Laws of War Research Papers (original) (raw)

Where did Henry V get his reputation as a paragon of justice? It is mainly conveyed to us by French chroniclers, and it is therefore necessary to investigate its origins in the French kingdom. This study focuses on Henry’s administration... more

Where did Henry V get his reputation as a paragon of justice? It is mainly conveyed to us by French chroniclers, and it is therefore necessary to investigate its origins in the French kingdom. This study focuses on Henry’s administration of justice at the surrender of the town and the Market of Meaux. The stout resistance of the besieged was punished harshly. It was a robust response to an obvious breach of the tacit code of honour. The heroic conduct of the defenders, especially the Bâtard de Vaurus, is a later historiographical construction. Uniquely, Henry V ordered the trial and execution of four ‘hardened criminals’. This sent a strong signal to the king’s enemies that was meant to leave a lasting impression. No one should defy his authority as heir to the throne of France. And no one, not even a nobleman, could terrorise the population with impunity.

Early in De civitate Dei, Augustine addresses the right and duty of soldiers to kill in war. Section 1.21 states that they may kill if acting act at God’s prompting; other passages expand upon this to include soldiers acting upon... more

Early in De civitate Dei, Augustine addresses the right and duty of soldiers to kill in war. Section 1.21 states that they may kill if acting act at God’s prompting; other passages expand upon this to include soldiers acting upon legitimate authority generally. Later in the same work, Augustine suggests that soldiers acting upon legitimate authority may mistreat (not just kill) civilians under the laws of war. Still later, Augustine even hints that the Sabine Women might legitimately have been seized had the Romans first properly declared war against the Sabine people.
None of these propositions can find assent among modern readers as principled statements of the laws of war. This paper traces the historiographical and philosophical influences upon Augustine’s views on the laws of war. It then goes on to explore the hypothesis that, to modern eyes, Augustine’s just-war theory provides insufficient protection to non-combatants in their capacity as such, but that other aspects of Augustine’s thought – namely his focus on soldiers’ subjective mental state – might provide alternative bases for condemning war crimes.

La actitud del Capitán de Navío Miguel Grau Seminario, durante la campaña naval que lideró en el conflicto internacional de 1879 reúne características que se enmarcan dentro del Derecho Internacional Humanitario, rama del Derecho... more

La actitud del Capitán de Navío Miguel Grau Seminario, durante la campaña naval que lideró en el conflicto internacional de 1879 reúne características que se enmarcan dentro del Derecho Internacional Humanitario, rama del Derecho Internacional que tuvo como bases-entre otros-el Convenio de Ginebra de 1864. En ese sentido, y a partir del Convenio de La Haya de 1899 que trató de la adaptación a la guerra marítima de los principios de la Convención de Ginebra, el Perú recién se adhirió a aquella en el año de 1903.

The law of war is part of who we are, it is part of our military heritage. Warfare may have changed shape, methods, and technologies – but the concept of one group of people battling another group of people defensively, due to religious... more

The law of war is part of who we are, it is part of our military heritage. Warfare may have changed shape, methods, and technologies – but the concept of one group of people battling another group of people defensively, due to religious conflict, balance of power, economy, or otherwise, remains constant to this day. The primary issues surrounding the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) international security can be separated into three main concerns. First, establishment of internationally agreed-upon legal definitions of the terms surrounding cyberspace and, cyberspace, and international security must be created. Second, to be addressed in a later paper, escalation scales must be produced by which each of those infractions can be judged and options for defensive retaliatory measures can be considered. Third, also to be addressed by a later paper, the methods by which assessment, attribution, and accountability are to be conducted11 must be applied to suit each of the legal definitions. Based upon category and placement on the new escalation scale, LOAC can be applied to new rules of engagement.
The goal is to identify a cyber event, then properly categorize it based on internationally agreed upon parameters, assess the severity against an escalation scale in order to determine a proper response, attribute the incident to a state or non-state actor, find the parties who perpetrated the incident, and strive to achieve justice.

