Poultry Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Genetic studies of livestock populations focus on questions of domestication, within- and among-breed diversity, breed history and adaptive variation. In this review, we describe the use of different molecular markers and methods for data... more

Genetic studies of livestock populations focus on questions of domestication, within- and among-breed diversity, breed history and adaptive variation. In this review, we describe the use of different molecular markers and methods for data analysis used to address these questions. There is a clear trend towards the use of single nucleotide polymorphisms and whole-genome sequence information, the application of Bayesian or Approximate Bayesian analysis and the use of adaptive next to neutral diversity to support decisions on conservation.

During March 2013-February 24, 2017, annual epidemics of avian influenza A(H7N9) in China resulted in 1,258 avian influenza A(H7N9) virus infections in humans being reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) by the National Health... more

During March 2013-February 24, 2017, annual epidemics of avian influenza A(H7N9) in China resulted in 1,258 avian influenza A(H7N9) virus infections in humans being reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) by the National Health and Family Planning Commission of China and other regional sources (1). During the first four epidemics, 88% of patients developed pneumonia, 68% were admitted to an intensive care unit, and 41% died (2). Candidate vaccine viruses (CVVs) were developed, and vaccine was manufactured based on representative viruses detected after the emergence of A(H7N9) virus in humans in 2013. During the ongoing fifth epidemic (beginning October 1, 2016),* 460 human infections with A(H7N9) virus have been reported, including 453 in mainland China, six associated with travel to mainland China from Hong Kong (four cases), Macao (one) and Taiwan (one), and one in an asymptomatic poultry worker in Macao (1). Although the clinical characteristics and risk factors for human...

For policies to solve women problems, their interest, determinant and level of their participation in agriculture have to be understood. This study was conducted in Ilorin, Kwara state, Nigeria, to identify the factors motivating the... more

For policies to solve women problems, their interest, determinant and level of their participation in agriculture have to be understood. This study was conducted in Ilorin, Kwara state, Nigeria, to identify the factors motivating the interest of women in poultry egg farming. A stratified random sampling technique was adopted in selecting 60 registered women poultry egg farmers and 60 registered women non-poultry egg farmers respectively making a total of 120 respondents. Data was collected by administering a structured questionnaire to the sampled women. Analysis was done with binary Logit regression. The result revealed that years of education, number of children, poultry experience, farm size and participation in cooperative are the significant factors that influenced women poultry farmers’ interest in egg production. It was predicted from Logit estimate that the rate at which the significant factors in the model influence women interest in egg production was 50.4%

The poultry red mite, D. gallinae has been involved in the transmission of many pathogenic agents, responsible for serious diseases both in animals and humans. Nowadays, few effective methods are available to control the ectoparasite in... more

The poultry red mite, D. gallinae has been involved in the transmission of many pathogenic agents, responsible for serious diseases both in animals and humans. Nowadays, few effective methods are available to control the ectoparasite in poultry farms. Consequently, this is an emerging problem which must be taken into account to maintain good health in commercial egg production. This paper addresses the vector capacity of the ectoparasite with special emphasis on salmonellae, pathogenic agents responsible for many of the ...

Species differences in oral bioavailability, first-pass metabolism and pharmacokinetics of biopharmaceutics classification system (BCS) class I compound acetaminophen were studied. The absolute bioavailability was 42.2%, 39.0%, 44.5%,... more

Species differences in oral bioavailability, first-pass metabolism and pharmacokinetics of biopharmaceutics classification system (BCS) class I compound acetaminophen were studied. The absolute bioavailability was 42.2%, 39.0%, 44.5%, 75.5% and 91.0% in chickens, turkeys, dogs, pigs and horses, ...

rodents take primary share due to their role as pests as well as vectors. They make both qualitative and quantitative losses by feed and egg consumption, losses to the structures, nuisance value causing loss of productivity in the farms.... more

rodents take primary share due to their role as pests as well as vectors. They make both qualitative and quantitative losses by feed and egg consumption, losses to the structures, nuisance value causing loss of productivity in the farms. In addition, they transmit dreaded disease like Salmonellosis, Pasteurellosis, Mycoplasmosis, Hemorrhagic enteritis, Hymenolepiasis, Capilariasis, and Ascaridiasis to the birds. A Global level review was made on different rodent species responsible for these losses, the characteristic features of major pests. The procedures involved in inspection of the poultry premises and assessing the rodent infestation were spelled out to facilitate planning the rodent management measures. The available management practices of prevention of these unwanted creatures in to the poultry premises along with curative practices viz., using traps and rodenticides were spelled out.

