Territorial cohesion Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Few individuals have made a more seminal contribution to contemporary planning theory than Andreas Faludi. His latest book, The Poverty of Territorialism: A neo-medieval view of Europe and European Planning, provides a synthesis of his... more

Few individuals have made a more seminal contribution to contemporary planning theory than Andreas Faludi. His latest book, The Poverty of Territorialism: A neo-medieval view of Europe and European Planning, provides a synthesis of his groundbreaking empirical and theoretical work on the politics of planning and territorial governance in the European Union. However, the book is also considerably more than 'just' a synthesis. As befits one of the greatest visionary and creative minds of planning theory, it also constitutes a deeply personal reflection that, throughout its pages, develops into no less than a testament of sorts, and a passionate declaration of allegiance to the cultural ideals of liberal cosmopolitanism. With the stylistic grace of the seasoned, self-confident author the text seamlessly flows between essayistically styled personal reflections and quite heavy theoretical excursions. The narrative skillfully situates the practices of European spatial planning within a wider political and cultural context in a way that very few have the courage, let alone competence, to do. To achieve this, the book draws on diverse theoretical resources previously scantly employed in planning theory debates, including but not limited to scholarship in the subject areas of the philosophy of international and constitutional law and historical studies of citizenship, statehood and territoriality on the European continent. Writ short, the main argument of the book can be summarized thus: the European territorial state has outlived its time, and is therefore consequently withering away-and a good riddance it is, so planners should do all they can to further facilitate its demise. But what is a realistic alternative? With world government being a distant possibility, to say the least, Faludi sets before himself the no-less ambitious task of reasoning around how spatial planning can potentially contribute to 're-invent democracy for a networked world' (Faludi, 2018), arguing that 'we should no longer think of territories as the privileged frames for organizing our lives' (p. xiii), what Faludi in the book refers to as the ideology of 'territorialism'. The most realistic and appealing alternative in the eyes of

In Italia, come negli altri paesi occidentali, si assiste alla riemersione della frattura città-campagna: i cittadini delle aree lontane dai grandi centri di servizio avvertono disattenzione e distanza nell’azione delle classi dirigenti e... more

In Italia, come negli altri paesi occidentali, si assiste alla riemersione della frattura città-campagna: i cittadini delle aree lontane dai grandi centri di servizio avvertono disattenzione e distanza nell’azione delle classi dirigenti e maturano sentimenti di sfiducia nelle istituzioni e di intolleranza e una domanda di poteri forti. Cosa c’è all’origine dello scollamento tra classi dirigenti e ampie fasce di popolazione in tutto il mondo industrializzato? Anche, e soprattutto, politiche di sviluppo errate. Quale forma di azione pubblica è, invece, desiderabile e possibile? Le aree interne italiane hanno il vantaggio di forti caratterizzazioni identitarie ma soffrono di disattenzione nel disegno dei servizi, aggravata da flussi di risorse compensative che favoriscono l’immobilismo e la rendita: ne discendono abbandono dei territori e una grave crisi demografica. In questo contesto è nata la Strategia nazionale per le Aree Interne (SNAI), oggi estesa a oltre settanta aree che coprono un quinto del territorio nazionale, con circa due milioni di cittadini. Con la SNAI, Stato e Regioni piegano la strategia dei propri servizi essenziali (scuola, salute, mobilità e rete web) alle esigenze dei singoli luoghi; in cambio richiedono la disponibilità dei gruppi dirigenti locali (in primis i sindaci) ad aprire le proprie decisioni a un processo pubblico che possa dare spazio ai creativi e produrre innovazione. Requisito indispensabile di questo approccio rivolto ai luoghi è la condivisione di risultati attesi monitorabili e misurabili. Non, insomma, target decisi dal centro ma fissati dal confronto pubblico e metro di misura del successo della politica. È questo uno strumento potente per rendere concreti ed efficaci gli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (SDGs) dell’Agenda 2030.

The program of development of the mountainous landscape surrounding the altopiano aims to “signal things” rather than directly to transform them. A project of cultural reading, rather than strictly regulate, which aims to produce... more

The program of development of the mountainous landscape surrounding the altopiano aims to “signal things” rather than directly to transform them. A project of cultural reading, rather than strictly regulate, which aims to produce long-term results
beyond the architectural and territorial individual projects. Today the landscape is no longer reducible merely to an aesthetic and cultural event; but through the integration of the economic, social and environmental landscape is a real economic resource, perhaps the most important of our
national territory, able to activate new processes of development and different growth models.
This “descriptive planning” suggests a gradual transformation – or at least tries to promote a progressive diversification – of the places, today a fast and careless touristic destination, to a diversified and “low impact” tourism, aware of the environmental value of places, driven to discover new landscapes and to cross them instead of just to watch them from “outside”. These proposed measures are intended to focus attention on some specific places that do not currently enjoy the right value but which may become the subject of a back enjoyment of the landscape through a series of sports activities that could be called complementary to snowboarding and alpine skiing. The altopiano has a beauty connected with
the limits; narrowness to be understood as unity and ability to embrace the whole with a single glance, one of the features that make it so unique the altopiano delle Rocche. This completeness establishing a dialectical relationship with the goals “external” to the territory of the basin, establishing – through the presence of close and long views – a double-scale landscape of the plateau.

