History of mathematical notation (original) (raw)
- La notación matemática comprende los símbolos utilizados para escribir ecuaciones matemáticas y fórmulas. Incluye números arábigos, letras romanas, griegas, hebreas, el alfabeto alemán y una serie de símbolos inventados por los matemáticos, durante los últimos siglos. El desarrollo de la notación matemática para el álgebra se puede dividir en tres etapas: * La primera es retórico, donde todos los cálculos se realizan por medio de palabras y símbolos. La mayoría de matemáticos islámicos medievales pertenecían a esta etapa. * La segunda es sincopado, donde con frecuencia las operaciones utilizadas y las cantidades están representadas por abreviaturas simbólicas. * La tercera es simbólico, que es un sistema completo de notación y sustitución de todos los retóricos. Este sistema fue utilizado por matemáticos medievales de la India y Europa, desde mediados del siglo XVII. (Ver tabla de símbolos matemáticos para obtener una lista de símbolos) (es)
- The history of mathematical notation includes the commencement, progress, and cultural diffusion of mathematical symbols and the conflict of the methods of notation confronted in a notation's move to popularity or inconspicuousness. Mathematical notation comprises the symbols used to write mathematical equations and formulas. Notation generally implies a set of well-defined representations of quantities and symbols operators. The history includes Hindu–Arabic numerals, letters from the Roman, Greek, Hebrew, and German alphabets, and a host of symbols invented by mathematicians over the past several centuries. The development of mathematical notation can be divided in stages. The "rhetorical" stage is where calculations are performed by words and no symbols are used. The "syncopated" stage is where frequently used operations and quantities are represented by symbolic syntactical abbreviations. From ancient times through the post-classical age, bursts of mathematical creativity were often followed by centuries of stagnation. As the early modern age opened and the worldwide spread of knowledge began, written examples of mathematical developments came to light. The "symbolic" stage is where comprehensive systems of notation supersede rhetoric. Beginning in Italy in the 16th century, new mathematical developments, interacting with new scientific discoveries, were made at an increasing pace that continues through the present day. This symbolic system was in use by medieval Indian mathematicians and in Europe since the middle of the 17th century, and has continued to develop in the contemporary era. The area of study known as the history of mathematics is primarily an investigation into the origin of discoveries in mathematics and, the focus here, the investigation into the mathematical methods and notation of the past. (en)
- La panoramica storica delle notazioni matematiche, oltre a fornire alcune informazioni riguardanti la matematica, cerca di presentare i problemi che hanno accompagnato e che ancora si pongono per la scelta delle notazioni, e come questi siano collegati a questioni di fondo sulle finalità, sulla portata e sui significati della disciplina. Ha quindi grande importanza la scelta delle notazioni. (it)
- Математичні позначення — символи, які використовують для компактного запису математичних рівнянь і формул. Крім цифр та літер різних алфавітів (латинського, у тому числі в готичному накресленні, грецького та єврейського), математична мова використовує безліч спеціальних символів, винайдених за останні кілька століть. (uk)
