots by bridging the depletion zones. Inoculating seedlings with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi helps to alleviate the adverse effects of global warming and climate change. As a low cost technology, arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation is recommended as part of the regular practise for incorporating into nursery media used for tropical fruit seedling propagation.

The addition of organic amendments to agricultural soils has the potential to increase crop yields, reduce dependence on inorganic fertilizers and improve soil condition and resilience. We evaluated the effect of biochar (B), compost (C)... more

The addition of organic amendments to agricultural soils has the potential to increase crop yields, reduce dependence
on inorganic fertilizers and improve soil condition and resilience. We evaluated the effect of biochar (B), compost (C) and co-composted biochar (COMBI) on the soil properties, crop yield and greenhouse gas emissions froma banana and a papaya plantation in tropical Australia in the first harvest cycle. Biochar, compost and COMBI organic amendments improved soil properties, including significant increases in soil water content, CEC, K, Ca, NO3, NH4 and soil carbon content. However, increases in soil nutrient content and improvements in physical properties did not translate to improved fruit yield. Counter to our expectations, banana crop yield (weight per
bunch) was reduced by 18%, 12% and 24% by B, C and COMBI additions respectively, and no significant effect was observed on the papaya crop yield. Soil efflux of CO2was elevated by addition of C and COMBI amendments, likely due to an increase in labile carbon for microbial processing. Our data indicate a reduction in N2O flux in treatments containing biochar. The application of B, C and COMBI amendments had a generally positive effect on soil properties, but this did not translate into a crop productivity increase in this study. The benefits to soil nutrient content, soil carbon storage and N2O emission reduction need to be carefully weighed against potentially deleterious effects on crop yield, at least in the short-term.

Eighteen seed samples collected from Karachi (17) and Sukkur (1) areas of Sindh, Pakistan, were analyzed for seed-borne fungi using standard blotter method, agar plate method and deep-freezing methods as suggested by ISTA. At least 93... more

Eighteen seed samples collected from Karachi (17) and Sukkur (1) areas of Sindh, Pakistan, were analyzed for seed-borne fungi using
standard blotter method, agar plate method and deep-freezing methods as suggested by ISTA. At least 93 species belonging to 44
fungal genera were isolated mutually from all the seed samples analyzed. Agar plate method was found to be the best for the isolation
of fungi. Species of Aspergillus, Chaetomium, Cladosporium, Rhizopus and Trichoderma were isolated through all methods. Blotter
method was the best for the isolation of Chaetomium and Fusarium species, while species of Curvularia and Drechslera favoured
growth on PDA medium. Surface sterilization of seeds with 1% Ca (OCl)2 has reduced the incidence of superficial fungi. Modification
was also introduced in all three methods by increasing the incubation time period. The current work with papaya as host plant was
carried out supposedly for the first time; hence all the fungal species mentioned hereby are new reports from papaya seeds from

Ollitrault, P., Bruyère, S., Ocampo, J.A., de Lapeyre, J.L., Gallard, A., Argoud, L., Duval, M-F., Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge, G., F. Le Bellec. 2007. Papaya breeding for tolerance to bacterial decline (Erwinia sp.) in the Caribbean region.... more

Ollitrault, P., Bruyère, S., Ocampo, J.A., de Lapeyre, J.L., Gallard, A., Argoud, L., Duval, M-F., Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge, G., F. Le Bellec. 2007. Papaya breeding for tolerance to bacterial decline (Erwinia sp.) in the Caribbean region. Acta Horticulturae, 740: 79-91.

The steady increase in the price of protein feed ingredients and the retraction of antibiotics from diets has encouraged nutritionists to search the alternatives for protein source and functional feedstuffs that can substitute the role of... more

The steady increase in the price of protein feed ingredients and the retraction of antibiotics from diets has encouraged nutritionists to search the alternatives for protein source and functional feedstuffs that can substitute the role of antibiotic growth promoters in poultry production. With crude protein of 24-30%, in vitro protein digestibility of 80% and proportion of essential amino acids of 47%, seed from ripe papaya may be exploited as the alternative protein feed ingredient for poultry. Moreover, the growth promoting effect, antimicrobial and antiparasitic activities, and immunomodulatory and antioxidative activities may confirm the potential of papaya seed as a functional feedstuff that could replace the role of antibiotic growth promoters for poultry. The in-depth study is needed to further elucidate the functionalities of papaya seed on poultry. This review provides the updates on the nutritional contents of papaya seed, the potential of papaya seed as an alternative to conventional protein-rich ingredient, the growth-promoting effect of feeding papaya seed, the antimicrobial and antiparasitic activities of papaya seed, antioxidative activities of papaya seed, and the immunomodulatory activity of papaya seed on poultry.