Os territórios metropolitanos constituem, no sistema urbano mundial, suporte fundamental para o modo de produção e de acumulação capitalista. A gestão metropolitana, cujo principal agente é o Estado, surge como importante ferramenta para... more

Os territórios metropolitanos constituem, no sistema urbano mundial, suporte fundamental para o modo de produção e de acumulação capitalista. A gestão metropolitana, cujo principal agente é o Estado, surge como importante ferramenta para exercer o controle sobre o ordenamento de tais territórios, uma vez que as instituições políticas estatais – governo e administração pública – operariam sob permanente pressão dos interesses do capital. Com base nessa premissa, supõe-se que prevaleceria atualmente um modelo de gestão marcadamente coercitivo, no sentido da centralização decisória pelo aparelho estatal e na imposição de uma agenda de políticas públicas que favoreceriam prioritariamente a produção e a apropriação do território pelos agentes econômicos. De modo a viabilizar uma classificação dos tipos existentes de gestão metropolitana, criou-se um instrumento de análise baseado em um quadro referencial com os diferentes tipos segundo as características do processo político da gestão. Foram então selecionados dois estudos de caso para aplicação da metodologia proposta: a gestão da Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, em Portugal, e das regiões metropolitanas do estado de São Paulo, ambos escolhidos pelas particularidades que apresentam em contextos diferentes e pela possibilidade de comparação dos tipos de gestão encontrados. Com base nesses casos, procurou-se então demonstrar a tendência de prevalecer o modelo coercitivo na gestão metropolitana contemporânea, em detrimento de um modelo de coesão territorial, que operaria no sentido de uma gestão mais democrática, com uma agenda pautada pela diminuição das desigualdades socioeconômicas, que se expressam com maior gravidade nos territórios metropolitanos.

A conceptualização da acessibilidade tem sido caracterizada por uma diversidade de definições traduzindo interpretações abrangentes, complexas e, por vezes, complementar ao conceito de mobilidade. Assim, para compreender as múltiplas... more

A conceptualização da acessibilidade tem sido caracterizada por uma diversidade de definições traduzindo interpretações abrangentes, complexas e, por vezes, complementar ao conceito de mobilidade. Assim, para compreender as múltiplas perspectivas acerca do objectivo e contexto de utilização, o presente documento expõe a revisão da literatura,
sugerindo consensos que venham a sustentar a leitura de diferentes métodos para quantificar a acessibilidade.
Para a operacionalização de medidas que permitam quantificar a representatividade da mobilidade de pessoas e mercadorias e os seus impactos económicos, sociais e ambientais, bem como, o nível de acessibilidade dos territórios (e das pessoas) carece-se de elementos de informação indicadores) que proporcionem o acompanhamento e
monitorização de metas e de benefícios que dimanem de determinadas políticas (e acções) e que, por sua vez, possam servir como ferramenta para a tomada de decisões
estratégicas e de fomento ao desenvolvimento sustentável.
Nesta perspectiva, apresenta-se na presente investigação uma proposta para a definição de indicadores que traduzam as preocupações inerentes ao conceito de acessibilidade
integrando uma tripla perspectiva: coesão, competitividade e sustentabilidade, directamente relacionada com o sector dos transportes e os modelos e dinâmicas de usos do espaço.

En su acepción jurídica, el concepto de territorio tiene al menos cuatro dimensiones distintas, aunque interrelacionadas, de las que se ocupa sucesivamente este estudio: elemento constitutivo y estructurador del Estado, objeto de un... more

En su acepción jurídica, el concepto de territorio tiene al menos cuatro dimensiones distintas, aunque interrelacionadas, de las que se ocupa sucesivamente este estudio: elemento constitutivo y estructurador del Estado, objeto de un principio constitucional (la cohesión o solidaridad territorial), ámbito de aplicación de las competencias y de las normas (principio de territorialidad) y objeto de una política pública (el gobierno del territorio). Finalmente y sobre la base de dicho análisis, se proponen algunas conclusiones sobre aspectos problemáticos como son el concepto jurídico-público de territorio, su valor, su creciente porosidad y sus confines.

