Romain Rolland Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Rédaction des notices : « XIXe siècle », « Romantisme », « Intertextualité » ; « Lumière de Stendhal », « L’Enseigne de Gersaint », « La Mise à mort », « L’Exemple de Courbet », « Celui qui dit les choses sans rien dire » ; « Diderot », «... more
Publié les 22-23 septembre 1914 dans les colonnes du Journal de Genève, « Au-dessus de la mêlée » compte parmi les plus spectaculaires manifestes de l’histoire des intellectuels européens. L’article, jeté dans l’arène au moment où le... more
Publié les 22-23 septembre 1914 dans les colonnes du Journal de Genève, « Au-dessus de la mêlée » compte parmi les plus spectaculaires manifestes de l’histoire des intellectuels européens. L’article, jeté dans l’arène au moment où le patriotisme atteignait son paroxysme, fit de Romain Rolland, non pas seulement, un pôle de répulsion, « l’icône bien trouvée du défaitisme » (Roland Roudil), il lui conféra également une autorité morale telle qu’il fut considéré dès lors, comme un point de ralliement privilégié pour les forces opposées aux contraintes mentales nées des cultures de guerre. D’abord censuré en France, le texte de Rolland put néanmoins circuler sous le manteau grâce à l’entremise de Gaston Thiesson, Charles Vildrac ou bien encore d’Amédée Dunois. L’année suivante, il fut repris dans une brochure éponyme qui parvint à passer la censure et parut chez Ollendorff et Attinger frères.
Cet ouvrage, issu d’une journée d’études organisée à la Sorbonne le 17 octobre 2014, s’attache à redécouvrir la singularité d’un « texte de combat » et à réfléchir à sa réception ainsi qu’à sa diffusion dans l’espace et dans le temps.
(NB: The once uploaded article has been removed. It is now part of a book: 'GANDHI AND THE POPES' (Peter Lang Publishers, 2015). The original version is still available in 'Gandhi Marg' 33/3. SYNOPSIS: Eighty years ago, Gandhi visited... more
(NB: The once uploaded article has been removed. It is now part of a book: 'GANDHI AND THE POPES' (Peter Lang Publishers, 2015). The original version is still available in 'Gandhi Marg' 33/3.
SYNOPSIS: Eighty years ago, Gandhi visited Rome with a desire to meet the Pope. Unfortunately, Pius XI was unable to grant him an audience and Gandhi was invited to visit the Vatican Museums instead. Press reports blamed the Vatican’s strict adherence to a formal dress code. This article is an attempt to investigate further. It throws light on the combination of circumstances that were unfavourable to the encounter. In the course of his research, however, the author stumbles upon a plot that may have reduced both Gandhi and the Pope to pawns in an insidious game-plan of political one-upmanship – with dire consequences for India’s march towards independence.
- by Peter Gonsalves
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- Clothing, Sistine Chapel, Gandhi, Dress
La Nouvelle Quinzaine littéraire 1109 (15-21 juillet 2014).
I will begin with an examination of Freud’s theory of religion. The father plays a central role in both the phylogenetic and infantile explanations of the origin of religious feeling. I will then look at several places where Freud alludes... more
I will begin with an examination of Freud’s theory of religion. The father plays a central role in both the phylogenetic and infantile explanations of the origin of religious feeling. I will then look at several places where Freud alludes to the mother, especially with reference to the paternal origins of religion discussed prior. With regard to the phylogenetic origin, Freud mentions the “mother-goddesses” that probably predated father-gods, and with regard to the infantile origin, the protector role of the father originally belonged to the mother. There is, then, a supersessionism in Freud. The mother is done away with, replaced by the father. I will then examine Freud’s correspondence with French writer Romain Rolland that led him to address the oceanic feeling in Civilization and its Discontents. I will suggest that this oceanic feeling represents exactly the maternal origin of religion that Freud suppressed up until that point. Ultimately, though, Freud refuses the oceanic feeling in a gesture similar to the previous refusals of the religious mother. I will end by looking at some contemporary theorizing on the oceanic feeling.
