Canadian cuisine (original) (raw)
- Kanadská kuchyně (anglicky: Canadian cuisine, francouzsky: Cuisine canadienne) je národní kuchyní Kanady. Vychází z britské a francouzské kuchyně, byla ale ovlivněna také kuchyní původních obyvatel Kanady (Indiáni, Inuité, Métisové) a mnoha dalšími vlivy (velmi málo pokrmů pochází přímo z Kanady). Mnoho pokrmů je převzato také z americké kuchyně. (cs)
- Die kanadische Küche umfasst die verschiedenen Esskulturen der Einwohner Kanadas, sowohl die der indigenen als auch die der eingewanderten Bevölkerungsschichten. Letztere unterscheidet sich wenig von der Küche der Vereinigten Staaten, da die ethnische Herkunft und die Lebensbedingungen in beiden Ländern sehr ähnlich sind. Die kanadische Verfassung erkennt drei Indigene Gruppen an und deren einzigartiges Erbe, Kultur und Bräuche: die First Nations, Métis und Inuit. Doch die indigenen Völker in Kanada ändern zunehmend ihre Ernährung. Sie konsumieren eine geringere Gesamtmenge lokaler traditioneller Lebensmittel und mehr importierte, kommerzielle Lebensmittel. Der Übergang von der Autonomie, die durch das Jagen, Sammeln und Fangen in einer natürlichen Umgebung gewährt wird, zum sesshaften Leben in einem Dorf, ist mit dem deutlichen Rückgang der körperlichen und geistigen Gesundheit verbunden. Der eingeschränkte Zugang zu Lebensmitteln vom Land führt zu einer Abhängigkeit von Lebensmitteln, die in Geschäften verkauft werden. Diese Ernährungsumstellung gefährdet das Wissen, das zur Aufrechterhaltung traditioneller Nahrungsmittelsysteme erforderlich ist. (de)
- Canadian cuisine consists of the cooking traditions and practices of Canada, with regional variances around the country. First Nations and Inuit have practiced their own culinary traditions in what is now Canada since time immemorial. The advent of European explorers and settlers, first on the east coast and then throughout the wider territories of New France, British North America and Canada, saw the melding of foreign recipes, cooking techniques, and ingredients with indigenous flora and fauna. Modern Canadian cuisine has maintained this dedication to local ingredients and terroir, as exemplified in the naming of specific ingredients based on their locale, such as Malpeque oysters or Alberta beef. Accordingly, Canadian cuisine privileges the quality of ingredients and regionality, and may be broadly defined as a national tradition of "creole" culinary practices, based on the complex multicultural and geographically diverse nature of both historical and contemporary Canadian society. Divisions within Canadian cuisine can be traced along regional lines and have a direct connection to the historical immigration patterns of each region or province. The earliest cuisines of Canada are based on Indigenous, English, Scottish and French roots. The traditional cuisines of both French- and English-Canada have evolved from those carried over to North America from France and the British Isles respectively, and from their adaptation to Indigenous customs, labour-intensive and/or mobile lifestyles, and hostile environmental conditions. French Canadian cuisine can also be divided into Québécois cuisine and Acadian cuisine. Regional cuisines have continued to develop with subsequent waves of immigration during the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries, such as from Central Europe, Southern Europe, Eastern Europe, South Asia, East Asia, and the Caribbean. There are many culinary practices and dishes that can be either identified as particular to Canada, such fish and brewis, peameal bacon, and ginger beef, or sharing an association with countries from which immigrants to Canada carried over their cuisine, such as pierogies, roast beef, and bannock. (en)