La rinnovata coscienza a livello accademico e politico dei valori speci ci dei luoghi mostra la necessità di orientare le scelte operative oltre criteri soltanto quantitativi e funzionalistici. Il luogo si de nisce dunque come un siste-... more

La rinnovata coscienza a livello accademico e politico dei valori speci ci dei luoghi mostra la necessità di orientare le scelte operative oltre criteri soltanto quantitativi e funzionalistici. Il luogo si de nisce dunque come un siste- ma articolato in cui gli elementi sici, dalla produzione alla complessità ambientale, comunicano valori e caratteristiche dei fruitori e della cultura del territorio. L’importanza di tali elementi risiede nel ruolo che essi svolgono nell’avvio di ela- borazioni progettuali volte a una gestione che, oltre le logiche esclusivamente conservative, tuteli ogni aspetto delle siono- mie paesaggistiche. Di qui l’intento di analizzare la tematica dell’abbandono dei territori montani da due prospettive diffe- renti ma complementari. Da una parte si è scelto di esaminare i territori dell’Appenino centrale colpiti dal sisma e in parti- colare il contesto di Grisciano, una delle diciassette frazioni del comune di Accumoli, l’ultimo verso nord-est della provin- cia di Rieti. Questo luogo appare esempli cativo di come la distruzione degli spazi sici e l’abbandono forzato, a seguito degli eventi sismici del 24 agosto 2016, non abbiano impedito la sopravvivenza degli elementi valoriali costitutivi del luogo. Dall’altra parte il lavoro ha inteso proporre una ri essione su realtà in cui all’opposto lo spazio sico resiste e si evolve nel tempo, ma la sua componente umana, e dunque socio-cultu- rale, sta drasticamente diminuendo. Si è spostato il focus del ragionamento sul comune montano di Lacedonia in Irpinia. Situato sul percorso dell’Appia Antica, Lacedonia rientra nelle cosiddette zone minacciate di spopolamento in cui è necessa- rio conservare l’ambiente naturale e in cui ricorrono svantaggi speci ci. Lo spopolamento dei territori montani e gli eventi si- smici, che hanno recentemente interessato e ripetutamente in- teressano l’Appennino centrale, riaccendono il dibattito sulla necessità di un piano strategico per le “Terre Alte”4. Mediante una comparazione tra un luogo che resiste nei suoi elementi valoriali e uno che sta perdendo la sua componente umana, s’intende ri ettere sull’articolazione della nozione di luogo identitario e alle cause che ne determinano la costituzione at- tuale per individuare possibili pratiche operative. Il ruolo degli Appennini in particolare sembra poter trovare una nuova ri- con gurazione. Il superamento di una concezione di sviluppo di tipo longitudinale può infatti porre lo spazio appenninico su nuove direttrici che ne facciano lo snodo di congiunzione, in un dinamico contesto d’innovazione, in direzione est-ovest tra Tirreno e Adriatico.

Analiza el rol activo del patrimonio cultural como instrumento para crear cohesión territorial y ciudadana. El patrimonio como recursos al alcanza de actores sociales para estructurar y fortalecer sus relaciones sociales, económicas y de... more

Analiza el rol activo del patrimonio cultural como instrumento para crear cohesión territorial y ciudadana. El patrimonio como recursos al alcanza de actores sociales para estructurar y fortalecer sus relaciones sociales, económicas y de calidad de vida.

La literatura jurídica hasta ahora se ha ocupado del territorio de una forma fragmentaria. En esta obra, se intenta construir una teoría general de geografía jurídica sobre el territorio como bien de Derecho público. Para ello, empieza... more

La literatura jurídica hasta ahora se ha ocupado del territorio de una forma fragmentaria. En esta obra, se intenta construir una teoría general de geografía jurídica sobre el territorio como bien de Derecho público. Para ello, empieza por analizar su mismo concepto y elementos. Aborda después su consideración como elemento constitutivo del Estado y de otros entes territoriales, así como los principios que de ella se derivan: el principio de cohesión territorial y el de la territorialidad de las normas y las competencias, así como las excepciones y modulaciones que a este último le está causando la globalización jurídica. La segunda parte del libro se ocupa de la otra dimensión del territorio, la que lo considera como objeto de políticas públicas. Para ello, se constatan primero los problemas del desgobierno del territorio en España para proponer después su superación mediante una política cabal e integral de gobierno del territorio y se analiza a continuación la regulación de sus principales instrumentos, como son los planes de ordenación del territorio y los de protección de espacios naturales, de espacios históricos y de paisajes.
En la 2ª edición ampliada se han incorporado nuevos desarrollos sobre el problema del despoblamiento rural, el tratamiento de los espacios transfronterizos, la gestión territorial de riesgos y las bases de la protección del medio rural.

The main goal of this paper is to propose a sound interpretative and policy framework for ‘Inner Peripheries’ at the EU level. Its ambition is to bridge conceptual approaches to peripherality with the policy objectives set by key... more

The main goal of this paper is to propose a sound interpretative and policy framework for ‘Inner Peripheries’ at the EU level. Its ambition is to bridge conceptual approaches to peripherality with the policy objectives set by key documents such as the Territorial Agenda 2020 and other recent reports on economic, social and territorial cohesion. An integrated multi-scalar approach, grounded on the notion of spatial disparity, is therefore connected with a ‘place-based’ approach to policy design. The breakthrough experience of the Italian programme on Inner Areas is an opportunity to broaden the reflection on inner peripheries and policies that are most apt to reconnect them. A more comprehensive analytical framework is proposed here, which looks at the foundational economy, spatial justice and territorial cohesion. The framework deals with both the ‘condition’ of peripherality and the ‘process’ by which endogenous and exogenous drivers determine the marginalisation of specific territories. Such tenets are fleshed out in the development of an original approach bridging theory and practice, analysis and policy, crucially assuming multi-scale governance design as the enabling framework for greater coherence between top-down and community-led initiatives.

