Internal Security Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Değişen güvenlik anlayışının doğal sonucu olarak çatışma ortamları da değişmiştir. Dolayısıyla İnsansız Hava Araçları (İHA) ve Silahlı İnsansız Hava Araçları (SİHA) günümüzün değişen çatışma ortamları için hayati derecede önemli görülen... more

Değişen güvenlik anlayışının doğal sonucu olarak çatışma ortamları da değişmiştir. Dolayısıyla İnsansız Hava Araçları (İHA) ve Silahlı İnsansız Hava Araçları (SİHA) günümüzün değişen çatışma ortamları için hayati derecede önemli görülen araçlar haline gelmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı, bu değişen çatışma ortamlarında SİHA'ların durumunu tespit etmek, kullanımına ilişkin karar mekanizmaları bağlamında yetki ve sorumluluk ilişkisini açıklamaktır. Çalışmanın yöntemi, görsel ve yazılı basın ile doküman ve literatüre bakılarak tanımlayıcı bir araştırma yöntemidir. Abstract Conflict environments have also changed as a result of changing security. So that Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (AUAV) have become vital vehicles for today's changing conflict environments. The aim of this study is to determine the status of the AUAVs in these changing conflict environments and to explain the relationship between authority and responsibility in the context of decision-making mechanisms. The method of the study is a descriptive research method based on visual and printed media, documents and literature.

Artykuł dotyczy miejsca zarządzania kryzysowego w systemie bezpieczeństwa narodowego. Artykuł zawiera opinie na temat systemu bezpieczeństwa narodowego opublikowane w Białej Księdze Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej,... more

Artykuł dotyczy miejsca zarządzania kryzysowego w systemie bezpieczeństwa narodowego. Artykuł zawiera opinie na temat systemu bezpieczeństwa narodowego opublikowane w Białej Księdze Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, analizę sytuacji kryzysowej w rozumieniu ustawy z dnia 26 kwietnia 2007 r. o zarządzaniu kryzysowym oraz porównanie z zagrożeniami codziennymi i zagrożeniami nadzwyczajnymi.

Today’s world is increasingly preoccupied with the state of its security. Challenges, risks and threats mushrooming across the regions and continents evoke feelings of discomfort, uncertainty, and anxiety. Domestic instability, regional... more

Today’s world is increasingly preoccupied with the state of its security. Challenges, risks and threats mushrooming across the regions and continents evoke feelings of discomfort, uncertainty, and anxiety. Domestic instability, regional conflicts and global tensions reflect deep, structural security problems. Any plausible and reasonable response to those problems, challenges and dilemmas requires an insight into contemporary political, economic, social and cultural phenomena at national and international levels. This collected volume is a modest
attempt to delve into some aspects of security which drew attention of the authors in the year 2018. The contributors belong in the Department of National Security of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland ( Their chapters illustrate the research profile of the Department and individual interests of each author. The institutional factor has determined the structure of the publication: it links selected global and regional issues with some aspects of Poland’s security.

Bezpieczeństwo funkcjonalne to pojęcie, które upowszechnia się w dokumentach przyjmowanych przez Unię Europejską. Jest też używane przez autorów skandynawskich, budowane jest na doświadczeniach państw regionu Europy Północnej. Dotyczy... more

Bezpieczeństwo funkcjonalne to pojęcie, które upowszechnia się w dokumentach przyjmowanych przez Unię Europejską. Jest też używane przez autorów skandynawskich, budowane jest na doświadczeniach państw regionu Europy Północnej. Dotyczy szeroko pojmowanej problematyki ochrony ludności, dóbr i środowiska w sytuacjach zagrożeń, odnosi się do zabezpieczania i ochrony krytycznych (żywotnych) funkcji społeczeństw.

The name 'Arthashastra', is derived from the Indian political philosopher Chanakya's magnum opus literature in statecraft, international relations, strategic studies, economics and sociology. Chanakya, who is often referred to as the... more

The name 'Arthashastra', is derived from the Indian political philosopher Chanakya's magnum opus literature in statecraft, international relations, strategic studies, economics and sociology. Chanakya, who is often referred to as the Indian Machiavelli, was an Indian teacher, philosopher and strategist, who owning to his exceptional versing of politics and strategy rose to prominence as not the king but the kingmaker. He is one of the most prominent figures in the establishment of the Maurya Empire, which archaeology proves as the first empire to rule most of the Indian subcontinent. The Arthashastra is a political treatise on statecraft, life and geopolitics which Chanakya wrote, predating Machiavelli's 'The Prince' by about 1,800 years. Indian academia, policymakers, military strategists and diplomats frequently predicate their thoughts on this seminal work. The grand design which Chanakya offered in his influential work motivates scholars to historically examine its validity and reinterpret it for modern times. This review concerns a book written on similar lines. 'The New Arthashastra' is a security strategy treatise covering an extensive array of themes pertaining to defence production, regional challenges, internal security, intelligence, cyber warfare, outer space, nuclear warfare, economics, maritime security and proxy warfare amongst others. Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (Retd.), the editor of the book, and a distinguished fellow at the Institute for * Hassan Zaheer is a Non-Resident Research Associate at the Centre for Strategic and Contemporary Research. He has done his MA Sociology from the University of Karachi.

