Signature Research Papers - (original) (raw)
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- Operating Systems, Cryptography, Consumer, Flood
In this paper we discuss a new architecture to reduce unsolicited e-mail messages. We propose a system architecture that introduces two classes of messages-trusted e-mail and e-mail from untrusted sources. Trusted e-mail messages are... more
In this paper we discuss a new architecture to reduce unsolicited e-mail messages. We propose a system architecture that introduces two classes of messages-trusted e-mail and e-mail from untrusted sources. Trusted e-mail messages are signed with an S/MIME signature. To address usability problems that occurred previously with S/MIME signatures, outgoing e-mail messages are automatically signed on the e-mail server without
Sumario: I. Dos conceptos de «documento» en el derecho privado europeo de la moderna sociedad de la información.-II. El documento electrónico en el llamado Reglamento eIDAS (Reglamento (UE) n.º 910/2014): el problema de los límites de la... more
Sumario: I. Dos conceptos de «documento» en el derecho privado europeo de la moderna sociedad de la información.-II. El documento electrónico en el llamado Reglamento eIDAS (Reglamento (UE) n.º 910/2014): el problema de los límites de la forma electrónica como escritura.-III. La relevancia sustancial y probatoria de los documentos sin firma en el derecho italiano vigente.-IV. (sigue) Crítica.-V. Escritos y reproducciones mecánicas.-VI. La valoración ex art. 116 del Codice di procedura civile de los documentos sin firma.-VII. El régimen de los documentos informáticos sin firma y de las reproducciones informáticas.-VIII. Los nuevos documentos en derecho de consumo.-IX. El impacto de los nuevos documentos europeos en el Derecho italiano.-X. Conclusiones. Resumen: A la luz de las nuevas escrituras informáticas de la sociedad de la información y a partir de los dos conceptos diferentes de escritura que se encuentran en la Ley de Interpretación de 1978 del Reino Unido y en el art. 1.11 de los Principios Unidroit, así como de la contraposición del derecho italiano entre «scritture» (escritos) y «riproduzioni meccaniche» (reproducciones mecánicas), el trabajo investiga si la representación o reproducción de palabras en forma visible es necesaria para cumplir con los requisitos del derecho privado europeo en cuanto a la forma y la prueba por escrito, o si es suficiente cualquier forma de comunicación que preserve la documentación de la información contenida y sea reproducible en forma tangible. Argumentando la preferencia por la segunda solución, se establece una distinción entre, por un lado, «documentos declarativos» (es decir, los que constituyen el medio para efectuar declaraciones por escrito) y, por el otro, «documento meramente representativos» (que en cambio no constituyen el medio para efectuar dichas declaraciones), teniendo en cuenta varias normativas vigentes a distinto nivel en el panorama del derecho europeo (y, en particular, ciertas normas del Codice civile, del BGB y del ABGB, del Código Civil español, del Código Civil griego y de la Law of Property inglés, por un lado, y el art. 1, 4.º apartado, lett. a
- by laurence de finance
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- Dating, Signature, SITU
Following the question posed by Maria Hermínia Laurel in her excellent article entitled « Lectures d'écrivains : 'vision du monde' et référents littéraires dans la correspondance d'Alice Rivaz » (2010), we propose to question the... more
Following the question posed by Maria Hermínia Laurel in her excellent article entitled « Lectures d'écrivains : 'vision du monde' et référents littéraires dans la correspondance d'Alice Rivaz » (2010), we propose to question the auctorial constructions that conceal Alice Rivaz's correspondence. Swiss author of the French language, she multiplies the constructions of a self-author not only in her literary work, which she will sign with a pen name, but also in her prolific correspondence with three contemporary Swiss authors, which we propose to study here. Résumé : Faisant suite au questionnement posé par Maria Herminia Laurel dans son excellent article intitulé « Lectures d'écrivains : 'vision du monde' et référents litté-raires dans la correspondance d'Alice Rivaz » (2010), nous nous proposons d'interroger les constructions auctoriales que recèlent les correspondances d'Alice Rivaz. Auteure suisse de la langue française, elle démultiplie les constructions d'un soi-auteure non seulement dans son oeuvre littéraire, qu'elle signera d'un nom de plume, mais aussi dans sa prolifique correspondance avec trois auteurs suisses contemporains, que nous proposons d'étudier ici.