This publication is the product of a series of virtual workshops held since 2011 with counterpart groups across Europe and coordinated by the umbrella organisation for spatial planning institutes in Europe, the European Council of Spatial... more

This publication is the product of a series of virtual workshops held since 2011 with counterpart groups across Europe and coordinated by the umbrella organisation for spatial planning institutes in Europe, the European Council of Spatial Planners – Conseil Européen des Urbanistes (ETCP-CEU).

El informe del G-100, convocado por el El Hueco Soria, ‘Ruralizar las Leyes’ ha buscado poner en conocimiento de la opinión pública el concepto de rural proofing o Mecanismo Rural de Garantía. Lo ha hecho de la forma más práctica posible,... more

El informe del G-100, convocado por el El Hueco Soria, ‘Ruralizar las Leyes’ ha buscado poner en conocimiento de la opinión pública el concepto de rural proofing o Mecanismo Rural de Garantía. Lo ha hecho de la forma más práctica posible, con un grupo de 100 personas, mujeres y hombres con experiencias vitales y profesionales muy diversas que en 15 grupos de trabajo han conseguido, por un lado, evidenciar mediante una serie de casos paradigmáticos el impacto en el ámbito rural de las políticas públicas y la legislación, doméstica y comunitaria. Al mismo tiempo, este ejercicio participativo ha supuesto una validación del rural proofing adaptado a las circunstancias concretas del mundo rural en España.

This article reflects on a theoretical framework for the analysis of planning systems based on an institutionalist planning theory broadened with Jessop's strategic-relational approach. The aim is to explore the concept of the planning... more

This article reflects on a theoretical framework for the analysis of planning systems based on an institutionalist planning theory broadened with Jessop's strategic-relational approach. The aim is to explore the concept of the planning system with an actor—structure perspective so as to underline possible research consequences for analyses and comparisons of planning systems. The article highlights the interactions of actors and social institutional elements, clarifying the strategic-relational nature of a planning system and the dialectical process at the basis of its changes and evolutions.

L'article tente de presenter la dimension maritime de la cohesion territoriale, ayant comme champ de reference la region mediterraneenne. L'interet de recherche s’appuie sur les resultats et les conclusions des travaux effectues... more

L'article tente de presenter la dimension maritime de la cohesion territoriale, ayant comme champ de reference la region mediterraneenne. L'interet de recherche s’appuie sur les resultats et les conclusions des travaux effectues au sein du programme ESPON2013. Cet article vise a mettre en evidence les formes d'interactions terre-mer comme elements cles de la gestion integree des zones cotieres et de strategies integrees de developpement durable, notamment pour repondre a la necessite de former un amenagement du territoire maritime efficace en Mediterranee. L’accent est mis sur les tendances et les defis de l'interaction terre-mer dans la region mediterraneenne et sur l'importance de la gouvernance multi-acteurs et multiniveaux pour la coordination des plans d’amenagement terrestres et maritimes durables La dimension geopolitique de la croissance bleue dans la mediterranee de sud-est est aussi approchee surtout par rapport a la dependance energetique de l’UE et le...

El tema del desarrollo local ha ido aumentando su presencia en el ámbito internacional, en especial en los esquemas de cooperación, lo cual ha generado la necesidad de repensar y replantear conceptos, términos y esquemas tradicionales. En... more

El tema del desarrollo local ha ido aumentando su presencia en el ámbito internacional, en especial en los esquemas de cooperación, lo cual ha generado la necesidad de repensar y replantear conceptos, términos y esquemas tradicionales. En primera instancia, se ha tenido que desarrollar una concepción más amplia de los actores en la escena internacional, rompiendo los paradigmas clásicos donde se ubica sólo al Estado como actor y conductor de las relaciones internacionales de una Nación, reconociendo así a los gobiernos locales como agente de sus estrategias en el fomento de su desarrollo.
Pero, ¿por qué habría de considerarse a los actores locales como importantes en la escena internacional? En realidad, lo local tiene mucho que decir, en especial cuando se pretende establecer un marco de gobernanza global en temas que son de interés para todos y de repercusión inmediata en lo local, en particular, cuando se trata del tema de la sustentabilidad ya que implica la consideración del patrimonio universal, que es el planeta tierra, y los recursos que sustentan la vida en esta.
La Agenda Local 21 pretendió difundir el Desarrollo Sustentable en el modelo de desarrollo, y su aplicación a nivel local. Esta estrategia da pié no solamente a integrar el cuidado del medio ambiente sino a la movilización de múltiples actores que a nivel local logren articular visiones, formas y modos de organización así como de concepción de la participación como fortalecimiento de la democracia, mediante las cuales generan un mayor entendimiento en las problemáticas locales y así mismo, dejan claras las líneas principales de conflicto para su óptima solución.
A través del presente estudio se pretende ahondar en los conceptos principales que dan sustento al tema propuesto respondiendo a la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿Cómo contribuye y cómo se refleja la Agenda Local 21 en los procesos de Desarrollo Local Sustentable en México?.