Aim: The aim of the study was to determine the potentials and effects of Bacillus subtilis and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) as probiotics on broiler growth, health, and Salmonella infection. Materials and Methods: To evaluate the inoculum... more

Aim: The aim of the study was to determine the potentials and effects of Bacillus subtilis and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) as probiotics on broiler growth, health, and Salmonella infection. Materials and Methods: To evaluate the inoculum size applicable for broilers, 1-day-old broilers were orally fed fresh cultures of single strains and a B. subtilis KKU213/Pediococcus pentosaceus NP6 mixture at 108 and 1012 colony-forming unit (CFUs)/mL/chick. The body weight gain (BWG), Salmonella contamination level and total Bacillus and LAB abundances in the crop and intestine were measured. Subsequently, 1-day-old broilers were orally fed of KKU213, CH403, and Pediococcus acidilactici SH8 at 1010 CFUs/mL, followed by inulin. After 35 days, the BWG, Bacillus and LAB abundances in the cecum, blood parameters, and KKU213 colonization were assessed. Results: The broilers fed single strains or KKU213+NP6 exhibited a higher BWG and a higher crop LAB abundance than the controls (p<0.05). Probiotic...

Aim: This study was aimed to evaluate the effects of Artemisia herba-alba (white wormwood) or olive leaf (Olea europaea) powder supplementation on growth performance, carcass yield, and serum biochemical parameters in broilers. Materials... more

Aim: This study was aimed to evaluate the effects of Artemisia herba-alba (white wormwood) or olive leaf (Olea europaea) powder supplementation on growth performance, carcass yield, and serum biochemical parameters in broilers. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted from April to May 2017 in Chemini region, Northern Algeria. A total of 60 1-day-old Ross 308 male chicks were divided into three groups consisted of 10 chicks, in each of two replications. The chicks in Group 1 were fed with a standard commercial diet (SCD); Group 2 received the same SCD with 2% supplementation of A. herba-alba powder; and Group 3 received the same SCD with 2% supplementation of O. europaea powder. Growth performance was measured with body weights every 2 weeks, daily feed intake, feed conversion ratio (FCR), and carcass yield at the end of 42 days of rearing. Blood samples were collected to analyze serum glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, urea, and total protein levels. Results: Results showed that, at 42 days of rearing, supplementation of O. europaea and A. herba-alba significantly increased (p<0.001) mean body weight (2230.10±26.38 g and 2117.42±26.38 g, respectively, vs. 2336.66±27.88 g in chicks of Group 1), but there was no significant difference (p≥0.05) among the three diets for FCR or percentage carcass yield. Among the serum biochemical parameters, glucose was significantly affected (p<0.01) by supplementation of olive leaf powder (1.90 g/L: Group 3), compared to the SCD (2.24 g/L: Group 1) or Artemisia powder (2.05 g/L: Group 2). Moreover, the supplementation of olive leaf powder in Group 3 broilers significantly affected (p<0.05) the serum cholesterol level (0.95 g/L), compared to the control diet (1.13 g/L). There was no significant difference (p≥0.05) for the other selected serum biochemical concentrations, namely triglycerides, urea, and total protein. Conclusion: The supplementation of Artemisia or olive leaf powder into the diet for broilers improved body weight by about 5% or 10%, respectively, at slaughter with moderate changes in blood biochemical parameters.