Vingtième Siècle 120 (octobre-décembre 2013)
In a letter written in 1927, the French writer Romain Rolland asked Sigmund Freud to analyse the “oceanic feeling,” a religious feeling of oneness with the entire universe. I will argue that Rolland’s intentions in introducing the oceanic... more
In a letter written in 1927, the French writer Romain Rolland asked Sigmund Freud to analyse the “oceanic feeling,” a religious feeling of oneness with the entire universe. I will argue that Rolland’s intentions in introducing the oceanic feeling to Freud were much more complex, multifaceted, and critical than most scholars have acknowledged. To this end, I will examine Rolland’s views on mysticism and psychoanalysis in his book-length biographies of the Indian saints Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda, which he wrote just after he mentioned the oceanic feeling to Freud in 1927. I will argue that Rolland’s primary intentions in appealing to the oceanic feeling in his 1927 letter to Freud—intentions less evident in his letters to Freud than in his biographies of Sri Ramakrishna and Vivekananda—were to challenge the fundamental assumptions of psychoanalysis from a mystical perspective and to confront Freud with a mystical “science of the mind” that he felt was more rigorous and comprehensive than Freud’s psychoanalytic science.
Ernst Robert Curtius is well known as an advocate of European literature, which transcends national boundaries. Most importantly, he is recognized as a literary historian, who wrote European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages... more
Ernst Robert Curtius is well known as an advocate of European literature, which transcends national boundaries. Most importantly, he is recognized as a literary historian, who wrote European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages (Europäische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter, 1948). Nevertheless, Curtius published a lot of critical works during the inter-war years and after World War II. In order to consider the processes through which he developed a European spirit, I would like to focus on his literary critics concerning contemporary writers like Romain Rolland, André Gide, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, and José Ortega y Gasset. I pay particular attention to Curtius' network of friendships with these writers and try to reconsider the relation between his journalistic works and European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages.
Et il, la tête bourdonnante de soleil (et quelquefois aussi de vin de Castelli), près du marbre brisé, assis sur le sol noir, souriant, somnolent et baigné par l’oubli, bouvait la force calme et violente de Rome. Juaqu’à la nuit tombante.... more
Et il, la tête bourdonnante de soleil (et quelquefois aussi de vin de Castelli), près du marbre brisé, assis sur le sol noir, souriant, somnolent et baigné par l’oubli, bouvait la force calme et violente de Rome. Juaqu’à la nuit tombante. Alors, le cœur étreint d’angoisse, il fuyait la solitude funèbre où la lumière tragique s’engloutissait... O terre, terre ardente, terre passionnée et muette! Sous ta paix fiévreuse, j’entends sonner encore les trompettes des légions. Quelles fureurs de vie grondent dans ta poitrine! Quel désir du réveil! Il trouva des âmes où brûlaient les tisons du feu séculaire. Sous la poussière des morts, ils s’étaient conservés.
This volume presents Rabindranath Tagore, the winner of the 1913 Nobel Prize for literature, as a global figure who rose above divides and spoke to people distant both in time and space. No Indian writer in a regional language has ever... more
This volume presents Rabindranath Tagore, the winner of the 1913 Nobel Prize for literature, as a global figure who rose above divides and spoke to people distant both in time and space. No Indian writer in a regional language has ever managed to reach out to so many people worldwide as did Tagore. The volume presents how he was able to cross the boundaries of language to connect to various literary cultures, how his activities are related to the meta-linguistic domains of the psychological and the mythical, and how his paintings were linked to his textual experiments. Tagore scholars from East, West, Central and Northern Europe, Indian public figures, writers and artists combine various approaches in their contributions.