Με την παρούσα εισήγηση επιχειρείται η παρουσίαση της Γαλλικής επιρροής στην αναζήτηση μιάς νέας χωροταξίας στην Ευρώπη, περισσότερο στρατηγικής, απαλλαγμένης από τις αγκυλώσεις, ουτοπίες, τα ελλείμματα εφαρμογής και την... more

Με την παρούσα εισήγηση επιχειρείται η παρουσίαση της Γαλλικής επιρροής στην αναζήτηση μιάς νέας χωροταξίας στην Ευρώπη, περισσότερο στρατηγικής, απαλλαγμένης από τις αγκυλώσεις, ουτοπίες, τα ελλείμματα εφαρμογής και την αναποτελεσματικότητα των παραδοσιακών κανονιστικών μοντέλων χωροταξίας, της γερμανικής προέλευσης και νοοτροπίας «τάξης στο χώρο». Με την έννοια αυτή, το γαλλικό σύστημα χωρικού σχεδιασμού, τόσο ως ρυθμιστικός όσο και ως διαχειριστικός μορφότυπος προσεγγίζει – περισσότερο από κάθε άλλο εθνικό πρότυπο- την πολιτική οικονομικής και κοινωνικής συνοχής που ασκείται στο επίπεδο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Το Γαλλικό μοντέλο χωροταξίας άσκησε άμεση επιρροή επί της Ευρωπαϊκής περιφερειακής πολιτικής και κατ’επέκταση επί της ευρωπαϊκής χωροταξίας (χωρικής ανάπτυξης και συνοχής).Το ουσιαστικό περιεχόμενο του Γαλλικής νοοτροπίας χωρικού σχεδιασμού καθορίζεται από μια σημαντική έννοια που κατά την άποψή μας αποτελεί γαλλική πρόταση ως προς την αντανάκλαση στο χώρο του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινωνικού μοντέλου και κατά συνέπεια αποτελεί προσφορά της Γαλλίας στην προσπάθεια δόμησης του «ευρωπαικού εδάφους» και κατ’επέκταση στην πολιτική ενοποίηση : την έννοια της εδαφικής συνοχής, εναλλακτική πρόταση στην αναγνώριση αλλά και αποδοχή μιας χωροταξικής πολιτικής σε ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο και ενδεχομένως μιάς μελλοντικής ευρείας χωροταξικής αρμοδιότητας για την Ευρωπαική Ενωση. Με αντικείμενο την εδαφική συνοχή, η μακροπεριφέρεια της Μεσογείου μπορεί να αποτελέσει διαχειριστικό πρότυπο συνεργασίας με πρωτοβουλία Ελλάδας και Γαλλίας.

In the post-economic recession phase following the 2007-08 global financial crisis, there is a growing divergence between European regions and, within them, between the more dynamic metropolitan regions and a growing number of peripheral... more

In the post-economic recession phase following the 2007-08 global financial crisis, there is a growing divergence between European regions and, within them, between the more dynamic metropolitan regions and a growing number of peripheral areas in decline, so that territorial cohesion returns to being a main objective of European regional planning (EU, 2014). In particular, the last Europe 2020 Strategy places the convergence of lagging areas as the foundations to any strategy and precondition for the Union’s competitiveness (European Commission, 2010).

“Territorial Cohesion” has been a topic of intense debate within the EU Policy lexicon. This has been partly because it’s still in cycles of interpretations and is in a quest for an acceptable and a discreet operational framework.... more

“Territorial Cohesion” has been a topic of intense debate within the EU Policy lexicon. This has been
partly because it’s still in cycles of interpretations and is in a quest for an acceptable and a discreet
operational framework. However, parallel to ongoing discourses, Cohesion Policy for the period
2014-20 has been rolled out. The thesis is an attempt to examine and suggest, as to what extent, the
current architecture of Cohesion Policy is contributing to achieve “Territorial Cohesion”, a Treaty
objective, in its programmes, particularly the transnational programmes under the European
Territorial Co-operation objective. “Territorial Cohesion” has been analyzed in specific Cohesion
Policy regulations, programmes and validated by stakeholder inputs. A suitable theoretical outline,
i.e. “conformance” and “performance” framework and a qualitative research approach have been
employed to arrive at the conclusions. Cohesion Policy in its current cycle is focused on delivering
Europe 2020 strategy’s priorities of “smart, sustainable and inclusive growth”. The articulation of
“Territorial Cohesion” objectives therefore is inadequately done in the scope and theme as well as in
“programming” of Cohesion Policy. Interventions are proposed in its architecture to finesse Cohesion
Policy-Territorial Cohesion interface, key to meeting Cohesion Policy goals.

