Olive and Olive Oil Technology Research Papers (original) (raw)
Twelve aroma compounds were monitored and quantified by dynamic headspace analysis after their addition in refined olive oil model systems with extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) biophenols to simulate EVOO aroma. The influence of polyphenols... more
Twelve aroma compounds were monitored and quantified by dynamic headspace analysis after their addition in refined olive oil model systems with extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) biophenols to simulate EVOO aroma. The influence of polyphenols on aroma release was studied under simulated mouth conditions by using human saliva, and SPME-GC/MS analysis. While few differences were observed in orthonasal assay (without saliva), interesting results were obtained for retronasal aroma. Biophenols caused generally the lowest headspace release of almost all volatile compounds. However, only ethyl esters and linalool concentrations were significantly lower in retronasal than orthonasal assay. Saliva also caused higher concentration of hexanal, probably due to hydroperoxide lyase (HPL) action on linoleyl hydroperoxides. Epicatechin was compared to EVOO phenolics and the behaviour was dramatically different, likely to be due to salivary protein-tannin binding interactions, which influenced aroma headspace release. These results were also confirmed using two extra virgin olive oils.
Written by a diverse team of Midwesterners, this little book is an exploration of the Mediterranean diet - its associated history, agriculture, biology, philosophy, botany, ingredients, and lifestyle - and how this diet can be adapted and... more
Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is the top commercial grade of olive oil, and its fatty acid composition and minor compounds have many documented health benefits. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has recently attributed some health... more
Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is the top commercial grade of olive oil, and its fatty acid composition and
minor compounds have many documented health benefits. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
has recently attributed some health claims to EVOO. Although numerous studies have been carried out
on its production technology and nutritional effects, little is known about the composition and quality of
EVOO from the retail market. Thus, our aim was to evaluate EVOOs from the Italian market by assessing
their fatty acid composition, quality indices, polyphenols, tocopherol content and antioxidant activity
(ABTS method) with a view to the possible application of EFSA health claims. High variability was found
for phenolic compounds and tocopherols, the levels of which were significantly higher in 100% Italian
labeled oils compared with European Union blends. Consumption of the recommended daily amount of
EVOO would cover about 50% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of tocopherols, as well as the
polyphenol intake recommended by EFSA. Only 3 of the 32 samples had a phenolic content above
250 ppm. Particularly high polyphenol indices were found in the samples of Italian oils covered by
Protected Designations of Origin (PDOs). In conclusion, the food industry and consumers need to pay
close attention to producing and choosing the best EVOO from the nutritional viewpoint.
La monografia, edita nel dicembre del 2011, è il frutto del lavoro congiunto di Marco Antonucci e Paolo Oscar che hanno affrontato, con prospettive differenti ma complementari, il tema dell’evoluzione della coltura olivicola nella... more
La monografia, edita nel dicembre del 2011, è il frutto del lavoro congiunto di Marco Antonucci e Paolo Oscar che hanno affrontato, con prospettive differenti ma complementari, il tema dell’evoluzione della coltura olivicola nella Bergamasca dal 1853 a oggi. Mentre il primo autore si è occupato specificamente dell'aspetto agronomico e produttivo (seconda parte del volume), con richiami e raffronti a metodologie e tecniche agrarie in uso nell’Ottocento, al secondo si deve l'analisi storica finalizzata alla ricostruzione geografica della diffusione dell’olivo a metà Ottocento basata sul Catasto Lombardo-Veneto del 1853 e l’analisi statistica dal 1909-2010 basata su fonti ufficiali dell’ISTAT (Catasti agrari del 1910 e 1929; Censimenti generali dell'agricoltura dal 1970 al 2000, Rilevazioni statistiche annuali dal 1910 al 2010, Basi DUSAF 1954, 1999, 2005 e 2007).
Il lavoro di indagine geo-storica della prima parte del volume – qui pubblicata – ha portato allo sviluppo di un sistema informativo geografico specificamente dedicato alla diffusione della coltura olivicola (nelle diverse forme colturali in cui si presentava) il cui strato informativo è attualmente consultabile interattivamente sia attraverso il portale SITer@ dell'Amministrazione provinciale sia su ArcGIS online (http://arcg.is/2fI2Wxg) mediante semplici funzionalità GIS, anche in sovrapposizione ad altri strati informativi attuali.
Ricerca e pubblicazione sono state commissionate dal Settore Urbanistica e Agricoltura della Provincia di Bergamo e realizzate con il contributo del Fondo Europeo Agricolo per lo Sviluppo Rurale.