- История математических обозначений — история разработки символов, используемых для компактной записи математических уравнений и формул.Помимо индо-арабских цифр и букв различных алфавитов (латинского, в том числе в готическом начертании, греческого и еврейского), математический язык использует множество специальных символов, изобретённых за последние несколько столетий. Хорошо продуманные обозначения, отражающие свойства изучаемых объектов, помогают избежать ошибок или неправильной трактовки, переносят часть исследования на технический уровень, нередко «подсказывают» правильный путь к решению задачи.По словам Альфреда Уайтхеда, удачное обозначение освобождает мозг от ненужной работы, тем самым позволяя ему сосредоточиться на более важных задачах. Первоначально (например, в «Началах» Евклида) математические утверждения формулировались словесно. Такая запись была громоздкой, часто неоднозначной, а алгебраические преобразования требовали незаурядной квалификации. Большой вклад в развитие обозначений внёс Франсуа Виет (XVI век); в частности, он начал использовать буквенные обозначения вместо конкретных чисел. Постепенно практически все слова в математических формулах (обозначения операций, отношений сравнения и т. д.) были заменены специальными символами — математика обрела собственный язык, не требующий перевода, язык с чётко определённым смыслом «слов» и строгой грамматикой, позволяющий выводить из данных истинных утверждений другие истинные. (ru)
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=e1UuAAAAYAAJ
- https://archive.org/details/ahistoryelement01cajogoog
- http://jeff560.tripod.com/mathsym.html
- https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~anne/WQ2007/mat67-Common_Math_Symbols.pdf
- http://www.stephenwolfram.com/publications/mathematical-notation-past-future
- https://archive.org/details/abriefhistoryma01smitgoog
- https://archive.org/details/ahistorymathema01cajogoog
- https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_9d8DAAAAMAAJ
- https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_exwAAAAAQAAJ
- https://archive.org/details/cu31924002955130
- https://archive.org/details/fourlecturesonre00stei
- https://archive.org/details/generalinvestig00hiltgoog
- https://archive.org/details/newmathematicalp00barluoft
- https://archive.org/details/principlesofmath01russ
- https://archive.org/details/theoryandcalcul12steigoog
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=SlUNAAAAYAAJ
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=U9zuAAAAMAAJ
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=fYS4AAAAIAAJ
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=it3UAAAAMAAJ
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=sbTVAAAAMAAJ
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=yUJBAAAAYAAJ
- https://web.archive.org/web/20060821061824/http:/www.roma.unisa.edu.au/07305/symbols.htm
- https://web.archive.org/web/20121104103101/http:/www.files.chem.vt.edu/chem-dept/field/numbers.htm
- https://web.archive.org/web/20130612153637/http:/classes.soe.ucsc.edu/cmps210/Winter11/Papers/turing-1936.pdf
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1077160/
- dbr:Calculus
- dbr:Calendar
- dbr:Cantor's_theorem
- dbr:Carl_Friedrich_Gauss
- dbr:Carl_Gustav_Jacob_Jacobi
- dbr:Predicate_logic
- dbr:Principia_Mathematica