"Jean-Christophe", roman de l’écrivain français Romain Rolland (1866-1944), Prix Nobel de littérature de l’année 1915, exerça une influence considérable sur les intellectuels chinois à partir des années 1920 , dont la famille Fu fut un... more
"Jean-Christophe", roman de l’écrivain français Romain Rolland (1866-1944), Prix Nobel de littérature de l’année 1915, exerça une influence considérable sur les intellectuels chinois à partir des années 1920 , dont la famille Fu fut un exemple typique. Ce roman-fleuve, qui raconte la vie d’un pianiste allemand en Europe, rencontra un écho dans la lointaine culture asiatique chez le pianiste Fou Ts’ong 傅聰 (1934-2020) et son père Fu Lei 傅雷ou Fou Nou-En傅怒安 (1908-1966), ancien étudiant en lettres de la Sorbonne . Fu Lei fut le premier traducteur de la version complète de ce grand ouvrage de dix tomes qu’il traduisit deux fois durant sa vie . Il fut connu en Chine par ses traductions d’une série d’auteurs français (Balzac, Mérimée, Voltaire, Hippolyte Taine). Son fils Fou Ts’ong, lauréat du troisième prix et du prix spécial des mazurkas du Ve Concours international de piano Frédéric Chopin en 1955, est considéré comme le premier pianiste chinois de notoriété internationale.
La vie de Fou Ts’ong, ce personnage légendaire, s’est interrompue brusquement le 28 décembre 2020 à Londres à cause du Covid-19. Il laisse plus d’une cinquantaine de disques pour les amateurs de musique classique du monde entier. L’un de ses admirateurs, Hermann Hesse (1877-1962), alors âgé de 83 ans, connut le jeune pianiste de 26 ans de façon imprévue par la radio et il fit ce commentaire dans son article « À un musicien » (1960) : « Ce que j’ai entendu était non seulement l’interprétation magistrale, mais aussi Chopin, le vrai Chopin ».
- by Xuan Wang
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- French Literature, Music, Piano, Poetry
Ernst Robert Curtius is well known as an advocate of European literature, which transcends national boundaries. Most importantly, he is recognized as a literary historian, who wrote European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages... more
Ernst Robert Curtius is well known as an advocate of European literature, which transcends national boundaries. Most importantly, he is recognized as a literary historian, who wrote European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages (Europäische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter, 1948). Nevertheless, Curtius published a lot of critical works during the inter-war years and after World War II. In order to consider the processes through which he developed a European spirit, I would like to focus on his literary critics concerning contemporary writers like Romain Rolland, André Gide, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, and José Ortega y Gasset. I pay particular attention to Curtius' network of friendships with these writers and try to reconsider the relation between his journalistic works and European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages.
A study of selected popular literature on Spinoza for the Blackwell Companion to Spinoza, ed. Y. Y. Melamed.
El «Tercer Mundo» fue una de las más poderosas y visitadas referencias en el ciclo largo de las décadas de 1960 y 1970 globales. Una aproximación a la trayectoria del concepto permite ver que su notable éxito obedeció no solo a los marcos... more
El «Tercer Mundo» fue una de las más poderosas y visitadas referencias en el ciclo largo de las décadas de 1960 y 1970 globales. Una aproximación a la trayectoria del concepto permite ver que su notable éxito obedeció no solo a los marcos de la Guerra Fría en los que emerge, sino a una historia policéntrica anterior, que se inicia en la primera posguerra y que incluye ya entonces a América Latina. Asimismo, su declive debe entenderse a partir del desvanecimiento paulatino de su dimensión universal a expensas de sus componentes nacional-particularistas.
Étienne Balibar, Nous, citoyens d’Europe ? Les frontières, l’État, le peuple (Paris, La Découverte, 2001)
« Global Challenges Science Week. International Interdisciplinary Days of Grenoble Alpes », Université Grenoble Alpes du 3 au 6 juin 2019. 6 juin « Impacts sociétaux des recherches de vie extraterrestre et des travaux sur l'origine de la... more
« Global Challenges Science Week. International Interdisciplinary Days of Grenoble Alpes »,
Université Grenoble Alpes du 3 au 6 juin 2019.