Historia przekształceń w obszarze bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego w pierwszych latach III RP. Reforma MSW, przekształcenie Milicji Obywatelskiej w Policję, Służby Bezpieczeństwa w Urząd Ochrony Państwa i Wojsk Ochrony Pogranicza w Straż... more

Historia przekształceń w obszarze bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego w pierwszych latach III RP. Reforma MSW, przekształcenie Milicji Obywatelskiej w Policję, Służby Bezpieczeństwa w Urząd Ochrony Państwa i Wojsk Ochrony Pogranicza w Straż Graniczną. Historia tworzenia Państwowej Straży Pożarnej. Ponadto: przekształcenia w Służbie Więziennej, Biurze Ochrony Rządu, Nadwiślańskich Jednostkach Wojskowych, Obronie Cywilnej i procedurach kryzysowych.

hasła: poczucie bezpieczeństwa, zero tolerancji, William Bratton, napięcie, zagrożenia antropogeniczne, globalizacja, państwo, zamach stanu, prewencja kryminalna, rozbrojenie, filozofia bezpieczeństwa dostęp online do encyklopedii:... more

This essay will give a brief overview of intelligence led policing (ILP) and its development in the United Kingdom and the possible influence on future policing in other countries. The reader will gain a first broad impression of the... more

This essay will give a brief overview of intelligence led policing (ILP) and its development in the United Kingdom and the possible influence on future policing in other countries. The reader will gain a first broad impression of the functions, methods and organisation of this new model of policing, leading to a conclusion that will focus on ILP's potential impact on policing in the 21st century.

Internal security and so-called soft threats such as extremism, radicalism, or organized crime have not long been considered a legitimate part of security studies as a branch of international relations. The aim of this study is to show... more

Internal security and so-called soft threats such as extremism, radicalism, or organized crime have not long been considered a legitimate part of security studies as a branch of international relations. The aim of this study is to show how the meaning of internal security has changed in security research. Previously, issues of internal security have been discussed mainly as part of criminology, sociology or criminal law, and nowadays they are an integral part of security studies. The central part of the study is an introduction to a wide variety of approaches to internal security-from the traditional

The text is treats of the espionage against Poland in the period 1944-1989. The above analysis has been supplemented with the quantitative data from the period 1944-1984 as regards those convicted for participating in, acting... more

The text is treats of the espionage against Poland in the period 1944-1989. The above analysis has been supplemented with the quantitative data from the period 1944-1984 as regards those convicted for participating in, acting for, and passing on information to the foreign intelligence agencies. The espionage issues were presented on the example of the American intelligence activity, which was illustrated by the cases of persons who were convicted for espionage. While examining the research thesis, the author used the documents and analyses prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which were in its major part addressed to the Security Service and the Citizens’ Militia officers. The author made an attempt at the verification of the following research hypotheses: (1) to what extent did the character of the socio-political system influence the number of persons convicted for espionage against Poland in the period under examination (1944-1989)?, (2) what was the level of foreign intelligence services’ interest in Poland before the year 1990?, (3) is it possible to indicate the specificity of the U.S. intelligence activity against Poland?

W artykule analizowano wpływ założeń kopenhaskiej szkoły bezpieczeństwa (Copenhagen School) i human security na koncepcję bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego. Zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego godzą nie tylko w państwa, lecz także w... more

W artykule analizowano wpływ założeń kopenhaskiej szkoły bezpieczeństwa (Copenhagen School) i human security na koncepcję bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego. Zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego godzą nie tylko w państwa, lecz także w jednostki, wartości, które postulują zarówno szkoła kopenhaska, jak i human security. Wewnętrzne bezpieczeństwo jednostek dotyczy tych instytucji i działań, które mają na celu ochronę ludzkiej przestrzeni życiowej.

Despite the adoption of a number of standards and Norms by the United Nations and the pledge to implement these by the member Nations, Criminal Justice System is breaking up in several Countries and Terroristsand OrganisedGangs have made... more

Despite the adoption of a number of standards and Norms by the United Nations and the pledge to implement these by the member Nations, Criminal Justice System is breaking up in several Countries and Terroristsand OrganisedGangs have made the life of Law Abiding citizens difficult. Some countries are facing terrorism of the worst kind and yet the response to combat it is not proper. Some countries have adopted terrorism as a tool of national policy to achieve political goals threatening world peace. In South Asia, especially in India, which is facing terrorism and its related crimes like Drugs Trafficking, Money Laundering, Transnational Crimes , the need to tackle this is urgent but due to vote bank politics, there is no will to tackle it and there are no terrorism specific laws and as a result, millions of people are suffering, thousands have been killed in terrorist violence and this has also led to a dangerous standoff between two nuclear powers and can lead to a nuclear war any time . Terrorism also breeds other forms of crime like money laundering, Drugs smuggling, and corruption which are not only dangerousfor the country where these crimes eat the vital organs of society but also affect the other nations and the UN donor agencies which have pumped millions of dollars for helping the sufferers but end up in wrong hands. In India,a country of more than a billion people there is more need to control these crimes as it affects on a large population of the country and is affecting the rest of the world in a big way. But the Indian Criminal Justice has totally failed with a less than double-figure Conviction rate which has led to increasing in criminality and has worldwide ramifications. The present paper is an attempt to present the real picture and suggests ways to tackle the problem in a better way.

