Tommaso Campanella Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Copertina e abstract del volume recentemente apparso per i tipi di Aracne.

Revisiting La città del sole in light of recent scholarship on Campanella’s naturalism and with recourse to key works of his philosophy, I examine how his utopia systematically re-writes Plato’s ideal city from the Republic by... more

Revisiting La città del sole in light of recent scholarship on Campanella’s naturalism and with recourse to key works of his philosophy, I examine how his utopia systematically re-writes Plato’s ideal city from the Republic by simultaneously drawing on and naturalizing a set of key Platonic figures. This transformation serves as an implicit response to criticisms of the utopian project made by Aristotle and Machiavelli; it is also a means of taking distance from the hermetic impulse at work in much of Renaissance Neoplatonism. The City of the Sun can thus be seen as replicating Kallipolis’ rigid order and its connection to absolute truth but simultaneously grounding that order in an empirical naturalism that allows the ideal society to become open.

This book maps the entire development of Comenius’s considerations on man, from his earliest writings to his philosophical masterwork. Although this book primarily offers an analysis and description of the conception of man in Comenius’s... more

This book maps the entire development of Comenius’s considerations on man, from his earliest writings to his philosophical masterwork. Although this book primarily offers an analysis and description of the conception of man in Comenius’s work, it may also serve the reader as a more general introduction to his philosophical conception. The author shows that, in spite of the fact that Comenius has received no small amount of academic attention, funded studies or monographs in English language remain in single figures. Thus, a range of Comenius’s remarkable ideas are still unknown to the wider public.

S’il faut une preuve que ce ne sont pas les plus grands génies qui guident la vie du monde, nous pourrons également la trouver dans le fait que, lorsqu’Einstein voulut scruter le dense brouillard du futur social humain, il ne sut parvenir... more

S’il faut une preuve que ce ne sont pas les plus grands génies qui guident la vie du monde, nous pourrons également la trouver dans le fait que, lorsqu’Einstein voulut scruter le dense brouillard du futur social humain, il ne sut parvenir à aucune conclusion d’une véritable hauteur, et retomba dans ces peu géniales formules que lui avait transmises un passé usé, et il ne tenta même pas, lui le puissant iconoclaste de la pensée, de se dégager de ce misérable piège.

È il 1602. Tommaso Campanella è rinchiuso nel carcere di Castel Nuovo, a Napoli, dove si sta riprendendo da torture durate sei mesi, durante i quali è riuscito a fingersi pazzo per sfuggire la pena capitale. Rimarrà in carcere per 27... more

È il 1602. Tommaso Campanella è rinchiuso nel carcere di Castel Nuovo, a Napoli, dove si sta riprendendo da torture durate sei mesi, durante i quali è riuscito a fingersi pazzo per sfuggire la pena capitale. Rimarrà in carcere per 27 anni, ed è proprio in questo periodo che scriverà La Città del Sole: ma si tratta di un'utopia o di una distopia?

Abstract The focus of this research is to better understand the utopian vision of Portuguese navigator Pedro Fernández de Quirós and to determine whether this vision reflected merely his own idiosyncratic religious delusions or whether it... more

The focus of this research is to better understand the utopian vision of Portuguese navigator Pedro Fernández de Quirós and to determine whether this vision reflected merely his own idiosyncratic religious delusions or whether it reflected the Messianic aims of the Spanish Empire. It also seeks to compare his ideas alongside those of the famous Italian philosopher, Tommaso Campanella, to which they bear striking resemblance. This study advances the hypothesis that the Messianic vision of Campanella influenced the Spanish Habsburgs who then tasked Quirós with its initiation by locating Terra Australis Incognita.
The research approach includes detailed textual comparisons of key works of Campanella and Quirós to determine whether such a claim can reasonably be substantiated. Particular attention is paid to their common millenarian ideas, shared idiosyncratic interpretations of prophecy, and similarities between Quirós’s belief in a ‘New Jerusalem’ and Campanella’s City of the Sun. I also focus attention on their networks of associations which I argue shed light on how their ideas may have circulated, focusing on their shared links to the Duke of Sessa and Pope Clement VIII.
The findings from this research indicate that Campanella and Quirós envisaged near identical utopian visions. I highlight how they anticipated Spanish and Catholic world hegemony underscored by theocracy and the fulfilment of idiosyncratic interpretations of end-time prophecies. They also held similar views on idyllic societies such as those in the City of the Sun and the New Jerusalem.
The main conclusions drawn from this study are that Campanella and Quirós shared a philosophical and a temporal link centered on the Spanish Crown. These findings lend weight to the idea that Spain experimented with Messianism as a strategic means of regaining imperial ascendancy in the late Renaissance culture wars. This study also provides a basis for rethinking the influence Campanella had with the Spanish Crown, the credibility of Quirós and the idea that the first European search for Terra Australis Incognita was motivated by a Messianic impulse.