6 juin « Impacts sociétaux des recherches de vie extraterrestre et des travaux sur l'origine de la vie »,
Session 2 : « Penser les implications de la découverte de la vie ailleurs : quels enjeux pour la société ? »
Antonio Banfi (1886-1957), firmatario del Manifesto degli intellettuali antifascisti di Croce, è stato spesso ritenuto un filosofo dogmaticamente intrappolato nella rigida linea ideologica del PCI degli anni ’50, mentre in questo saggio... more
Antonio Banfi (1886-1957), firmatario del Manifesto degli intellettuali antifascisti di Croce, è stato spesso ritenuto un filosofo dogmaticamente intrappolato nella rigida linea ideologica del PCI degli anni ’50, mentre in questo saggio viene approfondita la sua ‘fede filosofica’: una fede che non si riconosce nei canoni di alcuna religione rivelata, ma rappresenta la ricerca ostinata e rigorosa della propria direzione spirituale, la volontà di costruire un mondo politico che sappia costantemente rinnovarsi in una «eticità costruttiva».
Le 3 novembre de l'année dernière (1981), dès le quatrième jour après mon arrivée à Paris en provenance de Pékin, je téléphonai à Mme Romain Rolland en lui demandant quand elle serait libre pour me recevoir. Elle me permit immédiatement... more
Le 3 novembre de l'année dernière (1981), dès le quatrième jour après mon arrivée à Paris en provenance de Pékin, je téléphonai à Mme Romain Rolland en lui demandant quand elle serait libre pour me recevoir. Elle me permit immédiatement d'aller chez elle l'après-midi du même jour.
Zamfir Bălan’s recently published volume adds to the corpus of contributions devoted to Panait Istrati’s biography and works. This bilingual edition in Romanian and French brings an exciting insight into Istrati’s childhood and early... more
Zamfir Bălan’s recently published volume adds to the corpus of contributions
devoted to Panait Istrati’s biography and works. This bilingual edition in Romanian
and French brings an exciting insight into Istrati’s childhood and early formative
years, his interest for egalitarian, socialist politics, and lifetime friendships such as
those with the Russian refugee Mikhail Kazanski, the illuminating encounter and
literary guidance received from the French writer, Romain Rolland. Throughout his
life, Istrati has followed a committed type of writing meant to support intellectual
growth among those with less fortunate prospects than the upper classes of the
Romanian society. Bălan’s latest book adds to a publication about Istrati’s
experience as a photographer, “Panait Istrati – fotograf și în fotografii”, marking
the centenary of his birth over three decades ago (1984).
Cahiers de Brèves 26 (décembre 2010), p. 50-51.
Komsomolskaya Pravda gazetesi, Nobel Edebiyat Ödüllü Fransız yazar Romain Rolland'ın 150. doğum günü anısına Stalin ile Rolland arasında 28 Haziran 1935 yılında geçen bir konuşmayı yayınladı. Söyleşide Batı'nın Sovyetler Birliği'ne bakış... more
Komsomolskaya Pravda gazetesi, Nobel Edebiyat Ödüllü Fransız yazar Romain Rolland'ın 150. doğum günü anısına Stalin ile Rolland arasında 28 Haziran 1935 yılında geçen bir konuşmayı yayınladı. Söyleşide Batı'nın Sovyetler Birliği'ne bakış açısı, Fransız toplumunun Sovyet sistemine dair görüşleri, Stalin'in faşizm, burjuva demokrasisi ve sosyalizm üzerine yaptığı değerlendirmelerin yer alıyor… Stalin: Dünyanın en büyük yazarıyla sohbet etttiğim için çok mutluyum. Romain Rolland: Herkesin gurur duyduğu ve bizim umutlarımızı bağladığımız bu büyük yeni dünyayı daha önceden gezmeye sağlığım izin vermediği için çok üzgünüm. Eğer müsaade