Student Attitude Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This work is a part of a larger study, which presents geometry through a daily life story using dynamic geometry software. It aimed in particular to enable students to feel the importance of geometry in daily life, to share in the process... more

This work is a part of a larger study, which presents geometry through a daily life story using dynamic geometry software. It aimed in particular to enable students to feel the importance of geometry in daily life, to share in the process of formulating geometric statements and conjectures, to experience the geometric proof more than validating the correctness of geometric statements and to start with a real-life situation and go through seven steps to geometric proof. The content of the suggested approach was organized so that every activity was a prerequisite for entering the next one, either in the structure of geometric concepts or in the geometric story context. Some indications will be presented according to three Likert-type questionnaires, which were prepared by the researcher with the purpose of assessing students’ attitudes toward geometry and geometric proof, using computers in mathematics learning and the suggested approach. The analysis of single responses to questionnaire items showed significant changes in students’ beliefs about geometry, importance and functions of geometric proof and toward using the suggested approach.

This NSF-funded, Phase 1 CCLI project effectively integrates scientific ocean drilling data and research (DSDP-ODP-IODP-ANDRILL) with education. We have developed, and are currently testing, a suite of data-rich inquiry-based classroom... more

This NSF-funded, Phase 1 CCLI project effectively integrates scientific ocean drilling data and research (DSDP-ODP-IODP-ANDRILL) with education. We have developed, and are currently testing, a suite of data-rich inquiry-based classroom learning materials based on sediment core archives. These materials are suitable for use in introductory geoscience courses that serve general education students, early geoscience majors, and pre-service teachers. 'Science made

This NSF-funded, Phase 1 CCLI project effectively integrates scientific ocean drilling data and research (DSDP-ODP-IODP-ANDRILL) with education. We have developed, and are currently testing, a suite of data-rich inquiry-based classroom... more

This NSF-funded, Phase 1 CCLI project effectively integrates scientific ocean drilling data and research (DSDP-ODP-IODP-ANDRILL) with education. We have developed, and are currently testing, a suite of data-rich inquiry-based classroom learning materials based on sediment core archives. These materials are suitable for use in introductory geoscience courses that serve general education students, early geoscience majors, and pre-service teachers. 'Science made accessible' is the essence of this goal. Our team consists of research and education specialists from institutions ranging from R1 research to public liberal arts to community college. We address relevant and timely 'Big Ideas' with foundational geoscience concepts and climate change case studies, as well transferable skills valued in professional settings. The exercises are divided into separate but interrelated modules including: introduction to cores, seafloor sediments, microfossils and biostratigraphy, pale...

El presente Documento de Trabajo contiene los resultados de la administraci�n de diversas escalas de actitudes a estudiantes de cuarto y sexto grado de primaria y cuarto grado de secundaria durante la evaluaci�n nacional del rendimiento... more

El presente Documento de Trabajo contiene los resultados de la administraci�n de diversas escalas de actitudes a estudiantes de cuarto y sexto grado de primaria y cuarto grado de secundaria durante la evaluaci�n nacional del rendimiento estudiantil organizada por la Unidad de Medici�n de la Calidad Educativa (UMC) del Ministerio de Educaci�n a fines del 2001. Las escalas est�n referidas al gusto, autoeficacia y utilidad del estudiante frente a la lectura, la escritura y la matem�tica. Adicionalmente se incluy� una escala de actitudes de respeto hacia las lenguas vern�culas y las personas que las hablan. El estudio de las actitudes de los estudiantes peruanos es un tema relevante, tanto como el estudio del rendimiento en las �reas acad�micas. De hecho lo uno y lo otro est� presente en el curr�culo vigente. De los resultados aqu� presentados se pueden sacar lecciones que deber�an sugerir pol�ticas educativas que ayuden a conseguir mejores logros tanto en lo cognoscitivo como en lo afe...