L'Apologia per Galileo di Tommaso Campanella rappresenta un manifesto della libertà di filosofare e di pensiero. In questa relazione si è cercato di mostrarne l'importanza storica, facendo emergere i punti cardine dell'opera e... more

L'Apologia per Galileo di Tommaso Campanella rappresenta un manifesto della libertà di filosofare e di pensiero. In questa relazione si è cercato di mostrarne l'importanza storica, facendo emergere i punti cardine dell'opera e contestualizzandola culturalmente.

Say Yayınları, Mart 2021.

The subject of doctoral thesis "The idea of ​​a social justice in selected utopia concepts." reflects on the issue of justice applied to comparative analysis of selected projects of ideal commonwealths/utopias (Thomas More, Tomasso... more

The subject of doctoral thesis "The idea of ​​a social justice in selected utopia concepts." reflects on the issue of justice applied to comparative analysis of selected projects of ideal commonwealths/utopias (Thomas More, Tomasso Campanella, Charles Fourier, Saint-Simon, Robert Owen, Étienne Cabet, Wilhelm Weitling, Bernard Bolzano) from the perspective of contemporary social-philosophy concepts. The work from the subject of the history of philosophy oscillates between social and political philosophy and the history of philosophy. The basic thesis is which elements of historical, utopian theories of justice can be applied to contemporary socio-philosophical discourse (social liberalism of John Rawls and communitarism of Michael Sandel). The fundamental scientific problems of the submitted work are questions linked to justice, equality and freedom in the context of ideal communities. The thesis uses methods, procedures and techniques of explanation, analysis, historical-comparative methods and at the end of synthesis of knowledge.

The book Utopians, Visionaries of the World of the Future (The History of Utopias and Utopianism) consists of three parts: in the first one the reader reads about the definitions of utopia and utopianism and its division.... more

The book Utopians, Visionaries of the World of the Future (The History of Utopias and Utopianism) consists of three parts: in the first one the reader reads about the definitions of utopia and utopianism and its division. The following, the most extensive chapter analyzes the history of utopianism, compares the various concepts and ideas. In the introduction, the reader has the opportunity to gain knowledge of the prehistory of utopianism and the oldest evidence of utopian egalitarianism in human history. This is followed by the ancient and Christian tradition of utopianism, which leads the emergence ofutopia as a literary genre in modern times. Following are descriptions of the most important modern utopias and their authors (More, Campanella, Bacon),but also less known utopias at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries. This is followed by the period of the Enlightenment Utopia and the natural law theory of Mably, Rousseau, Morelly and Babuef. This chapter ends with Babeuf’s influence in the revolutionary theories of the 19th century. The largest part of Utopian history is devoted to the three greats of Utopian socialism: Saint-Simon, Fourier and Owenand also authors such as Etienne Cabet and Robert de Lamennais. Marginally, the book also deals with German utopia and utopian elements in the works of Kant, Hegel, Bolzano, Weitling, with a continuation of Marxism. A novelty in the present research is utopianism in the Slovak context, which focuses primarily on Messianism as a specific form of philosophy of history and practical social activities of national revivalists and social revolts. The epilogue to history is followed by the last, third chapter, which deals with utopia and utopianism in the context of philosophical reasoning for the problems of the21st century.

