Institutional Reform Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The analysis of state failure and the policy debate have been driven by two very different underlying views of what the state does. The first, which we call the “servicedelivery” view says the role of the state is to provide law and... more

The analysis of state failure and the policy debate have been driven by two very different underlying views of what the state does. The first, which we call the “servicedelivery” view says the role of the state is to provide law and order, stable property rights, key public goods and welfarist redistributions. In failing to provide these, state failure contributes to economic under-performance and poverty. State failure of this type is in turn related to an inter-dependent constellation of governance failures including corruption and rent-seeking, distortions in markets and the absence of democracy. All of these need to be addressed to focus the state on its core service-delivery tasks. The second locates the developing country state in the context of “social transformation”: the dramatic transition these countries are going through as traditional production systems collapse and a capitalist economy begins to emerge. Dynamic transformation states have heavily intervened in property ...

This study contributes to the limited established empirical research on the impact and relevance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the capital markets of emerging economies. We conducted an event study to demonstrate how the... more

This study contributes to the limited established empirical research on the impact and relevance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the capital markets of emerging economies. We conducted an event study to demonstrate how the timing of CSR announcements by firms that have aligned their strategies to newly instituted social regulations in South Africa influenced stock prices. Using a unique dataset of publicly listed South African enterprises that undertook CSR initiatives during the ten year period from 1996 to 2005, we found that investor reactions to CSR announcements concluded during the late phase of institutional reforms are viewed positively by investors. Furthermore, CSR announcements of substantive monetary value result in significantly higher shareholder returns.

This paper approaches the value added method for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measurement that explains the interrelationship between the expenditure approach and the income approach. The economic growth model is also proposed with three... more

This paper approaches the value added method for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measurement that explains the interrelationship between the expenditure approach and the income approach. The economic growth model is also proposed with three key elements of capital accumulation, technological innovation, and institutional reform. Although capital accumulation and technological innovation are two integrated elements in driving economic growth, institutional reforms play a key role in creating incentives that effect the transitional and steady state growth rate in the real world economy. The paper provides a theoretical insight on economic growth to understand incentives and driving forces in economic growth model.

Mauritius faces a problem of water shortages, especially at the end of the winter season, which is revealed by seasonal water accounts. A household survey shows that 43% of households adapt to those shortages using water tanks and pumps.... more

Mauritius faces a problem of water shortages, especially at the end of the winter season, which is revealed by seasonal water accounts. A household survey shows that 43% of households adapt to those shortages using water tanks and pumps. The study forecasts an increase in water demand of up to 51% by 2030 leading to a water shortage of up to 52 million m 3 taking the effects of climate change into account. After analyzing different options, it seems that improvements in the water sector necessitates restructuring tariffs in different sectors with new roles of institutions in raising revenues. Current water sector governance, however, seems ineffective to solve these issues. The micro-institutional setting according to the distribution of tasks for each of the main transactions reveals a multitude of water actors at the national level. Responses from these water actors collected for this study point to a certain number of challenges putting sustainability at stake, including a lack of political commitment and discontinuity of reforms. These issues seem to be aggravated by a lack of independence of the main water agencies. The study concludes with policy recommendations to increase efficiency of the water sector.

ABSTRACT The sovereign debt crisis in the euro area is a symptom of policy failures and deficiencies in – among other things – fiscal policy coordination. The first nine years of the euro were not used effectively in order to improve... more

ABSTRACT The sovereign debt crisis in the euro area is a symptom of policy failures and deficiencies in – among other things – fiscal policy coordination. The first nine years of the euro were not used effectively in order to improve public finances, while the Stability and Growth Pact was watered down. Spillovers from the financial and economic crisis compounded fiscal difficulties in the euro area, especially in certain member countries. This paper looks back at the history of fiscal policies and rules in Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). It makes proposals to strengthen fiscal policy governance that go well beyond the legislation set to be adopted in autumn 2011. The authors consider these additional governance measures to be essential for effective policy coordination and sound public finances in the future.

L'auteur montre dans cet article, l'apport que peut avoir la sociologie militaire pour l'analyse du changement politique. La juridicisation de la question militaire, notamment pour apprécier le sort des "putschistes", constitue un moment... more

L'auteur montre dans cet article, l'apport que peut avoir la sociologie militaire pour l'analyse du changement politique. La juridicisation de la question militaire, notamment pour apprécier le sort des "putschistes", constitue un moment fort pour apprécier la redéfinition du rôle des forces armées au sein de la société espagnole. L'armée rentre alors dans le rang. Par la suite, les réformes institutionnelles, telles que la création d'un ministère de la Défense ou encore la suppression de la mili (service militaire), constitue alors les symboles du changement amorcé. Dans un même mouvement, la mise en œuvre d'une politique de professionnalisation des armées devient quelque chose de possible.

