Hidden Curriculum Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

This article investigates the hidden curriculum of Ontario’s New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP). The study involved interviews with 47 teacher educators from eight faculties of education. Responses revealed concerns about (a) who... more

This article investigates the hidden curriculum of Ontario’s New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP). The study involved interviews with 47 teacher educators from eight faculties of education. Responses revealed concerns about (a) who chooses the men ‐ tors, (b) the probationary status of new teachers, and (c) the evaluation of new teach ‐ ers’ competence. In the opinion of some teacher educators, the structure of NTIP may discourage new teachers from critiquing the system that employs them thus decreas ‐ ing the likelihood of their taking a critical democratic stance in their teaching. These findings have implications for any induction or mentorship program for new teach ‐ ers. Key Words: teacher education, mentorship, social justice, critical democratic, Ontario New Teacher Induction Program Cet article porte sur les objectifs caches du Programme d ʹ insertion professionnelle du nouveau personnel enseignant (PIPNPE) de l’Ontario. Pour cette recherche, les au ‐ teurs ont interviewe 47...

Öz: Bu araştırma, öğretim elemanı-öğrenci arasındaki örtük ilişkiler ile öğ-rencilerin başarı algıları arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek amacıyla yapılmış nitel bir çalışmadır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu bir devlet üniversitesinin Okul... more

Öz: Bu araştırma, öğretim elemanı-öğrenci arasındaki örtük ilişkiler ile öğ-rencilerin başarı algıları arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek amacıyla yapılmış nitel bir çalışmadır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu bir devlet üniversitesinin Okul Ön-cesi Öğretmenliği Anabilim Dalı dördüncü sınıfta öğrenim gören sekiz öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma grubu aşırı veya aykırı durum örnekleme yöntemi ile belirlenmiştir. Veriler yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme yöntemi kullanılarak top-lanmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin analizinde içerik analizi tekniği uygulanmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, öğrencilerin " başarılı olma " kavramını mesleki bilgi edinimi ile açıkladıkları saptanmıştır. Öğrenciler başarılı olabilmek için öğretim elemanlarının örtük beklentilerine ve açık programın gerekliliklerine göre dav-ranmaktadırlar. Öğrencilerin başarı algılarının oluşumunda, öğretim elemanının etkileşim özellikleri, iletişim tarzı ve cinsiyeti gibi kişisel özellikleri ile sınıf ku-ralları, sınıf içi uygulamalar ve değerlendirmeye yönelik uygulamalar önemli rol oynamaktadır.

We examined the hidden curriculum of doctoral advising by conceptualizing the advisor as a teacher. Using autoethnographic methods in this case study, we simultaneously explored both sides of the advisor-student relationship. The... more

We examined the hidden curriculum of doctoral advising by conceptualizing the advisor as a teacher. Using autoethnographic methods in this case study, we simultaneously explored both sides of the advisor-student relationship. The constructivist paradigm permeated all aspects of the research: data collection, analysis, and interpretation. The significance of this study lies in new understanding of the zone of proximal doctoral development and the exploration of barriers to building positive multiyear advising relationships. Findings and implications resulted in new understandings of how doctoral advisors can minimize obstacles by making expectations explicit, listening by hearing, creating relationships of trust, and judiciously negotiating power. Making the hidden curriculum explicit can be accomplished with purposefully scheduled meetings, supportive caring relationships, and ethical practices.

There has been a continuous attack on education, particularly alternative, progressive, democratic and liberatory forms of education that seek social justice and an equality of opportunity for all to develop. In the UK this has led to an... more

There has been a continuous attack on education, particularly alternative, progressive, democratic and liberatory forms of education that seek social justice and an equality of opportunity for all to develop. In the UK this has led to an attack on educators as 'the enemies of promise' by the Secretary of State for Education. However, what is being proposed by policy makers are the old 'know your station in life' strategies of managing inequality. These have always resulted in a violation of the intelligence of people.