buyurursanız, sizinle Sovyetler Birliği'nin eski bir dostu ve yoldaşı olarak, Batı'dan gelen bir tanık, gözlemci; gençliğin ve Fransa'daki duygudaşlarınızın güvendiği bir kişi olarak konuşacağım. Sovyetler Birliği'nin Batı'da bin kişinin gözünde nasıl bir şey uyandırdığını biliyor olmanız lazım. Batılılar, Sovyetler Birliği hakkında oldukça muğlâk bir bilgi sahibiler. Ancak kendi ümitlerinin, çoğunlukla farklı ve bazen çelişkili ideallerinin Sovyetler içinde gerçekleştiğini görebiliyorlar. Batılılar, şimdiki ağır ekonomik ve ahlaki kriz şartlarında Sovyetler Birliği'nden bir öncülük, slogan ve sahip oldukları şüphelerin izahını bekliyorlar. Tabii ki Batılıları memnun etmek kolay değil. Sovyetler Birliği'nin kendisine ait büyük bir misyonu, inşa ve savunmaya dayalı bir çalışması var. Dolayısıyla kendisini tamamen bu çalışmaya vermek zorunda. Bu durum, birliğin tevdi edebileceği en iyi slogan için bir örnek teşkil etmektedir. Birlik, bir yol belirliyor ve bu yolda ilerleyip söz konusu çalışmayı kökleştiriyor. Yine de Sovyetler Birliği, bugünkü dünya konjonktürünün ona atfettiği büyük sorumluluğu bir yana itmemelidir. Söz konusu sorumluluk bazı durumlarda, başka ülkelerden kendisine itimat eden kitlelere ilgi göstermek şeklinde " yüce " bir sorumluluk olabilmektedir. Bu bağlamda Beethoven'ın o ünlü sözünü tekrarlamak yetersiz kalır: " Hey insanoğlu kendine yardım et. " Kitlelere yardım etmek ve öğütlerde bulunmak lazım. Fakat bunu faydalı bir şekilde yapmak için her ülkenin ideolojisini ve özgül mizacını hesaba katmak gerekir. Bu noktada sadece Fransa ile ilgili konuşacağım. Fıtri ideolojinin bilinmemesi ciddi anlaşmazlıklar uyandırabilir ve fiilen uyandırmaktadır da. Sovyetler Birliği'nde ikinci bir meşrep haline gelen diyalektik düşünceyi Fransız halkından hatta Sovyet halkıyla ortak duyguları paylaşan kesiminden dahi asla beklememek lazım. Fransız mizacı soyut, mantıksal, rasyonel ve anlaşılır düşünceye; en temelinde tümdengelimli düşünceye oranla daha deneysel bir düşünceye alışkındır. Bu mantığı ortadan kaldırmak için onu iyi idrak etmek lazım. Halk veya kamuoyu birlikte salınmaya alışmış. Sürekli olarak, atılan her eylemin gerekçelerine ulaşma ihtiyacı duymaktadır. Kanımca Sovyetler Birliği, yabancı dostlarına kendi eylem gerekçelerinin birkaçını aktarma konusuna yeterli bir ilgi göstermiyor. Ne var ki Sovyetler Birliği'nin kâfi derecede doyurucu, inandırıcı ve adil gerekçeleri bulunmaktadır. Ancak bu konuya sanki çok az ilgi gösteriyor. Bana göre bu ciddi bir hatadır. Bu durum, olguların kasıtlı olarak yalan ve yanlış yorumlanmasına(Sovyet halkının duygudaşları arasında endişe uyandıran) mahal vermektedir. Nitekim son zamanlarda, Fransa'da yaşayan dürüst insanlar arasında bu endişenin var olduğunu gözlemledim. Bu konuda sizi uyarmak zorundayım. Diyeceksiniz ki biz entelektüellerin ve yoldaşların rolü bu konuyu çözüme kavuşturmaktır. Biz bu mesele ile çok başa çıkamıyoruz. Zira her şeyden önce iyi bilgilendirilmiyoruz. Sorunu izah etmek için bizi gerekli belgelerle besleyemiyorlar. Bana sorarsanız Batı'da
Ce volume constitue la première édition critique des deux biographies musicales que Romain Rolland fit publier en volume, qui restent parmi les plus populaires de ses œuvres et qui expriment, à travers la diversité de leurs approches, le... more
Ce volume constitue la première édition critique des deux biographies musicales que Romain Rolland fit publier en volume, qui restent parmi les plus populaires de ses œuvres et qui expriment, à travers la diversité de leurs approches, le don d’empathie de leur auteur à l’égard des musiciens.
