Concession Research Papers - (original) (raw)

[It]: L'elaborato ricostruisce lo sviluppo del settore delle concessioni autostradali in Italia, partendo dalla loro nascita, passando per la privatizzazione avviata negli anni Novanta, per giungere, infine, ad analizzare il dibattito su... more

[It]: L'elaborato ricostruisce lo sviluppo del settore delle concessioni autostradali in Italia, partendo dalla loro nascita, passando per la privatizzazione avviata negli anni Novanta, per giungere, infine, ad analizzare il dibattito su di una possibile ripubblicizzazione conseguente al tragico crollo del Viadotto Morandi; si evidenziano, inoltre, i relativi elementi costitutivi dell'ambito, ovvero le specificità del regime concessorio autostradale rispetto a quello ordinario, la crescente presenza di una governance indipendente, nonché le peculiari modalità di determinazione della tariffa mediante il parametro del price cap. In particolare, il filo rosso ricavabile dall'indagine è quello secondo cui i principali interventi del Legislatore in materia sono stati ispirati, quasi fosse un pendolo, dalle contingenti esigenze e non dal perseguimento di un disegno organico. Pertanto, la speranza è quella di riscontrare in futuro non tanto misure specifiche, quanto un vero e proprio ripensamento dell'approccio legislativo sul tema. Abstract [En]: The paper reconstructs the development of the motorway concessions sector in Italy, starting from their birth, through the privatisation in the 1990s, to finally analyze the debate on a possible re-publication following the tragic collapse of the Morandi Viaduct; the paper also highlights the relative constituent elements of the scope, i.e. the specific features of the motorway concession regime compared to the ordinary one, the growing presence of an independent governance, as well as the peculiar modalities of tariff determination through the price cap parameter. In particular, the red thread that can be drawn from the survey is that the main interventions of the Legislator on the subject were inspired, as if it were a pendulum, by the contingent needs and not by the pursuit of an organic design. Therefore, the hope is to find in the future not so much specific measures, but a real rethinking of the legislative approach on the subject. Sommario: 1. Introduzione; 2. La nascita delle autostrade in Italia e il loro sviluppo sotto lo Stato interventista; 3. La crisi della gestione pubblica e le privatizzazioni; 4. Gli elementi costitutivi del regime delle concessioni autostradali: il "paradigma" concessorio; 5. Gli elementi costitutivi del regime delle concessioni autostradali: la governance indipendente; 6. Gli elementi costitutivi del regime delle concessioni autostradali: la determinazione della tariffa; 7. Conclusioni. L'orizzonte delle concessioni autostradali

This paper is the report of a study on the improvement of road infrastructure in Nigeria using the Minna-Bida road as a case study. The N1.414 trillion which has been appropriated for the road sector in Nigeria since 1999 is seen as an... more

This paper is the report of a study on the improvement of road infrastructure in Nigeria using the Minna-Bida road as a case study. The N1.414 trillion which has been appropriated for the road sector in Nigeria since 1999 is seen as an acknowledgement of the crucial role of road transportation in national development. There are views that inadequate funding has contributed substantially to the deplorable condition of some roads, specifically the Minna-Bida road axis; which is additional to the lack of robust project management strategies capable of sustaining these investments. Anecdotal evidence suggests that Nigeria needs a sustainable framework which would ensure the preservation of her road transportation infrastructure; the attainment of which is affected by the level of funding. This paper highlights the failure of direct conventional tolling and makes a case for Public Private Partnership (PPP), by concessioning, as a means of achieving sustainable preservation of the road transportation infrastructure in Nigeria. The financial viability of both the conventional tolling and the modified shadow-toll concession (STC) models were tested using the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Net Present Value (NPV). The result shows that while the STC model is financially viable, the conventional tolling model is not.

Esta tese analisou o sistema de transporte ferroviário de carga brasileiro, dos efeitos da atuação das concessionárias até os projetos de expansão previstos durante o Governo de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva e Dilma Rousseff. Assim o objetivo... more

Esta tese analisou o sistema de transporte ferroviário de carga brasileiro, dos efeitos da atuação das concessionárias até os projetos de expansão previstos durante o Governo de Luiz Inácio
Lula da Silva e Dilma Rousseff. Assim o objetivo principal foi compreender os entraves e as contradições do sistema de transporte brasileiro no que tange ao papel do Estado e da iniciativa privada na manutenção e expansão da malha férrea e seus reflexos sobre setores da economia. As concessões ferroviárias e modificações no sistema regulatório resolveram parte dos problemas nos principais corredores de cargas, mas ocorreram irregularidades na operação, desativação de ramais e maior monopólio. A estratégia operacional das concessionárias é resultado da combinação de um processo de fusão e aquisição, com base na lógica financeira e no interesse de grandes grupos de mineração e commodities agrícolas. A concentração
espacial dos novos equipamentos nos principais corredores de exportação é resultado direto do complexo que envolve o modelo de concessão, a falta de uma fiscalização efetiva dos órgãos públicos competentes e o tipo de financiamento, o qual favoreceu apenas as
concessionárias e os clientes que estão entre os maiores exportadores de commodities. O sistema ferroviário brasileiro acaba por ser a junção dos traçados do século XIX com uma tecnologia do século XXI, em trechos de maior relevância para as atuais concessionárias. Os
projetos de expansão e renovação das vias férreas do Governo de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2011) e Dilma Rousseff (2012-2016) não alcançaram êxito quanto ao cronograma de execução, no entanto é notório que houve um aumento dos investimentos tanto do setor
público quanto pela iniciativa privada. A lentidão e os problemas na execução desses projetos ratificam as deficiências de gestão e planejamento do Estado e os interesses de classes hegemônicas, de modo que não existe uma solução simples para o modal; ao contrário, ela deve ser um processo de planejamento de longo prazo. A curto prazo devem ser tomadas algumas medidas para eliminar os abusos advindos do monopólio, principalmente em grupos que não possuem como principal atividade a prestação de serviço de transporte, garantir a
entrada de novos operadores e ampliar a intermodalidade e a multimodalidade. No debate sobre o financiamento da infraestrutura de transporte, a concessão ferroviária para empresas privadas continua sendo uma alternativa viável para a prestação de serviços de interesse
público, mas que estão subinvestidos. No entanto o histórico das atuais concessionárias coloca alguns óbices a concessões verticais para setores produtivos, por isso o ideal seriam parcerias público-privadas ou concessões para operadores de transporte especializados.
Palavras-chave: transporte ferroviário, concessões, Estado e iniciativa privada