EJ520855 - Kibbutz Education: A Sociological Account.

Even though hidden curriculum is influential on students’ moral education, it is not sufficiently investigated. Among the researchers that studied the subject, Lawrence Kohlberg has attempted to systematically explain hidden... more

Even though hidden curriculum is influential on students’ moral education, it is not
sufficiently investigated. Among the researchers that studied the subject, Lawrence
Kohlberg has attempted to systematically explain hidden curriculum’s role and
effects on moral education. In this article, the role and effects of hidden curriculum
in moral education are explained in accordance with Kohlberg’s suggestions. In particular,
the inadequacy of conveying moral education in the form of a course and in
an authoritarian way has been emphasized. The new primary curriculum in Turkey
brings a new understanding about students’ gaining moral values. The degree of
gaining these moral values by students in classrooms is discussed according to
Kohlberg’s ideas about hidden curriculum.

RÉSUMÉ. Cet article explore les liens qui s’articulent entre le rapport que les élèves développent aux règles scolaires comme cadre proto-légal faisant partie du curriculum caché et la formation citoyenne. La robustesse du concept de... more

RÉSUMÉ. Cet article explore les liens qui s’articulent entre le rapport que les élèves développent aux règles scolaires comme cadre proto-légal faisant partie du curriculum caché et la formation citoyenne. La robustesse du concept de rapport au droit (legal consciouness), défini selon le modèle de Ewick et Silbey (1998), ainsi que la typologie de citoyenneté de Westheimer et Kahne (2004) pour décrire ces liens est évaluée dans une étude de deux cas où les élèves sont appelés à résoudre une situation relative au droit. Les résultats de l’analyse portent à conclure que le dernier niveau du modèle de Ewick et Silbey ne permet pas de distinguer entre une contestation légitime des lois (ou des règles) et un rejet anomique de la loi et qu’il importe de distinguer le droit des droits. ABSTRACT. This article explores the relationship between how students conceive school rules and codes as a proto-legal framework of the hidden curriculum and citizenship education. The robustness of Ewick and Silbey’s legal consciouness model, as well as Westheimer and Kahne’s citizenship typology in describing this relationship is evaluated through the study of two cases where high school students must resolve a legal situation. The results of the analysis lead to conclude that the third level of Ewick and Silbey’s model does not allow for a distinction between legitimately contesting a law and an anomic rejection of the law. It further highlights the importance of distinguishing legal education from rights education.

Written as a letter to a first-year teacher, the author—acting as a mentor, veteran teacher—critically conceptualizes the hidden curriculum using the work of Jackson (1968), Anyon (1980), and others in order to historicize the term for... more

Written as a letter to a first-year teacher, the author—acting as a mentor, veteran teacher—critically conceptualizes the hidden curriculum using the work of Jackson (1968), Anyon (1980), and others in order to historicize the term for their newest colleague. Following an initial introduction to the hidden curriculum, the author draws on personal anecdotes from their experiences in two urban elementary schools in the Southern U.S. In doing so, the author brings to life the “qualities” of the hidden curriculum as they continue to exist in today’s classrooms across socioeconomic and cultural settings. To conclude, the author provides their first-year colleague a set of
questions to consider as they learn to see the hidden curriculum in their own classroom and practice. The friendly-letter format of this article offers an innovative way for teacher educators and researchers to engage prospective and in-service teachers in critical conversations about the concept of the hidden curriculum.

The aim of the article is to present the conclusions from a study of the hidden curriculum of foreign language teacher education. There have been analyzed new academic forms of education at chosen universities in Poland that are directed... more

The aim of the article is to present the conclusions from a study of the hidden curriculum of foreign language teacher education. There have been analyzed new academic forms of education at chosen universities in Poland that are directed to Polish as a foreign language teachers-to-be. The content of the teacher education contributes to the view of Poland and Polish people among foreigners, what is the reason for its importance. In the text there are described crucial dimensions of the hidden curriculum like the work commitment, the approach to knowledge, course participants and teaching/learning process that are shaped during the teacher education. The study is based also on the concept of the ‘null curriculum’ and presents the missing elements of the teacher education.