This article focuses on the constellation of texts in which Derrida engages with the autobiographical question raised by Heidegger in his lectures on Nietzsche. It argues that Derrida takes this question (“Who is Nietzsche?”) as the point... more
This article focuses on the constellation of texts in which Derrida engages with the autobiographical question raised by Heidegger in his lectures on Nietzsche. It argues that Derrida takes this question (“Who is Nietzsche?”) as the point of departure not only of two diverging approaches to the problem of the signature of the philosopher, but also of the two texts that he devotes to the exploration of these approaches. In these texts, distancing himself from Heidegger, Derrida interprets Nietzsche’s treatment of his proper name as a new logic of the living and a new thought of self-reference.
Être femme dans un univers essentiellement régi par des hommes n’est certes pas chose aisée. Le monde de l’art n’échappe nullement à pareil constat. En son sein, le rôle des femmes a souvent été réduit à celui de médiatrices, qu’il... more
Être femme dans un univers essentiellement régi par des hommes n’est certes pas chose aisée. Le monde de l’art n’échappe nullement à pareil constat. En son sein, le rôle des femmes a souvent été réduit à celui de médiatrices, qu’il s’agisse de se faire muse ou, plus pragmatiquement, hôtesse (pour celles qui ont tenu salon). Pendant longtemps, pour les femmes artistes, endosser le rôle de créateur à l’égal des hommes n’est donc pas allé de soi. Cette situation les a fréquemment conduites à avancer masquée. L’une des stratégies privilégiées en la matière a consisté à recourir au pseudonyme.
The monograph focuses on handwritten signature as a frequently used medium, but still a neglected topic in philosophy, semiotics and media studies. The goal of the research presented in this book is to characterize the specific semantic... more
The monograph focuses on handwritten signature as a frequently used medium, but still a neglected topic in
philosophy, semiotics and media studies. The goal of the research presented in this book is to characterize the specific semantic „message“ generated by signature, a medium that can be defined as a picture of the author's name drawn manually by the author himself, which is supposed to represent the author's civil identity. The book compares three different discursive expectations from signature in psychological graphology, forensic analysis and digital cryptography. The hierarchized knowledge of these three disciplines founds contemporary Czech legal mediation politics. By means of Derrida's deconstruction, the book proposes to rethink three aporias corresponding to the three metaphysical expectations from handwritten signature, which are shared in graphology and forensic analysis. The first metaphysical expectation from signature is the ability to let us recognize the writer: signature is understood as a "natural" picture of the author's name, which has the same qualities as the author himself. The second metaphysical expectation from signature is the ability to guarantee "authenticity": signature is taken as a proof of physical contact between the signed document and the writing instrument held by the author's hand. The third metaphysical expectation from signature is the capability of eternal and perpetual manual reproduction: handwritten signature is considered to be a personal logo, a graphical convention, which guarantees the author's legal "identity". By analyzing the mentioned metaphysical expectations and aporias generated by them, the book proposes a media semiotics of signature inspired by both Derrida's deconstruction and Eco's semiotics of conventional realism. The book brings a complex philosophical research of discursive and metaphysical conditions of possibility of the handwritten signature's interpretation.
На прикладі прочитання книги «Signatura rerum. Sul metodo» (2008) відомого італійського філософа і політичного теоретика Джорджо Агамбена розглядаються методологічні принципи, що визначають стратегію його філософських досліджень. Для... more
На прикладі прочитання книги «Signatura rerum. Sul metodo» (2008) відомого італійського філософа і політичного теоретика Джорджо Агамбена розглядаються методологічні принципи, що визначають стратегію його філософських досліджень. Для пояснення особливостей методу філософської археології та її інструментів автор звертається не тільки до текстів італійського філософа, але й до «ненаписаного» – ремінісценцій ідей Вальтера Беньяміна, а також до загальної спрямованості філософії Агамбена, яка, як не парадоксально, в контексті класичної естетичної теорії виявляється ближче до комедії, ніж до трагедії.
— Handwriting analysis also known as Graphology, which is a pseudo-scientific study of handwriting in relation to human psychology. Handwriting reveals true personality including fears, emotional outlay, defences, honesty and over many... more
— Handwriting analysis also known as Graphology, which is a pseudo-scientific study of handwriting in relation to human psychology. Handwriting reveals true personality including fears, emotional outlay, defences, honesty and over many other individual personality traits. Handwriting is often called a reflection of a person " s brain. The fundamental aim of this research paper is to study and analysis various techniques used on basis of accuracy and number of features selected by researchers for human behavior prediction based on signature analysis.