SUMMARY Forest concessions in Central Africa are being subjected to a combination of pressures from agribusiness investments, population growth and the informalisation of the domestic timber trade. This puts them at a crossroad. Despite... more

SUMMARY Forest concessions in Central Africa are being subjected to a combination of pressures from agribusiness investments, population growth and the informalisation of the domestic timber trade. This puts them at a crossroad. Despite REDD+, the forest sector is not a policy priority for governments whose ambition is to achieve emerging country status. This article takes stock of the forest concessions and management rules in Central Africa, the slow progress of forest certification, and the difficulties facing the FLEGT/VPAs process, and proposes a preliminary assessment of the impact of the log export ban imposed in Gabon since 2011. Examples are given of the mounting influence of Asian companies, and the growing concentration of large corporate interests. The concession regime must be restructured to include multiple uses and take better account of local land rights inside and outside the concessions. The legitimacy of forest concessions depends on their transparency, their strict compliance with laws and regulations, and their provision of social and ecological guarantees. Certification has been a lever for improving the practices and the self-regulation of certified companies. Recognising the public interest of certification would legitimate financial and non-financial incentives for companies to become certified, and international transfers may contribute to the implementation of such incentives.

The Mavrommatis dispute was about the fate of conflicting concessions for the supply of water and electricity and associated economic and political control over Palestine in the interwar period. Both water and electricity were essential... more

A l’issue du Stage effectué au sein de la Direction Adjointe du Contentieux de ENEO Cameroon S.A., il est prescrit de produire un rapport traitant d’une préoccupation essentielle que rencontre cette unité dans l’un de ses champs... more

A l’issue du Stage effectué au sein de la Direction Adjointe du Contentieux de ENEO Cameroon S.A., il est prescrit de produire un rapport traitant d’une préoccupation essentielle que rencontre cette unité dans l’un de ses champs d’activités. C’est ainsi qu’ayant travaillé sur des dossiers de divers ordres (Social, Pénal, Saisies, Foncier et les Contrats), nous avons choisi de porter notre dévolu sur l’une des problématiques des plus fondamentales de l’entreprise en général, et de l’unité en particulier à savoir la gestion de ses litiges fonciers. En effet, pour mener à bien ses missions telles que définies dans le cadre du contrat de concession signé l’Etat du Cameroun, la Société ENEO se doit d’occuper et/ou d’exploiter de nombreux sites, espaces et ouvrages répandus sur l’ensemble du territoire national. Cependant, dans bien nombre de cas, elle doit faire face à la résistance des populations qui, le plus souvent propriétaires, n’hésitent pas à saisir les juridictions lorsqu’elles estiment que leurs droits de propriété semblent lésés. Comment ENEO fait-elle donc face à ces difficultés ? Quelle(s) stratégie(s) employer pour surmonter au mieux ces obstacles ? Autant de questions auxquelles nous essayons d’apporter un éclairage au travers de cette étude, et pour laquelle nous nous sommes donnés à cœur joie pour de véritables analyses sur la gestion des litiges fonciers à ENEO. Ainsi, eu égard au cadre juridique en matière foncière et de droits réels immobiliers posé par le législateur, aux décisions de justice qui sont bien souvent rendues en notre défaveur, il nous a semblé judicieux de formuler quelques propositions que nous soumettons à la hiérarchie, en particulier à Monsieur le Directeur.

We construct a regulation model in which renegotiation occurs due to the imperfect enforcement of concession contracts. This enables us to provide theoretical predictions for the impact, on the probability of renegotiation of a... more

We construct a regulation model in which renegotiation occurs due to the
imperfect enforcement of concession contracts. This enables us to provide theoretical
predictions for the impact, on the probability of renegotiation of a concession, of regulatory
policy, institutional features, economic shocks and of several characteristics of the
concession contracts themselves.

Service concession contract is a traditional legal institute in administrative law that today has been “attracted” under the jurisdiction of European law in order to reinforce the single market and to strengthen competition law in the... more

Service concession contract is a traditional legal institute in administrative law that today has been “attracted” under the jurisdiction of European law in order to reinforce the single market and to strengthen competition law in the Member States. Nevertheless the regulation of the award of service concession contracts is still incomplete and based essentially on the general principles of European law mentioned in the Treaties (such as equal treatment, non-discrimination, transparency, competition, proportionality). In this context, especially the Italian administrative jurisprudence, is playing an important role in trying to better distinguish the essential features of a service concession contract from the other public contracts and to outline “a basic framework” for the award procedures. Sometimes, however, the judicial decisions try to extend to the service concession contracts the application of many detailed rules, that are expressly referred to other public contracts, beyond any legislative provision. On one side, this sort of “creative” jurisprudence risks overturnig the aim of the legislator to consider applicable only the general principles in order to maintain a greater flexibility and rapidity in the procedures and to preserve an important autonomy of the public administrations; on the other side, it risks creating a great legal uncertainty in the public authorities as well as in the stakeholders. In this perspective, the proposal for a directive of the European Commission on the award of service concession contracts, that seeks to define a clearer legal framework without unduly limiting the need for flexibility and rapidity of the procedure, should be looked at with favor.