La città ideale descritta nel Mondo savio e pazzo rappresenta una tappa significativa della tradizione rinascimentale dell’utopia e, al tempo stesso, il luogo piú celebre della produzione letteraria di Anton Francesco Doni (1513-74).... more

La città ideale descritta nel Mondo savio e pazzo rappresenta una tappa significativa della tradizione rinascimentale dell’utopia e, al tempo stesso, il luogo piú celebre della produzione letteraria di Anton Francesco Doni (1513-74). Questo libro ne propone una lettura attenta alla ricchezza e alla complessità dei fenomeni in gioco: dal fondamentale rapporto, strutturale e semantico, con il modello (l’ Utopia di Thomas More), alle particolari tecniche compositive adottate dall’autore, alla densità dei riferimenti culturali e artistico-figurativi ricostruibili nelle profonde relazioni che intercorrono tra il testo e le immagini.
In chiave parodica e burlesca, Doni premette e collega alla costruzione utopica il meccanismo dello straniamento, sviluppando in modo originale il tema dello scambio paradossale tra la saggezza (dell’ altra società) e la follia (del nostro mondo): la finzione letteraria viene cosí utilizzata come mezzo per capovolgere il punto di vista del lettore, per coinvolgerlo in quel “gioco” utopico già iniziato da More ad apertura del secolo. L’analisi di tali caratteristiche offre l’occasione per ripercorrere alcuni momenti salienti della ricezione europea dell’ Utopia latina, per individuare al suo interno precise linee di lettura e di riuso delle strategie retoriche e letterarie, per cogliere i nessi esistenti tra i diversi atteggiamenti interpretativi che guidano le prime traduzioni volgari dell’opera (in Germania, Italia e Francia) e le scelte che si verificano nella produzione utopica contemporanea.
Un gioco, quello dell’utopia, che nel Doni si estende alla dimensione visiva; due indagini sull’intreccio tra significati iconografici e valenze simboliche e culturali mettono a fuoco le immagini che “illustrano” la città ideale: l’una ripercorrendo a ritroso figure del corpo della città nella tradizione architettonica rinascimentale; l’altra confrontando luoghi delle opere doniane piú note e esplorando i segreti che azionano i circuiti memoria-invenzione, riuso iconografico-produzione del testo.

This paper aims at excavating the circulation of the Picatrix, an Andalusian grimoire, as it traveled across the Mediterranean in early modern Europe, stirring up natural magic not only as an alternative program for science, but also... more

This paper aims at excavating the circulation of the Picatrix, an Andalusian grimoire, as it traveled across the Mediterranean in early modern Europe, stirring up natural magic not only as an alternative program for science, but also identifying it as an alternative scientific culture located in the East. In following the readings of Ficino, Agrippa and Campanella of the Picatrix, it unfolds a latent cultural process, beginning with Ficino who attempted to philosophize the concept of magic, through Agrippa who sought to legitimate the practice of magic and the persona of the magician, and up to Campanella who ventured to transform natural magic not only into the prime program for natural sciences, but into a political science as well. By stressing their reliance on a source that not only encouraged a competing program (natural magic), but was also written in a competing cultural space, our protagonists stressed that natural magic originated in the deep past, in the ancient space of the east. Thus, they further established its legitimacy by arguing that in its essence, natural magic, builds upon cross-cultural exchanges and on breaking disciplinary fences, fusing bodies of knowledge from different disciplines and from different cultures into each other, so to establish a new philosophy of science. The east, accordingly, was not only a space from which the philosophy of natural magic originated, but more particularly, the fictional cultural space where practice of natural magic acted as building an inductive bottom-top society.