Hidden curriculum exists in private schools as a means to compel students to adopt certain values to ensure academic success. Films depict private schools as institutions that mold and prepare students for college as well as the outside... more

Hidden curriculum exists in private schools as a means to compel students to adopt certain values to ensure academic success. Films depict private schools as institutions that mold and prepare students for college as well as the outside world. Students need only to conform to the school’s principles within the hidden curriculum to meet the high expectations and receive social acceptance. Those unable to meet the standards or attempt to refuse them are treated with contempt by their peers for disrupting the order and social norm. Because private schools attempt to replicate the college experience students of private schools are expected to think and act like adults who work to maintain the collective group. The ultimate consequence of such, however, is the loss of individualism which causes students to crack under all the pressure due to the inability to express their own personal interests. In light of this, private schools spend little time bestowing practical knowledge onto students, and instead insist on teaching subjects that require a more sophisticated and developed mind. Students who can withstand such a system go on to be successful and accomplished in life, while those incapable of doing so are alienated and considered total failures.

The aim of this study is to examine the views of the students about the learning outcomes of teacher-student interactions on social media within the context of hidden curriculum. To this end, a quantitative associational research design... more

The aim of this study is to examine the views of the students about the learning outcomes of teacher-student interactions on social media within the context of hidden curriculum. To this end, a quantitative associational research design was used in this study. Within the scope of the research, 2046 students attending to the middle schools in Kahramanmaraş province were selected into the sample. The data of the study were collected using "Hidden curriculum on social media scale" which has a four-factor structure consisting of 16 items developed by the researchers. The results of the analysis from the hidden curriculum perspective revealed that as a result of interactions between the teacher and the student on social media, students learn some rules and values, know better about their teachers, restrain themselves from sharing and communicating about certain topics, and gain confidence in communication. Furthermore, a statistically significant difference was found in favor of male students in terms of learning to restraint and gaining confidence in communication, whereas no significant difference was observed in terms of learning rules and values, and knowing better about teachers. With regard to grade level, the learning outcomes of especially the 5 th graders through hidden curriculum on social media were found to be significantly more than those of other students in upper classes of middle schools. However, all the statistically significant differences were found to have small effect sizes. It was also found that the daily time students spend on social media and the number of teachers added as friends to their accounts were significant predictors of students' their learning outcomes within the scope of hidden curriculum.

The concept of hidden curriculum has become well established. It addresses the contexts of learning, the actions of students’ peers and teachers, and other domains which shape learning but are not part of official syllabuses. The concept... more

The concept of hidden curriculum has become well established. It addresses the contexts of learning, the actions of students’ peers and teachers, and other domains which shape learning but are not part of official syllabuses. The concept of a hidden marketplace for private tutoring, widely known as shadow education, is less established but also becoming part of general understanding of the complementarities of regular and supplementary instruction. This paper brings the two literatures together to examine the values transmitted, mostly unintentionally, by shadow education in Cambodia. Most of this shadow education is delivered by regular teachers, commonly to their existing students and in their existing schools. The paper considers the impact of shadow education not only on the students who do receive it but also on those who do not. Patterns in Cambodia differ from those in more prosperous countries, but have parallels with other low-income countries. The authors suggest that much more attention is needed to the dynamics and impact of shadow education, including relationships between actors and the values that shadow education transmits as part of the hidden curriculum.

There are several issues in the education system, especially in the curriculum field that affect education. Hidden curriculum is one of current controversial curriculum issues. Many hidden curricular issues are the result of assumptions... more

There are several issues in the education system, especially in the curriculum field that affect education. Hidden curriculum is one of current controversial curriculum issues. Many hidden curricular issues are the result of assumptions and expectations that are not formally communicated, established, or conveyed within the learning environment. Thus, awareness of hidden curricular issues becomes a consideration, which has negative and positive influences.