עורכים: ישי אורי • זלינגר יחיאל 'עציון' ספרים הוצאת עציון כפר שדה ספר בית )2019( תשע"ט העניינים תוכן הקובץ בפתח 5 הקדמה 7 עמית, דוד פורת, רועי מיקה פרומקין, עמוס לנגפורד ובועז... more
עורכים: ישי אורי • זלינגר יחיאל 'עציון' ספרים הוצאת עציון כפר שדה ספר בית )2019( תשע"ט העניינים תוכן הקובץ בפתח 5 הקדמה 7 עמית, דוד פורת, רועי מיקה פרומקין, עמוס לנגפורד ובועז אולמן תקוע נחל -חריטון ואדי מערות 9 לואיס רפאל גיבסון ושמעון ספלולים, קופסה, חלקות לקופסה: מחוץ לחשוב יהודה בהרי הבוסתנאות וראשית טרסות 33 עין-מור, דניאל דנית סטורצ'ן, בנימין לנדס-נגר ואנט לוי אמאוס- הדרך לאורך היישובית בתמונה חידושים יערים-ירושלים קריית 47 נתן בר רחל פלג-ברקת ואורית והשושלת ביריחו החורף ארמונות מלכים: פאר החשמונאית 73 גרוסברג אשר הרודיון מקוואות 93 יחזקאל, עזריאל בועז טרופר, בנימין פורת רועי לנגפורד, פרומקין ועמוס פעור בעין הקדומה המים מערכת 135 יעקב בן יוחנן רה בְ החֶ אתוס של שורשיו הבחורה": "שאלת עציון ובכפר אברהם בקבוצת והצנועה המשותפת 153 שריר שוקי הקוממיות: במלחמת והשפעתה השואה תודעת בוחן כמקרה עציון גוש 181 טרופר בנימין במלחמת עציון גוש על במצור הלכתיות דילמות העצמאות 203 שפנייר יוסי תש"ו-תש"ז בשנים יצחק במשואות המרגוע בית וחברתיים תרבותיים היבטים :)1947-1946( 227 פרנקל נדב אתגרי לנוכח ירושלים פרוזדור יישובי התהוות 1951-1948 הביטחון: 239 לנגפורד,עמוס בועז ולדמן, אליהו פרומקין, ולדמיר יערן, שמש ליסוביץ' ויורי בוסלוב שדה עפרה: אגן של הקרסט בשדה חידושים בלבנט הדרומי המוכלל הקרסט 265 גורן חיים לשם, יוסי עמית וחנה הקודש בארץ וזואולוג דת כוהן שמיץ: ארנסט האב 281 פרידמן גלעד בורר, גיל לשם, יוסי אבי מקליין, קריסטל שחם, בעז בר-מסדה, יצחקי ועדו כרם ליאור גדולים דורסים עופות של ונדידה תנועה קינון, יהודה בשפלת 293 משתתפים רשימת 301 33 2019 • תשע"ט | ג קובץ | יהודה ארץ מחקרי
The work focuses on the study and presentation of olive cultivation and on issues concerning the production, distribution and marketing of olive oil in the Eastern Mediterranean. This geographical area, apart from its roughly similar... more
The work focuses on the study and presentation of olive cultivation and on issues concerning the production, distribution and marketing of olive oil in the Eastern Mediterranean. This geographical area, apart from its roughly similar climatic and environmental features, was defined by the dominant political systems which imposed certain production and marketing practices on the olive and its products. Therefore a large number of areas in the Eastern Mediterranean basin have certain political and cultural characteristics ideally suited to the research and study of the olive-growing history of the region. The book consists of two distinct parts (Part I: Antiquity – Byzantium, and Part II: Venetian Occupation – Ottoman times – Modern times), overseen respectively by the editors of the book, I. Anagnostakis and Ε. Balta.
The 34 studies in Greek, English, French with extensive English summaries are arranged in chronological and partly geographical sequence. Studies reveal similarities and common elements in changes and interventions in olive growing, which makes the complementary contributions in the book a continuous read toward a better understanding of the history of the olive and olive oil over time.
Material balances of the mill wastes and by-products resulting from two-phase and three-phase processing are presented. The main use of wastewater deriving from three-phase processing is for spreading on cultivated soil; the spreading... more
Material balances of the mill wastes and by-products resulting from two-phase and three-phase processing are presented. The main use of wastewater deriving from three-phase processing is for spreading on cultivated soil; the spreading load in hectolitres per hectare is suggested. Physical separation treatments allow the polluting charge of wastewater to be reduced by as much as 30–50%. The case of two- and three-phase pomace is presented. Oil and energy recovery, animal feed and composting are discussed. Annex 22.1 gives a detailed description of material balances and suggests how such calculations can be applied in practice for an effective control of mill performance.