The current article focuses on the evolution and application of the Law of Armed Conflicts from the Middle Ages to the present day, with particular emphasis on the legal status of the declaration of the First World War. By analyzing the... more

The current article focuses on the evolution and application of the Law of Armed Conflicts from the Middle Ages to the present day, with particular emphasis on the legal status of the declaration of the First World War. By analyzing the theories of "Just War" (Bellum Justum) and the customary rules of the Middle Ages, one can see the lack of legal certainty in relation to war declarations. Furthermore, the article continues with subsequent theories, which underlined that declaring war constituted an absolute right of a sovereign state. In this context, in which WWI took place, also immerged the "rule of neutrality". In the following pages, after demonstrating the substantive and formal legal requirements of declaring war at that era, in conjunction with the study of historical texts of the time, it will be concluded that WWI has been legally declared. Conclusively, a brief reference will be made to the effects of WWI in contemporary Law of Armed Conflicts and the prohibition of the use of force in international relations.

This article examines the tendencies to define the scope of application of jus ad bellum negatively in relation to the scope of application of jus in bello and demonstrates their neutralising effect on the prohibition on the use of force... more

This article examines the tendencies to define the scope of application of jus ad bellum negatively in relation to the scope of application of jus in bello and demonstrates their neutralising effect on the prohibition on the use of force under Article 2(4) of the Charter of the United Nations. It argues that individual acts of use of force during an international armed conflict regulated by jus in bello, whether in combat, in restricting the freedom of enemy nationals or in maintaining an occupation, are equally regulated by jus ad bellum. It clarifies the concept of ‘separation’ between jus ad bellum and jus in bello as the insulation between the results of their respective application, not the differentiation between their respective temporal, material and normative scopes of application. It also addresses the practical concerns raised by this conception of ‘separation’ between jus ad bellum and jus in bello.

This article in the Max Planck Encyclopedia explores the contents, principles and historical significance of the Lieber Code. Known also as 'the first modern codification of the laws of war', the Code was drafted by Francis Lieber to... more

This article in the Max Planck Encyclopedia explores the contents, principles and historical significance of the Lieber Code. Known also as 'the first modern codification of the laws of war', the Code was drafted by Francis Lieber to regulate the conduct of the Union Army in the American Civil War.

Archibald Reiss reporting on atrocities during World War I in Serbia contributed to the public perception of the role of civil- ians and the meaning of war crimes. His reports on Austrian and Bulgarian wrong-doings perfectly show the... more

Archibald Reiss reporting on atrocities during World War I in Serbia contributed to the public perception of the role of civil- ians and the meaning of war crimes. His reports on Austrian and Bulgarian wrong-doings perfectly show the changing interpreta- tion of laws of war from the traditionalist pre-1914 approach and the new vulnerable, yet targeted civilian as a victim and not poten- tial source of rebellion. This article shows how situational aspects and the new industrial war led to a totalization of war and where restraining elements existed. The ethnic cleansing aspect of the Bulgarian case will be analyzed and the case made for its differ- ent character in comparison to the Austrian actions in 1914 which lacked a planned exterminatory character.

The history of international law, sometimes referred to as the law of nations, is fundamentally entwined with the history of the international system as a whole. The laws of war, for their part, constitute a sub-field of international law... more

The history of international law, sometimes referred to as the law of nations, is fundamentally entwined with the history of the international system as a whole. The laws of war, for their part, constitute a sub-field of international law that has been of central importance to its historical development and that has attracted particular attention from scholars of international relations for whom war is a central object of study. This chapter constitutes a brief introduction to the literature on the history of international law and the laws of war, drawing on works across law, history, and international relations. It provides an overview of the conventional narratives about the history of international law and the laws of war, then of their main critical alternatives, and, finally, of the new approaches that have emerged to push these critical alternatives a step further.