Worldwide, electronic learning (E-learning) has become an important part of the education agenda in the last decade. The Suan Dusit Rajabhat University (SDRU), Thailand has made significant efforts recently to use Internet technologies to... more

Worldwide, electronic learning (E-learning) has become an important part of the education agenda in the last decade. The Suan Dusit Rajabhat University (SDRU), Thailand has made significant efforts recently to use Internet technologies to enhance learning opportunities. The results reported here are part of a pioneering study to determine the effectiveness of a new online learning course in the subject “Business Statistics”. This paper compares two groups of students, one studying using a traditional lecture-based approach, and the other studying using e-learning. The comparison is based on students’ attitudes towards statistics measured using a validated questionnaire, both before and after the 16-week course, and for each of the modes of study. Comparisons are also made with students studying by distance, although the numbers in these groups are too small for sensible statistical analysis. The questionnaire data are augmented by material from interviews and other student reports o...

Studies by physiologists and educationalists have focused their attention to biological differences to explain the disparity between men and women in science and engineering careers. However, initial studies that looked at brain size and... more

Studies by physiologists and educationalists have focused their attention to biological differences to explain the disparity between men and women in science and engineering careers. However, initial studies that looked at brain size and different IQ levels of men and ...

Many factors influence the development of the educational system, and today it is a global COVID-19 pandemic. Stakeholders in the educational process need to adjust to a new distant reality without compromising the quality. The formative... more

Many factors influence the development of the educational system, and today it is a global COVID-19 pandemic. Stakeholders in the educational process need to adjust to a new distant reality without compromising the quality. The formative assessment proved to be a suitable approach to overcome existing challenges, and one of the most popular tools to facilitate it is Socrative. The study aims to 1) investigate student attitudes and the correlation between academic achievements in ESP and majors and 2) present our experience in utilizing Socrative for formative assessment in a distant mode in the settings of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute." To achieve the goals of our study, we have developed and validated a questionnaire, collected quantitative data, analyzed and interpreted the qualitative data; the study sample included 137 students. The obtained results have shown the general positive student attitude towards the usage of Socrative within the course of ESP due to its efficacy, personalization, and responsiveness. The results can be a perspective for further investigation despite some limitations.

The objective of the current paper is to identify the students’ attitudes and intentions toward entrepreneurship, their personal characteristics and future plans in connection with entrepreneurship. The results of the empirical study are... more

The objective of the current paper is to identify the students’ attitudes and intentions toward entrepreneurship, their personal characteristics and future plans in connection with entrepreneurship. The results of the empirical study are brought to evaluate the preparation of bachelor programme graduates and master students from Tallinn University of Technology (different specialities) for starting with entrepreneurship. The Likert scale is used for measurement of students’ attitudes based on their own opinions about motivations to start in business, the statements about their entrepreneurial characteristics and behavioural habits connected with business relations and organisations. In this context, the opinions of respondents about the obstacles met in starting a business and possible support needs are also a subject of this analysis, including the role of university to foster entrepreneurial initiative among students. The research results showed that despite a considerable share o...

Internet is a useful tool for all in a technologically advanced world. Internet use for education is very important. It is now in practice to teach school to college to get more out of it. In this study, the emphasis is given on the most... more

Internet is a useful tool for all in a technologically advanced world. Internet use for education is very important. It is now in practice to teach school to college to get more out of it. In this study, the emphasis is given on the most important success factor that investigates about Internet usage by students of the University, whether it is a effective learning tool for students and teachers and also examines the level of use Internet and whether the Internet is useful for distance learners. The sample of the data is taken from the universities of the twin cities (Islamabad and Rawalpindi). The results reveal that most students find that the Internet knowledge is essential for students and teachers. Above all respondents in the questionnaire that students feel comfortable using the Internet and provides substantial information and half of those surveyed felt that Internet use is difficult in school. Results show that the Internet is easier to use then the collection of research tools, while the Internet is very important. It is recommended that students should align their potential for significant and positive use of the Internet. Further, it is recommended to educate students to use basic Internet tools.

ABSTRACT. Teachers' attitude to mathematics is increasingly put forward as a dominant factor in children's attitudes to mathematics. Our intention at the beginning of this study was to produce instruments for teachers to use in... more

ABSTRACT. Teachers' attitude to mathematics is increasingly put forward as a dominant factor in children's attitudes to mathematics. Our intention at the beginning of this study was to produce instruments for teachers to use in probing student attitudes as part of their personal ...

