Flowers Research Papers - (original) (raw)

In the Andes of Central Chile, flowering commences 1–2 months earlier on equatorial-(north-) facing than on polar-(south-) facing slopes, and pollinator assemblages also differ between these habitats. In order to understand the potential... more

In the Andes of Central Chile, flowering commences 1–2 months earlier on equatorial-(north-) facing than on polar-(south-) facing slopes, and pollinator assemblages also differ between these habitats. In order to understand the potential influence of these differences on gene flow, we monitored flowering periods and insect visitation rates to flowers of 60 individuals of Anarthrophyllum cumingii (Papilionaceae) on two equatorial-and two polar-facing slopes in the Andes of central Chile (33 35 0 S;70 32 0 W). Flowering began about 30 days earlier on equatorial-facing slopes. Flowering periods of individuals on slopes with the same aspect had a mean overlap of 0.52, while those on opposite slopes had a mean overlap of 0.15. On equatorial-facing slopes Yramea lathionoides (Lepidoptera) accounted for 60% of the visits to flowers of A. cumingii, while on polar-facing slopes Centris cineraria (Hymenoptera) was responsible for more than 80% of flower visits. Average similarities of visitor assemblages among individual plants on slopes with the same aspect was 0.83, while the mean similarity between individuals on opposite slopes was only 0.23. Within slopes fluorescent dyes were dispersed up to 40 m from the donor plants, but there was no movements of dyes between individuals growing on opposite slopes, even when they were separated by less than 10 m. Synchronous blooming and a common pollen vector are necessary conditions for pollen exchange between individuals. The overall probability of pollen exchange estimated by multiplying the inter-individual overlap for both factors, was nearly 0.5 for individuals growing on slopes with the same aspect, and less than 0.04 for individuals growing on opposite slopes. Consequently, at equivalent distances, the probability of pollen exchange between individuals growing on slopes of opposite aspect is more than 10-times lower than between those growing on the same slopes. Seed dispersal cannot compensate for restricted gene flow through pollination, because seeds of A. cumingii were dispersed less than 2 m away from a parent plant. Presumably, restricted gene flow could enhance genetic divergence between populations on slopes of contrasting aspects. This factor could be important in contributing to the high diversity and endemism in the Chilean Andes.

Increased bacterial resistance towards commonly used antibiotics has become a debated issue all over the world in a last few decades. Due to this, consumer demand towards natural anti-microbial agents is increasing day by day. Natural... more

Increased bacterial resistance towards commonly used antibiotics has become a debated issue all over the world in a last few decades. Due to this, consumer demand towards natural anti-microbial agents is increasing day by day. Natural anti-microbial agents have gained enormous attention as an alternative therapeutic agent in pharmaceutical industry. Current study is an effort to explore and identify a bactericidal potential of various solvent extracts of Calotropis procera flower. Flowers of C. procera were extracted with hexane, butanol, ethyl acetate and aqua to evaluate the antibacterial activity by agar well diffusion method against the various human pathogens. The microorganisms used in this study includes Salmonella typhi, Escherichia coli (O157:H7), Micrococcus luteus KIBGE-IB20 (Gen Bank accession: JQ250612) and methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) KIBGE-IB23 (Gen Bank accession: KC465400). Zones of inhibition were observed against all four pathogenic strains. ...

1.A major challenge in evolutionary ecology is to understand how coevolutionary processes shape patterns of interactions between species at community level. Pollination of flowers with long corolla tubes by long-tongued hawkmoths has been... more

1.A major challenge in evolutionary ecology is to understand how coevolutionary processes shape patterns of interactions between species at community level. Pollination of flowers with long corolla tubes by long-tongued hawkmoths has been invoked as a showcase model of coevolution. Recently, optimal foraging models have predicted that there might be a close association between mouthparts length and the corolla depth of the visited flowers, thus favouring trait convergence and specialisation at community level. 2.Here, we assessed whether hawkmoths more frequently pollinate plants with floral tube lengths similar to their proboscis lengths (morphological match hypothesis) against abundance-based processes (neutral hypothesis) and ecological trait mismatches constraints (forbidden links hypothesis), in structuring hawkmoth-plant mutualistic networks from five communities in four biogeographical regions of South America. 3.We found convergence in morphological traits across the five co...

Most wild and semi-wild species of the genus Gossypium are exhibit photoperiod-sensitive flowering. The wild germplasm cotton is a valuable source of genes for genetic improvement of modern cotton cultivars. A bi-parental cotton... more

Most wild and semi-wild species of the genus Gossypium are exhibit photoperiod-sensitive flowering. The wild germplasm cotton is a valuable source of genes for genetic improvement of modern cotton cultivars. A bi-parental cotton population segregating for photoperiodic flowering was developed by crossing a photoperiod insensitive irradiation mutant line with its pre-mutagenesis photoperiodic wild-type G. darwinii Watt genotype. Individuals from the F2 and F3 generations were grown with their parental lines and F1 hybrid progeny in the long day and short night summer condition (natural day-length) of Uzbekistan to evaluate photoperiod sensitivity, i.e., flowering-time during the seasons 2008-2009. Through genotyping the individuals of this bi-parental population segregating for flowering-time, linkage maps were constructed using 212 simple-sequence repeat (SSR) and three cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) markers. Six QTLs directly associated with flowering-time and photop...