GİRİŞ Batı Şeria ve Gazze Şeridi 1967 yılında İsrail işgal devleri tarafından işgal edilmiştir. İşgal edilmiş bu topraklarda önceden beri süre gelen bir hukuk sistemi ve yönetim mevcut olmasına rağmen işgalin ardından tüm yönetim yapısı... more

GİRİŞ Batı Şeria ve Gazze Şeridi 1967 yılında İsrail işgal devleri tarafından işgal edilmiştir. İşgal edilmiş bu topraklarda önceden beri süre gelen bir hukuk sistemi ve yönetim mevcut olmasına rağmen işgalin ardından tüm yönetim yapısı ve yasal hükümler İsrail tarafından iptal edilmiştir. Bu bağlamda, Filistin'de eğitim, İsrail tarafından yapılan askeri düzen ve yaptırımlardan zarar gören ana sektörlerden biridir. 1 1967'ye kadar Filistin'in eğitim sistemi Ürdün ve Mısır'ın düzenlemelerine tabi iken 1967 yılından itibaren İsrail'in yönetimi altına girmiştir. Filistin'in eğitim sistemini tekrar kendi elinde toplaması ise 1994 yılında mümkün olmuştur. Filistin topraklarında 50 yıldır uzayıp giden İsrail'in uyguladığı siyasi şiddete rağmen eğitim Filistinliler için önem ve öncelik açısından gündelik hayatlarının ilk sırasında yer almaktadır. 2013 yılında Dünya Bankası'nın yaptığı bir ankete göre genç Filistinlilerin (10-24 yaş) yüzde 60'ı eğitimi hayatlarının ilk sırasına koymuşlardır ve bölge ile karşılaştırıldığında Filistin'de okuma-yazma oranı diğer ülkelere göre oldukça yüksek olup yüzde 90 oranındadır. 2 Dünyadaki ve bölgedeki diğer eğitim sistemleri ile karşılaştırıldığında Filistin'de okula kayıt durumu, kızlar ve erkekler toplam %90'ın üzerinde oldukça yüksek bir orandadır. Filistin'de İsrail'in silahlı saldırıları altında yaşayan çocuklar için okul güvenli ve korunaklı bir yapı olması gerekirken okul şiddetin çeşitli türlerinin maruz kalındığı bir yer haline gelmiştir. Batı Şeria ve Doğu Kudüs özelinde düşünecek olursak öğrenciler okula giderken ve eve dönerken İsrail askerleri ve İsrailli yerleşimciler tarafından fiziksel şiddete maruz kalmakta ve bu yüzden de öğrencilerin eğitim imkânları sınırlanmaktadır. Okul içerisinde de çeşitli şiddete maruz kalan öğrenciler ya akranları olan İsrailli yerleşimci ailelerin çocuklardan ya da öğretmenlerinin uyguladığı dayak cezası ile fiziksel şiddete maruz kalmaktadır. Bu araştırma Filistin'de okullardaki eğitim üzerine yoğunlaşmıştır. Makale boyunca Filistinli öğrenciler ve aileler üzerinde nasıl ve ne derece bir psikolojik baskı ve fiziksel şiddet olduğu ortaya konacak okulların ve verilen eğitimin güvenilirliği tartışılacaktır.

Over the last years there is a growing body of literature over exploiting cyberspace for offensive and defensive purposes. Cyber-conflict is after all the newest mode of warfare and cyber-weapons have been described as weapons of mass... more

Over the last years there is a growing body of literature over exploiting cyberspace for offensive and defensive purposes. Cyber-conflict is after all the newest mode of warfare and cyber-weapons have been described as weapons of mass disruption. Although the attention on the technical and military dimensions of cyberspace is justifiable, one needs also to look into the legal and ethical aspects of cyber-conflict, in order to comprehend the complex nature of cyberspace. The lack of an international legal framework that defines the use of force in cyberspace, operational difficulties in deterring and identifying cyber-attacks as well as the asymmetric dimension of cyber-conflicts pose without a doubt, great pressure on both theorists and practitioners of warfare. This paper will highlight the legal and ethical dilemmas regarding the use of force in cyberspace and question how the Law of War can be applied to cyber-threats.