Avoiding mechanical damage and controlling time-temperature relationships are key factors for satisfactorily handling and storing olives during the period from harvesting to milling. A ten-point list of handling and storage practices is... more
Avoiding mechanical damage and controlling time-temperature relationships are key factors for satisfactorily handling and storing olives during the period from harvesting to milling. A ten-point list of handling and storage practices is proposed as well as a semi-log diagram for the choice of suitable time-temperature relationship. The criteria for optimizing the harvesting-milling link are discussed.
The purpose of this article is to provide a practical guidance for olive producers to determine the optimal harvest period of olives for oil production. While the characteristics of the cultivar as well as a number of external factors... more
The purpose of this article is to provide a practical guidance for olive producers to determine the optimal harvest period of olives for oil production. While the characteristics of the cultivar as well as a number of external factors influence the final quality of olive oils, by monitoring the different olive maturity indicators presented in the article, producers will be better positioned to take informed decisions on the most appropriate time to harvest their produce for quality olive oil. By doing so, they will be able not only to harvest olives at their maximum oil content and preferred organoleptic characteristics but also to ensure appropriate planning at farm level necessary for a timely preparation of the required equipment and human resources.
Η βιομηχανία ελαιόλαδου αποτελεί από την αρχαιότητα μια σημαντική και παραδοσιακή βιομηχανία για τις χώρες της Μεσογείου. Η ελαιοπαραγωγή είναι άρρηκτα συνδεδεμένη ειδικότερα με την ιστορία της Ελλάδα η οποία αποτελεί την τρίτη μεγαλύτερη... more
Η βιομηχανία ελαιόλαδου αποτελεί από την αρχαιότητα μια σημαντική και παραδοσιακή βιομηχανία για τις χώρες της Μεσογείου. Η ελαιοπαραγωγή είναι άρρηκτα συνδεδεμένη ειδικότερα με την ιστορία της Ελλάδα η οποία αποτελεί την τρίτη μεγαλύτερη ελαιοπαραγωγό χώρα στον κόσμο, μετά την Ιταλία και την Ισπανία.
Κατά την επεξεργασία της ελιάς για την παραγωγή ελαιόλαδου ωστόσο παράγονται μεγάλες ποσότητες υποπροϊόντων τα οποία είναι επιβλαβή για το περιβάλλον. Οι περιβαλλοντικές επιπτώσεις από τα απόβλητα οφείλονται κυρίως στην χημική τους σύσταση και στο υψηλό οργανικό τους φορτίο. Το πρόβλημα οδήγησε κυρίως στην διερεύνηση μεθόδων και τεχνολογιών για την διαχείριση των αποβλήτων. Ιδανική περίπτωση είναι ο συνδυασμός με την παράλληλη παραγωγή ενέργειας. Μεταξύ των πιο ελπιδοφόρων από περιβαλλοντικής απόψεως μεθόδων είναι η παραγωγή ενέργειας με αναερόβια χώνευση από τα υγρά απόβλητα των ελαιοτριβείων.
Αντικείμενο της παρούσης εργασίας είναι η βιβλιογραφική έρευνα σχετικά με τη βιομηχανία ελαιόλαδου και τις μεθόδους επεξεργασίας των αποβλήτων που παράγουν με ιδιαίτερα έμφαση στη μέθοδο της αναερόβιας χώνευσης. Επίσης μελετάται η περιοχή της Περιφερειακής Ενότητας Ρεθύμνου ως προς τον αριθμό και τη δυναμικότητα των ελαιοτριβείων. Σκοπός της εργασίας είναι να μελετηθεί η δυνατότητα παραγωγής ενέργειας με τη μέθοδο της αναερόβιας χώνευσης από τα απόβλητα των ελαιοτριβείων της παραπάνω περιοχής μελέτης.