La concessione di servizio pubblico rappresenta un istituto “chiave” per comprendere l’evoluzione dei rapporti tra poteri pubblici e autonomie private e, al tempo stesso, per analizzare i nessi e le interferenze tra diritto pubblico e... more

La concessione di servizio pubblico rappresenta un istituto “chiave” per comprendere l’evoluzione dei rapporti tra poteri pubblici e autonomie private e, al tempo stesso, per analizzare i nessi e le interferenze tra diritto pubblico e diritto comune nell’odierno “diritto delle amministrazioni pubbliche”. Lo scritto, muovendo da un esame dei principali orientamenti giurisprudenziali e dottrinari in materia, si pone l’obiettivo di evidenziare alcuni profili di criticità che caratterizzano l’attuale concezione pubblicistica del rapporto concessorio: particolare attenzione è dedicata alla fase dell’esecuzione e della relativa tutela giurisdizionale. Ripercorrendo le tradizionali argomentazioni giuridiche e culturali che hanno giustificato la ricostruzione della concessione come strumento alternativo al contratto di diritto privato (e in particolare la problematica dell’oggetto pubblico e della necessaria presenza di poteri “esorbitanti”), si tenta di dimostrare – anche sulla base delle importanti trasformazioni che il diritto europeo ha impresso al settore della contrattualità amministrativa e alla stessa nozione di servizio pubblico – la possibilità di concepire il rapporto concessorio in chiave paritetica e negoziale, senza per questo rinunciare alle imprescindibili esigenze di tutela dell’interesse pubblico, sottese all’erogazione di un pubblico servizio.

La vexata quaestio delle proroghe delle concessioni demaniali marittime ha trovato il suo apparente definitivo approdo giurisprudenziale nelle sentenze gemelle dell’Adunanza plenaria nn. 17 e 18 del 9 novembre 2021 che hanno tutta l’aria... more

La vexata quaestio delle proroghe delle concessioni demaniali marittime ha trovato il suo apparente definitivo approdo giurisprudenziale nelle sentenze gemelle dell’Adunanza plenaria nn. 17 e 18 del 9 novembre 2021 che hanno tutta l’aria di essere delle pronunce “additive” in ragione dei principi di diritto affermati da osservarsi scrupolosamente durante le future scansioni procedimentali volte al rilascio delle concessioni demaniali marittime con finalità turistico-ricreative . Le pronunce in parola affrontano numerosi temi fortemente dibattuti sia in ambito giurisprudenziale che dottrinale. Esse rappresentano un ineludibile momento di confronto rispetto al quale le amministrazioni aggiudicatrici non potranno sottrarsi al pari dello stesso Parlamento chiamato a licenziare una disciplina di settore auspicabilmente entro il 31 dicembre 2023.
In questo senso, le decisioni dell’Adunanza plenaria si rivolgono non solo al giudice amministrativo – chiamato a tenerne conto al fine di garantire pro futuro l’uniformità degli orientamenti giurisprudenziali – ma anche a tutte le amministrazioni aggiudicatrici coinvolte nel rilascio delle concessioni.
Lo scopo di questo studio, allora, è proprio quello di offrire una disamina il più possibile completa ed esaustiva delle pronunce della Plenaria cercando di evidenziarne gli innumerevoli punti di convergenza con il diritto euro-unitario ma anche le indubbie criticità che alcuni snodi argomentativi pure evidenziano.

ельности в русском языке и анализируется семантика выражающих уступительное значение языковых единиц. В первой главе предлагается и обосновывается семантический инвариант уступительности, в основе которого лежат семантические примитивы... more

ельности в русском языке и анализируется семантика выражающих
уступительное значение языковых единиц. В первой главе предлагается
и обосновывается семантический инвариант уступительности, в основе
которого лежат семантические примитивы условия и отрицания. Во вто-
рой главе формулируются основные направления семантических моди-
фикаций инварианта — конверсия, добавление валентности, вероятность,
желательность и степень. В третьей главе описывается семантика более
чем шестидесяти уступительных единиц русского языка. Четвертая глава
посвящена корпусному анализу семантических и сочетаемостных свойств
уступительных конструкций. В пятой главе уступительность рассматри-
вается в контексте близких системообразующих смыслов. В шестой главе
анализируются семантические связи уступительности. В седьмой главе
представлена лексикографическая трактовка уступительных единиц в Ак-
тивном словаре русского языка.

The aim of this study is to provide a generally valid and detailed explanation (definition) of the conceptual structure of concession, delimiting its nucleus notional meaning and trying to identify its affinities as well differences in... more

The aim of this study is to provide a generally valid and detailed explanation (definition) of the conceptual structure of concession, delimiting its nucleus notional meaning and trying to identify its affinities as well differences in respect to other relations within the general domain of contrast. [Work presented during the Seminar at the Former Department of Linguistics of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (Leipzig, Germany) on 3rd March 2009]

This paper aims at analyzing the concessive relation, as a complex predication, under the scope of the freezing concept. After having defined the three terms of the analysis, we proceed to the description of the concessive relation, which... more

This paper aims at analyzing the concessive relation, as a complex predication, under the scope of the freezing concept. After having defined the three terms of the analysis, we proceed to the description of the concessive relation, which includes several predicates at a time. This complexity is fixed in the language through grammaticalization, as a form of freezing, by means of grammatical expressions used to structure the organization of the predicative relations in the utterance, whether sentencial or multi-sentencial. This fixation in the language declines the same concessive relation with semantic nuances that testify to the richness of this complex predication.
Keywords: concession; grammaticalization; frozen structures; complex predicate; predication