Amidst fears over artificial intelligence 'arms races' , much of the international debate on governing military uses of AI is still focused on preventing the use of lethal autonomous weapons systems (laws). Yet 'killer robots' hardly... more

Amidst fears over artificial intelligence 'arms races' , much of the international debate on governing military uses of AI is still focused on preventing the use of lethal autonomous weapons systems (laws). Yet 'killer robots' hardly exhaust the potentially problematic capabilities that innovation in military AI (mai) is set to unlock. Gov-ernance initiatives narrowly focused on preserving 'meaningful human control' over laws therefore risk being bypassed by the technological state-of-the-art. This paper departs from the question: how can we formulate 'innovation-proof governance' approaches that are resilient or adaptive to future developments in military AI? I develop a typology for the ways in which mai innovation can disrupt existing international legal frameworks. This includes 'direct' disruption-as new types of mai capabilities elude categorization under existing regimes-as well as 'indirect' disruption, where new capabilities shift the risk landscape of military AI, or change the incentives or values of the states developing them. After discussing two potential objections to 'in-novation-proof governance' , I explore the advantages and shortcomings of three possible approaches to innovation-proof governance for military AI. While no definitive blueprint is offered, I suggest key considerations for governance strategies that seek to ensure that military AI remains lawful, ethical, stabilizing, and safe.

The present chapter analyses the prohibition of deportation and forcible transfer of civilian population set forth in Article 49(1) of the Geneva Convention relative to the protection of civilian persons in time of war of 12 August 1949... more

The present chapter analyses the prohibition of deportation and forcible transfer of civilian population set forth in Article 49(1) of the Geneva Convention relative to the protection of civilian persons in time of war of 12 August 1949 in the light of the travaux préparatoires and subsequent practice—including Article 17(1) of Protocol Additional (II) to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts of 8 June 1977. After a brief survey of historic precedents supporting the customary nature of the prohibition at the time of the adoption of the Convention, the attention is then concentrated on Article 49 GC IV. The peculiar legal nature of the provision is analysed both as a peremptory norm of international law (jus cogens) and as a rule the violation of which entails individual criminal responsibility. The scope of application of the prohibition is then carefully examined in its temporal, personal, geographical and material dimensions, with special attention to the case law of international criminal tribunals. In a third section, the limits of the prohibition of the prohibition are explored, starting with the cases of displacement that fall outside the scope of the prohibition—because they result from a genuine choice of the concerned civilian persons. The notion of temporary evacuation on ground of security of the population or imperative military grounds is then explored.

There is an analytical richness preserved within the term lawfare that has not yet been sufficiently revealed. Beyond a mere performative speech act, used to demonizing certain behaviours or discrediting certain opponents, lawfare can... more

There is an analytical richness preserved within the term lawfare that has not yet been sufficiently revealed. Beyond a mere performative speech act, used to demonizing certain behaviours or discrediting certain opponents, lawfare can help us understand how law’s violence can be used to subvert democracy.

Parmi les projets de Rousseau figurait un ouvrage intitulé “Principes du droit de la guerre”. On a longtemps cru cet ouvrage perdu ou resté à l’état d’ébauches fragmentaires. Or un travail sur des manuscrits (jusqu’alors publiés... more

Parmi les projets de Rousseau figurait un ouvrage intitulé “Principes du droit de la guerre”. On a longtemps cru cet ouvrage perdu ou resté à l’état d’ébauches fragmentaires. Or un travail sur des manuscrits (jusqu’alors publiés séparément et dans le désordre) a permis de reconstituer un texte très abouti, qui est manifestement la première partie de cet ouvrage. La redécouverte de ce texte et son rapprochement avec les écrits sur le “Projet de paix perpétuelle” de l’abbé de Saint-Pierre, sur lesquels Rousseau a travaillé immédiatement après, éclairent d’un jour nouveau sa conception des rapports entre les États. Les commentaires proposés dégagent l’originalité et l’actualité des questions posées par Rousseau sur la nature et la genèse de la guerre et sur le statut d’un droit inter-étatique. L’État est-il ce qui empêche les hommes de se faire la guerre ou est-il la cause de l’apparition de la guerre ? La guerre peut-elle être soumise à des règles de droit ? Peut-on espérer une fin de toute guerre ? A quelles conditions une forme d’institution confédérale pourrait-elle assurer, par le droit, une paix perpétuelle ?
Ce volume est une œuvre collective du Groupe Jean-Jacques Rousseau

This Article discusses the competences and powers of the UN Security Council in securing compliance with international humanitarian law, in particular through the adoption of the measures provided in Chapter VII of the Charter: The... more

This Article discusses the competences and powers of the UN Security Council in securing compliance with international humanitarian law, in particular through the adoption of the measures provided in Chapter VII of the Charter: The competence of the Council in this field can be founded on several legal grounds: on a broad interpretation of the notion of “threat to the peace” (Article 39 of the Charter), on Article 94(2) with regard to the International Court of Justice's judgments establishing violations of the jus in bello and also on the customary duty to ensure respect for international humanitarian law as reflected in Article 1 Common to the 1949 Geneva Conventions on the Protection of the Victims of War. In particular, such customary provision empowers the Security Council to react to any violation of international humanitarian law regardless of a nexus with concerns of international stability. Although the Council has adopted a variety of measures in relation to violations...