Traditionally ruled by military or quasi-military regimes, Pakistan is struggling to strengthen its democratic governance but the military remains in charge of country’s security policy. This period of incremental democratization... more

Traditionally ruled by military or quasi-military regimes, Pakistan is struggling to strengthen its democratic governance but the military remains in charge of country’s security policy. This period of incremental democratization corresponds to the unprecedented rise in terrorism and domestic insurgencies that have challenged state capacity and taken a toll on both the morale of the country and the economy. This report reviews Pakistan’s progress in devising and implementing counterterrorism policy frameworks in recent years. In highlighting key related strategic and operational issues, it offers Pakistani policymakers ways forward on how best to ensure internal stability and security, reminding us that a balance in civilian and military institutions is vital for effective policy outcomes.

Abstract to be added later today 01/30/2015.

Twenty-first-century India faces multitude of security challenges. At the core of India’s security concerns is its ‘internal security’ – a major national security challenge. Among many imponderable factors of India’s security calculus,... more

Twenty-first-century India faces multitude of security challenges. At the core of India’s security concerns is its ‘internal security’ – a major national security challenge. Among many imponderable factors of India’s security calculus, internal security is regarded as one of the principal underlying aspects. In the present context, it is considered “the most urgent issue”.
Unfortunately, today, there is a blurring distinction between internal and external threats. Some go to the extent of arguing that “India does not face an external threat in the conventional sense” but only internal security threats from external sources. These external sources, consisting of both state and non-state actors, combined with those anti-state forces within India, have made the situation more complex in a daily situation. Very few countries in the world are placed in such an unfavourable, troubled and uncertain security environment as India. External sources of threats to India’s internal security, therefore, spring from almost all countries of its neighbourhood. China is not an exception.

This research work on ‘Policing in Nigerian Universities’ (A case study of University of Ibadan) is an effort to review policing in Nigeria’s higher institutions of learning especially the universities, with the main focus on the security... more

This research work on ‘Policing in Nigerian Universities’ (A case study of University of Ibadan) is an effort to review policing in Nigeria’s higher institutions of learning especially the universities, with the main focus on the security in the university of Ibadan. The success of any institution (formal or informal) irrespective of size or nature depends, to a large extent, on the effectiveness of the policing activities within the institution). The goal of this work is to assess the performance of security outfits in policing of university Ibadan. The specific objectives of the study rest upon the organizational structure of the university of Ibadan security and how the outfit offers security to the university community. The study is qualitative and adopts both primary and secondary methodology. The technique of data collection through primary source includes oral in-depth interview (IDI) method. A total of twelfth (12) in-depth interviews were conducted. The respondents of the interviews were purposively selected based on their vast knowledge and roles they have played in the policing of the University of Ibadan. They included Council Committee Chairman on Security University of Ibadan, 6 UI Security Unit personnel, 3State Fire Service personnel, 2 Students’ Union. Secondary data sources consist mainly from relevant literature such as Police and Policing, Roots of Student Unrest in African Universities etc, security publication training manual of the university etc. The work made use of Community Participation theory which entails ‘when individuals who are part and parcel of a particular community are given opportunity to serve the same community, they tend to be committed and passionate about it because of the vested interest they have on the community. The study reveals that University of Ibadan security personnel formed part of the university community as some are graduates or students or of the university and their families as students. So, they ensure the safety of the whole community. The study finds out that the mode of operations adopted by the security personnel helped the university community continue to enjoy relative peace. The study also identified some of the factors that hinders smooth running of the outfit and meaningful recommendations were given to that effects

The state of internal security in Pakistan emerged as a challenge to the state-writ due to the societal fragmentation and rise in extremism and terrorism. Incidents of terrorism linked to TTP developed as the major internal security... more

The state of internal security in Pakistan emerged as a challenge to the state-writ due to the societal fragmentation and rise in extremism and terrorism. Incidents of terrorism linked to TTP developed as the major internal security threat in Pakistan. The failure of PML-(N)'s government in bringing the TTP to the dialogue table coupled with a terrifying rise in number of terror attacks on security personal and soft targets led to the hard stance culminating in a comprehensive joint military operation 'Zarb-e-Azb' in North Waziristan (FATA) against TTP's hideouts and their foreign supporters. The paper will focus on the internal security dynamics of Pakistan in post 9/11scanario and the circumstances that led to the massive, large scale military chase in the history of Pakistan [Zarb-e-Azb] to curtail terrorism and to root out extremism.