La présente recherche est une suite de la précédente, les auteurs essayant par une toute autre vision par rapport au premier ouvrage, d’identifier et de mesurer les évolutions positives ou négatives des performances d’Apa Nova Bucureşti... more

La présente recherche est une suite de la précédente, les auteurs essayant
par une toute autre vision par rapport au premier ouvrage, d’identifier et
de mesurer les évolutions positives ou négatives des performances d’Apa
Nova Bucureşti au cours de la période 2008-2012 sur les points suivants :
 Le stade d’accomplissement par Apa Nova Bucureşti des objectifs
du Contrat de Concession.
 L’analyse de l’évolution dans une dynamique de performance
globale d’Apa Nova Bucureşti, en qualité d’opérateur du service
d’alimentation en eau et d’assainissement.
 L’analyse comparative des performances d’Apa Nova Bucureşti par
rapport aux opérateurs similaires représentatifs au niveau national.
 L’analyse du partenariat public privé par rapport aux autres formes
de délégation de services d’alimentation en eau et
Les auteurs se sont également proposés une approche des effets du PPP
sur les services publics d’alimentation en eau et d’assainissement de la ville
de Bucarest du point de vue du stade de réalisation des niveaux de services prévus dans le Contrat de Concession, par Apa Nova Bucureşti en qualité de Concessionnaire, et de la performance globale enregistrée par la société douze ans après l’entrée en vigueur de la concession des services respectifs.

Focusing on asynchronous online communication, the article aims to examine Concessive signalling in two e-genres: comments and discussion fora. Following the dialogic concept of Concession, the author looks at the conversational behaviour... more

Public utilities concession is a fundamental legal institute to understand the evolution of the relationship between public powers and private autonomies and, at the same time, to analyze the issue of public/private divide in... more

Public utilities concession is a fundamental legal institute to understand the evolution of the relationship between public powers and private autonomies and, at the same time, to analyze the issue of public/private divide in Administrative Law. Starting from a critical examination of the main tendencies of the present judicial decisions and legal science, this work aims to shed light on some uncertainties related to the traditional idea of concession as a “public law” tool: particular attention is paid to execution of concession contracts and judicial review. After having analyzed the legal arguments on which the traditional definition of concessions as “public law” instrument is based (such as the issue of “public object” and the presence of the so called “clauses exorbitantes du droit commun”), the work tries to demonstrate – also underlining the significant changes brought about by EU law in the field of public contracts and on the very definition of public service – the possibility to conceive public service concession as a private instrument, without prejudice to public interest and, consequently, to public service principles.

Le proposizioni concessive occupano un posto particolare rispetto ad altre frasi avverbiali, in quanto comportano una maggiore elaborazione logica: non a caso appaiono tardi nel corso dell'apprendimento linguistico, sono poco adoperate... more

Le proposizioni concessive occupano un posto particolare rispetto ad altre frasi avverbiali, in quanto comportano una maggiore elaborazione logica: non a caso appaiono tardi nel corso dell'apprendimento linguistico, sono poco adoperate nella lingua informale e in quella dei semicolti e anche nella lingua colta di registro elevato ricorrono più raramente di altre subordinate. L'espressione della concessività si presenta come una struttura complessa e polisemica. Il presente lavoro dimostra come già nella lingua dei secoli passati la relazione
concessiva non avesse carattere monolitico, bensì potesse assumere a seconda del contesto d'uso diversi valori semantici. La ricerca propone una ricca e articolata classificazione che distingue ben dodici tipi di concessive, individuabili in testi di vario genere che vanno dal XIV al XVIII secolo.
Corredato da più di cento grafici che forniscono precise indicazioni sulla frequenza dei diversi valori concessivi e delle congiunzioni a essi corrispondenti, il saggio offre inoltre una copiosa esemplificazione: più di milleseicento sono i passi citati e commentati.

This contribution presents a comparative, corpus-based study of three concessive subordinators from English, German and Spanish, i.e., 'although', 'obwohl' and 'aunque'. It investigates differences in the distribution of these operators... more

This contribution presents a comparative, corpus-based study of three concessive subordinators from English, German and Spanish, i.e., 'although', 'obwohl' and 'aunque'. It investigates differences in the distribution of these operators on the basis of richly annotated data from the Europarl corpus, taking into consideration structural properties of the relevant clauses (position and length), the type of semantic relation holding between the main clause and the concessive clause, the level of linking (propo-sitional, illocutionary, textual), and information structural parameters (status of the concessive clause, topic-comment structure). The study shows that there are significant differences between German obwohl on the one hand, and English although and Spanish aunque, on the other. German obwohl is more restricted in its distribution and mostly occurs in 'canonical' concessives, while English although and Spanish aunque are used in a broader range of contexts, beyond the canonical distributions (e.g. in 'restrictive' uses, and at a textual level). This observation is related to the fact that German, unlike English and Spanish, uses a specific type of word order in subordinate clauses, which seems to block distributional extensions, at least in the formal register investigated in the present study (political speech).

At the end of 19th and beginning of the 20th century the Ottoman Empire was experiencing great difficulties in terms of financial. Foreigners in the Ottoman lands had obtained important advantages with capitulation. Besides Foreigners... more

At the end of 19th and beginning of the 20th century the Ottoman Empire was experiencing great difficulties in terms of financial. Foreigners in the Ottoman lands had obtained important advantages with capitulation. Besides Foreigners were influential in many concessions for public services. However capitulation and concession words in terms of meaning and scope were separated apart. This difference in the future studies about that period and related topics will allow more accurate interpretations to be made. In this study, the meaning of the concession will be investigated in the last period of the Ottoman Empire. In that period and then, this word given meanings will be compared with a historical dimension with the concept of capitulation. Consequently will be kept light to that period from an different aspect.