On 6 August 1945 the atomic bomb Little Boy was dropped over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. On 9 August another one, Fat Man, targeted Nagasaki. The first bomb directly and indirectly killed about 237,000 people in Hiroshima. The... more

On 6 August 1945 the atomic bomb Little Boy was dropped over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. On 9 August another one, Fat Man, targeted Nagasaki. The first bomb directly and indirectly killed about 237,000 people in Hiroshima. The Nagasaki death toll was about 80,000 people. These bombardments were undertaken by the US at the same time when they took part in the creation of the first International tribunal for crimes against humanity committed by German and Japanese war criminals. At the same time, it could be said that atomic bombardments of Japanese cities looked like a big war crime. Never before had so many people, overwhelmingly civilians, been killed simultaneously. These two massacres were planned and prepared in detail by the winners of the war at the end of the war. However, these bombardments were never officially recognized as a war crime. People who planned and carried out the bombing of Japanese cities never faced trials. They were proud of their actions. Debates over the atomic bombardment of Japan never stopped. In my essay I will try to find the answer, whether those bombardments were a war crime and, if so, why they were not investigated. I will explore legal and ethical aspects of those bombardments and their effect on world history.

Based on a detailed analysis of Gentili’s use of sources in De iure belli, this article argues that Gentili’s famous treatise on the laws of war is an incongruous attempt at reconciling an absolutist conception of sovereignty and a strong... more

Based on a detailed analysis of Gentili’s use of sources in De iure belli, this article argues that Gentili’s famous treatise on the laws of war is an incongruous attempt at reconciling an absolutist conception of sovereignty and a strong penchant for reason of state principles with an enduring commitment to the language of natural law and to its centrality in ordering relations between sovereigns.

This Article investigates how contemporary laws of war rationalize civilian deaths. I concentrate on two specific legal constructions in warfare: the definition of civilian/combatant and the principle of distinction. (The categories of... more

This Article investigates how contemporary laws of war rationalize civilian deaths. I concentrate on two specific legal constructions in warfare: the definition of civilian/combatant and the principle of distinction. (The categories of civilian and combatant should be understood as dialogically constitutive and not entirely distinct. In addition, the category of "civilian" is a modern one and premodern legal sources often do not use one term to refer to noncombatants.) I focus on two significant parties in contemporary warfare: al-Qāʿidah (aka Al-Qaeda) and the U.S. military. Al-Qāʿidah diverges from orthodox Islamic law on these two legal issues, while remaining within the Islamic legal tradition. To scrutinize the nature of this divergence, I compare al-Qāʿidah's legal reasoning to the legal reasoning of the U.S. military. I demonstrate that the U.S. military diverges from orthodox international law in ways that parallel how al-Qāʿidah diverges from orthodox Islamic law. Specifically, both the U.S. military and al-Qāʿidah elide orthodox categories of civilians and expand the category of combatant, primarily by rendering civilians as probable combatants. Based on this comparative analysis, I argue that the legal reasoning of al-Qāʿidah (and other militant Islamist groups) is as secular as it is Islamic; I call this fusion secularislamized law.