Olive trees native to the Middle East and Iraqi Kurdistan region, it can survive severe ecosystems including sandy and rocky soils with high calcite content and extreme temperature fluctuations between -7°C up to +45°C giving yields even... more
Olive trees native to the Middle East and Iraqi Kurdistan region, it can survive severe ecosystems including sandy and rocky soils with high calcite content and extreme temperature fluctuations between -7°C up to +45°C giving yields even with minimum rainfall requirement. Results show that olive is currently grown in a very limited area of less than 250 ha, under drip irrigation system, which mostly depended on supply of water from ground water in Sulaymaniyah governorate. In contrast, 90% of the world’s olive is dependent on precipitation. In addition, olive can grow and survive minimum rainfall of 300 mm and give satisfactory yields with rainfall of 500 mm without irrigation. The majority of olive fields were established in best fertile agricultural lands. Meanwhile, the
aforementioned lands are rich with montmorillonite, which swells when it is moisten and shrinks when it is dry. Therefore, resulting in deep cracks in the soil which causes breaking down of the roots and weakening of the trees. The total rainfall in Sulaymaniyah governorate, during the last 72 years (1941 to 2013), had dropped down below the minimum rainfall requirements for olive growing. This makes olive trees suitable and economic for utilizing sandy and rocky soils. Therefore, olive has a great role in the re-vegetation process of severe ecosystems and should be included in any program of renewing the Kurdistan region forest and developing green area which encourage the tourism in the Region and helping in beautifying and purifying the atmosphere from the poisonous
L'olivier a été la principale culture arbustive en Afrique du Nord depuis l'Antiquité. Les vestiges archéologiques, les textes antiques, médiévaux, et modernes fournissent une documentation considérable. On peut également s'appuyer sur... more
L'olivier a été la principale culture arbustive en Afrique du Nord depuis l'Antiquité. Les vestiges archéologiques, les textes antiques, médiévaux, et modernes fournissent une documentation considérable. On peut également s'appuyer sur les méthodes et usages traditionnels, toujours en usage malgré les progrès récents des méthodes modernes, notamment pour le pressage.
The Upper Sabina Tiberina Project è un progetto avviato nel 2011 dalla Rutgers University del New Jersey (U.S.A.) in collaborazione con la Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio, finalizzato allo studio delle realtà insediative... more
The Upper Sabina Tiberina Project è un progetto avviato nel 2011 dalla Rutgers University del New Jersey (U.S.A.) in collaborazione con la Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio, finalizzato allo studio delle realtà insediative romane in territorio sabino con lo scopo di valutare le evoluzioni locali dell'insediamento rurale e dello sfruttamento agricolo, alla ricerca del riscontro archeologico del dato storico-letterario 1 .
- by Giulia Masci and +5
- •
- Classical Archaeology, Classics, Roman History, Roman Villae
Olive-oil manufacture became a mass-production industry during the Israelite period (IA II). This industrial peak seems to have had its roots in much earlier times. According to historical sources, olive oil was one of the three major... more
Olive-oil manufacture became a mass-production industry during the Israelite period (IA II). This industrial peak seems to have had its roots in much earlier times. According to historical sources, olive oil was one of the three major agricultural branches upon which the economy of the land of Israel was based in ancient times. From an early stage, oil became an export item, in addition to meeting the demands of the population in the country, and its importance increased continuously. Thus, the investigation of the oil industry can add to our understanding of not only the ancient economy but also the different cultural regions of the country: their international contacts (Franke 1984: 204217), their agrarian and social structure, and the geopolitical relations are prevalent in the country during antiquity.
The most widely grown cultivars worldwide are listed, accompanied by the major sources of information about them. Factors influencing cultivar productivity are briefly discussed, especially those related to self-sterility and... more
The most widely grown cultivars worldwide are listed, accompanied by the major sources of information about them. Factors influencing cultivar productivity are briefly discussed, especially those related to self-sterility and cross-pollination.
Common-sense recommendations are given concerning cultivar choice and plant certification. A clear-cut distinction is presented between new super-intensive and traditional semi-intensive olive groves.
An adultered olive oil sample was sent to our company with the suspect that it was mixed with a seed oil. This paper focuses on the adulteration practices that happen in olive oil and also on analysis performed to identify the possible... more
An adultered olive oil sample was sent to our company with the suspect that it was mixed with a seed oil. This paper focuses on the adulteration practices that happen in olive oil and also on analysis performed to identify the possible adulteration. Several methods are considered to be suitable for detection of adulteration of olive oil with seed oil such as HPLC, GLC, GC and also some advanced methods like NMR and NIR. Taking everything into account; because fatty acid composition, sterol, triglyceride and squalene content analysis are completed mainly by gas chromatography method, GC method is chosen as the main method for detection of adulteration of olive oil with seed oil, while the other methods can be additionally used if needed.
