Medieval and Early Modern Archaeology Research Papers (original) (raw)

R. Schot, C. Newman and E. Bhreathnach (eds), Landscapes of Cult and Kingship. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2011.

This research applies the new Coimbra method for therecording of enthesal changes (EC) on a Dutch urban population. The sample consists of 66 individuals buried between 1450 and 1573, at the Franciscan monastery in Alkmaar, the... more

This research applies the new Coimbra method for therecording of enthesal changes (EC) on a Dutch urban population. The sample consists of 66 individuals buried between 1450 and 1573, at the Franciscan monastery in Alkmaar, the Netherlands. The people buried here were part of the “common” people of Alkmaar.This sample consists of individuals of which the age and sex were estimated, and with no observable pathologies which could affect the enthesal sites. In addition to activity, age and sex could influence EC. It was tried to limit this influence by comparing the individuals in groups of sex and age in some of the tests, therefore limiting the influence of other factors on EC rather than activity. Ten fibrocartilaginous entheseal sites were scored on both upper limbs. After scoring the EC of all individuals, the data was statistically analysed using the program IBM SPSS (Version 23). As expected males, in general, scored higher than females and older individuals generally scored higher than younger individuals. At the subscapularis and the brachioradialis, females scored higher than the males, which could indicate women strained these muscles more than males. The males had a significantly higher EC score at three muscle attachment sites. In addition, there were differences between the sexes in ranks of mean EC scores, and the correlation of certain muscles. These factors do point to a general division of labour between the sexes. When focusing on differences between the age groups, EC in males showed more correlation with age than EC with age in the female population. Six of eight outliers, when looking at the mean EC scores, showed signs of osteoarthrosis, which is seen as an activity related pathology. This, together with the increased EC score indicates that these individuals most likely showed increased activity in comparison with the rest of the population. Lastly, the data presented here was compared with other research. This proved to be difficult, regarding the use of samples from different geographical areas, and time periods, different scoring methods and differences in scored entheseal sites. This shows the necessity for using a standardized scoring method for EC research. This could provide the opportunity to compare more data, generating more knowledge on EC research. This could make EC research into a viable method for osteological research, and providing archaeologist with a tool to reconstruct past activities.

Authors: Stefanie Hoss / Gerald Volker Grimm / Paul Stockman / Huub Stals / Antoine Prinsen / Bert Zandvoort. Museum Hulst exhibition catalogue of 2018 on the finds from the port of Hulst. Edited by Edie Bogaert, Hanneke Stam and Bert... more

Authors: Stefanie Hoss / Gerald Volker Grimm / Paul Stockman / Huub Stals / Antoine Prinsen / Bert Zandvoort. Museum Hulst exhibition catalogue of 2018 on the finds from the port of Hulst. Edited by Edie Bogaert, Hanneke Stam and Bert Zandvoort. An unusually high number of militaria were recovered here, most of which can be associated with the respective successful sieges of the town of Hulst in 1452 by Gent and those in the 1590s by the Spanish and the reconquest in 1645 by the Dutch army. In addition to weapons and armour, however, other particularly interesting finds are presented, such as the two almost completely preserved frames of ruffs, and the finds are contextualised in the history of the town. Also published online:

Aufschlüsse zur Befestigung der Mainmetropole in Spätmittelalter und früher Neuzeit

Wechselvolle Geschichte eines ehemals eingemotteten spätmittelalterlichen Turms im Frankfurter Westend

Krynki is a small town at present situated in the county of Sokółka (voivodeship of Podlasie) . During the pre-partition era it was one of the small towns of the Western Grodno region i n the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The earliest mention... more