In developing countries poultry rearing has been practiced for many years. The study focused on revealing the level of empowerment of rural women and food assurance through poultry farming especially chicken. Data was collected from one... more

In developing countries poultry rearing has been practiced for many years. The study focused on revealing the level of empowerment of rural women and food assurance through poultry farming especially chicken. Data was collected from one hundred and one respondents through semi structured interview form Chakwal city. The research was conducted over a period of six weeks. The data was entered and then analyzed by correlating it through SPSS. Scope of the study was to observe the effects of poultry rearing on the life of rural women and the way it has contributed to her empowerment and food security at household level. It was observed that poultry rearing at household level has not much enhanced the overall household income yet plays role in contributing to sustain household economy. Besides being healthy and nutritious source of food, it somehow contributes in securing dietary needs especially of the young ones. It has made the women self-employed, more confident, socially empowered and more valued not only in their families but also in their community.

Small scale poultry industry faces many hurdles. The study investigates the hurdles or constraints which are faced by the small scale poultry industry which hinders its growth. Data was collected using purposive sampling technique from... more

Small scale poultry industry faces many hurdles. The study investigates the hurdles or constraints which are
faced by the small scale poultry industry which hinders its growth. Data was collected using purposive sampling
technique from the 50 respondents. To collect valid data a semi structured questionnaire was developed through which
data was collected. It was revealed that for the development of the poultry industry it is necessary that the government
should take responsibility and facilitate them for the effective growth of the industry. In Pakistan there is lack of
training institutions, lack of proper infra structure, lack of skilled labor, difficulties to access the veterinary services,
improper communication, lack of government support and inadequate research that hurdle the small scale poultry

Smart Poultry acquires data from aviaries by means of sensor network at reduced intervals of time (every minute) that generate hundred thousands of data. The conjunction of Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence open the field of... more

Smart Poultry acquires data from aviaries by means of sensor network at reduced intervals of time (every minute) that generate hundred thousands of data. The conjunction of Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence open the field of the real-time monitoring of poultry, advance analytics and automation if data is from high quality. In this paper, we propose a scalable monitoring of a poultry achieved with open hardware wireless sensors network and software. We use a Gatered Recurrent Unit, an artificial intelligence algorithm to validate and predicate environmental parameters.

The current study aimed to identify the respiratory problems in poultry farms located in the north coast of Egypt from October 2018 to November 2019. A total of 89 poultry flocks (79 broilers, 5 layers, 3 ducks, and 2 turkeys) were... more

The current study aimed to identify the respiratory problems in poultry farms located in the north coast of Egypt from October 2018 to November 2019. A total of 89 poultry flocks (79 broilers, 5 layers, 3 ducks, and 2 turkeys) were investigated for four major viral respiratory pathogens, namely avian influenza (AI) H9N2, AI H5 subtypes, Newcastle Disease (ND), and Infectious Bronchitis (IB) viruses. All 89 flocks were subjected to real-time PCR to investigate AI H9N2 virus. The samples of 31, 43, and 15 out of 89 flocks were selected for the investigation of ND, IB, and AI H5 subtypes viruses, respectively, using real-time PCR. Sample selection was performed according to the mortalities, clinical signs, and post mortem lesions. The positive findings indicated that 22 out of 89 flocks were positive for AI H9N2 virus (2 layers + 20 broilers), 32 out of 43 flocks were positive for IB virus (2 layers + 30 broilers), 24 out of 31 flocks were positive for ND virus (1 Duck + 1 layer+ 22 broilers) and 9 out of 15 flocks were positive for AI H5N8 virus (1 turkey + 1 duck + 7 broilers). Partial sequencing for selected isolates of six ND, five IB, four H9N2, and three H5N8 viruses was applied, then nucleotide sequences were accessed on GenBank. Six ND isolates belonged to genotype Vӏӏ viruses circulating in Egypt. Two IB isolates were related to the classical strain circulating in Egypt, while the other three IB isolates belonged to EGY/Variant ӏӏ. Four H9N2 AI isolates were related to G1-lineage of H9 viruses circulating in the Middle East and Egypt. Three H5N8 AI isolates belonged to the highly diverse clade viruses circulating in Egypt. It was concluded that ND and IB viruses isolated in this study were not related to their vaccinal strains. Also, AI H5N8 circulating alone in affected flocks while AI H9N2 circulating alone and/or mixed with either IB or ND viruses. Finally, there is a need to devise a complete strategy to control the isolated respiratory viruses on the north coast of Egypt.