Centrifugal pumps are used to transport fluids by the conversion of rotational kinetic energy to the hydrodynamic energy of the fluid flow. The rotational energy commonly originates from a motor or electric engine. The liquid enters the... more
Centrifugal pumps are used to transport fluids by the conversion of rotational kinetic energy to the hydrodynamic energy of the fluid flow. The rotational energy commonly originates from a motor or electric engine. The liquid enters the direct impeller along or close to the pivoting hub and is quickened by the impeller, streaming radically outward into a diffuser or volute chamber (packaging), from where it exits. Basic uses incorporate water, sewage, oil and petrochemical pumping; an outward fan is normally used to actualize a vacuum cleaner. The capacity of the outward pump is a water turbine changing over potential energy of water weight into mechanical rotational energy. The purpose of this paper is to identify /observe and determine the pattern of velocity profile and pressure distribution by using CFD solid works simulation module by using non Newtonian fluids, such as olive oil, and slurry after the 3D design and modeling of the pump is made using solid works 2016 software. Basically, this paper revolves around the idea of investigating the effect and distribution of velocity profile and pressure within a pump by using water and non-Newtonian fluids.
The ruins of the ancient village of Chhim, located in the mountains near Sidon, constitute an exceptional case of a well-preserved rural archaeological site in Lebanon. Chhim has been researched in depth thanks to recent excavations. The... more
The ruins of the ancient village of Chhim, located in the mountains near Sidon, constitute an exceptional case of a well-preserved rural archaeological site in Lebanon. Chhim has been researched in depth thanks to recent excavations. The sanctuary from the Roman period, the Christian basilica, residential buildings, and numerous oil presses provide an account of a settlement whose livelihood was based on agriculture and animal husbandry—all while remaining in close contact with other coastal Mediterranean settlements. The relatively high and stable level of prosperity of Chhim’s inhabitants contrasted with technological stagnation and the retention of traditional building techniques—both characteristic of the mountainous regions of ancient Phoenicia.
Monitoring of the ripening of olives in order to decide the best harvesting period is a critical control step in extra-virgin olive oil production. The first part of this chapter presents the main phenomena of olive ripening. The second... more
Monitoring of the ripening of olives in order to decide the best harvesting period is a critical control step in extra-virgin olive oil production. The first part of this chapter presents the main phenomena of olive ripening. The second part presents the main harvesting systems: hand-held harvesting machines for traditional olive groves, trunk shakers for semi-intensive and intensive olive groves and straddle harvesters or super-intensive olive groves. Systems are compared in terms of harvesting efficiency and labour productivity. In Annex 8.1 a system of maturity assessment and harvesting decision is described in detail.
Il gruppo scientifi co designato per la realizzazione di questa pubblicazione, sotto la direzione del Segretariato esecutivo del COI, è costituito da ricercatori di riconosciuto prestigio internazionale. Queste persone hanno fatto si che... more
Il gruppo scientifi co designato per la realizzazione di questa pubblicazione, sotto la direzione del Segretariato esecutivo del COI, è costituito da ricercatori di riconosciuto prestigio internazionale. Queste persone hanno fatto si che questa opera possa essere una realtà.
To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Kyoto Protocol identifies several activities that are closely related to land use, included into the category called Agriculture, FOrestry and Land Uses (AFOLU). In this framework, a... more
To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Kyoto Protocol identifies several activities that are closely related to land use, included into the category called Agriculture, FOrestry and Land Uses (AFOLU). In this framework, a multidisciplinary study has been performed about the carbon footprint of extra virgin olive (EVO) oil in Italy. This study aims to promote process innovation by implementing eco-friendly techniques and technologies along a more sustainable production chain. Life Cycle Assessment approach was used to quantify the environmental impacts during the entire life cycle, starting from olive cultivation up to transformation processes and packaging. Each operation was monitored in terms of energy and material flows; the data were normalized on the basis of 1 L of olive oil, chosen as functional unit. Forest survey methodologies were applied to estimate the biomass and the respective carbon stocked in olive tree permanent (trunk, branches, twigs and root collar, roots) and non-permanent components (prun-ings and fruits). Added value of this study was coupling the resulting impacts with carbon sequestrations in order to: i) estimate the net balance between the equivalent carbon dioxide (CO 2-eq) emissions and absorptions; ii) identify the break-even point, after which the amount of sequestered carbon exceeds the energy investments linked to human activities. Results from the study give important contributions towards the preliminary assessment of potential benefits in terms of avoided CO 2-eq from agriculture.
Une prospection archéologique en Kabylie avait livré de nombreux pressoirs taillés dans le roc (J.-P. Laporte, "Fermes, huileries et pressoirs de Grande Kabylie", BCTH, n. s., 19, 1983 (1985), p. 127-146. Sur Academia.edu). La publication... more
Une prospection archéologique en Kabylie avait livré de nombreux pressoirs taillés dans le roc (J.-P. Laporte, "Fermes, huileries et pressoirs de Grande Kabylie", BCTH, n. s., 19, 1983 (1985), p. 127-146. Sur Academia.edu). La publication de cette synthèse a provoqué un certain intérêt pour ce type d'équipement rustique, et on en a découvert un peu partout. La destination oléicole avait été contestée, au profit d'un but vinicole. Elle semble reprendre l'avantage, notamment avec la découverte près de Tébessa d'un pressoir comportant les cuves de décantation successives (taillées dans le même rocher que le pressoir) utiles seulement dans le cas de l'huile.