Cet ouvrage analyse les épigrammes funéraires signées dans le but d'établir où, en quelle occasion et de quelle façon un auteur décide de révéler sa propre identité par une revendication explicite. Si d’un côté la longue et riche... more
Cet ouvrage analyse les épigrammes funéraires signées dans le but d'établir où, en quelle occasion et de quelle façon un auteur décide de révéler sa propre identité par une revendication explicite.
Si d’un côté la longue et riche tradition de l’épigramme sur pierre – voir les milliers de vers gravés sur des monuments retrouvés dans toutes les régions du monde grec et hellénisé – démontre un goût indéniable et de plus en plus grand pour le genre poétique de l’épigramme, d'un autre côté elle met en évidence la diffusion progressive d’une culture littéraire de base.
Comme on le sait bien, la première finalité d’une inscription funéraire métrique est de rendre éternelle la mémoire du défunt plutôt que de chanter l’éloge et les honneurs du poète qui l’a composée. Comme cela arrive pour d’autres produits artisanaux ou pour des créations artistiques, la signature y représente normalement une exception.
Ces cas exceptionnels font leur apparition, à l'époque hellénistique, à partir du IIe siècle avant J.-C., et ils deviennent plus nombreux à l’époque impériale en particulier entre le IIe et le IIIe siècle après J.-C.
Quelques dizaines de poètes, mus par une extrême confiance en leurs propres capacités, signent leurs compositions et sortent de l’anonymat.
Trente-deux auteurs d'épigrammes, certains ou présumés, trouvent place dans ce catalogue : il n’y a qu’un cas où le même nom apparaît dans plus d'une seule inscription.
La signature peut apparaître distinctement en tête ou en fin de vers, ou bien se mêler au poème par toute une série de formules, comportant le plus souvent le verbe graphein. Les sens nombreux de ce verbe (écrire, dessiner, graver ou peindre) rendent ambiguës certaines expressions. Il s'est donc révélé nécessaire d'étudier très précisément tous les éléments internes ou externes au texte pour interpréter ces expressions et identifier les signatures des poètes.
La documentation est partagée en deux sections à partir de la position de la signature dans l’inscription :
• épigrammes avec signature en prose ;
• épigrammes avec signature à l’intérieur des vers.
Dans le second groupe, on a réservé une place spéciale et distincte aux compositions qui contiennent des énigmes rattachées à la pséphie, jeux de mots et acrostiches cachant le nom du poète ou du poète-défunt qui a écrit l’épigramme de son vivant.
- by Amazing Tina
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- IDS, Vpn, PKI, Biométrie
In this thesis, consisting of two main parts, we study observational signatures of cosmic (super)strings in the context of D-brane inflation and properties of scalar perturbations on generic homogeneous inflating backgrounds. In the first... more
In this thesis, consisting of two main parts, we study observational signatures of cosmic (super)strings in the context of D-brane inflation and properties of scalar perturbations on generic homogeneous inflating backgrounds. In the first part we study the production, nature and decay processes of cosmic superstrings in two widely used effective models of D-brane inflation, namely the D3/D7D3/D7D3/D7 and D3/barD3D3/\bar{D}3D3/barD3 models. Specifically, we show that the strings produced in D3/D7D3/D7D3/D7 are of local axionic type and we place constraints on the tension while arguing that the supersymmetry breaking mechanism of the model needs to be altered according to supergravity constraints on constant Fayet-Iliopoulos terms. Moreover, we study radiative processes of cosmic superstrings on warped backgrounds. We argue that placing the string formation in a natural context such as D3/barD3D3/\bar{D}3D3/barD3 inflation, restricts the forms of possible radiation from these objects. Motivated by these string models, which inevitably result in the presence of heavy moduli fields during inflation, in the second part, using the Effective Field Theory (EFT) of inflation, we construct operators that capture the effects of massive scalars on the low energy dynamics of inflaton perturbations. We compute the energy scales that define the validity window of the EFT such as the scale where ultra violet (UV) degrees of freedom become operational and the scale where the EFT becomes strongly coupled. We show that the low energy operators related to heavy fields induce a dispersion relation for the light modes admitting two regimes: a linear and a non linear/dispersive one. Assuming that these modes cross the Hubble scale within the dispersive regime, we compute observables related to two- and three-point correlators and show how they are directly connected with the scale of UV physics.