Military education as an integral and inseparable part of developing the army as an institution changes its identity and tends to become a place for developing, changing, scientific researching, quality teaching and education. Adoption of... more

In this article, Kirsten Hextrum considers institutional avenues that limit upward mobility opportunities by revealing a hidden curriculum of athletic recruiting that favors students from privileged backgrounds. The study's data center on... more

In this article, Kirsten Hextrum considers institutional avenues that limit upward mobility opportunities by revealing a hidden curriculum of athletic recruiting that favors students from privileged backgrounds. The study's data center on forty-seven life history interviews with National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I athletes from an athletically and academically prestigious university. Hextrum's findings reveal three phases of a hidden curriculum—socialization, covert selection, and overt selection—that secure greater access to elite colleges for White middle-class communities via athletic participation. In this case, social reproduction required active effort by both representatives of higher education and representatives of White middle-class communities to protect existing class and race relations.

The aim of this paper is to investigate and describe the content in school rules by developing a category system of school rules, and thus making the logic behind different types of rules in school explicit. Data were derived from an... more

The aim of this paper is to investigate and describe the content in school rules by developing a category system of school rules, and thus making the logic behind different types of rules in school explicit. Data were derived from an ethnographic study conducted in two primary schools in Sweden. In order to analyse the data, grounded theory methodology was adapted. The analysis resulted in a category system of school rules, containing the following main categories: (a) relational rules, (b) structuring rules, (c), protecting rules, (d), personal rules and (e) etiquette rules. In the light of this categorisation, more consciously pedagogical and professional work with rules can be conducted. The category system can counteract vagueness and unreasonableness, as well as highlighting the content, logic and functions of different school rules.

Traditional architecture of Iran demonstrates its civilization grown over centuries and is based on five principles of " Introversion " , " Autonomy " , " Human-conformity " , " Structure and Modulation " and " Purposefulness " The... more

Traditional architecture of Iran demonstrates its civilization grown over centuries and is based on five principles of " Introversion " , " Autonomy " , " Human-conformity " , " Structure and Modulation " and " Purposefulness " The geographical position of Iran and its main types of climate have been among the major factors affecting this architecture. A cursory study of these principles in various climates reveals that Iranian architects have created monuments based on the principles of sustainable architecture. Sustainability is a complex concept that can be looked upon from different perspectives; examples of which are function, structure, facilities, adornment and landscape. In this article, traditional architecture of Iran is viewed from the standpoint of formal sustainability. The elements of formal sustainability in Iran are investigated and the associated changes at different regions, which are the result of the climate changes, are demonstrated. This article uses an interpretive-historical research method whereby the principles of Iranian traditional architecture and sustainable architecture are compared. Despite the diversity of society at different regions and the variety of climates, this study proves the conformity of both architectures (i.e. traditional and sustainable) in the field of architectural form.

In this paper, I provide a very detailed perspective from the inside looking "inside" at what the institution of schooling is doing for society. Different ideologies play a role in how society accepts school conditions, while also... more

In this paper, I provide a very detailed perspective from the inside looking "inside" at what the institution of schooling is doing for society. Different ideologies play a role in how society accepts school conditions, while also demanding a greater something. This paper will look at the hidden curriculum that is feed through the political channels to the social channels.

The main subject of this paper is the breaktime as part of the hidden curriculum in Public High Schools. As for our material, we are based on answers to questionnaires that we had edited and then handed out to students of the 1st Public... more

The main subject of this paper is the breaktime as part of the hidden curriculum in Public High Schools. As for our material, we are based on answers to questionnaires that we had edited and then handed out to students of the 1st Public High School of Drapetsona and the 3rd of Ilion, and, also, on personal interviews with teachers of these schools. Initially, we presented the answers by registering the relative percentages. After that, we attempted to comment and interpret the findings. Finally, we stated the conclusions drawn from the interpretation of the students and teachers’ answers and the most important recommendations for improving the breaktime.