The 7th century BCE in Philistia and Judah is characterized by economic prosperity, which is usually regarded as resulting from the “Assyrian Peace”, and from a policy of the Assyrian empire that aimed at maximizing production. The large... more
The 7th century BCE in Philistia and Judah is characterized by economic prosperity, which is usually regarded as resulting from the “Assyrian Peace”, and from a policy of the Assyrian empire that aimed at maximizing production. The large center for the production of olive oil that was unearthed at Ekron in southern Israel is regarded as the best example of this policy. The present paper questions this scholarly consensus regarding the role of Assyria in the economy of the southern Levant, through a closer look at the olive oil industry in the region.
The article is based on the preserved documents about the establishment, operation and dissolution of Oil production cooperative in Murter. In addition to the selected chapters on its history (foundation and first year of operation, the... more
The article is based on the preserved documents about the establishment, operation and dissolution of Oil production cooperative in Murter. In addition to the selected chapters on its history (foundation and first year of operation, the reconstruction after World War II, renewed momentum after the global economic crisis and the final year of existence), the economic circumstances in developing cooperative are also shown, with special emphasis on the modern olive growing and oil production in Dalmatia. Thus, this article gives a story about the Cooperative and the corresponding general occasions in Murter as well as it gives a history of Dalmatian olive growing and oil production in the 19th and early 20th century (sometimes filled with details and sometimes somewhat superficial though).
Since its establishment (1910) to the dissolution (1948) the cooperative is a central point of economic life in Murter and, to some extent, to the surrounding area as well. It survived several political systems and distinct crisis in the state and regional economy, which made it one of the most resistant production cooperatives in Dalmatia and even in Yugoslavia at that time. It managed to overcome turbulent periods, the first Italian occupation (1918-1921), the World economic crisis (1929-1933) and the Second World War (1939-1945), mainly thanks to the enterprising managers, as well as the villagers, whose existence depended solely on the olive oil since the failure of wine growing in the early 20th century till the boom of tourism later in the 60ties.
The article brings copies of many documents that testify directly about the importance of local and regional cooperative and most important events in its history. A special place was given to documents that clarify the circumstances in which the cooperative ceased to exist with its assets, including the co-operative building that represents one of the fundamental symbols of identity of Murter, passing into the possession of the newly established Agricultural Cooperative (1948).
DIRECTOR: Dr. D. Alejandro Jiménez Serrano
A SEGUITO degli importanti disseccamenti riscontrati su olivo nella provincia di Lecce è stata at tivata un'indagine territoriale che ha evidenziato la presenza di tre differenti agenti causali associati al complesso del disseccamento:... more
A SEGUITO degli importanti disseccamenti riscontrati su olivo nella provincia di Lecce è stata at tivata un'indagine territoriale che ha evidenziato la presenza di tre differenti agenti causali associati al complesso del disseccamento: l'insetto Zeuzera pyrina, i funghi Phaeoacremonium spp. e Phaeomoniella spp. e il batterio Xylella
fastidiosa. Proprio quest'ultimo, essendo un batterio da quarantena
soggetto a lotta obbligatoria, condiziona le strategie di contenimento
che sono finalizzate a evitarne la d iffusione. Tra queste, l'eliminazione delle parti infette e il controllo degli insetti vettori.
For its 8º centunary the Junta de Freguesia do Souto da Carpalhosa (Town Council of Souto da Carpalhosa) promoted a series of archaeological, historical and etnographic researches, resulting in the publication of a monograph study: Souto... more
For its 8º centunary the Junta de Freguesia do Souto da Carpalhosa (Town Council of Souto da Carpalhosa) promoted a series of archaeological, historical and etnographic researches, resulting in the publication of a monograph study: Souto da Carpalhosa – Oito Séculos de História. Among the results, a necropolis near the town’s church would reveal proof of settling dating back to the second half of the XVI century. Pre-historical artifacts also came to light, as well as evidence of vanished farms and villages. An inventory of the remaining traditional houses and economic means in the region, such as mills and presses, was also conducted, revealing long gone traditions, livelihoods and ways of life.