Artykuł przedstawia bezpieczeństwo społeczne jako obszar (sektor) współczesnego bezpieczeństwa z perspektywy bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego. W artykule poruszono kwestie dotyczą-ce procesów poszerzania i pogłębiania bezpieczeństwa, jego... more

Artykuł przedstawia bezpieczeństwo społeczne jako obszar (sektor) współczesnego bezpieczeństwa z perspektywy bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego. W artykule poruszono kwestie dotyczą-ce procesów poszerzania i pogłębiania bezpieczeństwa, jego powszechnie uznanych obszarów (sektorów) oraz występujących między nimi wzajemnych zależności. Charakteryzując bezpieczeństwo społeczne, wskazano na zagadnienia natury kulturowej i socjalnej, które następnie odniesiono do podstawowej siatki pojęciowej bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego (bezpieczeństwo publiczne; bezpieczeństwo ustrojowe; bezpieczeństwo powszechne) oraz do redefiniowanego obecnie paradygmatu bezpieczeństwa. Związek łączący bezpieczeństwo społeczne i bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne zilustrowano przykładem oficjalnych dokumentów rządu Finlandii (Program Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego; Strategia Bezpieczeństwa dla Społeczeństwa).

As the security threat and risk areas change, the procedures and methods of the states to take measures also change. This is the main reason why the concept of internal security has been mentioned frequently in recent years. While... more

As the security threat and risk areas change, the
procedures and methods of the states to take measures
also change. This is the main reason why the concept of
internal security has been mentioned frequently in recent
years. While emphasizing the internal security approach
in general, it is the need to find answers to many threats
that countries are exposed to on the basis of rule of law
norms. In this study, it is aimed to define the internal
security approach of the Azerbaijani state. In this context,
first of all, geographical, economic, social and political
factors directly related to the security of Azerbaijan have
been determined. It has been seen that these conditions
are the effects of the occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh on
the state and society, the state gaining power and
legitimacy, the process of building social identity, the
process of transition to liberal democracy, the difficulties
in transition to free market economy, and the need for the
regulation of modern state institutions. Subsequently, the
security organization structure of the Azerbaijan state was
determined. It has been observed that the organizational
model currently meets the national and internal security
organization structure in accordance with the modern
state structure. However, it is clear that the Azerbaijani
state has requirements regarding the accountability and
civilian oversight of the internal security institutions. The
study was conducted and compiled on a theoretical basis
by literature review.

This book is my contribution to the peace movement in India and the region, just a drop to add to the work of those more courageous than me at the barricades. They have given their time and sweat so that we can live in freedom and without... more

This book is my contribution to the peace movement in India and the region, just a drop to add to the work of those more courageous than me at the barricades. They have given their time and sweat so that we can live in freedom and without fear. I hope that they will eventually triumph. This book is a small gesture of support for them.
It advances a liberal perspective on security that is relatively
marginalised not only in India, but in wider security studies in general. The book on this account makes for an alternative reading. Since I have persevered through the better part of this century, the book can prove a useful record of the times seen through the liberal lens. The book can provide ballast to the values that are currently under assault from the ascendance of extremist ideologies.
I have taken advantage of my academic readings to examine what is happening in the region. With me being Indian, the book is necessarily India-centric. Since India is central to South Asia, the book covers security affairs in the region. The idea it advances is that India and the regional nations cannot get to peace until they ‘Think South Asia’. The region must be seen as a whole and its nations and peoples taken as ‘One’.
There can be no ‘Other’ or ‘Othering’. Peace and prosperity go together and therefore peace is a valuable goal. Achieving peace requires practicable ideas in terms of peace interventions and initiatives. It also involves pointing out the fallacy of dominant ideas and the manner these contribute to instability and insecurity. The book has articles dealing with both, alternative ideas and critiques of current
practice. At places it takes a combative look at the manner security is handled, participating in a debate with those defending the status quo, and at others it suggests ways to advance peace, lending support to articulators of and practitioners in myriad peace movements.
The articles have been grouped in four parts. The theme in the first part is National Security. It comprises articles on India’s security predicament including nuclear issues, India-Pakistan relations, regional crises, and opinions on the controversies over the period. The second part is on India’s military. It takes an informed look at the ‘holy cow’, especially civil-military relations. The third part is on Kashmir. Even though the
situation there appears to have improved, the issue still stands between neighbours. For the subcontinent to firstly think of itself as one and be one eventually, such issues would require tackling. I try and engage with how to do this in my articles on Kashmir. The last is on concerns of security of India’s Muslims. Since Partition, it has become ‘illegitimate’ to think of security in terms of community. It is taken as ‘communal’.
However, that India’s largest minority has found itself imposed on lately, I have tried to articulate that India’s security cannot be at the cost of its minorities; indeed the security of its minorities, regional and societal, is a must for India’s security.
I hope the book proves useful in projecting views that are no doubt shared by the majority of the attentive public.

While the occurrence of States of Emergency (SOE) in Jamaica has increased under violent crime prevention strategy, a series of practical dilemmas and controversies arise that are mostly unresolved. Citizens acknowledge the need for... more

While the occurrence of States of Emergency (SOE) in Jamaica has increased under violent crime prevention strategy, a series of practical dilemmas and controversies arise that are mostly unresolved. Citizens acknowledge the need for flexible and adaptable security forces who are impartial and treat them fairly and justly while conforming to the laws and ethical conduct. Given presumed shortcomings, however, citizens are dissatisfied. This situation limits the quality of security encounters, and in turn, limits SOE outcomes. As such, there is an urgent need to forge more robust partnerships between citizens and security forces as one plan in addressing the broad issue of crime. This study examined the views of the citizens, deriving essential understandings about themes of critical importance to decision-makers. The study found that SOEs can indeed lower crime rates, except that in recent cases, they are not meeting expectations. It is helpful to encourage the revamping of vital security forces approaches according to the critical attributes of an evolved and improved security establishment. The researcher makes a case for the revamping through a focus on enabling, sustaining, intelligent and adaptable attributes. The resulting Focused attribute-Oriented Model (FORM) expostulates that the purpose and organization of the security establishment should base off clear points of resolution and desired outcomes. Moreover, security forces’ approaches toward citizens must transform to meet and defeat the nature, strategy, disposition and capabilities of the threat.