Krynki is a small town at present situated in the county of Sokółka
(voivodeship of Podlasie) . During the pre-partition era it was one of the small towns of the Western Grodno region i n the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The earliest mention of Krynki (the first half of the fifteenth century) concerns a court of the Grand Duke with an adjoining growing settlement and then a town. This article intends to conduct
a town-planning analysis of Krynki upon the basis of closely connected factors affecting the town's construction and form, distinguished by prof. T. Tołwiński. The factors in question are: natural, economic, and social conditions, defensive qualities, communication, customs and law, and a town-planning composition. Studying a contemporary town organism from the viewpoint of its construction and form calls for an acquaintance with its predecessor. A European town, and in particular a twentieth-century Polish ur ban centre, develops, to a slighter or greater ex tent, upon the basis of an older town and comprises a further link in
the town-planning development of its predecessor from earlier, distant epochs. The growth of Polish and European towns reveals discernible numerous analogies, in variably recurring regardless of geographical or chronological distances. A powerful composition concept supported by enormous knowledge and imposing economic and technical means, especially considering that we are dealing with the Middle Ages, becomes part of such strong forms within the creation of a
given town that minor individual efforts undertaken in later periods are incapable of altering the general fundamental outlines and inner forms of the town organism. The town plan, once it has been permeated by the impact of the town-planning composition factor, for centuries to come imposes its forms, be they detrimental or favourable for its further existence.

Archaeological excavations carried out in 2014 allowed to uncover the bastion: a brick artillery tower being a part of Stargard fortifi cations. An array of fi nds was discovered inside: a jett on, Apfelpfennig of Jorg Schultes from... more

Archaeological excavations carried out in 2014 allowed to uncover the bastion: a brick artillery tower being a
part of Stargard fortifi cations. An array of fi nds was discovered inside: a jett on, Apfelpfennig of Jorg Schultes
from Nuremberg, samples of architectural detail, and modern ceramics. On the basis of dendrochronlogical
analysis of pillar foundations it was established that the basion was built in the 1520s. Th e structure was a part
of the modernization of Stargard fortifi cations at the end of the 15th and the fi rst quarter of the 16th century.
It was at that time that sections of city walls and towers as well as fortifi cations allowing the use of artillery
during defence operations: brick bastions, roundels and earthwork walls were modernised. Early modern
fortifi cations of which major parts survived down to our times are unique in Western Pomerania.

Il Castello di Milano è un’opera medievale voluta dai Visconti e potenziata dagli Sforza. Oggi è sede di biblioteche, musei e raccolte d’arte, ma rimane una formidabile “macchina da combattimento”, dove hanno lavorato tra i migliori... more

Il Castello di Milano è un’opera medievale voluta dai Visconti e potenziata dagli Sforza. Oggi è sede di biblioteche, musei e raccolte d’arte, ma rimane una formidabile “macchina da combattimento”, dove hanno lavorato tra i migliori architetti e ingegneri italiani. I soli studi d’epoca medievale riguardanti la Fortezza, a oggi noti, sono di Leonardo da Vinci, il quale ne ha esaminato le difese, comprensive delle parti sotterranee, prospettando i miglioramenti. Trent’anni d’indagini speleologiche condotte innanzitutto nei suoi sotterranei hanno permesso di eseguire le planimetrie dell’articolato sistema, composto anche di canali d’acqua segreti, mettendole a confronto con i disegni leonardeschi. Si è così compreso che una parte della Fortezza non è stata demolita, ma solo “cimata”: oggi nel sottosuolo esiste un patrimonio archeologico, architettonico e artistico inestimabile, ma da recuperare integralmente. Il lavoro presenta un metodo d’indagine multidisciplinare che può essere facilmente applicato allo studio di ogni altra fortificazione europea.
The castle of Milan is a medieval work commissioned by the Visconti and developed by the Sforza. Today it is intended for cultural functions but its origins are those of a formidable "combat machine". Some of the best Italian architects and engineers worked on the creation of the castle. The only studies known about the fortress, belonging to the medieval age, are by Leonardo da Vinci. He examined the defences, including the underground parts, looking for improvements. Thirty years of speleological investigations, first of all conducted in its basements, and also concerning secret water channels, have allowed us to carry out the plans of the complex system and to compare them with Leonardo's drawings. This has made it clear to the author that a part of the Fortress has not been demolished, but only "cut" in the surface. Today there is an invaluable archaeological, architectural and artistic heritage to be fully recovered. The work presents a method of multidisciplinary investigation that can be applied to the study of any other European fortification.