Food security is a high priority issue on the Chinese political agenda. China’s food security is challenged by several anthropogenic, sociopolitical and policy factors, including: population growth; urbanization and industrialization;... more

Food security is a high priority issue on the Chinese political agenda. China’s food security is challenged by several anthropogenic, sociopolitical and policy factors, including: population growth; urbanization and industrialization; land use changes and water scarcity; income growth and nutritional transition; and turbulence in global energy and food markets. Sustained growth in agricultural productivity and stable relations with global food suppliers are the twin anchors of food security. Shortfalls in domestic food production can take their toll on international food markets. Turbulence in global energy markets can affect food prices and supply costs, affecting food security and poverty. Policy safeguards are needed to shield food supply against such forces. China must make unremitting policy responses to address the loss of its fertile land for true progress towards the goal of national food security, by investing in infrastructure such as irrigation, drainage, storage, transport, and agricultural research and institutional reforms such as tenure security and land market liberalization. The links between water and other development-related sectors such as population, energy, food, and environment, and the interactions among them require reckoning, as they together will determine future food security and poverty reduction in China. Climate change is creating a new level of uncertainty in water governance, requiring accelerated research to avoid water-related stresses.

A deeper logic underlies President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s Consultative Commission’s Proposed Revision of the 1987 Constitution launched in late 2005, the so-called Charter Change project. Its proposals provide for the fundamental... more

A deeper logic underlies President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s Consultative Commission’s Proposed Revision of the 1987 Constitution launched in late 2005, the so-called Charter Change project. Its proposals provide for the fundamental institutional ensemble, with constitutional effect, that guarantees the global and domestic rights of capital. At the heart of this project is an effort to mobilize support for the constitutionalization of “authoritarian liberalism” as the de facto state form. In doing so, it seeks the promotion of a (neo)liberal economy embedded in an authoritarian political framework.

Post-Washington Consensus- Democracy supports Sustainable Growth & Development

Mémoire de recherche - Master 2 (2009) - 290 p.

Revue du droit public et de la science politique en France et à l’étranger, 2016, n°1, p. 195-222. Abstract : Après plus de quarante ans sans modification, trois réformes électorales du Sénat sont votées en une dizaine d’années avec pour... more

Revue du droit public et de la science politique en France et à l’étranger, 2016, n°1, p. 195-222.
Abstract : Après plus de quarante ans sans modification, trois réformes électorales du Sénat sont votées en une dizaine d’années avec pour enjeu la réforme du mode de scrutin sénatorial : l’application de la proportionnelle doit-elle être étendue aux départements comptant trois sénateurs et plus (2003) ou limitée aux départements comptant trois sénateurs et moins (2000, 2013) ? L’article étudie le récit justificatif des réformes électorales censées accroître la féminisation, le pluralisme politique et la représentation des territoires. Cependant, sous couvert d’une réforme de la représentativité du Sénat, les objectifs poursuivis visent à modifier la fonction de la Seconde Chambre, à l’aune du bicamérisme et du fait majoritaire. La réforme du mode de scrutin sénatorial est le moyen utilisé pour atteindre un autre objectif : réformer l’institution.

In this essay, I explore turn of the 20th century reform movement histories of two containment institutions’ architecture, located just outside the city of Chicago. Reform movements surrounding a prison, Stateville Correctional Center,... more

In this essay, I explore turn of the 20th century reform movement histories of two containment institutions’ architecture, located just outside the city of Chicago. Reform movements surrounding a prison, Stateville Correctional Center, and a mental health treatment center, Elgin Insane Asylum, can be used as tools to critically analyze strengths and weaknesses, or possibly initiate an entire rethinking, of rehabilitative institutions in our age. Using research from contemporary newspaper articles dated between 1840-1940, critical theory such as Foucault’s "Discipline & Punish" and the works of sociologists of architecture like Carla Yanni, I take a look at the possibility of reforming the rehabilitative institution such that inmates/patients are viewed not as having wronged society but instead as having somehow been wronged by society. The individual, in order to become truly rehabilitated, deserves freedom and autonomy, a sense of purpose and a sense of self-control. How can we reform treatment for these marginalized groups to be better? How have the identities of “criminal” and “insane” become blurred? What’s at stake in continuing our systems of removal and containment? How might we rethink containment systems, focused on removing the “other” from society, to instead focus on rehabilitation and reintroduction to society? We currently waste so much human potential and money on containment and capital punishment of those who break the law and those who suffer from severe mental illness; this essay attempts to interrogate this discourse. I wrote this essay for Rhetoric 116 (Spring 2016), titled Rhetoric, Culture & Society, instructed by Professor Marianne Constable at UC Berkeley. The focus of the course was homicide in Chicago, but we had the liberty of choosing a topic for our final research assignment.