This paper examines Australia's immigration policy context as at early 2015. Prior to 2016 Australia enforced a mandatory English language test on skilled migrants. Virtually all skilled migrants were required to take the IELTS test, with... more

This paper examines Australia's immigration policy context as at early 2015. Prior to 2016 Australia enforced a mandatory English language test on skilled migrants. Virtually all skilled migrants were required to take the IELTS test, with the exception of healthcare professionals who could opt for the Occupational English Test.

Το δημοσίευμα διερευνά τις σχέσεις ιστορίας – λογοτεχνίας εξετάζοντας, αυτή τη φορά, τους ρητορικούς τρόπους της ιστορικής αφήγησης, με έμφαση σε ένα «ιστορικό ρομάντζο» του 19ου αιώνα το οποίο αποτελεί συστατικό τμήμα της νεοελληνικής... more

Το δημοσίευμα διερευνά τις σχέσεις ιστορίας – λογοτεχνίας εξετάζοντας, αυτή τη φορά, τους ρητορικούς τρόπους της ιστορικής αφήγησης, με έμφαση σε ένα «ιστορικό ρομάντζο» του 19ου αιώνα το οποίο αποτελεί συστατικό τμήμα της νεοελληνικής συνείδησης, το Κρυφό Σχολειό. Ως παράδειγμα, εξετάζεται η ενότητα για την «Παιδεία του Γένους επί Τουρκοκρατίας» στα εγχειρίδια ιστορίας Γυμνασίου και Λυκείου. Τα χαρακτηριστικά της αφήγησης (ασυνέχειες, ασάφειες, ουσιώδεις παραλείψεις, φραστικές επιλογές / ρητορικά μέσα) αποκαλύπτουν ένα διπλό στρώμα νοήματος: την αντίθεση ανάμεσα στη δήλωση, το πληροφοριακό μέρος της αφήγησης, και την υποδήλωση, το λανθάνον νόημα που κείται κάτω από τις γραμμές του κειμένου, και δίνει τροφή στην καλλιέργεια και διαιώνιση του ιδεολογήματος του Κρυφού Σχολειού μέσα από το «κρυφό πρόγραμμα» της κρατικής εκπαίδευσης.

The aim of the current study was to examine Swedish and Turkish teachers’ perspectives on values education. Qualitative interviews with 52 teachers were conducted and analyzed. Values education was mostly about compliance with societal... more

The aim of the current study was to examine Swedish and Turkish teachers’ perspectives on values education. Qualitative interviews with 52 teachers were conducted and analyzed. Values education was mostly about compliance with societal values and norms. The learning goals or values in values education were mainly on how to treat others and on self-responsibility. Teachers did not take a critical approach. A main method of values education reported by the teachers was to be a good role model in everyday interactions with students. Values education was largely described as an everyday practice embedded in the stream of social interactions. Furthermore, an everyday language was used when the teachers described values and values education. There was a lack of professional knowledge in this domain.

Biculturalism remains a myth in post-colonial communities like New Zealand where the colonised indigenous community do not share an equality of voice or power. The paper offers a brief history of Maori education, followed by description... more

Biculturalism remains a myth in post-colonial communities like New Zealand where the colonised indigenous community do not share an equality of voice or power. The paper offers a brief history of Maori education, followed by description of some of the pitfalls of applying critical theory and critical pedagogy without reproducing neo-colonial effects. It then. lays out a transcultural critical pedagogy with illustrated examples and concludes by suggesting that that if we are to avert or ameliorate the global crises we are facing there is no alternative to a dramatic and radical transformation of education using excavated elements of precolonial knowledge and pedagogies.