In April 1931, boycotts of foreign-owned electricity companies were launched across multiple cities of the Arab Levant under French Mandate. This article argues that the boycotts drew on an established local culture of boycotting that was... more

In April 1931, boycotts of foreign-owned electricity companies were launched across multiple cities of the Arab Levant under French Mandate. This article argues that the boycotts drew on an established local culture of boycotting that was shaped by the social relations formed under the system of “concessionary imperialism.” These “electric boycotts” took on increased potency in the context of the constrained
opportunities for anti-imperial protest under the interwar system. They
were part of an oft-forgotten history of nonviolent civil disobedience, overshadowed by more violent expressions of opposition to colonial rule. It is argued that the 1931 and 1936 boycotts were novel for the threat of regional conflagration that they posed, as well as the increased “internationalization” in the framing of their meanings. Gandhism, Communism, and later, Fascism, provided competing poles of
reference for anti-imperial activists in French Mandate Syria across the decade of the 1930s.

M.A. abstract (Prize for Military History - French Ministry for Defence, 2014)

Defeat comes to politicians with shock and the default response of disappointment; nevertheless, its management has implications for peaceful transition, national stability, and aspirants' democratic and public image. Extant works on... more

Defeat comes to politicians with shock and the default response of disappointment; nevertheless, its management has implications for peaceful transition, national stability, and aspirants' democratic and public image. Extant works on election speeches have focused on different aspects of meaning in defeat concession, but have overlooked the ideational aspect of the speeches. Yet, it has the potential of revealing how losing aspirants use language in the realisation of their experiential meanings, within the context of their election defeat. Therefore, this study investigates the linguistic representation of candidates' election defeat experience as embedded in variant themes, together with associated realities that suggest certain political postures. A Plea to Fight on, and Benediction. More specifically, the study reveals the actual act of concession to be a Verbalisation in a clause. The paper concludes that the ideational reading of a concession speech transcends yielding...

Abstract: The research proposes to analyze the Principal-Agent problem, for 3 emblematic concession contracts on transport (Metropolitano, Lima Metro and Kuélap Cableway) specifically in the area of revenue collection, first reviewing the... more

Abstract: The research proposes to analyze the Principal-Agent problem, for 3 emblematic concession contracts on transport (Metropolitano, Lima Metro and Kuélap Cableway) specifically in the area of revenue collection, first reviewing the scope in terms of rights and duties of both parties (Grantor and Concessionaire) regarding the management, access and revision of data and information and subsequently to evaluate if, according to these scope, the Principal-Agent problem has an effective solution that is not necessarily the arbitration.

В данной статье рассмотрена проблема усиления международной политической напря-жённости между СССР и западными странами, в частности Англией, Германией и США, выявлены ос-новные причины возникновения и её роль в дальнейшем развитии... more

В данной статье рассмотрена проблема усиления международной политической напря-жённости между СССР и западными странами, в частности Англией, Германией и США, выявлены ос-новные причины возникновения и её роль в дальнейшем развитии концессионной политики внутри со-ветского государства.
This article examines the problem of strengthening international political tensions between the USSR and Western countries, in particular, Britain, Germany and the United States, the main causes of the emergence and its role in the further development of the concession policy within the Soviet state were identified .

This paperis a summary ofresearch activityconductedwithin Sustainable Economic Developmentsectorof Instituteof National Economyin 2013, activitycentered aroundthe research theme"Economic and financialrisk managementof... more

This paperis a summary ofresearch activityconductedwithin Sustainable Economic Developmentsectorof Instituteof National Economyin 2013, activitycentered aroundthe research theme"Economic and financialrisk managementof environmentalprojectsfinanced from European funds; impact of the crisis". The general objectiveistheoretical and methodologicalsubstantiation of the most important economic and financialrisksspecific to environmentalinvestments, with particular emphasis onthepublicdomain, i.e. waste management, water supply andsewagemanagement.A number of matrix were executed in order to evaluate the risks that occur in waste managementprojectsand also an analysisof the risk probabilityandrisk allocation on bothcollection, sortingandwaste transferconcessionas well asin compliance storagewasteconcession.The second part of the paper presented the economic and financial risks that arise in the field of water supply and sanitation (WSS), classified as commercial and institutional risks. To analyze the major economic and financial risks in the sector, especially in the Romanian situation, ataxonomy table of the main financial and economic risks was proposed, as well as a qualitative risk assessment matrix by applying the risk matrix scores.

An article in Land Use Policy published early in 2016 concluded that deforestation in Congo was highest in forest concessions with forest management plans (FMPs) than in those without. The impact assessment analysis which led the... more

An article in Land Use Policy published early in 2016 concluded that deforestation in Congo was highest in forest concessions with forest management plans (FMPs) than in those without. The impact assessment analysis which led the researchers to this conclusion is based on matching randomly selected plots in concessions with and without management plans. The researchers suggest that one factor is the more developed network of forest roads in managed concessions. Another factor is local development, which ensues from mandatory requirements for FMPs and leads to increases in population on FMP concessions and subsequently increased deforestation. Our group of twenty researchers, knowledgeable of forest management issues in Central Africa, analyzed deforestation in concessions over the same time period. Our results show that deforestation is lower in concessions with FMPs than in those without. In a comparative analysis of deforestation with production remaining constant, concessions with FMPs are approximately twice as efficient as those without; per cubic metre produced, gross loss of forests cover was lower by half in concessions with FMPs. We do not argue that forest management planning reduces deforestation because we understand that there are other factors which play essential roles. The dynamics of these other factors need to be analysed, to avoid systematically attributing deforestation trends to forest management plans, or giving them a greater role in than deserved. Finally, any assessment must take into account that forest management is a long-term process, with long-term objectives that include sustained timber yields and the avoidance of forest conversion.