Territorial cohesion, despite its initial ambiguity, has been successfully implemented in national and regional policies across the EU. However, its opera-tionalisation on the local level remains a major challenge. This paper asks whether... more

Territorial cohesion, despite its initial ambiguity, has been successfully implemented in national and regional policies across the EU. However, its opera-tionalisation on the local level remains a major challenge. This paper asks whether pedestrian accessibility of services and public transport nodes can be used as a measure of territorial cohesion at the local level. The presented research was conducted in 2016-19 in five neighbourhoods in Poland representing various settlement contexts: large cities, medium-sized towns and suburban areas. It adapted particular indicators of territorial cohesion established by ESPON to the neighbourhood scale. The highest levels of territorial cohesion expressed by users' satisfaction were achieved in a neighbourhood in a medium-sized town, whereas in geographical terms, territorial cohesion reached higher levels in large cities. Despite those differences, the proposed research method based on pedestrian accessibility offers quantifiable and comparable results on territorial cohesion on the neighbourhood level.

All Western Balkan countries share a common aspiration for a future with the European Union (EU). As a region, our territorial governance systems and practices face common imperfections that render the translation of EU policies... more

All Western Balkan countries share a common aspiration for a future with the European Union (EU). As a region, our territorial governance systems and practices face common imperfections that render the translation of EU policies into practice challenging. These challenges are mounting in a context in which the EU has not included the Western Balkans in its efforts to enhance Territorial Governance, hence leading to current and future unpreparedness for dealing with territorial development in both an EU and domestic fashion.As the EU has recently reconfirmed its perspective on enlargement, as a network, we find this to be a timely moment to explicitly introduce Territorial Governance into the enlargement agenda. We, the Western Balkans Network on Territorial Governance, suggest that the credible enlargement perspective could do more under the frame of territorial governance to address and offer a credible solution to underlying structural issues. These underlying issues affect the successful fulfilment of the enlargement perspective’s priority objectives; constitute core barriers to the sustainable development of the Western Balkans; and are critical to the achievement of intra-regional integration. By being addressed, we believe that the enlargement perspective would have a greater potential for delivering the much-anticipated results.

Η «χωρική συνοχή» (territorial cohesion) αποτελεί, στις μέρες μας, μια έννοια με πολύ μεγάλη σημασία για την πολιτική χωρικής ανάπτυξης στο πλαίσιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, εφόσον έχει ενταχθεί στην ισχύουσα Συνθήκη της Λισαβόνας. Στον... more

Η «χωρική συνοχή» (territorial cohesion) αποτελεί, στις μέρες μας, μια έννοια με πολύ μεγάλη σημασία για την πολιτική χωρικής ανάπτυξης στο πλαίσιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, εφόσον έχει ενταχθεί στην ισχύουσα Συνθήκη της Λισαβόνας. Στον επιστημονικό διάλογο για μια τόσο πολυσύνθετη έννοια μπορεί να συμβάλει σημαντικά ο προσδιορισμός κατάλληλων δεικτών χωρικής συνοχής σε συσχέτιση με τις Κοινοτικές πολιτικές, ο οποίος επιχειρείται στην παρούσα εισήγηση. Ειδικότερα, η εισήγηση εξετάζει: (α) τις πρόσφατες «προκλήσεις χωρικής συνοχής» στον ευρωπαϊκό χώρο, στο πλαίσιο της παγκοσμιοποίησης και της ευρωπαϊκής ενοποίησης (β) τις διαφορετικές πτυχές (aspects) της έννοιας της «χωρικής συνοχής»: ανταγωνιστικότητα / καινοτομία / απασχόληση, δημογραφική και κοινωνική δομή, περιβάλλον / ενέργεια / κλιματική αλλαγή, χωρική διακυβέρνηση. Τέλος, αναφέρεται σε κατάλληλους βασικούς δείκτες «χωρικής συνοχής» για τον χώρο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.

The discussion surrounding the impact of territorial cohesion policy, and the territorial prioritiza-tion of cohesion policy, can offer significant insights by problematizing spatial justice. The notions of territo-riality, mobility and... more

The discussion surrounding the impact of territorial cohesion policy, and the territorial prioritiza-tion of cohesion policy, can offer significant insights by problematizing spatial justice. The notions of territo-riality, mobility and peripherality are presented and analyzed due to their relevance to territorial cohesion, but also because they may strengthen the concept of spatial justice. The main objective of this paper, and by extension of this issue, is to stress the relevance of spatial justice as a concept created to address socio-spatial and territorial inequalities and useful when framing policy strategies, articulating policy goals, implementing policies, or taking actions to mitigate socio-spatial inequalities. The paper is organized in four sections. The introductory section presents social and economic inequalities as signifiers of the (un)sustainability of the European project and stresses the challenges facing territorial cohesion policy. The second section includes a conceptualization of spatial justice which plays to both the analytical strength and normative rigour of the concept. Third, there is a brief discussion of the notions of territoriality, mobility and peripherality. The final section is dedicated to a description of the basic features of the six papers included in this issue.