Romain Rolland (1866-1944), a French writer of the 20th century and Nobel Prize for Literature in 1915, seems not be taken into account by today’s readers in France. When we talk about ‘roman-fleuve’, we know 'À la recherche du temps... more
Romain Rolland (1866-1944), a French writer of the 20th century and Nobel Prize for Literature in 1915, seems not be taken into account by today’s readers in France. When we talk about ‘roman-fleuve’, we know 'À la recherche du temps perdu' by Marcel Proust, but fewer people know 'Jean-Christophe' by Romain Rolland. Furthermore, nowadays, the works of Romain Rolland are rarely mentioned in the textbooks of French literature in situ. Nevertheless, in the eyes of the Chinese, Romain Rolland is considered one of the greatest French writers of the 20th century. His name is known not only by the researchers, but also by the readers. Who is Romain Rolland? How Chinese people know Romain Rolland? Where does this admiration for Romain Rolland come from? From these questions, we will trace the beginning of 20th century and discover another facet of this forgotten writer.
Les lettres d’écrivains, de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle jusqu’à nos jours, constituent un lieu de tension ou d’échange – elles forment l’espace d’une négociation « moderne » – entre privé et public. Tel est le postulat que nous... more
Les lettres d’écrivains, de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle jusqu’à nos jours, constituent un lieu de tension ou d’échange – elles forment l’espace d’une négociation « moderne » – entre privé et public. Tel est le postulat que nous explorons dans le dossier « Entre public et privé : lettres d’écrivains depuis le XIXe siècle » en nous penchant sur les lettres inédites échangées entre Georges Hérelle et ses amis, Romain Rolland et Louise Cruppi, ainsi que sur les correspondances publiées d’Émile Zola et d’Any Duperey et Nina Vidrovitch et, enfin, sur des « lettres » jamais envoyées, de réflexion ou d’hommage, signées par Pascale Roze et Linda Lê. Les écrits qui nous intéressent ici, dans la mesure où ils permettent à leurs auteurs de faire entendre leurs préoccupations à la fois intimes, sentimentales et sociales ou politiques, montrent qu’à l’époque moderne et contemporaine, la lettre d’écrivain, qu’elle soit publiée ou non, est un lieu d’exposition, souvent aussi de dissimulation, où l’auteur cherche à renégocier son identité et ses relations, son langage et sa position, dans le champ littéraire ou professionnel comme dans la vie affective.
Stefan Zweig, in his biography of Rolland, called music "the wordless speech of humanity". Rolland and Mann, in telling the tumultuous story of their age, make the protagonists of their respective novels, Jean-Christophe and Doctor... more
Stefan Zweig, in his biography of Rolland, called music "the wordless speech of humanity". Rolland and Mann, in telling the tumultuous story of their age, make the protagonists of their respective novels, Jean-Christophe and Doctor Faustus, composers. In so doing, they entwine the fate of humanity with art, the pinnacle of which for both is represented by German music. Music’s ineffability however brings it into a relationship with vulnerability. Rolland explores the vulnerability of musical genius when stifled by hardship, personal tragedy and intense human suffering. Mann, building on Nietzsche’s notion of the affirmative relationship between art and life, probes the vulnerability of music itself, and by implication the vulnerability of liberal humanism as it descends into an era of barbarism in Germany. This paper will therefore examine the vulnerability of Jean-Christophe Krafft and Adrian Leverkühn's music in Jean-Christophe and Doctor Faustus with the aim of elucidating both novels’ major themes and characters and their authors’ broader philosophical and artistic preoccupations.