At present, as energy security has become one of the highest priorities discussed globally, swift social, ecological and economic changes in the energy market are taking place. In many countries, local cooperatives have been established... more

At present, as energy security has become one of the highest priorities discussed globally, swift social, ecological and economic changes in the energy market are taking place. In many countries, local cooperatives have been established that intend, among other goals, to purchase power grids and increase renewable energy production. This paper presents the outcomes of a research project devoted to one specific case – BürgerEnergie Berlin (BEB). This cooperative, which is bidding for a twenty-year concession to the Berlin power grid (the biggest in Germany), intends to modernise it after the purchase in order to change it into a smart grid and enable a number of local renewable sources to connect to it. A key success factors model for this cooperative – based on field studies and the use of inductive reasoning – is the original contribution to existing research on energy cooperatives. The presented qualitative analysis, taking into account the details of the process of bidding for the concession, can be an inspiration to cooperative researchers and practitioners and a contribution to a future discussion on alternative solutions to the issues of public utilities ownership and their management.

What leads to a center-left government to deepen neoliberalism? In recent years, the questioning of the subsidiary state and targeting policies have been unleashed by social actors in Chile, especially the movements that have conformed to... more

What leads to a center-left government to deepen neoliberalism? In recent years, the questioning of the subsidiary state and targeting policies have been unleashed by social actors in Chile, especially the movements that have conformed to the heat of the outbreaks of social protest since early 2000's. Education, health, housing, the relationship with the environment and the social welfare model have been questioned, giving way to a deeper critique on the subject of State and its way of relating to civil society that -since that the neoliberal model was implanted in Augusto Pinochet's civic-military dictatorship- has been from the market. The provision of public social and social services has been privatized since then, but it's important to notice that has been the social-democratic governments of the left-center wing who has taken beyond the idea of privatizing and install the model of concession for public health provide.
The relevance of this research lies in the current public debate that questions the relations between the State, the market and social rights, putting under examination the intromission of mercantile criteria in public services. It is relevant to carry out research under this orientation -a sociological one-, especially under the current academic and disciplinary context, in which the analysis of the political, social and economic aspects has been dissociated, a validated focus by the technocracies that propel a scientific knowledge, neutral, objective and apolitical, which does not allow us to glimpse the social relations and the dynamics of power relations that occur in reality behind the veil of economic action.

SUMMARY At the beginning of the 1990s, the World Bank introduced conditionalities to reform the forest concession regime in Central Africa and continuously intervened, inter alia, in Cameroon, Congo, Gabon and the DRC up to 2010. The... more

SUMMARY At the beginning of the 1990s, the World Bank introduced conditionalities to reform the forest concession regime in Central Africa and continuously intervened, inter alia, in Cameroon, Congo, Gabon and the DRC up to 2010. The reforms were designed to achieve two immediate objectives: (i) increase the price of the resource through competitive market procedures or, if inapplicable, through taxation, (ii) break down the patronage system that governed the forest permits allocation. These efforts have been supported by national reformers, and fought against by various vested interests such as the timber companies, but also officials in the forest departments. Because of the difficult political economy, reform ambitions have been lowered, and only a certain proportion of the policy measures initially contemplated has been implemented. This called for a completion of the reform agenda and fine tuning. But by the middle of the 2000s, the evolution of paradigms in tropical forestry gave the critics of the WB policy of concession reforms opportunities to challenge the orientations followed hitherto in Central Africa. The 2013 Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) report of the WB forestry policy, criticizing the WB's management efforts to reform concession regimes in Africa, testified to this change of paradigm. The critics are of mixed mind, with community advocates favoring more pressure on the African governments to dismantle the concession regime and proponents of " performance-based aid " seeing REDD+ as an opportunity to withdraw from direct sectoral intervention. Paradoxically, in spite of REDD+ initiatives and rhetoric, forestry has tumbled in the national policy agendas and forest concessions or protected areas are encroached by agribusiness plantations and mines with the implicit support of large fractions within governments.

Se exponen algunos conceptos clave de la teoría Desde el hablar a las lenguas, desde la cual se examinan los aspectos generales de las determinaciones causales, condicionales, concesivas y consecutivas del enunciado: la relación entre un... more

Se exponen algunos conceptos clave de la teoría Desde el hablar a las lenguas, desde la cual se examinan los aspectos generales de las determinaciones causales, condicionales, concesivas y consecutivas del enunciado: la relación entre un causal y un causado, la sucesión temporal entre ellos y la naturaleza de los elementos de relación. Teniendo en cuenta estos aspectos, se procede a una primera clasificación sistemática de las causales (suficiente / no suficiente, alternativa / no alternativa) y de las consecutivas. Asimismo, se justifica la exclusión de las subordinadas finales y el importante papel que las presuposiciones desempeñan en algunos tipos de causales.