Versiones resumidas de los documentos de política preparados por diversos autores para el proyecto “Elecciones Perú 2016: centrando el debate electoral”. El primer documento resumido en este volumen es “Reingeniería de la conducción... more

Versiones resumidas de los documentos de política preparados por diversos autores para el proyecto “Elecciones Perú 2016: centrando el debate electoral”. El primer documento resumido en este volumen es “Reingeniería de la conducción política de la descentralización“, por Gonzalo Alcalde

Cette note propose une évaluation ex-ante de la réduction d’un tiers du nombre de députés en France, annoncée officiellement en juillet 2017 par Emmanuel Macron. Après avoir discuté les différents arguments plutôt infondés soutenant cette... more

Cette note propose une évaluation ex-ante de la réduction d’un tiers du nombre de députés en France, annoncée officiellement en juillet 2017 par Emmanuel Macron. Après avoir discuté les différents arguments plutôt infondés soutenant cette réforme, nous envisageons les modalités de sa mise en œuvre qui s’annonce difficile, notamment en raison du découpage électoral. La note propose également une simulation des effets électoraux d’une baisse du nombre de députés concomitante à l’introduction d’une dose de proportionnelle. Au total, l’évaluation ex-ante proposée pointe les difficultés et contradictions soulevées par le projet et la distorsion du lien de représentation qui en résulterait.

India's agricultural growth has been sufficient to move the country from severe food crises of the 1960s to aggregate food surpluses today. Most of the increase in agricultural output over the years has taken place under irrigated... more

India's agricultural growth has been sufficient to move the country from severe food crises of the 1960s to aggregate food surpluses today. Most of the increase in agricultural output over the years has taken place under irrigated conditions. The opportunities for continued ...

The lack of secure property rights is one of the major factors that hampers Philippine peace and economic development. This paper analyzes how and why the residential free patent law which addresses this problem was passed by Philippine... more

The lack of secure property rights is one of the major factors that hampers Philippine peace and economic development. This paper analyzes how and why the residential free patent law which addresses this problem was passed by Philippine Congress. The paper focuses on the human agents and the coalitions that spearheaded the lobbying for the law.

India's agricultural growth has been sufficient to move the country from severe food crises of the 1960s to aggregate food surpluses today. Most of the increase in agricultural output over the years has taken place under irrigated... more

India's agricultural growth has been sufficient to move the country from severe food crises of the 1960s to aggregate food surpluses today. Most of the increase in agricultural output over the years has taken place under irrigated conditions. The opportunities for continued expansion of irrigated area are limited, however, so Indian planners increasingly are looking to rainfed, or unirrigated agriculture

The enlargement of the European Union (EU) has always been a topic of interest for specialists in International Relations. The study was focused (and still is) on the accession process (we include here the concern regarding the motivation... more

The enlargement of the European Union (EU) has always been a topic of interest for specialists in International Relations. The study was focused (and still is) on the accession process (we include here the concern regarding the motivation of states to join the organization and the impact that EU integration has on the policies of those specific states). However, we find less concern regarding the impact of the accession of new states on the organization. The purpose of this study is to show the changes that Croatia’s accession bring to the institutional structure and decision-making process of the European Union, considering that the organization is currently going through a process of institutional reform, marked by the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon.

Since the 2003 Rose Revolution, the Georgian government implemented a number of major institutional reforms which have succeeded in modernising Georgia’s state institutions, reducing corruption and ‘formalising’ the public sector. While... more

Since the 2003 Rose Revolution, the Georgian government implemented a number of major institutional reforms which have succeeded in modernising Georgia’s state institutions, reducing corruption and ‘formalising’ the public sector. While the effects of Saakashvili’s reforms on state and institution-building, corruption and the rule of law have been examined by a large and growing body of academic literature, there has been little discussion about the impact of institutional changes on the previously widespread culture of informality in Georgia. This article explores the effects of Georgian institution-building from such aspects of informality as the use of informal networks and connections in exchanges of favours, gift-giving and other types of informal activities. The findings of this study, based on the analysis of recent surveys and in-depth interviews, conclude that the reforms succeeded in undermining the overall importance of informal practices in dealings with state bureaucracy, education system, healthcare, law enforcement, judiciary and some other areas previously dominated by informality. However, the reliance on informality did not disappear, and informal networks are still employed as coping mechanisms and as social safety nets.

Street vendor Mohamed Bouazizi’s self-immolation ignited protest throughout Tunisia in December 2010. Bouazizi’s response to the confiscation of his fruit cart by President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali’s regime officials resonated throughout... more

Street vendor Mohamed Bouazizi’s self-immolation ignited protest throughout Tunisia in December 2010. Bouazizi’s response to the confiscation of his fruit cart by President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali’s regime officials resonated throughout Tunisia and the wider Arab world. A personal protest in a provincial city of Sidi Bouzid in Tunisia’s interior became the point of departure for the Arab “Spring”. In a matter of weeks, people were unified in a series of uprisings against their respective authoritarian governments. Driven by socio-economic deprivation, young politically disenfranchised, socially marginalised and unemployed citizens across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) marched demanding a political voice. Tunisians triggered a wave of home-grown uprisings, many of which became revolutionary movements across the Middle East. Broad-based independent associations of people across the Arab world mobilised to exert popular pressure on the government and the state. These independent associations of people, including non-governmental organisations (NGOs), community groups, labour unions, charities, political, professional and faith-based associations defined by the World Bank as civil society organisations (CSOs), unified in unprecedented demands for political representation, free association and regime change.