In Stavro, the first opening piece of Kyra Kyralina (published in 1923), the narrative focuses on the actions taken and the reactions shown or concealed by three male characters in alternation, with particular emphasis on gender, age, and... more
In Stavro, the first opening piece of Kyra Kyralina (published in 1923), the narrative focuses on the actions taken and the reactions shown or concealed by three male characters in alternation, with particular emphasis on gender, age, and experience. In between traditionally built sections and ample back-storytelling, the story addresses the key learning stances adopted by the three male characters at the end of a short trip that they complete together: reserve, reclusion and (self-)reflection. How does a modernist vision frame one's identity against age, common social norms and openly manifested repression in small urban neighbourhoods? Can one protagonist's understanding about his sexual orientation be genuinely shared with others? In what way does Stavro's personal experience alienate his prospects of family life in the port of Brăila? This paper aims to decode the narrative based on modern confession, continuity versus fragmentation, sexuality and modes of memory alter(n)ation.
This book is the first major study that explores the intrinsic connection between music and myth, as Nietzsche conceived of it in 'The Birth of Tragedy' (1872), in three great works of modern literature: Romain Rolland’s Nobel Prize... more
This book is the first major study that explores the intrinsic connection between music and myth, as Nietzsche conceived of it in 'The Birth of Tragedy' (1872), in three great works of modern literature: Romain Rolland’s Nobel Prize winning novel 'Jean-Christophe' (1904-12), James Joyce’s modernist epic 'Ulysses' (1922) and Thomas Mann’s late masterpiece 'Doctor Faustus' (1947). Juxtaposing Nietzsche’s conception of the Apollonian and Dionysian with narrative depictions of music and myth, Josh Torabi challenges the common view that the latter half of 'The Birth of Tragedy' is of secondary importance to the first. Informed by a deep knowledge of Nietzsche’s early aesthetics, the book goes on to offer a fresh and original perspective on 'Ulysses' and 'Doctor Faustus', two world-famous novels that are rarely discussed together, and makes the case for the significance of 'Jean-Christophe', which has been unfairly neglected in the Anglophone world, despite Rolland’s status as a major figure in twentieth-century intellectual and literary history. This unique study reveals new depths to the work of our most enduring writers and thinkers.
Des romans de la survivance” [“Novels of Survivorship”] (review of Aude Leblond, Sur un monde en ruine. Esthétique du roman-fleuve [On a World in Ruins. Aesthetics of the roman-fleuve], Paris, Champion, 2015), Acta fabula, vol. 17,... more
Avant-dernier état de la couverture du livre bilingue (français-espéranto) : "Hector Hodler, Une posture pacifiste / Pacisma sinteno : Anthologie de textes / Kolekto de tekstoj de Hector HODLER, Essais / Eseoj de Marine ENGLERT, Charles... more
Avant-dernier état de la couverture du livre bilingue (français-espéranto) :
"Hector Hodler, Une posture pacifiste / Pacisma sinteno : Anthologie de textes / Kolekto de tekstoj de Hector HODLER, Essais / Eseoj de Marine ENGLERT, Charles HEIMBERG, Christian LAVARENNE, Ulrich LINS, trad. Mireille GROSJEAN", Genève : Éd. Notari, 2020, 232 p. (coll. "Hodleriana", vol. V), ISBN 978-2-940617-38-8,
où mes contributions se trouvent p. 158-185 :
" Hector Hodler et l’UEA au service de la Croix-Rouge et de la solidarité entre les peuples / Hector Hodler kaj UEA serve al la Ruĝa Kruco kaj al la diversgenta solidareco ",
et p. 40-45 (traduit de l'espéranto) : Hector HODLER, " Chant de fête : À l’occasion du 20e anniversaire de l’espéranto ( 21 juillet 1887 - 1907 ) "
(Voir :
Remate de males, vol. 34, n°1 (janvier/juin 2014), p. 221-234