Selain untuk konsumsi buah segar, buah pepaya matang dapat diolah menjadi saus pepaya. Buah yang setengah matang biasanya dibuat manisan, sedangkan buah muda disayur. Daunnya yang masih muda serta bunganya dibuat urap (lalap masak) dan... more

Selain untuk konsumsi buah segar, buah pepaya matang dapat diolah menjadi saus pepaya. Buah yang setengah matang biasanya dibuat manisan, sedangkan buah muda disayur. Daunnya yang masih muda serta bunganya dibuat urap (lalap masak) dan buntil. Tanaman yang masih berdaun 3-5 helai dan buah muda dapat diambil getahnya untuk papain. Papain digunakan untuk penyamak kulit serta melunakkan daging dan bahan kosmetik. Tanaman pepaya dapat tumbuh di dataran rendah hingga ketinggian 1.000 m dpl. Tanaman ini lebih senang tumbuh di lokasi yang banyak hujan (cukup tersedia air), curah hujan 1000-2000 mm per tahun dan merata sepanjang tahun. Tanaman ini lebih senang tumbuh di lokasi yang banyak hujan (cukup tersedia air), curah hujan 1000-2000 mm per tahun dan merata sepanjang tahun. Di daerah yang beriklim kering, musim hujannya 2-5 bulan, dan musim kemaraunya 6-8 bulan, tanaman pepaya masih mampu berbuah, asalkan kedalaman air tanahnya 50-150 cm. Tanah yang subur dengan porositas baik, mengandung kapur, dan ber-pH 6-7 paling disenangi oleh tanaman pepaya. Tanaman pepaya lebih menyukai daerah terbuka (tidak ternaungi) dan tidak tergenang air. Tanah yang berdrainase tidak baik menyebabkan tanaman mudah terserang penyakit akar.

Carica papaya Linn. is known for its nutritional values. The seeds are often discarded after eating the fruits. This research work was carried out to determine some in vitro qualities of its products. The oil qualities are: specific... more

Carica papaya Linn. is known for its nutritional values. The seeds are often discarded after eating the fruits. This research work was carried out to determine some in vitro qualities of its products. The oil qualities are: specific gravity (0.918 ± 0.002), refractive index (1.469 ± 0.003), free fatty acid (0.277 ± 0.006 mgKOH/g), thiobarbituric acid (0.451 ± 0.005 μm/g), and saponification (32.900 ± 0.739 mgKOH/g). The oil has high fat (26.660 ± 0.052%), carbohydrates (72.69 ± 0.062%) and the energy values (524.913 ± 0.591 kcal/100g). The seed coat possessed high crude fibre (30.451 ± 6.209%), ash (9.042 ± 0.012%), crude protein (32.680 ± 0.035%), and thiobarbituric acid (1.819 ± 0.004 μM/g). It also possesses antioxidant reducing activity (39.167 ± 0.722 μg/ml), free radical scavenging power (42.923 ± 5.825%) and polyphenol (119.917 ± 2.626 μg/ml). Both products could provide nutritional and health benefits when consumed. Key words: Carica papaya seed, oil, seed coat, qualities,...

Precision agriculture is area with lack of cheap technology. The refinement of the production system brings large advantages to the producer and the use of images makes the monitoring a more cheap methodology. Macronutrients monitoring... more

Precision agriculture is area with lack of cheap technology. The refinement of the production system brings large advantages to the producer and the use of images makes the monitoring a more cheap methodology. Macronutrients monitoring can to determine the health and vulnerability of the plant in specific stages. In this paper is analyzed the method based on computational intelligence to work with image segmentation in
the identification of symptoms of plant nutrient deficiency. Artificial neural networks are evaluated for image segmentation and filtering, several variations of parameters and insertion impulsive noise were evaluated too. Satisfactory results are achieved with artificial neural for segmentation same with high noise levels.