The article presents a research project on stove tiles and tile stoves as archaeological object fromthe so called baroque period, fromthe end of 16th to the beginning of the 18th century. Tiles from available archaeological excavations... more

The article presents a research project on stove tiles and tile stoves as archaeological
object fromthe so called baroque period, fromthe end of 16th to the beginning
of the 18th century. Tiles from available archaeological excavations in the four
towns of Kalmar, Linköping, Jönköping and Norrköping have been analysed
according to identified unique motive-types and their distribution in time and
space. A rather unique assemblage of tiles from a complete tile stove in Kalmar is
presented and discussed in accordance to the general problems of redepositional
processes ofmaterial culture in the archaeological stratigraphy.The results indicate
that the introduction of the newtechnology and/or fashion of tile stoveswere highly
dependent on an innovation centre,mostly a prominent residence, in the towns.The
rather uneven distribution between, as well as in, the towns is discussed. The conclusion
is that in the study of the profound changes in building and domestic culture
during the period, more attention has to be paid to the changes on the single
plots and in the single households.

Kleine schepen in een wereld economie Onderzoek naar twee handelsschepen in het Markermeer te Warder (Gemeente Edam-Volendam) J. Opdebeeck en T. Coenen (red.

Archeologisch onderzoek naar de Late Prehistorie en Nieuwe Tijd in Best Dijkstraten, Noord-Brabant.

The fish-weir of "Les Milandes" is located in Castelnaud-la-Chapelle and Saint-Vincent-de-Cosse, Dordogne, France, in front of the Milandes Castle, discovered by P. Nowacki in 1986 during an archaeological survey of the river, and studied... more

The fish-weir of "Les Milandes" is located in Castelnaud-la-Chapelle and Saint-Vincent-de-Cosse, Dordogne, France, in front of the Milandes Castle, discovered by P. Nowacki in 1986 during an archaeological survey of the river, and studied by me from 1991 to 1993. This dam remains are mostly wood posts (about 600 found), showing a frame of a large W across the Dordogne river. A 14C analysis on few posts indicates the XVIth and XVIIth centuries. These traps purpose, very common in the Dordogne river until the XVIIIth century, was mainly to catch atlantic salmons and eels.

Münzen, [in:] Archäologie von Stargard, Bd. III, Untersuchungen auf dem Altmarkt, hrsg Marcin Majewski, Karolina Stań, Stargard 2017

"Los trabajos de seguimiento arqueológico y paleontológico, asociados al proyecto de implantación de nuevos ascensores en la estación de Metro de Ópera en Madrid, pusieron de manifiesto en el año 2009 la presencia de restos del antiguo... more