- La Gastronomía de Canadá es un conjunto de costumbres culinarias que corresponden a los habitantes de Canadá. La cocina canadiense es diversa y sabrosa, desde las carnes de bisonte, alce o vacuno, hasta pescados de agua dulce o marisco como el camarón boreal o el cangrejo de nieve. Cada región cuenta con platos únicos y posee mucha influencia de la cocina estadounidense, la inglesa y cocina francesa, especialmente en las zonas francófonas. Canadá es un país muy extenso, el segundo más grande del mundo, con abundantes cosechas y recursos naturales. Su gastronomía varía entre las diferentes provincias y territorios, con tradiciones culinarias que hunden sus raíces en las británicas, francesas e indígenas. Durante los siglos XIX y XX, el aumento de la inmigración en Canadá trajo consigo una enorme variedad de recetas y tradiciones de las naciones de origen de los inmigrantes. Actualmente, también tiene mucha influencia estadounidense. Por eso, se tiende a describir la cocina canadiense como un collage de platos de las más diversas tradiciones culturales. Por otra parte, la extensión del país y los distintos productos y materias primas han contribuido igualmente a conformar la riqueza de las distintas tradiciones culinarias canadienses. No existe, pues, una única cocina que abarque todo el país, sino que cada región mantiene sus propias tradiciones basadas en los cultivos locales y productos autóctonos, dando lugar a una curiosa fusión entre multiculturalismo y localismo. Así, encontramos regiones con platos basados en la carne de vaca, el cordero, o el bisonte. En otras, hay recetas con patos, gansos canadienses y otras aves. En las zonas costeras se pueden disfrutar deliciosos platos de pescado y marisco. Otros platos típicos incluyen productos como arándanos rojos y azules, legumbres, vegetales característicos o con derivados del sirope de arce, oro líquido de Canadá. Además, Canadá es famoso por su bacón, jamón, empanadas de carne y carnes preservadas. (es)
- La cuisine canadienne présente des caractéristiques qui varient significativement selon la région du pays. D'une manière générale, la cuisine traditionnelle du Canada anglais s'apparente à la cuisine britannique et à la cuisine américaine, tandis que la cuisine traditionnelle du Canada français tire ses origines de la cuisine française et de la cuisine hivernale des coureurs des bois. Parmi les mets traditionnels les plus populaires au Canada, on peut citer : la poutine, le sirop d'érable, dessert typique du Québec, la tarte aux baies de Saskatoon, les tartelettes au beurre et la ploye (plat traditionnel des Acadiens). (fr)
- カナダ料理(カナダりょうり)は、地域により幅広い相違がある。カナダの元首相ジョー・クラークは、次のように述べた。「カナダには料理の中でも最高の料理がある。それは様々な料理をごった煮にしたのではなく、寄せ集めたものである。」 カナダの3つの最初期の料理は、ファースト・ネーション、イギリス、フランスがルーツである。カナダ英語圏の伝統的料理はイギリス料理、アメリカ料理に影響を受け、フランス語圏の伝統的料理はフランス料理と毛皮商人の冬の貯蔵品から発展した。続く18世紀から19世紀にかけての中央、南、東ヨーロッパ、および中国からの移民の波に伴い、各地域の料理が引き続き拡大した。カナダは世界一のメープルシロップ生産国である。 (ja)