La culture de l'olivier a constitué, et constitue encore, une ressource importante pour l'alimentation humaine. Attestée dès l'Antiquité, et pendant tout le Moyen Age, sa pratique est particulièrement bien connue pour les périodes plus... more
La culture de l'olivier a constitué, et constitue encore, une ressource importante pour l'alimentation humaine. Attestée dès l'Antiquité, et pendant tout le Moyen Age, sa pratique est particulièrement bien connue pour les périodes plus récentes, et notamment en Kabylie.
Voir également l'article pressoir.
- by Bilsen Özdemir and +1
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- Trade, Mediterranean archaeology, Ancient Lycia, Amphorae
Révision des sites de l'Atlas archéologique dans la wilaya de Tizi Ouzou. La plupart des nombreux forts et fortins de l'Atlas, se sont révélés être de simples établissements agricoles, fermes ,huileries, pressoirs taillés dans le roc (ce... more
Révision des sites de l'Atlas archéologique dans la wilaya de Tizi Ouzou.
La plupart des nombreux forts et fortins de l'Atlas, se sont révélés être de simples établissements agricoles, fermes ,huileries, pressoirs taillés dans le roc (ce qui fait par contraste ressortir les vrais établissements militaires, pour la plupart liés aux voies antiiques traversant la montagne. Les éléments d'huilerie et de pressoirs sont très nombreux.
Texte paru dans Africa romana, t. 13, 1, 1998 (2000), p. 687-723.
Mission archéologique gréco-canadienne d'Argilos Υπό την διεύθυνση των / Sous la direction de Ζήση Μπόνια-Jacques Y. Perreault 25 χρόνια έρευνας Οργάνωση πόλης και χώρας στις αποικίες του βορείου Αιγαίου, 8ος-3ος αι. π.Χ. 25 années de... more
Mission archéologique gréco-canadienne d'Argilos Υπό την διεύθυνση των / Sous la direction de Ζήση Μπόνια-Jacques Y. Perreault 25 χρόνια έρευνας Οργάνωση πόλης και χώρας στις αποικίες του βορείου Αιγαίου, 8ος-3ος αι. π.Χ. 25 années de recherches Organisation de la ville et de la campagne dans les colonies du Nord de l'Égée, VIII e-III e siècles av. n.è.
Η μεταπτυχιακή αυτή εργασία, που εκπονήθηκε στο πλαίσιο του Α΄ Μεταπτυχιακού Κύκλου Σπουδών του Κλάδου Βυζαντινής Αρχαιολογίας, του Τομέα Αρχαιολογίας, του Τμήματος Ιστορίας και Αρχαιολογίας, της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής του Αριστοτελείου... more
Η μεταπτυχιακή αυτή εργασία, που εκπονήθηκε στο πλαίσιο του Α΄ Μεταπτυχιακού Κύκλου Σπουδών του Κλάδου Βυζαντινής Αρχαιολογίας, του Τομέα Αρχαιολογίας, του Τμήματος Ιστορίας και Αρχαιολογίας, της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης, αποσκοπεί στην συγκέντρωση την επεξεργασία και την συγκριτική παρουσίαση των ανασκαμμένων παλαιοχριστιανικών και βυζαντινών εργαστηρίων που έχουν εντοπιστεί στον Ελλαδικό χώρο και που κατά καιρούς έχουν παρουσιαστεί σε μεμονωμένες δημοσιεύσεις είτε ως πρωτεύον εύρημα, είτε ως δευτερεύον στοιχείο μιας ευρύτερης ανασκαφής.
Το πρώτο μέρος της εργασίας καταλαμβάνει ο κατάλογος των εντοπισμένων και δημοσιευμένων εργαστηριακών χώρων, ο οποίος συντάσσεται βάσει του τεχνολογικού χαρακτήρα και του προϊόντος της παραγωγικής διαδικασίας των εργαστηρίων. Βασική πηγή υλικού, ελλείψει συνολικών δημοσιεύσεων, είναι οι μεμονωμένες δημοσιεύσεις ανασκαφών εργαστηριακών χώρων σε αρχαιολογικά περιοδικά και πρακτικά συνεδρίων.
Στο σημείο αυτό πρέπει να σημειωθεί η δυσκολία που παρουσιάστηκε στην συλλογή του υλικού, καθώς το μεγαλύτερο μέρος των εργαστηρίων της περιόδου που εξετάζεται, δεν δημοσιεύεται αναλυτικά ενώ πολλές φορές αποτελεί αντικείμενο δευτερευόντων σημειώσεων σε δημοσιεύσεις οικοδομικών συνόλων παλαιότερων εποχών.