"In 1623 an Italian traveller, Pietro della Valle, reached the Portuguese colony of Goa in western India, after nine years of travel in the Near East. That same year, Christopher Borrus, a Jesuit on his way back to Italy from doing... more

"In 1623 an Italian traveller, Pietro della Valle, reached the Portuguese colony of Goa in western India, after nine years of travel in the Near East. That same year, Christopher Borrus, a Jesuit on his way back to Italy from doing missionary work
in Cochin-China (southern Vietnam), also stopped in Goa. The two men — della Valle, who was trained in Near Eastern languages, and Borrus, who was skilled in astronomy, cartography and mathematics — worked together to translate into Persian a short Latin work of Borrus’s on the Tychonic system. As it has come down to us, the translation takes the form of a Persian-Italian manuscript letter made into a booklet. Addressed to a Persian astronomer named Zayyn al-dīn al-Lārī, it eventually became part of the collections of the Vatican Library. Such a collocation of evidence fused the vast geographical and cultural gaps among the three men and extended to the East what has become known as ‘the Galileo affair’."

In 1632, an Ethiopian traveler named Sagga Krestos [Zaga Christ] arrived in Cairo and introduced himself to Franciscan missionaries as the legitimate heir to the Ethiopian throne. Following conversion to Catholicism, he embarked on an... more

In 1632, an Ethiopian traveler named Sagga Krestos [Zaga Christ] arrived in Cairo and introduced himself to Franciscan missionaries as the legitimate heir to the Ethiopian throne. Following conversion to Catholicism, he embarked on an epic journey throughout the Italian peninsula and France, where he was hosted and supported by the Congregation of Propaganda Fide, multiple northern Italian rulers, and the French monarchy. By cross-referencing his autobiographical statement with a vast body of archival and published sources, this article shows that Sagga Krestos was an impostor, but also that, thanks to a favorable historical juncture and skilled self-fashioning, he was extensively supported by his European hosts. Sagga Krestos's story of survival in the early modern Mediterranean dovetails with the literature on imposture, highlights the role that Africans played in the making of European expansion, and sheds further light on the condition of elite Africans in early modern Europe.

I domenicani costruiscono conventi in cui è possibile studiare e specializzarsi nella filosofia e nella teologia, possiedono enormi biblioteche, comprano e gestiscono terreni, anche lontani dai centri abitati, si preoccupano di curare i... more

I domenicani costruiscono conventi in cui è possibile studiare e specializzarsi nella filosofia e nella teologia, possiedono enormi biblioteche, comprano e gestiscono terreni, anche lontani dai centri abitati, si preoccupano di curare i poveri e diffondono una certa arte farmaceutica che, per mezzo di alcune spezierie, si rivelerà fondamentale per i piccoli centri calabresi. Dopo l'apogeo cinquecentesco - che si chiude con la presenza di Tommaso Campanella e della sua congiura antispagnola - e i primi decenni del Seicento, quella serie di terremoti che devastò la Calabria, fino a restituircela oggi monca di gran parte della sua storia, proclamò la lenta decadenza anche del convento di Nicastro. Una storia che merita l'approfondimento non tanto sotto la lente del localismo quanto in relazione alla più grande storia e alle grandi geografie dei Predicatori di tutta Europa.

Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą normalizacji klasyfikacji gatunków utopijnych z perspektywy filozoficzno-literackiej i filologicznej z uwzględnieniem najnowszych badań zachodnich, podważających – zdaniem autora – wciąż obowiązujący w Polsce... more

Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą normalizacji klasyfikacji gatunków utopijnych z perspektywy filozoficzno-literackiej i filologicznej z uwzględnieniem najnowszych badań zachodnich, podważających – zdaniem autora – wciąż obowiązujący w Polsce podział tekstów utopijnych na utopie, antyutopie i dystopie. W miejsce obowiązujących dotąd typologii proponuje się podział utopii jako fikcyjnych „nie-miejsc” na eutopie („nie-miejsca” pozytywne) oraz dystopie („nie-miejsca” negatywne), nawiązujący do mniej rozpowszechnionej w Polsce tradycji interpretacyjnej wiążącej dystopie z krytyką logocentryzmu eutopijnego oraz do autorskiej propozycji przeciwstawienia eutopijnej figury Ojca Logosu dystopijnej figurze jego Władcy. W ten sposób sformułowany zostaje model interpretacyjny tekstów utopijnych zrywający z dominującym paradygmatem socjologicznym, a zapewniający w zamian instrumentarium analityczne dla tych spośród filologów i socjologów, którym bliskie jest zestawianie eutopii i dystopii z, odpowiednio, nowoczesną i ponowoczesną narracją o świecie.