The basic elements of a contract, namely, offer and acceptance, the intention to be bound, and consideration, and requirements of form found in English, German, and Japanese law are compared against the background of their historical... more
The basic elements of a contract, namely, offer and acceptance, the intention to be bound, and consideration, and requirements of form found in English, German, and Japanese law are compared against the background of their historical development, the legal consciousness and practices existing in these countries. In this way, awareness is built both of the theoretical or practical differences and the underlying socio-cultural reasons. This in turn aids in the comprehension of why certain variations exist, which, although sometimes deceptively small, may have great importance for contracting in practice.
Martian crust endured several large meteoroid impacts subsequent to the demise of an early global magnetic field. Shock pressures associated with these impacts demagnetized parts of the crust, to an extent determined by shock resistance... more
Martian crust endured several large meteoroid impacts subsequent to the demise of an early global magnetic field. Shock pressures associated with these impacts demagnetized parts of the crust, to an extent determined by shock resistance of magnetic materials in the crust. Impacts that form large basins generate pressures in excess of 1 GPa within a few crater radii of their impact sites. Crustal materials near the surface experience significantly reduced impact pressure, which varies with depth and distance from the impact point. We present new demagnetization experiments on magnetite (Fe3O4), hematite (alpha-Fe2O3), and titanohematite (Fe2-xTixO3 where x < 0.2). Our measurements show that pressures of similar to 1 GPa are sufficient to partially demagnetize all of these minerals. The efficiency of demagnetization by impact pressure is proportional to the logarithm of the minerals' magnetic coercivity. The impact pressure magnetic response from exsolved titanohematite samples is consistent with the magnetization decay near Prometheus impact basin and may point to an oxidized igneous rock in Terra Sirenum region at the time of acquisition of magnetic remanence. The remaining magnetic anomalies near large impact basins suggest moderate crustal coercivity. These anomalies point to titanomagnetite as a magnetic carrier and more reduced condition during crustal formation.
- by Gunther Kletetschka
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- Mars, Magnetism, Topography, Shock
- by Teresa Chapa
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- Archaeology, Art, Sculpture, Iron Age
This is a discussion of the importance of materiality for greek artists. First, the signature of an atrchaic sculptor is discussed under the sign of "ex uno lapide", then follows a new interpretation of the so-called "potter's signature"... more
This is a discussion of the importance of materiality for greek artists. First, the signature of an atrchaic sculptor is discussed under the sign of "ex uno lapide", then follows a new interpretation of the so-called "potter's signature" with epoiese ("made") on Greek vases. it is proposed, that poiein, to make, means also here the real end of production, which is to fire ceramics.
Many times it is claimed that a particular document was not signed by the alleged person or if the signature was obtained, the person does not know of it because of intoxication. In these circumstances, two issues are to be decided i.e... more
Many times it is claimed that a particular document was not signed by the alleged person or if the signature was obtained, the person does not know of it because of intoxication. In these circumstances, two issues are to be decided i.e whether the person signed the document or not and if he has signed, was he under the influence of intoxication at that time. The first issue can be decided in a normal manner by the examination and comparison of the disputed and the known signatures of the person concerned to find out if the signature is in the handwriting of the same person. But the second issue is complicated and needs an exhaustive and thorough study. Document experts continually testify that no two individuals write exactly alike. This is not to say that there cannot be marked resemblances between two individuals’ handwritings because many factors make up the total character of a person’s writing. The document examiner looks for unique writing traits. The unconscious handwriting of two dif erent individuals can never be identical. Individual variations associated with mechanical, physical, and mental functions make it extremely unlikely that all of these factors can be exactly reproduced by any two people. The final conclusion must be based on a suf icient number of common characteristics between the known and questioned writings to ef ectively preclude the chance of their having originated from two dif erent sources
- by Tudor Tamas
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- Signature
- by Nurdan Saran
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- Signature
An analysis of cultural, spatial and temporal trends of Indonesian wildlife markets through traders ’ eyes
- by Jennifer Croes
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- Signature
- by Bogdan Onac
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- Signature
En la firma del artista se negocian las problemáticas nociones de autoría, plusvalía, autenticidad, genio individual, obra maestra, virtuosismo técnico… estrechamente vinculadas, todas, a la imagen pública de Salvador Dalí. La fascinación... more
En la firma del artista se negocian las problemáticas nociones de autoría, plusvalía, autenticidad, genio individual, obra maestra, virtuosismo técnico… estrechamente vinculadas, todas, a la imagen pública de Salvador Dalí. La fascinación por el nombre propio y el despliegue de una identidad en permanente cambio confluyen en el proyecto autobiográfico de La vida secreta (1942), pero se manifiestan de manera análoga a través de la evolución de las numerosas versiones de su rúbrica: del narcisismo onanista de ‘Salvador Dalí', que sirve en principio como reivindicación personal contra la autoridad paterna, a la integración andrógina de ‘Gala-Dalí’, que convierte a la supuesta musa en co-autora para generar una tercera entidad, superior a los dos por separado y síntesis de ambas.