- dbr:Probability_amplitude
- dbr:Projective_geometry
- dbr:Proportionality_(mathematics)
- dbr:Proprietary_format
- dbr:Pythagoras
- dbr:Pythagoreans
- dbr:Quadratic_equation
- dbr:Quantum_field_theory
- dbr:Quantum_mechanics
- dbr:Quantum_state
- dbr:Quark
- dbr:Quarks
- dbr:Quartic_equation
- dbr:Robert_Marshak
- dbr:Robert_Oppenheimer
- dbr:Robert_Recorde
- dbr:Roger_Joseph_Boscovich
- dbr:Roger_Penrose
- dbr:Roman_alphabet
- dbr:Roman_numeral
- dbr:Saunders_Mac_Lane
- dbr:Schrödinger_equation
- dbr:Scientific_notation
- dbr:Scipione_del_Ferro
- dbr:Electromagnetism
- dbr:Electronics
- dbr:Element_(mathematics)
- dbr:Elements_of_Dynamic
- dbr:Engineering_notation
- dbr:List_of_amateur_mathematicians
- dbr:List_of_disproved_mathematical_ideas
- dbr:List_of_first-order_theories
- dbr:Modal_logic
- dbr:Model_theory
- dbr:Nabla_symbol
- dbr:Neutral_current
- dbr:Metrology
- dbr:Monoidal_category
- dbr:Set_notation
- dbr:Particle_zoo
- dbr:Parts-per_notation
- dbr:Summa_de_arithmetica
- dbr:Coordinate_basis
- dbr:Bargmann–Wigner_equations
- dbr:Bartel_Leendert_van_der_Waerden
- dbr:Benoit_Mandelbrot
- dbr:Bertrand_Russell
- dbr:Binary_numeral_system
- dbr:Binomial_coefficient
- dbr:Blaise_Pascal
- dbr:Boethius
- dbr:Boolean_algebra_(logic)
- dbr:Bracket
- dbr:Brahmagupta
- dbr:Bra–ket_notation
- dbr:David_Eugene_Smith
- dbr:David_Hilbert
- dbr:Decimal
- dbr:Decimal_point
- dbr:Determinant
- dbr:Algebra_over_a_field
- dbr:Algebraic_equation
- dbr:Algorithm
- dbr:Applied_mathematics
- dbr:Arabic_numerals
- dbr:Argumentation_theory
- dbr:Hodge_conjecture
- dbr:Holger_Bech_Nielsen
- dbr:Huainanzi
- dbr:Hydrostatics
- dbr:John_Napier
- dbr:John_Theodore_Merz
- dbr:John_Wallis
- dbr:John_von_Neumann
- dbr:Joseph-Louis_Lagrange
- dbr:Joseph_Wedderburn
- dbr:Josiah_Willard_Gibbs
- dbr:Julian_Schwinger
- dbr:List_of_mathematical_jargon
- dbr:List_of_mathematical_symbols
- dbr:List_of_numbers
- dbr:Paul_Adrien_Maurice_Dirac
- dbr:Paul_Dirac
- dbr:Paul_Lévy_(mathematician)
- dbr:Percent_sign
- dbr:Permutation
- dbr:Perturbation_theory_(quantum_mechanics)
- dbr:Peter_Gustav_Lejeune_Dirichlet
- dbr:Peter_Higgs
- dbr:Regiomontanus
- dbr:Regular_number
- dbr:Relational_algebra
- dbr:Relativistic_wave_equations
- dbr:Renormalization
- dbr:René_Descartes
- dbr:Reserved_word
- dbr:Rhind_Mathematical_Papyrus
- dbr:Ricci-flat_manifold
- dbr:Ricci_calculus
- dbr:Richard_Courant
- dbr:Richard_Dedekind
- dbr:Richard_Feynman
- dbr:Cubic_graph
- dbr:Cuthbert_Edmund_Cullis
- dbr:Cycle_notation
- dbr:D'Alembert_operator
- dbr:University_of_Paris
- dbr:Unknown_known
- dbr:Validity_(logic)
- dbr:Vaughan_Jones
- dbr:Vector_(geometric)
- dbr:Vector_space
- dbr:Vertical_bar
- dbr:Victor_Weisskopf
- dbr:Volume
- dbr:Α
- dbr:Β
- dbr:Θ
- dbr:Μ
- dbr:Ω
- dbr:Ϝ
- dbr:E._M._Wright
- dbr:Eastern_Arabic_numerals
- dbr:Index_notation
- dbr:Infinitary_combinatorics
- dbr:Infix_notation
- dbr:Invariant_(mathematics)
- dbr:James_R._Newman
- dbr:Johann_Rahn
- dbr:Johannes_Widmann
- dbr:L-notation
- dbr:Navigation
- dbr:Sigma
- dbr:Plimpton_322
- dbr:Universal_quantifier
- dbr:Liber_Abaci
- dbr:Library_(computing)
- dbr:List_of_incomplete_proofs
- dbr:List_of_inequalities
- dbr:List_of_knots
- dbr:List_of_mathematical_abbreviations
- dbr:List_of_mathematical_examples
- dbr:List_of_mathematical_functions
- dbr:List_of_mathematical_identities
- dbr:List_of_mathematical_knots_and_links
- dbr:List_of_mathematical_logic_topics