Critical infrastructures are indispensable for the life of modern society. Critical infrastructures are seen as a sign of social welfare and economic development. The protection of critical infrastructures that support all aspects of life... more

Critical infrastructures are indispensable for the life of modern society. Critical infrastructures are seen as a sign of social welfare and economic development. The protection of critical infrastructures that support all aspects of life is a necessity in terms of public order and security. This study, within this framework, aims to determine developments in the world related to the protection of critical infrastructures and identify what to do in Turkey on this issue in terms of internal security. This study has been carried out in a theoretical foundation by reviewing the literature. In this study, the first step will be followed by examining what the critical infrastructure security is. Aftermath, the issues that United States, the EU and the UN focused on will be emphasized. Finally, procedures on the protection of critical infrastructures for internal security will be indicated and it will be evaluate in the context of Turkey. Concerning the protection of critical infrastructures in the world, it is seen that there is a focus on the need for disaster relief and emergency management as well as terror events and interventions on the internet. In Turkey, the environmental and human impact will occur in case of lack of protection of critical infrastructure are highlighted. The reason is that subject of protection of critical infrastructure entered literature in Turkey by EU harmonization process which is based on environmental impact issues. Turkey should have a different approach involving internal security threats and measures for all critical infrastructure./ Kritik altyapılar, modern toplumun yaşamı için vazgeçilmezdir. Kritik altyapılar, toplumsal refahın ve ekonomik gelişmişliğin işareti olarak görülür. Hayatın her yönünü destekleyen kritik altyapıların korunması, kamu düzeni ve güvenliğin sağlanması açısından da zorunluluktur. Bu kapsamda çalışma, kritik altyapıların korunmasıyla ilgili olarak dünyada yaşanan gelişmeler ve bu konuda iç güvenlik açısından Türkiye’de yapılması gerekenlerin tespit edilmesini hedeflemektedir. Çalışma, literatür taraması yapılarak teorik bir zeminde yürütülmüştür. Çalışma’da ilk olarak kritik altyapı güvenliğinin ne olduğu irdelenecek, müteakiben ABD, AB ve BM açısından odaklandıkları konular vurgulanacaktır. Son olarak ise; iç güvenlik açısından kritik altyapıların korunması usulü belirtilecek ve Türkiye bağlamında değerlendirmeler yapılacaktır. Dünyada, kritik altyapıların korunmasıyla ilgili olarak afet yardım ve acil yönetim ihtiyaçları yanında terör olayları ve internet yoluyla müdahalelere de odaklanıldığı görülmektedir. Türkiye’de ise daha çok kritik altyapıların korunamaması durumunda meydana gelecek çevresel ve insani etkiler vurgulanmıştır. Bunun nedeni kritik altyapıların korunmasının Türkiye’de literatüre AB’ye uyum süreci kapsamında çevre temelli etkileri bağlamında girmiş olmasıdır. Türkiye tüm kritik altyapılara yönelik farklı tehditleri ve tedbirleri kapsayan bir iç güvenlik yaklaşımına sahip olmalıdır.

In recent years, terror attacks, economic, political and environmental threats which are increasing with globalization day by day have become a security problem for almost every country in the world. For this reason, states have to ask... more

In recent years, terror attacks, economic, political and environmental threats which are increasing with globalization day by day have become a security problem for almost every country in the world. For this reason, states have to ask themselves the question of what kind of internal security approach should they have in terms of their national security. The study, in the context of this question, primarily revealed the link between internal security and society and national security, subsequently aimed to achieve an internal security approach that modern state would need. The study was conducted on a theoretical basis which is the internal security approach determined by Esther Brimmer. Her reviews are presented in her article "From Territorial Security to Societal Security: Implications for the Transatlantic Strategic Outlook" published in 2006. In order to understand and present Esther Brimmer's internal security approach, her fiction and definitions that she used in her article were included in this study. In addition, her assessments are supported with other additional sources. Esther Brimmer served in the Department of State as Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs from 2009 to 2013. In this context, the study will benefit the understanding of the US's perspective on homeland security.
Son yıllarda küreselleşmeyle birlikte gün geçtikçe artan terör eylemleri, ekonomik, siyasal ve çevresel tehditler dünyanın hemen her ülkesi için bir güvenlik sorunu haline gelmiştir. Bu sebeple devletler, ulusal güvenlikleri açısından nasıl bir iç güvenlik yaklaşımına sahip olmalıyım sorusunu kendilerine sormak zorunda kalmaktadır. Çalışma, bu soru kapsamında öncelikle iç güvenliğin toplum ve ulusal güvenlikle bağını ortaya çıkarmış, müteakiben modern bir devletin ihtiyaç duyacağı iç güvenlik yaklaşımına ulaşmayı hedeflemiştir. Çalışma, literatür taraması yapılarak teorik bir zeminde yürütülmüştür. Çalışmanın temelini Esther Brimmer'in belirlediği iç güvenlik yaklaşımı oluşturmaktadır. Esther Brimmer'in bu değerlendirmeleri 2006 yılına ait "Bölgesel Güvenlikten Toplumsal Güvenliğe: Transatlantik Stratejik Bakışının Sonuçları" adlı makalesinde yer almaktadır. Esther Brimmer'in iç güvenlik yaklaşımını anlayabilmek ve sunabilmek için makalesinde kullandığı onun kurgu ve tanımlamalarına bu çalışmada yer verilmiştir. Ayrıca başka ilave kaynaklarla değerlendirmeleri desteklenmiştir. Esther Brimmer, 2009-2013 yılları arasında ABD Dışişleri Bakanlığında Uluslararası Kuruluşlardan Sorumlu Bakan Yardımcılığı görevinde bulunmuştur. Bu bağlamda, çalışma, ABD'nin iç güvenliğe ilişkin bakış açısının anlaşılmasına fayda sağlayacaktır.