"Los trabajos de seguimiento arqueológico y paleontológico, asociados al proyecto de implantación de nuevos ascensores en la estación de Metro de Ópera en Madrid, pusieron de manifiesto en el año 2009 la presencia de restos del antiguo entramado urbano de la desaparecida Plazuela de los Caños del Peral.
El proceso de configuración que daría lugar a la actual Plaza de Isabel II se inicia a mediados del siglo XVI con el traslado de la corte a Madrid en tiempos de Felipe II. De este modo comienza la ordenación y adecuación del entorno del Alcázar.
Las investigaciones arqueológicas realizadas han dado como resultado la documentación de un tramo de acueducto del Viaje de Agua de Amaniel, cuya finalidad era la de proporcionar agua potable a las dependencias del Alcázar; parte del recorrido de la Alcantarilla del Arenal, galería subterránea que canalizaba las aguas del arroyo homónimo; y la antigua Fuente de los Caños del
Peral, cuya fachada monumental de sillares almohadillados muestra el estilo renacentista imperante en nuestro país a finales del siglo XVI y principios del XVII.
La colmatación del barranco del Arenal y la ejecución de sucesivos proyectos de reforma del entramado urbano elevaron el nivel de la plaza de forma artificial hasta alcanzar la cota actual, favoreciendo la conservación de estos elementos.
La importancia histórica de los hallazgos y la voluntad de reservarlos en su localización original, ha impulsado un ambicioso proyecto museográfico integrado en la propia estación de Ópera. Al tratarse de hallazgos sobrevenidos a las obras, Metro de Madrid ha destinado un área expositiva en el lugar en el que fueron realizados los descubrimientos arqueológicos.
Los restos monumentales, ahora visitables, han tenido que ser extraídos de su ubicación original, en un desmontaje controlado, a
fin de adecuar el espacio para su musealización. Una vez instalados de nuevo, han sido sometidos a una exhaustiva limpieza, restauración y consolidación.
El proyecto de musealización ha valorado en primer lugar las condiciones de exhibición de los elementos inmuebles, convirtiéndolos en protagonistas absolutos del espacio, al mostrarlos como si de esculturas monumentales se tratase. Para su mejor comprensión, el discurso expositivo se complementa con distintos recursos: paneles explicativos y la retroproyección de audiovisuales dirigidos a públicos de diferentes edades.
Con instalación museográfica de estos restos arqueológicos, Metro de Madrid en colaboración con la Dirección General de Patrimonio Histórico de la Comunidad de Madrid, pretenden acercar y dar a conocer los importantes restos descubiertos de la que fue Plazuela de los Caños del Peral a los ciudadanos."

This edition brings 20 conference presentations, which were adapted into papers by their authors. The intention of the conference was to acquaint scientists and the general public with new research and interpretations, and to encourage... more

This edition brings 20 conference presentations, which were adapted into papers by their authors. The intention of the conference was to acquaint scientists and the general public with new research and interpretations, and to encourage quality scientific discussion on everyday life and attitudes towards the death of mediaeval and early modern populations. As this is a topic that cannot be fully covered by archaeological methods alone, our goal was to bring together scientists of different profiles (archaeologists, anthropologists, historians, molecular biologists) in a multidisciplinary attempt to interpret the life and death of our ancestors.

The aim of this paper is a presentation and archaeological confirmation of the written records by the Ottoman travelogue writer Evliya Celebi’s concerning the location of the town cemetery during the Ottoman Empire. The rescue excavation... more

The aim of this paper is a presentation and archaeological confirmation of the written records by the Ottoman travelogue writer Evliya
Celebi’s concerning the location of the town cemetery during the Ottoman Empire. The rescue excavation conducted in 2016 in the
Vlatka Kraljevića Street in Ilok resulted in a limited number of burials with almost no grave-goods indicating the existence of an early
modern period cemetery at this location. This assumption was additionally confirmed by radiocarbon dating of several human bone
samples retrieved from the excavated burials. Beside the archaeological characteristics, this paper will also present the results of the
bioarchaeological analysis.
Key words: Evliya Çelebi, cemetery, early modern period, bioarchaeology

Sztuka Polski Środkowej. Studia T. VI, red. P. Gryglewski, Łódź 2016, s. 97-118

Situated in the south-eastern suburbs of Rome, between the Via Latina and Via Appia antica, the Caffarella valley forms part of the Appia Antica archaeological park. The constitution of a public park that would include the valley began... more