Scheldeman, X., Willemen, L., Coppens d’Eeckenbrugge, G., Romeijn-Peeter, E., Restrepo, M.T., Romero Motoche J., Jiménez, D., Lobo, M.., Medina, C.I,. Reyes, C., Rodríguez, D., Ocampo, J.A., Van Damme, P., Goetgebeur, P. 2007.... more

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate various extracts of Annona squamosa L (Annonanceae) and Carica papaya L (Caricaceae) seeds for their antioxidant activity, free radical scavenging ability, total phenolic and flavonoid... more

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate various extracts of Annona squamosa L
(Annonanceae) and Carica papaya L (Caricaceae) seeds for their antioxidant activity, free radical
scavenging ability, total phenolic and flavonoid contents.
Design/methodology/approach – Samples from both the seeds were prepared by subjecting them
to microwave-assisted extraction. After determining their antioxidant properties and polyphenolic
contents, correlation between them was also investigated.
Findings – Highest antioxidant activity (3,179.66 g gallic acid equivalent/g of dry extract) and
phenol content were registered by chloroform:methanol extract of C. papaya seeds. Maximum radical
scavenging activity (3,201.63 ascorbic acid equivalent antioxidant capacity g/100 g of dry extract)
was exerted by water extract of A. squamosa seeds, whereas acetone extract of C. papaya registered
highest flavonoid content among all extracts. Polar extracts were found to be better free radical
scavengers compared with those less polar. Hexane extracts showed least DPPH radical scavenging
activity. Acetone proved efficient in extracting flavonoids, whereas phenols were best extracted in a
mixture of chloroform and methanol. Phenolic metabolites seem to be contributing significantly
towards antioxidant activity of the C. papaya extracts, but less so in the case of A. squamosa.
Originality/value – There have been few reports on antioxidant activity of non-edible parts of
commonly consumed fruits. The research indicates that seeds may be a promising source of
antioxidants, which may have therapeutic implications.

Epididymis play a very important role in the male reproduction. It is also the job of the epididymis to bring the sperms to maturity since the sperms that emerge from the testes are immature and incapable of fertilization. Contraceptive... more

Epididymis play a very important role in the male reproduction. It is also the job of the epididymis to bring the sperms to maturity since the sperms that emerge from the testes are immature and incapable of fertilization. Contraceptive efficacy of C. papaya seed extracts have also been well documented in various animal models. This study examines the effect of oral administration of ethanol extract ofC. papaya seeds on the histology of epididymis of the adult male albino mice. 60 healthy adult male albino mice were divided into 4 Groups (Group I to IV) of 15 mice each. 50 and 70 mg/kg/day of the extract were orally administered to Groups II and III respectively while Group I served as placebo (control). The daily administration was carried out for a period of 45 days after which the animals of Group I ,II and III were sacrificed. The epididymis were obtained and processed for light microscopy. Reversibility studies were carried out in Group IV animals in which the higher dose treat...

Resumen La papaya (Carica papaya) es la tercera fruta tropical más consumida del mundo y una de las más importantes económicamente. Los principales productores en América son México, Brasil y Guatemala. El objetivo del estudio es analizar... more