The primary responsibility of a state is the protection of its citizens against external aggression and internal violence and disturbances. Conventionally, the latter is normally the duty of the police. However, in Nigeria as in many... more

The primary responsibility of a state is the protection of its citizens against external aggression and internal violence and disturbances. Conventionally, the latter is normally the duty of the police. However, in Nigeria as in many African states, as violence erupts and the security situation worsens, government often relies on deploying the military to enforce orderliness and the return of peace. This action is largely due to the inability of the police to contain violent conflicts, especially where the security of the citizenry is threatened by armed groups. This is the situation in Plateau State, Nigeria where the military is used for military internal security operations since violence broke out between Christians and Muslims in Jos, on 7 September 2001.
Several studies have indicated support for the use of the military as a ‘necessary evil’ to enforce ceasefires and ensure the return to peace. However, this study finds that using the military evokes several challenges which undermine both the legitimacy of the military mission and its professional image. Along with this is the concern that the conduct of soldiers adds to worsen the security situation of the citizenry, which in turn strains civil-military relations (CMR). Two factors were identified as responsible for the problems: a lack of military professionalism, and the cultural disposition of soldiers in terms of the unsuitability of military habitus with civilian values. Whereas the problems could be addressed with effective civil control of the military, the study argues that civil control is weak in Nigeria, despite the existence of a legal framework that could ensure this.
To understand the problem, the study reviewed the separation, integration, agency, and concordance theories, and it argues that they are limited in scope and application. As such, they are unable to fully explain CMR in Nigeria. In this regard, a quadrumvirate interaction theory which upholds aspects of concordance theory explanation of CMR was proposed to fill the void. The theory contends that CMR is a tripartite relationship, with interactions among the partners occurring as a quadrumvirate along a major intersecting level and three different subunits. The theory introduced a typology indicating that the citizenry can exert agency in CMR in four different ways: compliance, contestation, collaboration, and confrontation against demands, policies, actions or inactions of the other partners.
The aim of the study was to understand whether the Nigerian State is exercising adequate civil control of the military to ensure that it does not become a threat to the citizenry and exacerbate insecurity. 55 one-on-one interviews with civilians across different social categories were conducted in six local government areas in Plateau State to understand this. The study found that the military acts unprofessionally and soldiers abuse of civilians is a recurring phenomenon, hence civilians are dissatisfied with the military. This has affected CMR, and civilians are exerting their agency including using confrontation that has resulted to the killing of some personnel, because they see the military as exacerbating insecurity.

Bosznia-Hercegovina és a nemzetközi közösség szerepe Dayton után Bosnia and Herzegovina and the role of the international community after Dayton Absztrakt Bosznia-Hercegovina történetében az önálló államiságot, a békét és a stabilitást a... more

Bosznia-Hercegovina és a nemzetközi közösség szerepe Dayton után Bosnia and Herzegovina and the role of the international community after Dayton Absztrakt Bosznia-Hercegovina történetében az önálló államiságot, a békét és a stabilitást a Daytoni Békeszerződés hozta el 1995-ben. A Békeszerződés sajátos állami struk-túrát hozott létre, amely a három államalkotó nemzet részére egyaránt biztosít döntési, irányítási jogköröket, nehezítve ezzel a központi hatáskörök megerősíté-sét. A kitűzött demokratikus reformok végrehajtásának megkezdése, valamint a béke, stabilitás és a rend fenntartása egyaránt a nemzetközi közösség felügyele-tével valósulhatott meg. A civil kontrollt a nemzetközi főképviselő intézménye, míg a katonai feladatok végrehajtását előbb a NATO, majd az Európai Unió biztosítja. Ugyanakkor az intenzív nemzetközi jelenlét és kényszerítő erő ellenére lassan haladnak a reformok, a biztonsági szektor átalakítását kudarcok jellemzik és nem zavartalan az ország euro-atlanti csatlakozási folyamata sem. A sajátos daytoni állami berendezkedés mintegy 10 éve már nem a haladást szolgálja, hanem az egyik legnagyobb gátja a stabil, önállóan működőképes állam kialakításának, ismételten egymásnak feszülnek az államalkotó nemzetek, mindez pontosan azo-kat a reformokat teszi lehetetlenné, amely az ország uniós és NATO tagságának alapvető feltétele lenne.