Situated in the south-eastern suburbs of Rome, between the Via Latina and Via Appia antica, the Caffarella valley forms part of the Appia Antica archaeological park. The constitution of a public park that would include the valley began amidst debates on the creation of the Appia Antica Park in the 1950s. The Caffarella Park was ultimately created in 2005 thanks to the joint efforts of citizens and institutions. However, various important areas have not yet been annexed and are therefore at the mercy of inconsiderate actions by private citizens. In this regard, the future of the Park remains undetermined.
This book, which ties into on-going discussions on the need to defend and promote the area, starts by asking some fundamental questions to reflect on the way in which both material and immaterial heritage can be democratically shared in Italy: what was the driving force behind decades of battles to make this space accessible to the public? why is this space so important to society? In what lies its value?
To address these issues, the cultural process underlying the development of a collective memory of the Caffarella will be investigated and contrasted with the notion of Antiquity that characterizes this archaeological site. The different meanings attached to the monuments and landscape of the valley over the centuries are analysed in the belief that value can be assigned only to what is recognized. Starting with its ancient roots, the many stories of the Caffarella are told in order to depict the landscapes created by human hands and minds over time.

Memoria final de la intervención arqueológica de apoyo a la restauración en la calle Escudo del Carmen nº 11, localizada en el barrio de San Matías de Granada, desde enero de 2007 a marzo de 2009. Director de la intervención: Luca Mattei.... more

Memoria final de la intervención arqueológica de apoyo a la restauración en la calle Escudo del Carmen nº 11, localizada en el barrio de San Matías de Granada, desde enero de 2007 a marzo de 2009. Director de la intervención: Luca Mattei. Técnico arqueólogo: Guillermo García-Contreras Ruiz.

Rescue excavations of Old Petrovaradin unearthed two Larger Merels gaming boards crafted between the second half of the 13th and the 15th century from old, secondhand, repurposed bricks. After providing a sketch of the site’s research... more

Rescue excavations of Old Petrovaradin unearthed two Larger Merels gaming boards crafted between the second half of the 13th and the 15th century from old, secondhand, repurposed bricks. After providing a sketch of the site’s research history, the paper describes the boards and examines the archaeological context they came from. Chronologically closest and territorially nearest analogies for these boards come from Vrbas and Bač. A brief overview of historical and archaeological contexts associated with Larger Merels boards and gaming paraphernalia across Europe offers clues for possible interpretations of similar finds from the south of the Carpathian Basin. They testify that in the late Middle Ages game(s) on Larger Merels boards were played in various social contexts in settlements of different sizes and importance.

EDICIÓ Direcció General de Cultura i Patrimoni Conselleria d’Educació, Cultura i Esport Generalitat Valenciana COORDINACIÓ DE L’EDICIÓ Marta Ponce González · Fernando E. Tendero Fernández Yolanda Alamar Bonet · Llorenç Alapont Martín ©... more

Direcció General de Cultura i Patrimoni
Conselleria d’Educació, Cultura i Esport
Generalitat Valenciana
Marta Ponce González · Fernando E. Tendero Fernández
Yolanda Alamar Bonet · Llorenç Alapont Martín
© dels textos i il·lustracions: Els autors
Penjoll d’os d’aspecte orientalitzant procedent de l’excavació del sector 4F de la Alcudia (Elx, Alacant)
Projecte «Domus-La Alcudia. Viure en Ilici» Universitat d’Alacant

Excavations in 2018 at the rear of the former ‘Avalon Inn’, High Street, Castlecomer, uncovered the north-east bastion of a large fort which was probably constructed as a government fortress in the run-up to the 1641 Rebellion. The fort... more

Excavations in 2018 at the rear of the former ‘Avalon Inn’, High Street, Castlecomer, uncovered the north-east bastion of a large fort which was probably constructed as a government fortress in the run-up to the 1641 Rebellion. The fort was one of a series built to defend the vital
road link between Dublin and Kilkenny and it was besieged by the Confederate forces in 1641-2. Castlecomer Fort appears to have been a relatively shortlived stronghold and whilst it was probably reoccupied c. 1653 by an English garrison and perhaps again in 1680, there is no indication that it continued to function as a fort after c. 1700. The paper describes the archaeological excavations and places the fort in its broader historical context.