Pada awal abad XX sampai sekarang sering timbul konflik bersenjata di beberapa wilayah di dunia seperti pertikaian intern di dalam negeri atau antar negara, dan hal ini menjadikan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa sebagai organisasi... more

Pada awal abad XX sampai sekarang sering timbul konflik bersenjata di beberapa wilayah di dunia seperti pertikaian intern di dalam negeri atau antar negara, dan hal ini menjadikan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa sebagai organisasi internasional yang ditugaskan untuk memelihara perdamaian dan keamanan internasional tidak akan dapat melakukan sendiri tetapi akan meminta bantuan kepada negara-negara anggota untuk mengirim pasukan tentaranya sebagai pasukan perdamaian Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa yaitu termasuk Tentara Nasional Indonesia.
Tentara Nasional Indonesia bertugas melaksanakan pertahanan negara untuk mempertahankan kedaulatan negara dan keutuhan wilayah, melindungi kehormatan dan keselamatan bangsa, dan ikut serta secara aktif dalam tugas pemeliharaan perdamaian regional dan internasional, sedangkan fungsinya yaitu sebagai penangkal terhadap setiap bentuk ancaman bersenjata dari luar dan dalam negeri terhadap kedaulatan, menjaga keutuhan wilayah dan keselamatan bangsa, penindak terhadap setiap bentuk ancaman, dan pemulihan terhadap kondisi keamanan negara yang terganggu akibat kekacauan keamanan, pasukan perdamaian PBB adalah pasukan tentara dari negara-negara anggota PBB yang diminta oleh Dewan Keamanan PBB untuk menjadi pasukan tentara untuk dapat menyelesaikan pertikaian bersenjata di daerah konflik guna dapat menjaga perdamaian dan keamanan dunia, negara Indonesia sebagai negara anggota Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa sudah sewajarnya untuk ikut menjaga perdamaian dan keamanan dunia serta mengirim pasukan tentaranya bila diminta untuk dijadikan pasukan penjaga perdamaian Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa seperti yang diatur dalam Pembukaan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia 1945 dan Piagam PBB.
Tipe penelitian yang digunakan penelitian yuridis normatif, dengan demikian spesifikasi penelitiannya yaitu deskriptif, sumber data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu data sekunder sebagai data utama dan data primer sebagai data penunjang dari data sekunder, metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara mengadakan penelitian data kepustakaan atau library research dan mengadakan penelitian lapangan atau field research, penyajian data dilakukan dengan jalan yaitu data-data yang telah dikumpulkan disajikan dalam bentuk uraian yang kemudian disusun dan dianalisa sehingga akan membentuk suatu laporan penelitian yang berupa skripsi, data sekunder maupun data primer yang diperoleh akan langsung dikelompokkan dan diklasifikasikan menurut bidangnya masing-masing dan selanjutnya disusun secara sistematis dan kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif.
Dasar hukumnya yaitu antara lain seperti Pasal 2 ayat 2, Pasal 43 ayat 1, Piagam PBB, Pasal 13 Konvensi Montevideo 1933, Resolusi Dewan Keamanan PBB Nomor 690 tahun 1991, Alinea IV Pembukaan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia 1945, Pasal 20 ayat 3 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 34 Tahun 2004 tentang Tentara Nasional Indonesia, Pasal 12 Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 7 Tahun 2008 tentang Kebijakan Umum Pertahanan Negara.

The waters around the Senkaku Islands have been home to an undeclared, "Cold", War, with Chinese state vessels (plus fishermen and "activists") often trying to penetrate them, and Japanese Coastguard boats out to prevent it. Both sides... more

The waters around the Senkaku Islands have been home to an undeclared, "Cold", War, with Chinese state vessels (plus fishermen and "activists") often trying to penetrate them, and Japanese Coastguard boats out to prevent it. Both sides have abstained from using lethal force, resorting to ramming and water cannons, among others. The advent of the airplane, however, threatens to destabilize the situation. One can stop a ship without risking death or injury to the crew, but this is much more difficult with planes and helicopters. The paper explores the changing strategic environment due to the emerging use by China of air assets in the area.

My chapter for the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of the Ethics of War.