Im Juni 2013 sind neue Konzessionsbestimmungen für die SRG in Kraft getreten, die den strikten Sendungsbezug, wie er mit der Konzession SRG von 2008 festgelegt war, lockern. Das SRG-Online-Angebot soll schwergewichtig auf Audio- und... more

Im Juni 2013 sind neue Konzessionsbestimmungen für die SRG in Kraft getreten, die den strikten Sendungsbezug, wie er mit der Konzession SRG von 2008 festgelegt war, lockern. Das SRG-Online-Angebot soll schwergewichtig auf Audio- und audiovisuellen Inhalten liegen, aber es sind neu auch Online-Inhalte ohne Sendungsbezug erlaubt, sofern bestimmte Vorgaben eingehalten werden.
Die Abteilung Medienwandel & Innovation des Instituts für Publizistikwissenschaft und Medienforschung (IPMZ) der Universität Zürich führt seit 2009 im Auftrag des Bundesamts für Kommunikation (BAKOM) jährliche Analysen des SRG-Online-Angebots durch. Dabei wird überprüft, ob sich die SRG an die vorgegebenen konzessionsrechtlichen Beschränkungen hält. Die SRG Online Beobachtung 2013 setzt diese Analysen fort und untersucht das SRG-Online-Angebot im Hinblick auf die neu in Kraft getretenen Konzessionsbestimmungen. Besonderes Augenmerk wird mit einer gesonderten Stichprobe auf die Newsportale gelegt, d.h. auf Textbeiträge aus den Sparten News, Sport und Regionales/Lokales.
Die Untersuchung bietet einen Überblick über die Angebots- und Vernetzungsstruktur der SRG-Online-Auftritte, eine Analyse zur Konzessionskonformität der Online-Auftritte und – wo möglich – Vergleiche mit den Ergebnissen aus den Vorjahren.

The paper intends to debate about the traditional theory of economic-financial equilibrium (TTEFE) and its main aspects in opposition to the normative and economic dimensions. Our purpose is to demonstrate that TEFE differs from sectoral... more

The paper intends to debate about the traditional theory of economic-financial equilibrium (TTEFE) and its main aspects in opposition to the normative and economic dimensions. Our purpose is to demonstrate that TEFE differs from sectoral regulation (electrical industry), the Law of public service concessions and the economic rationality of the concession contracts. The research had as a starting point a case study, the sectorial regulation of the first concession (distribution) contract of the electric industry celebrated into according to Brazilian Law nº 9.074/1995. We demonstrate that TTEFE is just a theory, a prescriptive and non-descriptive discourse of the Law. Thus, the neoclassical economic theory behind the idea of financial economic equilibrium of complex and relational contracts in Brazilian law is incapable of offering adequate answers. This is because the fallacy of restoring a primeval equilibrium established at T0 is fallacious and ends up spreading a plethora of inefficiencies and distortions through contractual execution.

The recent emergence of large parallel corpora has represented a leap ahead for cross-linguistic and translation studies. However, the specificities of these corpora and their influence on the nature of observed linguistic phenomena... more

The recent emergence of large parallel corpora has represented a leap ahead for cross-linguistic and translation studies. However, the specificities of these corpora and their influence on the nature of observed linguistic phenomena remain underexplored, especially in the field of contrastive linguistics. In this study, we compare the translation equivalences of four concessive adverbial connectives in English and in French across three corpora varying along three dimensions: register, directionality of the translation and translator expertise. Our results indicate that these dimensions affect the cross-linguistic equivalences observed between connectives. We conclude that, in future work, translation-based claims about cross-linguistic equivalences should be balanced according to the type of data analysed. We also identify a pressing need for more rigorously-documented parallel corpora for the English-French language pair.

The attractiveness of Australia as a destination for international students is finally being recognised as an issue of national importance. Australia has had a charmed run on the growth of international enrolments over the last 10 years.... more

The attractiveness of Australia as a destination for international students is finally being recognised as an issue of national importance. Australia has had a charmed run on the growth of international enrolments over the last 10 years. The time has come for Governments both State and Federal to reciprocate through investing in the quality of the international student experience, and in reforms to help ensure Australia remains a preferred destination for international students.

Despite the Soviet government's declarative efforts to engage foreign capital in rebuilding the economy during the 1920s, most concessions did not last long and were liquidated before the respective contracts expired. This article... more

Despite the Soviet government's declarative efforts to engage foreign capital in rebuilding the economy during the 1920s, most concessions did not last long and were liquidated before the respective contracts expired. This article considers the conditions and key outcomes of concession enterprises, as well as the reasons and mechanisms for their premature liquidation, using the textile industry as an example. The main focus is on the indicators and reasons for the high profitability of these enterprises, lending issues and Soviet methods for limiting the growth of foreign concession operator profits.

Je reviens sur les problèmes conjoncturels, mais également sur les causes profondes des difficultés de cette filière, sur la question de la durabilité de l’exploitation forestière, certifiée ou non, et l’hégémonie croissante des acteurs... more

Je reviens sur les problèmes conjoncturels, mais également sur les causes profondes des difficultés de cette filière, sur la question de la durabilité de l’exploitation forestière, certifiée ou non, et l’hégémonie croissante des acteurs asiatiques. Je termine par quelques propositions de politique publique dont l’ambition est de redonner un peu de crédibilité à l’hypothèse de « mise en valeur forestière durable » que la crise actuelle de nombreuses entreprises européennes certifiées a mise à mal.

This article aims to study regulatory arrangements for concessions systems as models of regulatory governance aiming to achieve the best performance. The regulatory arrangements are named contract regulation and statutory regulation. The... more

This article aims to study regulatory arrangements for concessions systems as models of regulatory governance aiming to achieve the best performance. The regulatory arrangements are named contract regulation and statutory regulation. The study takes as reference the Brazilian system of federal railways concessions.