Meat from the Greater rhea (Rhea americana) could compete with traditional red meats, diversifying the market of protein products of animal origin. The meat from 32 rheas was used to study quality aspects and this included ultimate pH... more

Meat from the Greater rhea (Rhea americana) could compete with traditional red meats, diversifying the market of protein products of animal origin. The meat from 32 rheas was used to study quality aspects and this included ultimate pH (pHu), color, water-holding capacity (WHC%), cooking loss (CL%) and tenderness. The muscles sampled were the Gastrocnemius pars externa, Iliofibularis and Obturatorius medialis from both sexes at multiple ages (10, 12, 14, 16 months). Age at slaughter affected WHC%, CL%, and color in raw meat and tenderness in cooked meat. Muscles under study showed differences in terms of pHu, raw meat color, and tenderness of cooked meat. Sex did not have a significant effect on any of the variables studied. According to our results, rhea meat from younger animals, between 10 to 14 months old, was tender and moderately juicy and the visual color was appreciated by the consumers.

Dietary fiber (DF) was considered an antinutritional factor due to its adverse effects on feed intake and nutrient digestibility. However, with increasing evidence, scientists have found that DF has enormous impacts on the... more

Dietary fiber (DF) was considered an antinutritional factor due to its adverse effects on feed intake and nutrient digestibility. However, with increasing evidence, scientists have found that DF has enormous impacts on the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) development, digestive physiology, including nutrient digestion, fermentation, and absorption processes of poultry. It may help maintain the small and large intestine's integrity by strengthening mucosal structure and functions and increasing the population and diversity of commensal bacteria in the GIT. Increasing DF content benefits digestive physiology by stimulating GIT development and enzyme production. And the inclusion of fiber at a moderate level in diets also alters poultry growth performance. It improves gut health by modulating beneficial microbiota in the large intestine and enhancing immune functions. However, determining the source, type, form, and level of DF inclusion is of utmost importance to achieve the above-noted benefits. This paper critically reviews the available information on dietary fibers used in poultry and their effects on nutrient utilization, GIT development, gut health, and poultry performance. Understanding these functions will help develop nutrition programs using proper DF at an appropriate inclusion level that will ultimately lead to enhanced DF utilization, overall health, and improved poultry growth performance. Thus, this review will help researchers and industry identify the sources, type, form, and amount of DF to be used in poultry nutrition for healthy, cost-effective, and eco-friendly poultry production.

Feed manufacturing and the associated quality control programme are keys to successful fish culture. Unless the fisheries biologist understands and specifies the activities of the feed mill and its laboratory, profitable fish farming will... more

Feed manufacturing and the associated quality control programme are keys to successful fish culture. Unless the fisheries biologist understands and specifies the activities of the feed mill and its laboratory, profitable fish farming will be a matter of chance. Dry feeds may be ground, sifted, screened, mixed, compressed, expanded, texturized, coloured and flavoured. By one or more of these processes, a wide variety of ingredients can be prepared into a standardized product. Since most fish have size and texture preferences and often react to colour, odour, and flavour, processing research is an integral part of fish culture.

A lot of studies worldwide show that biochar is a powerful tool to address some of the most urgent environmental problems of our time: global warming, soil degradation, water pollution by agro-chemicals, and waste management. In the... more