In this chapter we provide a brief overview of commonly used definitions of beliefs, ways in which beliefs are measured in general, and in mathematics education research in particular. Next we describe how the technique known as the... more

In this chapter we provide a brief overview of commonly used definitions of beliefs, ways in which beliefs are measured in general, and in mathematics education research in particular. Next we describe how the technique known as the Experience Sampling Method was used to infer students’ attitudes to, and beliefs about a range of daily activities, including those related to their (mathematical) studies. Briefly, on receipt of a signal sent six times per day for six consecutive days, our sample of mature age students1 was requested, through completion of a specially designed form, to record the activity in which they were currently engaged and their reactions to that activity. We argue that strengths of the approach adopted include the extended period of time used for data collection, the opportunity to gauge participant’ attitudes, beliefs, and emotions about the wide range of activities tapped, and to compare these with their beliefs about mathematics and the learning of mathematics.

The current study investigates Kurdish students’ attitudes towards the use of films in teaching literary works at universities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The study also highlights whether using films in teaching literary works is... more

The current study investigates Kurdish students’ attitudes towards the use of films in teaching literary works at universities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The study also highlights whether using films in teaching literary works is beneficial or not and what challenges are faced by them. The data were collected by using questionnaires and interviews from 60 students aged between 18-24 years old from both private and public universities. Out of 60 students, 15 were randomly chosen to be interviewed. Results show that some students consider teaching literary works using films is beneficial, as it encourages students to study and read more literary works and it also makes them actively interact with the content which helps them remember the events more effectively. However, the study also reveals that some Kurdish students consider teaching literary works using films is a waste of time, and this discourages interaction between students and their teacher. In addition, ‘boredom’ and ...

Aims and objectives. The aim of this study is to assess the attitudes of students towards disabled people and provide suggestions to make necessary changes in the curricula.Background. Disabled people suffer from rejection, exclusion... more

Aims and objectives. The aim of this study is to assess the attitudes of students towards disabled people and provide suggestions to make necessary changes in the curricula.Background. Disabled people suffer from rejection, exclusion and discrimination. The undergraduate education of future health professionals should include processes of critical thinking towards and analysis of the disabled.Design. Cross-sectional design was used.Methods. All the preclinical medical and nursing students in our institution were included in study. Data were collected using the Turkish Attitudes towards Disabled Person Scale (TATDP) and demographical variables. TATDP Scale was scored according to five-point Likert Scale.Results. Students’ mean attitude score is 120·57 (SD 15·24). Subscale mean scores are 53·61 (SD 7·25) for compassion (CP), 50·47 (SDS 7·26) for social value (SV) and 16·49 (SD 2·89) for resource distribution (RD). Whilst nursing students had less contact with the disabled, medical students had a closer contact with them. Medical students acquired more prior knowledge about attitudes towards the disabled. Total attitude scores of female students were above the students’ mean attitude score when compared to those of male students.Conclusion. Only if early contact is established with patients and the disabled, practical educational strategies are adopted, and the students are provided with information on attitudes about the disabled, will a social model of disability be introduced into the curriculum.Relevance to clinical practice. This study results were presented to curriculum planning committees of nursing and medical schools, so that they should use them as needs assessment data in developing a disability awareness curriculum. The curriculum will be implemented in cooperation with not only schools but also other social institutions. For instance, clerkship applications will be accomplished by cooperating with nursing homes and organisations of disabled people.

This study tested three models of the structural relationship between the writing achievement of primary grade students and their attitude towards writing (defined here as an affective disposition involving how the act of writing makes... more

This study tested three models of the structural relationship between the writing achievement of primary grade students and their attitude towards writing (defined here as an affective disposition involving how the act of writing makes the author feel, ranging from happy to unhappy). The three models tested were: (a) writing attitude influences writing achievement in a unidirectional manner, (b) writing

This study investigated students ’ attitudes and motivations toward online learning. Students in the online course, Introduction to the Visual Arts, were asked to complete questionnaires administered during the first and last week of the... more

This study investigated students ’ attitudes and motivations toward online learning. Students in the online course, Introduction to the Visual Arts, were asked to complete questionnaires administered during the first and last week of the online course. A group of questions on Attitude was asked on both surveys. Questions on Interest, Self-management, and Locus of Control were asked only at the beginning of the course. The end of class survey included questions on Study Process