- dbr:List_of_mathematical_probabilists
- dbr:List_of_mathematical_proofs
- dbr:List_of_mathematical_series
- dbr:List_of_mathematical_shapes
- dbr:List_of_mathematical_theories
- dbr:List_of_mathematical_topics_in_classical_mechanics
- dbr:List_of_mathematical_topics_in_quantum_theory
- dbr:List_of_mathematical_topics_in_relativity
- dbr:List_of_mathematics-based_methods
- dbr:List_of_mathematics_history_topics
- dbr:List_of_mathematics_reference_tables
- dbr:List_of_prime_knots
- dbr:Multiplicative_inverse
- dbr:Nuclear_force
- dbr:Point_group
- dbr:Van_der_Waerden_notation
- dbr:Peter_Guthrie_Tait
- dbr:Cultural_diffusion
- dbc:Articles_which_contain_graphical_timelines
- dbc:Mathematical_notation
- dbr:Colon_(punctuation)
- dbr:Complex_number
- dbr:Computer
- dbr:Consensus_gentium
- dbr:Constructible_universe
- dbr:Conway_polyhedron_notation
- dbr:Coordinates
- dbr:Coquaternion
- dbr:Coxeter_notation
- dbr:Cross_product
- dbr:Analysis_Situs_(paper)
- dbr:Analytic_geometry
- dbr:Ancient_Greece
- dbr:Mass
- dbr:Material_conditional
- dbr:Mathematica
- dbr:Mathematical_analysis
- dbr:Mathematical_coincidence
- dbr:Mathematical_rigor
- dbr:Mathematical_symbol
- dbr:Mathematics_in_medieval_Islam
- dbr:Matrix_(mathematics)
- dbr:Matrix_algebra
- dbr:Matrix_inverse
- dbr:Matrix_multiplication
- dbr:Maxim_Kontsevich
- dbr:Maxwell's_equations
- dbr:Measurement
- dbr:Mechanics
- dbr:S-matrix
- dbr:Chess_notation
- dbr:Elliptic_function
- dbr:Gauge_theory
- dbr:Geodesy
- dbr:Diophantus_of_Alexandria
- dbr:Negation
- dbr:Niccolò_Fontana_Tartaglia
- dbr:Nicomachus
- dbr:Observation
- dbr:Omega
- dbr:Operator_(mathematics)
- dbr:Operator_(physics)
- dbr:Opinion
- dbr:Order_of_operations
- dbr:Penrose_graphical_notation
- dbr:Quadrivium
- dbr:List_of_mathematics_categories
- dbr:List_of_operators
- dbr:Christiaan_Huygens
- dbr:Christian_Kramp
- dbr:Alexandre-Théophile_Vandermonde
- dbr:Edward_Witten
- dbr:Egyptian_hieroglyphs
- dbr:Eigenfunction
- dbr:Einstein_notation
- dbr:Electricity
- dbr:Electron
- dbr:Electroweak_theory
- dbr:Elementary_algebra
- dbr:Elementary_particle
- dbr:Emil_Artin
- dbr:Enrico_Fermi
- dbr:Equals_sign
- dbr:Equation
- dbr:Freeman_Dyson
- dbr:Function_(mathematics)
- dbr:Functional_(mathematics)
- dbr:Fundamenta_nova_theoriae_functionum_ellipticarum
- dbr:Fundamental_theorem_of_algebra
- dbr:G._H._Hardy
- dbr:Gamma_function
- dbr:Gaston_Julia
- dbr:Gaussian_elimination
- dbr:General_Relativity
- dbr:General_relativity
- dbr:Geoffrey_Chew
- dbr:Geometrization_conjecture
- dbr:Geometry
- dbr:Georg_Cantor
- dbr:George_Abram_Miller
- dbr:George_Boole
- dbr:George_Green_(mathematician)
- dbr:Gerhard_Kowalewski
- dbr:Gerolamo_Cardano
- dbr:Giuseppe_Peano
- dbr:Golden_ratio
- dbr:Gottfried_Wilhelm_Leibniz
- dbr:Gottlob_Frege
- dbr:Gravitational_constant
- dbr:Greek_alphabet
- dbr:Greek_mathematics
- dbr:Green's_function
- dbr:Minkowski_space
- dbr:Minus_sign
- dbr:Moscow_Mathematical_Papyrus
- dbr:Multi-index_notation
- dbr:Multilinear_algebra
- dbr:Multilinear_function
- dbr:Multiplication
- dbr:Multiplication_sign
- dbr:Multivariable_calculus
- dbr:Murray_Gell-Mann
- dbr:Musical_notation
- dbr:Concept
- dbr:Congruence_relation
- dbr:Contributions_of_Leonhard_Euler_to_mathematics
- dbr:Controversy_over_Cantor's_theory
- dbr:Conway_chained_arrow_notation
- dbr:Conway_notation_(knot_theory)
- dbr:Cosine
- dbr:Creation_and_annihilation_operators
- dbr:The_Nine_Chapters_on_the_Mathematical_Art