Ο κατάλογος των δημοσιευμένων εργαστηριακών χώρων που εντοπίστηκαν ανασκαφικά στον ελλαδικό χώρο, χωρίζεται σε δύο κεφαλαιώδη μέρη, βάσει του τεχνολογικού χαρακτήρα των εργαστηρίων.
Στο πρώτο μέρος του καταλόγου εντάσσονται εργαστηριακές εγκαταστάσεις, κατά τη διαδικασία επεξεργασίας και παραγωγής των προϊόντων των οποίων είναι αναγκαία η ανάπτυξη υψηλών θερμοκρασιών μέσω λειτουργίας κλιβάνου για την τήξη ή την όπτηση της ύλης.
Στο δεύτερο μέρος του καταλόγου καταγράφονται εργαστήρια, κύριο χαρακτηριστικό των οποίων είναι η ανάπτυξη της παραγωγικής διαδικασίας μέσω ενός συστήματος υδραυλικών κατασκευών, αγωγών και αυτοτελών ή συγκοινωνούντων δεξαμενών.
Τα δύο κύρια μέρη του καταλόγου έχουν συνεχή αρίθμηση και συντάσσονται με βάσει το είδος της παραγωγής των εργαστηρίων, τα οποία καταρτίζουν μικρότερες θεματικές ομάδες. Τα λήμματα κάθε ομάδας εργαστηρίων καταγράφονται με γεωγραφική σειρά . Εργαστήρια που εντοπίζονται στην ίδια γεωγραφική περιοχή, καταχωρούνται με σχετική χρονολογική σειρά από τα πιο πρώιμα στα οψιμότερα παραδείγματα.
Ακολουθεί μια απόπειρα ανίχνευσης της οργάνωσης του χώρου των βιοτεχνικών εργαστηριακών εγκαταστάσεων βάσει των σταδίων της παραγωγικής διαδικασίας, καθώς και της επιλογής του χώρου οργάνωσής του, βάσει των δυνατοτήτων προμήθειας πρώτης ύλης, όπου αυτή είναι δυνατή, της δυνατότητας διοχέτευσης του παραγόμενου προϊόντος στην αγορά και της δυνατότητας οργάνωσης του εργαστηριακού συνόλου στο πλαίσιο ενός ήδη οργανωμένου ή υπό οργάνωση αστικού ή αγροτικού τοπίου. Γίνεται τέλος μια προσπάθεια ανίχνευσης της εξέλιξης των τεχνολογικών στοιχείων της παραγωγικής διαδικασίας και του τρόπου οργάνωσης των χώρων των εργαστηριακών εγκαταστάσεων από το τέλος της αρχαιότητας και την παλαιοχριστιανική εποχή στην μεταβατική περίοδο και μέσω αυτής στους βυζαντινούς χρόνους.
Depuis 1996, une mission conjointe de la Direction Générale des Antiquités et du Centre Polonais d’Archéologie Méditerranéenne de l’Université de Varsovie mène des travaux archéologiques sur le site antique de Chhîm-Merjiyat. Les vestiges... more
Depuis 1996, une mission conjointe de la Direction Générale des Antiquités et du Centre Polonais d’Archéologie Méditerranéenne de l’Université de Varsovie mène des travaux archéologiques sur le site antique de Chhîm-Merjiyat. Les vestiges d’un village romain et byzantin comprennent un sanctuaire païen ainsi qu’une basilique byzantine, des maisons, des huileries et une nécropole située au Nord-Ouest de la zone habitée. Les fouilles dévoilent une image très rich d’un établissement rural situé entre Béryte et Sidon et qui florissait entre le Ier et le VIIIème siècle ap. J.-C.
During the Early Bronze Age olive tree cultivation begins to be practiced and it comes to create complex production systems and economic relations, whose management, closely related to the environment and the climate of the Southern... more
During the Early Bronze Age olive tree cultivation begins to be practiced and it comes to create complex production systems and economic relations, whose management, closely related to the environment and the climate of the Southern Levant, was one of the achievements of Palestinian urbanism.
L'huile d'olive a été l'une des ressources principales de l'Afrique du Nord antique. Plantation, récolte, pressage, embouteillage, consommation locale et exportation méritent attention. L'a culture de l'olivier est un marqueur... more
L'huile d'olive a été l'une des ressources principales de l'Afrique du Nord antique. Plantation, récolte, pressage, embouteillage, consommation locale et exportation méritent attention. L'a culture de l'olivier est un marqueur géoclimatique.Le pressage notamment se faisait de diverses manières ;: grandes huileries; huileries plus modestes, pressoirs taillés dans le roc, voire troglodytes. Amphores de Saldae et de Tubusuctu, etc...