A lot of studies worldwide show that biochar is a powerful tool to address some of the most urgent environmental problems of our time: global warming, soil degradation, water pollution by agro-chemicals, and waste management. In the Philippines, biochar from rice hull is commonly used as soil conditioner and as main ingredient in the production of organic fertilizers. To popularize the use of biochar in the farm and improve the system of producing it, the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) developed the continuous rice hull (CtRH) carbonizer in 2010. As its name implies, it operates in continuous mode with almost smokeless emission. The heat generated during its operation is recoverable for use as energy source in various farming operations. This action research was conducted in response to the need of a farmer/poultry grower for cost-reducing and environment-friendly technologies for his farm. Specifically, it aims to integrate the CtRH carbonizer in the poultry operations in order to accomplish two things: (a) make use of the carbonizer-generated heat for brooding chicks to replace the conventionally-used liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and (b) production of biochar as ingredient of organic fertilizer together with the chicken manure. The study involved overcoming challenges of retrofitting the CtRH carbonizer into the automated heating system of a modern tunnel-type poultry house (capacity of 35,000 chickens) that has to comply with the standards set by the broiler integrator whom the farmer was in contract with. Results of the performance test trials showed that the CtRH carbonizer, equipped with heat recovery attachment, can substitute the existing LPG heater to provide the needed heat for brooding chicks, saving 5 to 6 tanks of LPG (50kg/tank) for every one heater replaced. At the price of rice hull and LPG of Php 0.20/kg and Php 70/kg, respectively, a net savings of Php 69,958 per growing period or Php 489,706 per year could be realized per building for brooding. Additional income is expected from the coproduced biochar (1,300kg) which, together with the chicken manure (13,300 kg), can be processed into organic fertilizer. Moreover, with the integration of the CtRH carbonizer in the poultry operations, greenhouse gas (GHG) emission of around 23 tons CO2e per building per year could be prevented.

Background and Aim: The potential solution is to use agro-industrial by-products as an unconventional source of raw materials for broiler feed. This study aims to determine the effects of substituting prickly pear (FB; Opuntia... more

Background and Aim: The potential solution is to use agro-industrial by-products as an unconventional source of raw materials for broiler feed. This study aims to determine the effects of substituting prickly pear (FB; Opuntia ficus-indica) husks for corn and FB seed cake for soybean meal on the production performance, slaughter characteristics, and chemical composition of broiler meat. Materials and Methods: Two hundred day-old chicks of equal sex ratio (1:1) of Big Fast strain, weighing on average 37±2g, were randomly divided into four homogeneous groups of 50 subjects each. Each group was subdivided into 10 packs of five animals, which were banded and numbered. Rations with substitution rates of 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% of corn and soybean meal by dehydrated husks and FB cake were randomly distributed among the groups. Results: Average daily gains and body weights on 48 days were improved (p<0.05) in 10% and 20% groups, while the 30% group performed identically to the control. Co...

How to cite this article: Chauhan S, Singh VS, Thakur V (2017) Effect of Calotropis procera (madar) and amprolium supplementation on parasitological parameters of broilers during mixed Eimeria species infection, Veterinary World, 10(8):... more

How to cite this article: Chauhan S, Singh VS, Thakur V (2017) Effect of Calotropis procera (madar) and amprolium supplementation on parasitological parameters of broilers during mixed Eimeria species infection, Veterinary World, 10(8): 864-868. Abstract Aim: An experiment was conducted on day old 168 broiler chicks to study the effect of 0.4% as well as 0.2% Calotropis procera (madar) leaf powder and 0.0125% amprolium supplementation on parasitological parameters of broilers during mixed Eimeria species infection. Materials and Methods: Chicks were randomly divided into seven groups (I-VII) each with two replicates of 12 chicks. On 15 th day of experiment, broilers of Group II, IV, VI, and VII were infected with 50,000 sporulated oocysts of mixed Eimeria species. To evaluate the anticoccidial effect of different feed supplements percent fecal score, percent survival, percent weight gain, performance index (PI), average oocyst production, and percent reduction in oocyst production were calculated. Results: It was observed that amprolium supplementation had maximum anticoccidial effect as it gave the best efficacy in terms of all parameters, whereas supplementation of 0.4% madar leaf powder showed nonsignificant difference with amprolium for some parameters such as percent survival, percent weight gain, and PI. Conclusion: It can be concluded that madar (C. procera) leaf powder and amprolium had comparable activity against coccidiosis. Hence, madar leaf powder may be used for the prevention and control of mixed Eimeria spp. infection prevalent in field conditions.