This book examines John Calvin’s sense of vocation. 1) It begins with an analysis of thinking on prophecy in early, medieval, and Reformation theology. 2) It finds Calvin within a non-mystical, non-apocalyptic prophetic tradition... more

If humanitarian tragedies caused by war have for a long time been the object of legal regulation, it was not until recently that the protection of the natural environment in armed conflict has attracted similar attention. The consequence... more

If humanitarian tragedies caused by war have for a long time been the object of legal regulation, it was not until recently that the protection of the natural environment in armed conflict has attracted similar attention. The consequence is that there is yet no homogenous body of law that protects the ecosystem from hostilities. Apart from a few rules specifically addressing environmental warfare, indirect protection derives from provisions that were conceived for other purposes and from the underlying principles of customary international law that traditionally regulate the conduct of military hostilities. This raises the problem of the adequacy of the existing rules to protect the natural environment from warfare. In order to answer this question, the present chapter will first examine the rules available in the laws of war and will distinguish those specifically addressing the natural environment from other rules that might however apply and provide some protection. Individual criminal responsibility for the violation of such rules will then be discussed. In the second part, the chapter will investigate whether the law of peace, in particular international environmental law, can play any role in the protection of the environment in time of armed conflict and will verify its applicability pendente bello.

In the closing days of the 1982 Falklands War, Argentine forces successfully employed an improvised shore-based Exocet against HMS Glamorgan. The ship survived but was put out of action. 30 years later, the shadow of this half-forgotten... more

In the closing days of the 1982 Falklands War, Argentine forces successfully employed an improvised shore-based Exocet against HMS Glamorgan. The ship survived but was put out of action. 30 years later, the shadow of this half-forgotten incident looms large over East Asia, with shore-based anti-ship missiles being one of the asymmetrical technologies some voices are urging Taipei to adopt as a reaction to a worsening military balance in the Taiwan Strait. A key ethical and political issue is whether to deploy them in built-up areas, this being an essential difference between limited, and people's war.

This article addresses the problem of international law enforcement within the War on Cyberterrorism. Hybrid conflicts have replaced the traditional ones, and new threats have emerged in cyberspace, which has become a virtual battlefield.... more

This article addresses the problem of international law enforcement within the War on Cyberterrorism. Hybrid conflicts have replaced the traditional ones, and new threats have emerged in cyberspace, which has become a virtual battlefield. Cyber threats-cybercrimes, cyberterrorism, cyberwarfare-are a major concern for Western governments, especially for the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The international community has begun to consider cyberattacks as a form of terrorism, to which the same measures apply. Because the term "terrorism" is ambiguous and legaly undefined, there is no consensus on a definition of the derivative term "cyberterrorism", which is left to the unilateral interpretations of states. Pretending to consider the cyberspace domain as traditional domains, and claiming to apply IHL for the sole purpose of lawfully using armed forces in contrast to cyberterrorism is a stretch. This paper addresses the question of whether or not current laws of war and international humanitarian law apply to cyber domain, and gives some recommendations on how to tackle this issue.

A paper by Roberto Barazzutti for Quaderno Sismo 2017 Economic Warfare to be published in the next may.

International Humanitarian Law (IHL) was developed to limit the subsequent damage of armed conflict on civilians and non-combatants. IHL protects all individuals that are not or no longer involved in armed conflict and and restricts the... more

International Humanitarian Law (IHL) was developed to limit the subsequent damage of armed conflict on civilians and non-combatants. IHL protects all individuals that are not or no longer involved in armed conflict and and restricts the means employed to carry out warfare. Armed conflict is governed by different principles, one of which is the principle of proportionality which dictates that "Launching an attack which may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated, is prohibited.". This paper will assess the principle of proportionality and analyze to cases according to the principle of proportionality.

Measures of crime prevention, also restrictive of individual liberties and inconsistent with proper human rights safeguards, are developing in the different crime prevention models, supranational and national, European and extra-European.... more

Measures of crime prevention, also restrictive of individual liberties and inconsistent with proper human rights safeguards, are developing in the different crime prevention models, supranational and national, European and extra-European. Here we offer a deep, wide analysis (both critical and systematic), aimed at detecting rules, shared by the several legal orders, useful to protect a minimum, non-derogable set of fundamental rights, in a global legal perspective.

In Late Antiquity, many laws were issued to regulate complex social and economic matters, including the control of real estate, construction, and the management of private buildings. A new building practice and culture of re-use gradually... more

In Late Antiquity, many laws were issued to regulate complex social and economic matters, including the control of real estate, construction, and the management of private buildings. A new building practice and culture of re-use gradually became predominant in a changing society. The present essay compares this legislation with the archaeological evidence in order to ascertain the characteristics of the process, assess the
contribution of the ruling classes, and distinguish different building procedures in urban areas.