Campanella'nın Güneş Ülkesi kitabının notlandırılmış yeni çevirisi

In this paper I am juxtaposing R. Yosef Qaro (1488-1575), rabbi of the city of Safed and the most important organizer of the modern halakhic (Jewish law) canon in the early modern period, with Shabbetai Sẹvi (1626-1676),the Jewish messiah... more

In this paper I am juxtaposing R. Yosef Qaro (1488-1575), rabbi of the city of Safed and the most important organizer of the modern halakhic (Jewish law) canon in the early modern period, with Shabbetai Sẹvi (1626-1676),the Jewish messiah and apostate to Islam, who perhaps more than any other figure in early modernity symbolizes the violation of the law and the destruction of its norms. However, I seek to draw out a subtle point of connection between the two of them precisely in the realm in which they seem most disparate: namely, their understandings of halakha and law. More specifically, I hope to demonstrate the importance of a common image shared by these two figures- experiencing their legal activity as a living construction of the sacred space of the Temple, and doing so - to compare their nomian-cosmological conceptions with their renessaince contemporaries - Tommaso Campanella and others. In this regard, examining these two figures together will provide a novel perspective regarding the interface between law, knowledge, nature, and the Divine in the ever-surprising world of the early modern era.

Campanella’s reflection about teratology goes through some of the main issues in his thought and more in general the philosophical debate of his time: the controversial about the human generation ex purefatio, the organic and functional... more

Campanella’s reflection about teratology goes through some of the main issues in his thought and more in general the philosophical debate of his time: the controversial about the human generation ex purefatio, the organic and functional distinction man-woman, the theory of imagination, the moral responsibility and the contra natura sin, the possibility of creating artificial life. Especially, and this is the essential point for Campanella, this theme regards the heart of the theological anthropology, questioning the very concept of humanity...

Utopias and dystopias are constructed according to the current social structure. While utopias represent better and more beautiful things, anxiety and pessimism are transmitted in dystopia. Within the scope of this study, social reality... more

Utopias and dystopias are constructed according to the current social structure. While utopias represent better and more beautiful things, anxiety and pessimism are transmitted in dystopia. Within the scope of this study, social reality the relation ship in dystopias is examined by revealing gender relations and the phenomenon of consumption are discussed. At this point, the processes of gender relation and consumption fact are discussed. It is observed that social structure is driven by a production and consumption oriented process in the dystrophic works. Especially together with the industrial revolution, transformation of economic structure generated various concerns in social structure. This fear and insecurity ambience also reflected on dystopias. However, when recent history and modern-day conditions are considered, it is seen that anxieties indicated in dystopias have become possible in the context of social reality. Development in science and technology has become an important determinant in connection with guarding people and directing them to the consumption. Culture forms, human values and gender relations emerge as goods of consumption culture. In this process, women transform to something in means of consumption for commitment of freedom. In consumer society individual concept become prominent before masculinity and femininity. Individual transforms to a victim that is constrained with production and consumption and faces disidentification problem. The purpose of this study is to discuss identity problem of women in consumer society in the context of social realities.

Un dossier réalisé pour un cours d'anthropologie du corps (Jean-Jacques Courtine) en M2 Lettres modernes. Je suis conscient que certaines opinions exprimées sont subjectives, et s'écartent de la neutralité vers laquelle tout écrit... more

Un dossier réalisé pour un cours d'anthropologie du corps (Jean-Jacques Courtine) en M2 Lettres modernes. Je suis conscient que certaines opinions exprimées sont subjectives, et s'écartent de la neutralité vers laquelle tout écrit universitaire doit tendre, mais je n'ai pu me résoudre à censurer ces moments d'enthousiasme... J'ai trouvé cette utopie vraiment passionnante, car elle propose des innovations spectaculaires (en matière d'éducation notamment) pour un prêtre des premières années du XVIIème siècle, tout en prônant un contrôle du corps total, étrangement verrouillé par les lois des astres... Je termine en comparant ses conceptions avec l'utopie éducative et sexuelle que Sade propose dans "Français, encore un effort" (extrait de la Philosophie dans le boudoir, 1795)...