В гражданското общество правото и законодателството са от особено значение, тъй като законът е специфичен посредник и средство за създаване, функциониране и възпроизвеждане на почти всички елементи на гражданското общество. Тоест както на... more

В гражданското общество правото и законодателството са от особено значение, тъй като законът е специфичен посредник и средство за създаване, функциониране и възпроизвеждане на почти всички елементи на гражданското общество. Тоест както на държавата, разбирана като съвкупност от административни, правораздавателни, контролни и най-вече правосъздаващи институции, така и най-общо на недържавните елементи като политически партии, граждански организации, неформални обединения с различен профил и цели. Изработването на различни законодателни решения, тяхното превръщане в закони не е само и единствено въпрос на законодателна инициатива, на техническо изработване на отделни нормативни програми. Това не е въпрос единствено на формална юриспруденция. Не е просто технически или процедурен проблем. Всъщност състоянието на законодателния процес и участието на структурите на гражданското общество в него е индикатор за реалното съществуване на такива структури и за тяхното истинско обществено място. Нещо повече, участието, при това не просто формално, на такива граждански структури в законодателния процес е показател за наличието и зрелостта на гражданското общество въобще.

Concession is one of the forms of public-private partnership. Financial sources, on the other hand, for many public-private partnership projects are generated by private investment. Both concession and investment play a significant role... more

Concession is one of the forms of public-private partnership. Financial sources, on the other hand, for many public-private partnership projects are generated by private investment. Both concession and investment play a significant role within the public-private partnership. Analysis of the Law of Georgia on Concession with relevant laws of the other countries clearly underlies that institutional and legal mechanism of concession relations in Georgia do not comply with the best international standards established in many other countries. Law of Georgia on Investment also contains certain shortcomings in that respect. Therefore, it is necessary to improve and further develop private law norms of concession and investment in order to create those institutional and private law basis which are vital for implementation of public-private partnership.

In contemporary Australian fiction, ending a turn with but is becoming stereotyped as distinctive of Australian English (Mulder 2002). Fascinated to know to what extent this might reflect spoken conversation, and whether it might not be... more

In contemporary Australian fiction, ending a turn with but is becoming stereotyped as distinctive of Australian English (Mulder 2002). Fascinated to know to what extent this might reflect spoken conversation, and whether it might not be restricted to Australia, we began making a collection of examples from various sources of spoken American and Australian English. From these data emerge two hypotheses. Firstly, in contemporary spoken English (and written Australian dialogue), the behaviour of but can be modelled as a continuum from a prosodic-unit-initial conjunction to a prosodic-unit-final discourse particle in a way that suggests a grammaticization process in progress. The usage of ‘final but ’ in Australian English, and its grammaticization pathway, seems precisely parallel to that of though (Barth-Weingarten/Couper-Kuhlen 2002). Secondly, as but ‘moves ’ along this continuum, its conversational function changes, in a way that is consistent with what has been described in the gr...

The article is dedicated to the consideration of the genesis of the extension policy by foreign settlements and concessions in Qing and Republican China in the context of informal imperialism. The main aspects and methods of non-state... more

The article is dedicated to the consideration of the genesis of the extension policy
by foreign settlements and concessions in Qing and Republican China in the context of
informal imperialism. The main aspects and methods of non-state expansion of (semi-)
colonial actors are characterized and the degree of dependence of their actions on the
policies of the metropolitan countries is revealed. Also, article highlight relationship
between consular authorities, foreign community and their self-governing institutions,
native Chinese compradors and local power, what creates opportunity to understand
how informal colonial policy actually was realized. In an attempt to go beyond the
historiographical paradigm of describing the “century of humiliation” period in China
history as a product of the purely intentions of great power governments, we can see
another, “human” dimension of semi-colonial politics in its refractions on the ground.
Special attention to discover distinctions between metropolitan-baked and sanctioned
by non-state institutions or persons “expansion” from formal settlements borders have
been given. Different types of historical sources are considered and matched in attempt to
fnd true motives and subjects or lobbyists of expanding foreign extraterritorial enclaves
territory for the period of their existence.

Resumo: Este artigo tem o objetivo de analisar as transformações da aviação civil brasileira a partir da ótica das concessões aeroportuárias à iniciativa privada, iniciadas no ano de 2012. O vertiginoso crescimento da demanda por serviços... more

Resumo: Este artigo tem o objetivo de analisar as transformações da aviação civil brasileira a partir da ótica das concessões aeroportuárias à iniciativa privada, iniciadas no ano de 2012. O vertiginoso crescimento da demanda por serviços aéreos no Brasil nos últimos anos (2003-2017), resultado positivo do desempenho da economia doméstica, demonstrou deficiências infraestruturais no setor aeroviário. Nesse sentido, foram realizadas cinco grandes rodadas de leilões, em que o modelo de concessão adotado nas 1ª, 2ª e 3ª Rodadas, do Governo Dilma Rousseff manteve a participação da estatal Infraero, entretanto, a partir da 4ª e 5ª Rodadas, já no governo de Michel Temer, a estatal ficou de fora. Os resultados preliminares apontaram contínuo crescimento da receita tarifária ao longo dos últimos cinco anos, porém, as concessionárias gestoras privadas aumentaram as tarifas de embarque, estão com obras de ampliação atrasadas e descumprindo o pagamento das outorgas ao Estado brasileiro. Palavras-chave: Concessões aeroportuárias. Transporte aéreo. Aeroportos. Infraestrutura. Brasil Abstract: This article aims to analyze the transformations of Brazilian civil aviation from the perspective of the airport concessions to the private initiative, initiated in the year 2012. The vertiginous growth of the demand for air services in Brazil in the last years (2003-2017), result of the domestic economy performance, has demonstrated infrastructure deficiencies in the air sector. In this sense, five large rounds of public sale were performed, where the concession model adopted in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd rounds of the Government Dilma Rousseff maintained the participation of the state company Infraero, however, from the 4th and 5th Round, already in government of Michel Temer, state was left out. Preliminary results pointed to a continuous increase in tariff income over the last five years; however, private management concessionaires increased boarding tax, delayed expansion works and non-payment of grants to the Brazilian State.