The adoption of an Internal Security Strategy in the European Union in the early months of 2010 raised not only expectations but also a number of questions from Brussels observers. Where did it come from? Who was behind the strategy?... more

The adoption of an Internal Security Strategy in the
European Union in the early months of 2010 raised
not only expectations but also a number of questions
from Brussels observers. Where did it come from?
Who was behind the strategy? Does it represent
the interests of the many actors involved in internal
security cooperation? What will be its effect on actual
cooperation and policy outcomes? This paper takes
a historical perspective in helping to answer these
questions. We examine the history of the ISS from
three perspectives – its origin, its formulation, and its
eventual content – and examine the extent to which
those perspectives offer clues as to the likely impact
of the ISS. Using some “ideal-type” benefits attributed
to strategies generally – including political-symbolic
benefits, cohering effects, and improved operational
guidance – we assess whether the history of the ISS
is likely to enable or constrain success. While further
research is needed, our analysis of developments in
the months after adoption of the ISS suggests that its
history served to undermine its impact on cooperation
generally and policymaking specifically.

W artykule przestawiono kompleksowe rozważania i analizy przybliżające do lepszego poznania i zrozumienia mechanizmów korupcyjnych, jakie powszechnie występują w procesach zarządzania. Na wstępie scharakteryzowano różne ujęcia definicyjne... more

W artykule przestawiono kompleksowe rozważania i analizy przybliżające do lepszego poznania i zrozumienia mechanizmów korupcyjnych, jakie powszechnie występują w procesach zarządzania. Na wstępie scharakteryzowano różne ujęcia definicyjne
omawianego zjawiska, akcentując jednocześnie, że wzorce zachowań określane mianem k o r u p c j a nie zawężają się wyłącznie do czynów zabronionych przez prawo. W dalszej części pracy zwrócono uwagę na postrzeganie omawianych problemów z perspektywy
podważania zaufania do państwa i jego organów. Podkreślono przy tym, że każda arbitralna i uznaniowa decyzja podejmowana przez organy władzy publicznej może być oceniana z punktu widzenia przestrzegania zasad sprawiedliwości społecznej i równego traktowania. Następnie wnikliwie omówiono cele i znaczenie realizowanych czynności o charakterze analityczno-informacyjnym, które służą rozpoznawaniu praktyk korupcyjnych.

W ciągu ostatnich 2 – 3 lat zagadnienie terroryzmu z dużym nasileniem pojawiło się w dyskursie publicznym nie tylko w krajach Europy Zachodniej, ale również w Polsce. Kryzys migracyjny i uchodźczy, ataki dokonywane przez organizacje... more

W ciągu ostatnich 2 – 3 lat zagadnienie terroryzmu z dużym nasileniem pojawiło się w dyskursie publicznym nie tylko w krajach Europy Zachodniej, ale również w Polsce. Kryzys migracyjny i uchodźczy, ataki dokonywane przez organizacje terrorystyczne lub samotnych wilków w państwach Europy Zachodniej, doprowadziły do wzrostu strachu wśród obywateli państw Unii Europejskiej, w tym Polski.
Za każdym razem, kiedy przejawia się wątek potencjalnych zagrożeń dla bezpieczeństwa, wraz z nim rozpoczyna się dyskusja na temat uregulowań prawnych, możliwości zwalczania zagrożenia, ochrony granic i obywateli państwa. Często, podejmowane wtedy decyzje, są wprowadzane z negatywnym skutkiem dla osobistych wolności obywatelskich. Takie sytuacje wymagają szczególnej uwagi środowiska naukowego, które powinno w sposób zdecydowany akcentować popełniane przez decydentów błędy. Podstawowym celem prezentowanej pracy jest dokonanie rzetelnej analizy stanu polskiego systemu bezpieczeństwa w kontekście zagrożeń tetrystycznych i odpowiedź na pytanie o zasadność, zaproponowanej w kwietniu 2016 roku, a podpisanej przez Prezydenta RP 10 czerwca, ustawy antyterrorystycznej.
W pracy stawiam tezę, iż polskie władze wprowadziły specjalną ustawę antyterrorystyczną, kierując się nastrojami opinii publicznej i podjęły kroki, które były nieproporcjonalne do rzeczywistego poziomu zagrożenia. Ich celem było wytworzenie korzystnego stanu z punktu widzenia celu władzy, jakim są działania zmierzające do jej utrzymania.
Praca składa się z trzech rozdziałów. Pierwszy, ma za zadanie przybliżyć odbiorcom charakterystykę samego zjawiska terroryzmu. W tym celu zaprezentowano jego definicję, ewolucję, a także dane statystyczne obrazujące skalę zjawiska.