Resumen La papaya (Carica papaya) es la tercera fruta tropical más consumida del mundo y una de las más importantes económicamente. Los principales productores en América son México, Brasil y Guatemala. El objetivo del estudio es analizar el comercio del fruto mexicano en
el mundo haciendo un comparativo con sus contrapartes directas en América y realizar un análisis en el mercado estadounidense, destino del grueso de las exportaciones del fruto mexicano, para determinar su grado de competitividad. Se realiza un análisis macroeconómico
utilizando varios criterios: ventaja comparativa revelada (VCR), indicador de especialización internacional de Lafay (IC), cuotas de exportación e importación y un modelo econométrico; se utilizan los datos del período 2001-2015. Los resultados muestran disminución de competitividad del fruto mexicano tanto en el mercado internacional como en el estadounidense, donde solidificar el tipo de cambio real, la producción y el precio pagados permitiría un aumento de la competitividad. Abstract Papaya (Carica papaya) is the third most consumed tropical fruit in the world, and one of the most important economically. The main producers in America are Mexico, Brazil, and Guatemala. The main objective of the study is to analyse the trade of the Mexican fruit in the world, and comparing it with its counterparts in America. An analysis will also be made of the US market as the main destination of Mexican fruit exports in order to determine their degree of competitiveness. Using the data for the period 2001-2015, a macroeconomic analysis was performed using several criteria: Revealed Comparative Advantage (VCR), Lafay International Specialization Indicator (IC), Export and import quotas, as well as an econometric model. The results show a decline in competitiveness of the Mexican fruit both in the international and in the US market, where solidifying the real exchange rate, production and price paid would lead to an increase in competitiveness.

Carica papaya Linn. is known for its nutritional values. The seeds are often discarded after eating the fruits. This research work was carried out to determine some in vitro qualities of its products. The oil qualities are: specific... more

Carica papaya Linn. is known for its nutritional values. The seeds are often discarded after eating the fruits. This research work was carried out to determine some in vitro qualities of its products. The oil qualities are: specific gravity (0.918 ± 0.002), refractive index (1.469 ± 0.003), free fatty acid (0.277 ± 0.006 mgKOH/g), thiobarbituric acid (0.451 ± 0.005 µm/g), and saponification (32.900 ± 0.739 mgKOH/g). The oil has high fat (26.660 ± 0.052%), carbohydrates (72.69 ± 0.062%) and the energy values (524.913 ± 0.591 kcal/100g). The seed coat possessed high crude fibre (30.451 ± 6.209%), ash (9.042 ± 0.012%), crude protein (32.680 ± 0.035%), and thiobarbituric acid (1.819 ± 0.004 µM/g). It also possesses antioxidant reducing activity (39.167 ± 0.722 µg/ml), free radical scavenging power (42.923 ± 5.825%) and polyphenol (119.917 ± 2.626 µg/ml). Both products could provide nutritional and health benefits when consumed.

The addition of organic amendments to agricultural soils has the potential to increase crop yields, reduce dependence on inorganic fertilizers and improve soil condition and resilience. We evaluated the effect of biochar (B), compost (C)... more

The addition of organic amendments to agricultural soils has the potential to increase crop yields, reduce dependence on inorganic fertilizers and improve soil condition and resilience. We evaluated the effect of biochar (B), compost (C) and co-composted biochar (COMBI) on the soil properties, crop yield and greenhouse gas emissions from a banana and a papaya plantation in tropical Australia in the first harvest cycle. Biochar, compost and COMBI organic amendments improved soil properties, including significant increases in soil water content, CEC, K, Ca, NO3, NH4 and soil carbon content. However, increases in soil nutrient content and improvements in physical properties did not translate to improved fruit yield. Counter to our expectations, banana crop yield (weight per bunch) was reduced by 18%, 12% and 24% by B, C and COMBI additions respectively, and no significant effect was observed on the papaya crop yield. Soil efflux of CO2 was elevated by addition of C and COMBI amendments, likely due to an increase in labile carbon for microbial processing. Our data indicate a reduction in N2O flux in treatments containing biochar. The application of B, C and COMBI amendments had a generally positive effect on soil properties, but this did not translate into a crop productivity increase in this study. The benefits to soil nutrient content, soil carbon storage and N2O emission reduction need to be carefully weighed against potentially deleterious effects on crop yield, at least in the short-term.

Ocampo, J.A., Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge, G., Risterucci, A.M., Dambier, D., Ollitrault, P. 2007. Papaya genetic diversity assessed with microsatellite markers in germplasm from the Caribbean Region. Acta Horticulturae, 740: 93 101.