– À l’intérieur de la vaste catégorie des signatures épigraphiques, il est possible de distinguer une section spéciale aux signatures des épigrammatistes, dont les premières attestations datent de l’époque hellénistique et qui perdurent... more
– À l’intérieur de la vaste catégorie des signatures épigraphiques, il est possible de distinguer une section spéciale aux signatures des épigrammatistes, dont les premières attestations datent de l’époque hellénistique et qui perdurent jusqu’à l’Antiquité tardive. Dans la documentation épigraphique thessalienne qui rassemble plus de 6000 inscriptions, dont 200 métriques, les épigrammes qui portent la marque de l’auteur sont au nombre de sept. Deux textes sont signés par le même poète, circonstance très rare pour ce genre de documents.
La plupart des épigrammes signées sont attribuables à la cité de Larissa et s’insèrent dans une fourchette chronologique assez large allant du IIIe siècle av. J.-C. au IVe siècle apr. J.-C. Un tel cadre topographique et chronologique nous confirme la vitalité culturelle de cette importante cité grecque depuis l’époque hellénistique au moins jusqu’à l’âge romain tardif. Nous présentons dans cet article les quatre textes non funéraires qui ne rentrent pas dans le corpus que j’ai publié en 2009. À l’intérieur de ce groupe, deux inscriptions demeurent encore inédites alors que les deux autres, déjà publiées, méritent d’être reprises.
Der Artikel, erstmals abgedruckt in S lanted #22, 2013, rekapituliert skizzenhaft Ent- wicklung und Status der Signatur innerhalb der bildenden Kunst unter typografischen Gesichtspunkten.
Providing security in biometrics is the major challenging task in the current situation. A lot of research work is going on in this area. Security can be more tightened by using complex security systems, like by using more than one... more
Providing security in biometrics is the major challenging task in the current situation. A lot of research work is going on in this area. Security can be more tightened by using complex security systems, like by using more than one biometric trait for recognition. In this paper multimodal biometric models are developed to improve the recognition rate of a person. The combination of physiological and behavioral biometrics characteristics is used in this work. Fingerprint and Signature biometrics characteristics are used to develop a multimodal recognition system. Histograms of oriented gradients (HOG) features are extracted from biometric traits and for these feature fusions are applied at two levels. Features of Fingerprint and Signatures are fused using concatenation, sum, max, min, and product rule at multilevel stages, these features are used to train deep learning neural network model. In the proposed work, Multi-level feature fusion for multimodal biometrics with a deep learning classifier is used and results are analyzed by a varying number of hidden neurons and hidden layers. Experiments are carried out on SDUMLA-HMT, machine learning and data mining lab, Shandong University fingerprint datasets, and MCYT signature biometric recognition group datasets, and encouraging results were obtained.
Préface à La signature. Regards croisés autour d’une pratique sémiotique millénaire (F. Bravo dir.), Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2011, p. 11-14.
- by Federico Bravo
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- Signature
This article discusses the concept of misrecognition to analyse international legal ordering in the practice of colonial treatymaking. As critical interventions to the debate on recognition have made clear, recognition is about exclusion... more
This article discusses the concept of misrecognition to analyse international legal ordering in the practice of colonial treatymaking. As critical interventions to the debate on recognition have made clear, recognition is about exclusion as much as it is about inclusion. The most obvious example is the nineteenth-century applications of the standard of civilisation, where the European Family of Nations introduced the criterion of 'civilisation', which excluded non-European entities as sovereigns and legitimised their colonisation. But at the same time colonial treaties included the 'savage rulers' as signatory powers, and thus legal persons within the international legal order that at once excluded them. This contribution to the Special Issue discusses these treatymaking practices as a practice of misrecognition; not because it misrecognises some natural, essential, or true identity of the indigenous entities, but as a misrecognition of the international order's own conditions of possibility through practices that simultaneously constitute that order and undermine its constitutive conditions. A rereading of Hegel's famous master-slave metaphor through the concept of misrecognition sheds light on the reversals and contradictions of the colonial legal enterprise and reveals the aporia of the contemporary international legal order by showing the void at its heart.