The paper analyses the Hungarian efforts towards the approach of territorial cohesion from a spatial planning perspective. Since 2009 territorial cohesion is not only a new legitimate priority of the EU policies, especially that of... more

The paper analyses the Hungarian efforts towards the approach of territorial cohesion from a spatial planning perspective. Since 2009 territorial cohesion is not only a new legitimate priority of the EU policies, especially that of Cohesion Policy, but also an important impetus of European spatial planning and thus the key driving force of the Europeanisation process of domestic spatial planning of member states. Although Hungary, just like the other Eastern and Central European Member States, had not had a significant role for a long time before 2011 in the elaboration and discourse of territorial cohesion and European spatial planning, some of its related policy innovations had a pioneer character in the European scale. In 2011, Hungarian took a coordinator role in the preparation of the definitive strategic document of the European spatial planning and territorial cohesion, that is, the Territorial Agenda 2020 (TA2020). The paper collects and reviews the main Hungarian policy initiatives, which directly connect to notion of territorial cohesion in a European understanding of spatial planning and development. Early formation of legislative framework for the EU oriented regional development in the 1990s; the emerging approaches in national level spatial planning, spatial strategies, and the pioneer introduction of integrated urban development strategies and methodological innovations of development system to implement territorial cohesion are the main steps in this process. Several relevant Hungarian innovations emerged during or even before the explicit EU level discussion and political acceptance of territorial cohesion.

Whilst the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 promotes the conservation and sustainable use of the seas, oceans and marine resources for sustainable development, decisions in ecosystem-based Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) follow... more

Whilst the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 promotes the conservation and sustainable use of the seas, oceans and marine resources for sustainable development, decisions in ecosystem-based Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) follow annoying and costly trade-offs and this may negatively impact its acceptance. To address conflicts and cumulative impacts and favor, as much as possible, interfering of marine activities, positive coordination and win-win options, it is necessary to develop integrated and cohesive planning approaches and new management tools. In this article, a conceptual framework of "maritime cohesion" is being developed mostly applicable to peopled and crowded seas and a set of relevant indicators to assess it, is proposed. It is based on the triple-model of interdependent components such as "maritime spatial efficiency", "maritime spatial quality" and "maritime spatial identity", taking into account the "territorial cohesion" equivalent, promoted by the Cohesion Policy. Then, in order to broadly analyze the "spatial efficiency" component, the "multi-use" concept and management tools, recently given particular emphasis by EU Blue Growth Strategy, are examined thoroughly, using the relevant literature. This article highlights constructive use of "maritime cohesion" with the multi-use MSP paradigm as key part of "maritime cohesion" narrative and posits that its huge and extensive potential can stimulate dynamic, collaborative, cohesive and assemblage thinking in the MSP process and be the "spearhead" to balance economic, social, environmental and cultural aspirations in maritime planning to achieve sustainability in the marine realm.

Although the debates about access to services of general interest have been at the core of the EU territorial cohesion discourse since the late 1990s, the impact of unequal accessibility to living conditions has yet be the subject of... more

Although the debates about access to services of general interest have been at the
core of the EU territorial cohesion discourse since the late 1990s, the impact of unequal
accessibility to living conditions has yet be the subject of close inspection. The paper examines
the relationship between the accessibility of services of general interest and demographic and
socio-economic conditions in a specific Czech region. The analysis reveals inter-municipal
disparities and identifies spatially excluded areas. Despite the negative association of insufficient
access with education and depopulation characteristics, the results suggest that demographic and
socio-economic development stems from a more complex set of factors.

In the current paper the authors used the STeMA methodology, adopted in PRIN 2015 Programme and applied to Italian inner areas to check the impact of European and Italian policies to get the objective of territorial cohesion. At first the... more

In the current paper the authors used the STeMA methodology, adopted in PRIN 2015 Programme and applied to Italian inner areas to check the impact of European and Italian policies to get the objective of territorial cohesion. At first the authors provide a synthesis of scientific and institutional debate on inner areas and inner peripheries. Then they use three indicators, according to the TIA approach, to audit the contributions of important local development factors, such University and three-years graduates. They also studied the policies of cohesion and territorial development in Sicily in planning 2014-2020. Finally, the authors outline some initial reflections on the state of the research carried out and on the necessity for a redesign of the complex relationship between university and territory, as a strategic aspect of the more general national policies for territorial cohesion.

RESUMEN: Este trabajo analiza en perspectiva territorial el uso de los Servicios Económicos de Interés General (SEIG), cuyo acceso generalizado en igualdad de condiciones es considerado clave, por los reguladores europeos, para la... more

RESUMEN: Este trabajo analiza en perspectiva territorial el uso de los Servicios Económicos de Interés General (SEIG), cuyo acceso generalizado en igualdad de condiciones es considerado clave, por los reguladores europeos, para la cohesión social y regional, en particular tras los procesos de privatización, liberalización y desregulación de la oferta. Para ello, utiliza como fuente principal las preferencias reveladas por los ciudadanos a partir del gasto de los hogares, en función de las características de su lugar de residencia. Los resultados muestran distintos patrones regionales de uso de los SEIG y, en varios de estos servicios, un menor uso en zonas de escasa densidad de población ligado a problemas de acceso, todo lo cual tiene destacadas implicaciones para su regulación en clave territorial.