Using historic data sets, we quantified the degree to which global change over 120 years disrupted plant-pollinator interactions in a temperate forest understory community in Illinois, USA. We found degradation of interaction network... more

Using historic data sets, we quantified the degree to which global change over 120 years disrupted plant-pollinator interactions in a temperate forest understory community in Illinois, USA. We found degradation of interaction network structure and function and extirpation of 50% of bee species. Network changes can be attributed to shifts in forb and bee phenologies resulting in temporal mismatches, nonrandom species extinctions, and loss of spatial co-occurrences between extant species in modified landscapes. Quantity and quality of pollination services have declined through time. The historic network showed flexibility in response to disturbance; however, our data suggest that networks will be less resilient to future changes.

The angiosperms, or flowering plants, diversified in the Cretaceous to dominate almost all terrestrial environments. Molecular phylogenetic studies indicate that the orders Amborellales, Nymphaeales and Austrobaileyales, collectively... more

The angiosperms, or flowering plants, diversified in the Cretaceous to dominate almost all terrestrial environments. Molecular phylogenetic studies indicate that the orders Amborellales, Nymphaeales and Austrobaileyales, collectively termed the ANA grade, diverged as separate lineages from a remaining angiosperm clade at a very early stage in flowering plant evolution. By comparing these early diverging lineages, it is possible to infer the possible morphology and ecology of the last common ancestor of the extant angiosperms, and this analysis can now be extended to try to deduce the developmental mechanisms that were present in early flowering plants. However, not all species in the ANA grade form convenient molecular-genetic models. The present study reviews the genus Cabomba (Nymphaeales), which shows a range of features that make it potentially useful as a genetic model. We focus on characters that have probably been conserved since the last common ancestor of the extant floweri...

Inhibition of intestinal α-amylase and α-glucosidase is an important strategy to regulate diabetes mellitus (DM). Antioxidants from plants are widely regarded in the prevention of diabetes. Fruits of Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton... more

Inhibition of intestinal α-amylase and α-glucosidase is an important strategy to regulate diabetes mellitus (DM). Antioxidants from plants are widely regarded in the prevention of diabetes. Fruits of Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton (Zingiberaceae) and Piper cubeba L. f. (Piperaceae) and flowers of Plumeria rubra L. (Apocynaceae) are traditionally used to cure DM in different countries. However, the role of these plants has been grossly under reported and is yet to receive proper scientific evaluation with respect to understand their traditional role in the management of diabetes especially as digestive enzymes inhibitors. Hence, methanol and aqueous extracts of the aforementioned plants were evaluated for their in vitro α-glucosidase and α-amylase inhibition at 1 mg/mL and quantification of their antioxidant properties (DPPH, FRAP tests, total phenolic and total flavonoids contents). In vitro optimization studies for the extracts were also performed to enhance in vitro biological ac...

Article on Flower Faeries and the Faery Lore of Flowers

Ethnopharmacological relevanceThe beverages of Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces are widely used in Mexico as diuretic, for treating gastrointestinal disorders, liver diseases, fever, hypercholesterolemia and hypertension. Different works have... more

Ethnopharmacological relevanceThe beverages of Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces are widely used in Mexico as diuretic, for treating gastrointestinal disorders, liver diseases, fever, hypercholesterolemia and hypertension. Different works have demonstrated that Hibiscus sabdariffa extracts reduce blood pressure in humans, and recently, we demonstrated that this effect is due to angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor activity.

Flowers are one of the core Ecuadorian agricultural export products, and also are the fourth economic activity that generates more income for the country. Ecuador weather conditions make it an ideal country to produce flowers. Reaching... more

Flowers are one of the core Ecuadorian agricultural export products, and also are the fourth economic activity that generates more income for the country. Ecuador weather conditions make it an ideal country to produce flowers. Reaching new markets is a key strategy for the agricultural sector. Ecuadorian flowers reaches 108 destinations distributed throughout the world. This study is based on the quest to improve the logistics chain in the export of Ecuadorian flowers through the Mariscal Sucre International Airport, the main airport in exporting perishables, which has become a banner of struggle for companies in the sector to maintain its competitiveness. In logistics have been several problems that do not allow it to be fluid and does not benefit its development. The concentration in a single perishable center of consolidation processes, palletizing and a new cold storage facility will allow a more logical flow, efficient loading and less congestion in handling perishables. Implementing a traceability system allows the optimization of resources in time, money and staff, ensuring not only flower quality but also the transmission of information by the different actors in the supply chain with control entities, getting well accurate and timely information.

This experiment was conducted to study the effectiveness of different preservative solutions on vase life and quality of angelica cut inflorescences cv. Single. The concentrations of citric acid at 100, 200 and 300 mg L-1 , sucrose at 3%... more

This experiment was conducted to study the effectiveness of different preservative solutions on vase life and quality of angelica cut inflorescences cv. Single. The concentrations of citric acid at 100, 200 and 300 mg L-1 , sucrose at 3% and 4% and H 2 O 2 at 0.1%, 0.2% and 0.3% were used as preservatives, while distilled water was used as control. The single factor experiment was laid out in a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications. Citric acid and H 2 O 2 solutions effectively inhibited bacterial growthrelated blockage in the vascular tissues, but had adverse effects on the vase life. The inflorescences stored in sucrose (3% and 4%) solutions remained fresh up to 10 days after preservation (DAP), maintaining good solution uptake, controlling transpiration loss and gaining higher relative fresh weight. Different quality parameters like floret diameter and number of opened florets were also significantly higher in inflorescences preserved in sucrose (3% and 4%) solution, followed by control, citric acid and H 2 O 2 , respectively, in different DAP. Overall, the inflorescence of cut tuberose preserved in sucrose, particularly at 4% solutions, showed better postharvest quality than other preservatives and maximum vase life.