The aim of the paper is to analyse Comenius’ relationship to Renaissance Neo-Platonism and especially to compare Comenius’ views with Tommaso Campanella, his most important predecessor in this regard. In the 1640s, Comenius significantly... more

The aim of the paper is to analyse Comenius’ relationship to Renaissance Neo-Platonism and especially to compare Comenius’ views with Tommaso Campanella, his most important predecessor in this regard. In the 1640s, Comenius significantly improved upon the Campanellian theory of successive worlds by revising his original linear ascendant model and replacing it with a cyclical model. Comenius thus occupies a special place in the Neo-Platonic tradition: In the standard Neo-Platonic schema, new worlds are created by moving away from the original unity, through increasing disharmony; in Comenius’ concept, it is the activity of autonomous man which gives rise to a new reality and leads the universe to the ascendance to its culmination.

A cura di Lorenzo Bianchi e Antonella Sannino. I saggi qui raccolti affrontano in un ampio spazio diacronico – dal XI secolo fino alla prima metà del XVII – questioni legate alla magia naturale in Europa. Essi toccano diverse aree... more

A cura di Lorenzo Bianchi e Antonella Sannino.
I saggi qui raccolti affrontano in un ampio spazio diacronico
– dal XI secolo fino alla prima metà del XVII – questioni legate
alla magia naturale in Europa. Essi toccano diverse aree geografiche
e linguistiche e si avvalgono del contributo di specialisti di
discipline del mondo medievale arabo, ebraico e latino, nonché di
storici del pensiero della prima età moderna. I testi magici offrono
un terreno particolarmente proficuo per una ricerca attenta
non solo alle fonti ma anche alle trasformazioni teoriche. Nell’accettare
tutta la complessità di una categoria storiografica come
quella di magia, gli autori intendono valorizzare quelle differenti
costellazioni teoriche che si ritrovano in aree apparentemente
lontane tra di loro, risalendo a tradizioni testuali comuni, ma
registrando anche cambiamenti lessicali e variazioni concettuali.

Corso di Laurea in Scienze Filosofiche: Tesi di Laurea. Nel mio lavoro di tesi ho inteso ripercorrere il periodo francese di Tommaso Campanella e portare alla luce il rapporto che intercorse fra Campanella e Marin Cureau de La Chambre,... more

Corso di Laurea in Scienze Filosofiche: Tesi di Laurea.
Nel mio lavoro di tesi ho inteso ripercorrere il periodo francese di Tommaso Campanella e portare alla luce il rapporto che intercorse fra Campanella e Marin Cureau de La Chambre, medico di Luigi XIII. Prova fondamentale del rapporto fra i due pensatori è il Discorso sulle cause dello straripamento del Nilo di Cureau: in questo testo Campanella viene portato dal medico francese come autorevole esperto per quanto riguarda la dottrina degli spiriti, elemento fondamentale per spiegare l'innalzamento stagionale delle acque del Nilo ma anche per la filosofia naturale, e soprattutto lo studio del corpo umano. Questo sodalizio fra Campanella e Cureau, siglato su un comune e vivo interesse nei confronti della dottrina degli spiriti, racconta di come il meccanicismo cartesiano, che proprio allora iniziava la sua vertiginosa ascesa, non si fosse sbarazzato dei retaggi rinascimentali come avrebbe desiderato. La Francia della metà del XVII secolo, infatti, è teatro dello scontro fra il meccanicismo cartesiano e correnti di pensiero che ancora studiano e applicano quello che era il pansensimo rinascimentale, di cui Campanella era non secondario esponente. La filosofia di Cureau si mette in gioco nel dibattito con Pierre Chanet sull'intelligenza degli animali; a tal riguardo Chanet riprende la metafora della freccia di tommasiana memoria mentre Cureau, con la sua dottrina della luce, sostiene e spiega i comportamenti in cui gli animali manifestano intelligenza propria.