Vasconcellea species, often referred to as highland papayas, consist of a group of fruit species that are closely related to the common papaya (Carica papaya). The genus deserves special attention as a number of species show potential as... more

Vasconcellea species, often referred to as highland papayas, consist of a group of fruit species that are closely related to the common papaya (Carica papaya). The genus deserves special attention as a number of species show potential as raw material in the tropical fruit industry, fresh or in processed products, or as genetic resources in papaya breeding programs. Some species show a very restricted distribution and are included in the IUCN Red List. This study on Vasconcellea distribution and diversity compiled collection data from five Vasconcellea projects and retrieved data from 62 herbaria, resulting in a total of 1,553 georeferenced collection sites, in 16 countries, including all 21 currently known Vasconcellea species. Spatial analysis of species richness clearly shows that Ecuador, Colombia and Peru are areas of high Vasconcellea diversity. Combination of species occurrence data with climatic data delimitates the potential distribution of each species and allows the modeling of potential richness at continent level. Based on these modeled richness maps, Ecuador appears to be the country with the highest potential Vasconcellea diversity. Despite differences in sampling densities, its neighboring countries, Peru and Colombia, possess high modeled species richness as well. A combination of observed richness maps and modeled potential richness maps makes it possible to identify important collection gaps. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of climate data at the collection sites allows us to define climatic preferences and adaptability of the different Vasconcellea species and to compare them with those of the common papaya.

Ollitrault, P., Bruyère, S., Ocampo, J.A., de Lapeyre, J.L., Gallard, A., Argoud, L., Duval, M-F., Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge, G., F. Le Bellec. 2007. Papaya breeding for tolerance to bacterial decline (Erwinia sp.) in the Caribbean... more

Ollitrault, P., Bruyère, S., Ocampo, J.A., de Lapeyre, J.L., Gallard, A., Argoud, L., Duval, M-F., Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge, G., F. Le Bellec. 2007. Papaya breeding for tolerance to bacterial decline (Erwinia sp.) in the Caribbean region. Acta Horticulturae, 740: 79-91.

Restrepo, M.T., Jiménez, D., Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge, G., Vega, J. 2004. Morphological diversity of cultivated mountain papayas (Vasconcellea spp.) in Ecuador. Proceedings of the Interamerican Society for Tropical Horticulture, 48: 119-123.

Restrepo, M.T., Duval, M.-F., Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge, G., Jiménez, D., Vega, J., Van Droogenbroeck, B. 2004. Study of cpDNA diversity in mountain papayas and the common papaya using PCR RFLP markers. Proceedings of the Interamerican... more

Restrepo, M.T., Duval, M.-F., Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge, G., Jiménez, D., Vega, J., Van Droogenbroeck, B. 2004. Study of cpDNA diversity in mountain papayas and the common papaya using PCR RFLP markers. Proceedings of the Interamerican Society for Tropical Horticulture, 48: 101-107.

Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari karakteristik morfologi dan mendeskripsikan 15 genotipe pepaya hasil eksplorasi PKBT IPB di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Cikabayan pada bulan... more

Scheldeman, X., Kyndt, T., Coppens d’Eeckenbrugge, G. Ming, R., Drew, R., Van Droogenbroeck, B., Van Damme, P., Moore, P.H. 2011. Vasconcellea and Carica. In Kole, C. (ed.): Wild crop relatives: genomic and breeding resources. Tropical... more

Epididymis play a very important role in the male reproduction. It is also the job of the epididymis to bring the sperms to maturity since the sperms that emerge from the testes are immature and incapable of fertilization. Contraceptive... more

Epididymis play a very important role in the male reproduction. It is also the job of the epididymis to bring the sperms to maturity since the sperms that emerge from the testes are immature and incapable of fertilization. Contraceptive efficacy of C. papaya seed extracts have also been well documented in various animal models. This study examines the effect of oral administration of ethanol extract ofC. papaya seeds on the histology of epididymis of the adult male albino mice. 60 healthy adult male albino mice were divided into 4 Groups (Group I to IV) of 15 mice each. 50 and 70 mg/kg/day of the extract were orally administered to Groups II and III respectively while Group I served as placebo (control). The daily administration was carried out for a period of 45 days after which the animals of Group I ,II and III were sacrificed. The epididymis were obtained and processed for light microscopy. Reversibility studies were carried out in Group IV animals in which the higher dose treat...