W artykule analizowano relacje między bezpieczeństwem narodowym a wewnętrznym we Włoszech, przybliżając te pojęcia. Następnie ukazano miejsce badań bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego we włoskim systemie dyscyplin naukowych. Scharakteryzowano... more

W artykule analizowano relacje między bezpieczeństwem narodowym a wewnętrznym we Włoszech, przybliżając te pojęcia. Następnie ukazano miejsce badań bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego we włoskim systemie dyscyplin naukowych. Scharakteryzowano instytucje naukowo-badawcze i system kształcenia w ramach szkolnictwa wyższego w zakresie bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego. Artykuł składa się z trzech części. W pierwszej z nich poddano analizie, na podstawie oficjalnych dokumentów, relacje zachodzące między bezpieczeństwem narodowym a wewnętrznym i zewnętrznym, przybliżając kluczowe pojęcia. W drugiej części przedstawiono umiejscowienie badań w zakresie bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego we włoskim systemie dyscyplin naukowych oraz scharakteryzowano instytucje naukowo-badawcze, a także system kształcenia w ramach szkolnictwa wyższego w zakresie bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego. W ostatniej części starano się przedstawić dyskurs polityczny i naukowy na temat bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego. Artykuł kończy się krótkim podsumowaniem, w którym przedstawiono wnioski płynące z przeprowadzonych badań.

Discussions of China's rising domestic security expenditure often present this spending as evidence of the Chinese Communist Party's strong coercive capacity. This article argues that a lack of theoretical clarity about domestic security... more

Discussions of China's rising domestic security expenditure often present this spending as evidence of the Chinese Communist Party's strong coercive capacity. This article argues that a lack of theoretical clarity about domestic security has resulted in flawed conclusions about these expenditures and their implications for China's coercive capacity. Challenging the conventional wisdom , the article analyses China's domestic security spending from 1992 through 2012 and argues that it is important to consider not only the total amount that China spends but also how it spends these resources and the magnitude of the threats that this expenditure must address. It finds that China's domestic security spending is not historically unprecedented, is not expanding as a proportion of national expenditure, and is not necessarily high (or producing high coercive capacity) when compared to other countries. The article also shows that certain locations struggle more to fund their coercive capacity than others, and that these locations overlap with areas where internal security threats may be particularly acute. The challenges that the coercive apparatus must address have also grown over the same period during which domestic security spending has risen. Finally, attempts to improve the political position of China's coercive agents cannot be equated with improvements in their capacity to manage Chinese society. Cumulatively, this reassessment provides more evidence of the limitations on China's coercive capacity than of its strength.

Szósty tom serii wydawniczej pt. Racjonalizacja zarządzania jednolitymi formacjami umundurowanymi odpowiedzialnymi za bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne wskazuje, iż postępująca dynamika i zakres zmian w otoczeniu zewnętrznym i wewnętrznym naszego... more

Szósty tom serii wydawniczej pt. Racjonalizacja zarządzania jednolitymi formacjami umundurowanymi odpowiedzialnymi za bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne wskazuje, iż postępująca dynamika i zakres zmian w otoczeniu zewnętrznym i wewnętrznym naszego kraju wymuszają
traktowanie problematyki doskonalenia w sposób kompleksowy.

The Whole Universe is in the radar of the Cyber Criminals and Hackers. The SocioEconomic development of any Nation is somehow effected by these intruders. These Digital Crimes stands next to Terrorism as the most hurdle in the sustainable... more

The Whole Universe is in the radar of the Cyber Criminals and Hackers. The SocioEconomic development of any Nation is somehow effected by these intruders. These Digital Crimes stands next to Terrorism as the most hurdle in the sustainable development of the society. The 21 st century witnesses massive Cyber Attacks against Person, Property and the Nation in various forms like Hacking, Defamation, DDoS, Ransomware, Cyber Pornography etc. Even the terrorists are using cyber means and some countries are engaged in Cyber Surveillance to disrupt the Critical Infrastructures with an intension to drop down their economic status. This paper tries to highlight those threats to the Nation and urge to strengthen the Cyber Security Mechanism for protection of the critical infrastructures, informations and the Cloud storage. The increasing usage of Virtual currencies like bitcoin also possesses challenges for the future generations.

The focus of this study is on the effect of military (un)professionalism on civil-military relations and citizens' security in Nigeria. To sketch the context, the article provides a brief background on the nature of armed conflict, which... more

The focus of this study is on the effect of military (un)professionalism on civil-military relations and citizens' security in Nigeria. To sketch the context, the article provides a brief background on the nature of armed conflict, which necessitated the deployment of the military in internal operations. Following this is a brief description of the extent and nature of military abuse, which strains civil-military relations. Using the principles of what constitutes military professionalism, the study shows that the conduct of the Nigerian military, together with the lack of civil control undermines internal security operations and has eroded trust in the armed forces. The influence on civil-military relations is analysed, with reference to a qualitative study conducted among civilians affected by military abuse in Plateau State. The findings show that the unprofessionalism of the Nigerian military undermines military effectiveness, civil-military relations, and exacerbates the insecurity of citizens.

The security situation in Nigeria at the moment has deteriorated at a geometric rate. This paints a very ugly writing on the wall and thus elicited very fundamental questions: is the heightened insecurity political or is it a function of... more

The security situation in Nigeria at the moment has deteriorated at a geometric rate. This paints a very ugly writing on the wall and thus elicited very fundamental questions: is the heightened insecurity political or is it a function of a failed state?