Nell'ambito delle politiche europee di coesione territoriale sempre maggiore spazio è dedicato alla questione di attualità legata alle metodologie di valutazione dell'impatto territoriale (Territorial Impact Assessment-TIA) delle scelte... more

Nell'ambito delle politiche europee di coesione territoriale sempre maggiore spazio è dedicato alla questione di attualità legata alle metodologie di valutazione dell'impatto territoriale (Territorial Impact Assessment-TIA) delle scelte di policy: il tema, al centro già del settennato 2007-2013, ha trovato centralità crescente nel periodo di programmazione 2020 appena concluso, impegnando il mondo della ricerca geografico-economica a livello europeo nella definizione di metodologie e indicatori in grado di fornire quella place evidence, elemento irrinunciabile per l'incrocio tra scienza e politica (PREZIOSO, 2018, pp. 22-23) nella definizione delle politiche di coesione, attraverso la quale fornire al policy maker strumenti di valutazione della capacità di una scelta di incidere su una determinata specificità territoriale (BÖH-ME et al., 2015). Nel caso italiano la questione è stata trattata autorevolmente da una prospettiva geografico-economica, attraverso il progetto di Ricerca PRIN 2015 guidato dal Principal Investigator (PI) prof.ssa Maria Prezioso, intitolato "Territorial Impact Assessment della coesione territoriale delle regioni italiane. Modello, su base place evidence, per la valutazione di policy rivolte allo sviluppo della green economy in aree interne e periferie metropolitane", del quale, dopo 3 anni di lavori, si è recentemente concluso l'iter. Il progetto, chiamato per brevità "PRIN Co-esione" (www.princoesione.uniroma2.it), ha visto coinvolti oltre sessanta geografi di varia esperienza provenienti da una decina di università di tutta Italia, in un percorso di ri-cerca applicata secondo gli standard europei (cfr. ESPON, H2020) sul tema della realizzazione di un modello place evidence in grado di effettuare una credibile Territorial Impact Assessment delle politiche di coesione territoriale a partire dal caso italiano. Output del progetto era la "pesatura" delle politiche selezionate dal Governo (PON) e dalle Regioni (POR) nell'allocazione dei fondi strutturali (FESI), al fine di indirizzare il policy maker nella direzione di una sempre maggior efficacia ed efficienza della spesa. L'assunto di partenza risulta infatti che, come eviden-ziato dalla più recente e avanzata letteratura, la quantità della spesa non sempre si ac-compagna con un'efficacia delle misure se-lezionate: la sensibilità geografica, l'unica in grado di comprendere la diversità territoria-le e di analizzare adeguatamente le specificità locali, si rende in questo senso necessaria per elaborare piani e progetti proporziona-ti e ben orientati verso le specifiche esigen-ze del singolo territorio, passando dal paradigma dello "spendere tanto" a quello dello "spendere bene" (PREZIOSO, 2019a e b). Attraverso questo approccio è stato possibile sottolineare a livello nazionale - a livello europeo la consapevolezza è ben riconosciuta - l'esistenza e l'attualità di una geografia economica e politica che non si limiti alla narrazione e all'analisi dell'esistente (o dell'esistito) ma che si incarichi di fornire la propria competenza unica nell'elaborazione di progettazioni pragmatiche ed efficienti a varie scale, intervenendo nella realtà politica con il proprio bagaglio unico di conoscenze e competenze, portando sulle spalle la responsabilità dell'attenzione alle specificità territoriali, e di conseguenza la capacità unica di fornire al decisore politico elementi di valutazione della complessità del reale, e così contribuire a una sempre maggior efficienza delle misure.

The paper examines how cities contribute to three dimensions of territorial cohesion: polycentricity, territorial governance and the socio-economic growth. The focus is on the role of cities and Functional Urban Areas (FUAs) as producers... more

The paper examines how cities contribute to three dimensions of territorial cohesion: polycentricity, territorial governance and the socio-economic growth. The focus is on the role of cities and Functional Urban Areas (FUAs) as producers of well-being and prosperity in space. This issue is examined on the basis of the recent economic models. However, the economic approach is filtered through the lenses of the territorial cohesion, i.e. impact of growth on polycentricity, and territorial governance (place-based policy design). The theoretical considerations are illustrated by empirical findings mainly from Poland and Central Europe illustrating interplay between growth, polycentricity and territorial governance. On that basis the authors propose how to better integrate cities and FUAs in pursuing territorial cohesion at regional, national, transborder and EU level. The paper provides some plausible answers how to make use of urban economic growth for reinforcing key aspects of territ...