- dbr:Theodor_Kaluza
- dbr:Theorema_Egregium
- dbr:Theory
- dbr:Therefore_sign
- dbr:Theta_function
- dbr:Thomas_Bradwardine
- dbr:Thomas_Harriot
- dbr:Thoralf_Skolem
- dbr:Erlangen_program
- dbr:Methoden_der_mathematischen_Physik
- dbr:Vacuum_permittivity
- dbr:Ordinal_notation
- dbr:Product_sign
- dbr:Andrew_Strominger
- dbr:Andrey_Kolmogorov
- La panoramica storica delle notazioni matematiche, oltre a fornire alcune informazioni riguardanti la matematica, cerca di presentare i problemi che hanno accompagnato e che ancora si pongono per la scelta delle notazioni, e come questi siano collegati a questioni di fondo sulle finalità, sulla portata e sui significati della disciplina. Ha quindi grande importanza la scelta delle notazioni. (it)
- Математичні позначення — символи, які використовують для компактного запису математичних рівнянь і формул. Крім цифр та літер різних алфавітів (латинського, у тому числі в готичному накресленні, грецького та єврейського), математична мова використовує безліч спеціальних символів, винайдених за останні кілька століть. (uk)
- The history of mathematical notation includes the commencement, progress, and cultural diffusion of mathematical symbols and the conflict of the methods of notation confronted in a notation's move to popularity or inconspicuousness. Mathematical notation comprises the symbols used to write mathematical equations and formulas. Notation generally implies a set of well-defined representations of quantities and symbols operators. The history includes Hindu–Arabic numerals, letters from the Roman, Greek, Hebrew, and German alphabets, and a host of symbols invented by mathematicians over the past several centuries. (en)
- La notación matemática comprende los símbolos utilizados para escribir ecuaciones matemáticas y fórmulas. Incluye números arábigos, letras romanas, griegas, hebreas, el alfabeto alemán y una serie de símbolos inventados por los matemáticos, durante los últimos siglos. El desarrollo de la notación matemática para el álgebra se puede dividir en tres etapas: (Ver tabla de símbolos matemáticos para obtener una lista de símbolos) (es)
- История математических обозначений — история разработки символов, используемых для компактной записи математических уравнений и формул.Помимо индо-арабских цифр и букв различных алфавитов (латинского, в том числе в готическом начертании, греческого и еврейского), математический язык использует множество специальных символов, изобретённых за последние несколько столетий. (ru)
- dbr:Proof_sketch_for_Gödel's_first_incompleteness_theorem
- dbr:Modern_age
- dbr:Approximation_theory
- dbr:Arabic_numerals
- dbr:Measurement
- dbr:Timeline_of_mathematics
- dbr:Fundamental_theorem_of_arithmetic
- dbr:Leibniz's_notation
- dbr:Ancient_history
- dbr:Chinese_numerals
- dbr:Symbolic_computation
- dbr:Contemporary_era
- dbr:Category_theory
- dbr:Early_modern_age
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Robert_Recorde
- dbr:Johann_Rahn
- dbr:Table_of_mathematical_symbols_by_introduction_date
- dbr:Timeline_of_mathematics
- dbr:Muhammad_ibn_Musa_al-Khwarizmi
- dbr:Arabs
- dbr:Mathematical_notation
- dbr:History_of_mathematics
- dbr:Notation_in_probability_and_statistics
- dbr:Language_of_mathematics
- dbr:The_history_of_mathematical_notation
- dbr:Infinity_symbol
- dbr:Christoph_Rudolff
- dbr:Outline_of_mathematics
- dbr:Mathematical_notation_history
- dbr:Development_of_mathematical_notation