- 캐나다 요리(Canada 料理, 영어: Canadian cuisine 커네이디언 퀴진[*], 프랑스어: cuisine canadienne 퀴진 카나디엔[*])는 북아메리카에 있는 캐나다의 요리이다. 지역마다 특성이 다양하다. 대개 영국식 캐나다 요리는 미국식과 영국식 요리와 아주 흡사한 반면 퀘벡과 프랑스 어 사용 지역의 캐나다는 프랑스 요리의 특성을 상당 부분 지나고 있다. 서쪽 지방의 요리는 독일과 우크라이나, 폴란드, 스칸디나비아 식 풍습의 영향이 많이 나타난다. 두 요리 방식 모두 기본적으로 계절마다 요리가 다양하며 신선한 재료를 쓰는데 야생 가금류를 잡아서 먹고 음식을 구워서 먹는 방식도 많다. 캐나다-중국식 요리는 국가 전체에 널리 퍼져있는데 지방마다 다르다. 스칸디나비아식 요리와 일본식 요리법이 결합된 형식도 있다. 중국식 스뫼르고스보르드(smorgasbord)는 미국과 몇몇 캐나다 지역에서 발견된 요리이기는 하지만 밴쿠버에서 기원했다고 보는 것이 정설이다. 많은 스칸디나비아인들은 삼림업에 종사했고 빈민촌에서 중국식 요리와 자신들의 요리를 함께 만들어 먹었다고 한다. 오늘날 많은 캐나다 사람들이 미국에는 흔치 않은 캐나다 고유의 독특한 요리를 개발하려고 노력 중이다. 하지만 보통 두 나라를 통틀어 북아메리카 요리로 취급하고 패스트 푸드 문화가 깊게 자리하고 있는 것은 명백한 사실이다. (ko)
- La cucina canadese è l'espressione dell'arte culinaria sviluppata in Canada ed è tipicamente regionale. Le sue origini sono legate al dominio inglese e alla cucina statunitense, ma sono presenti influenze o reminiscenze della cucina francese. Nell'ovest del paese, la cucina è stata influenzata, oltre da quelle già citate, anche dalla cucina italiana, ucraina, polacca e . (it)
- Culinária canadense, é um termo utilizado para descrever a culinária e a gastronomia peculiares do Canadá. (pt)
- 加拿大飲食有著很大的地域差異。加拿大的飲食的源頭是原住民飲食、英格蘭飲食、蘇格蘭飲食和法國飲食。20世紀之後,隨著中歐、南歐、南亞、東亞和加勒比地區移民的增加,加拿大飲食的地區差異更加凸顯。加拿大飲食也因此被形容為是「大雜燴」。 (zh)
- Канадская кухня (англ. Canadian cuisine, фр. Cuisine canadienne) — традиционная кухня народов, населяющих Канаду. (ru)
- Канадська кухня (англ. Canadian cuisine, фр. Cuisine canadienne) — традиційна кухня народів, що населяють Канаду. (uk)
- dbr:Cadbury_Caramilk
- dbr:Cakes
- dbr:Calgary
- dbr:Calgary_Stampede
- dbr:California_roll
- dbr:Canada
- dbr:Canada_Dry
- dbr:Canadian_Armed_Forces
- dbr:Canadian_Broadcasting_Corporation
- dbr:Canadian_Chinese_cuisine
- dbr:Canadian_Club
- dbr:Canadian_Grain_Commission
- dbr:Canadian_North
- dbr:Canadian_Pacific_Railway
- dbr:Canadian_Prairies
- dbr:Canadians
- dbr:Canola
- dbr:Cantharellus
- dbr:Caribbean
- dbr:Caribbean_Canadian
- dbr:Carrots
- dbr:Amelanchier_alnifolia
- dbc:North_American_cuisine
- dbr:Beef
- dbr:Potatoes
- dbr:Poutine
- dbr:President's_Choice
- dbr:Prime_minister_of_Canada
- dbr:Prince_Edward_Island
- dbr:Provinces_and_territories_of_Canada
- dbr:Pudding
- dbr:Punjabi_Canadians
- dbr:Qing_dynasty
- dbr:Quebec
- dbr:Quebec_City
- dbr:Queen_Mary_(beer_cocktail)
- dbr:Bagels
- dbr:Robin's_Donuts
- dbr:Ruffed_grouse
- dbr:Saputo_Inc.
- dbr:Sashimi
- dbr:Saskatchewan
- dbr:Saskatoon
- dbr:Scandinavia
- dbr:Scandinavian_Canadians
- dbr:Scones
- dbr:Scottish_Canadians
- dbr:List_of_apple_cultivars
- dbr:Mennonite
- dbr:Molasses
- dbr:Montreal-style_bagel
- dbr:Montreal-style_smoked_meat
- dbr:Montreal_hot_dog
- dbr:Montreal_melon
- dbr:Montreal_steak_seasoning
- dbr:Mozzarella
- dbr:Mustard_plant
- dbr:Powdered_milk
- dbr:Mennonite_cuisine
- dbr:Moosehead_Breweries
- dbr:Red_Gold_potato
- dbr:Smoked_salmon
- dbr:Mozzarella_cheese
- dbr:Angel_food
- dbr:North-eastern_United_States
- dbr:Bay_of_Fundy
- dbr:BeaverTails
- dbr:Beef_jerky
- dbr:Belgian_Canadian
- dbr:Biscuits
- dbr:Bison
- dbr:Blueberries
- dbr:Borscht
- dbr:Boston_Pizza
- dbr:Bowhead_whale
- dbr:Bread_roll
- dbr:Breweries
- dbr:Deep-fried
- dbr:Deep_fried
- dbr:Deer
- dbr:Allspice
- dbr:Animal_husbandry
- dbr:Apple
- dbr:Apple_cider_vinegar
- dbr:Aquaculture
- dbr:Arctic_char
- dbr:Horse's_Neck
- dbr:Hostess_Potato_Chips
- dbr:Hotels
- dbr:Humpty_Dumpty_Snack_Foods
- dbr:Jubilee_apple
- dbr:List_of_cooking_techniques
- dbr:List_of_pizza_varieties_by_country
- dbr:List_of_regions_of_Canada
- dbr:Regina,_Saskatchewan
- dbr:Ribes
- dbr:Richmond,_British_Columbia
- dbr:Cucumber
- dbr:Curing_(food_preservation)
- dbr:Custard
- dbr:Custard_pie
- dbr:Dairyland_Canada
- dbr:Ukrainian_Canadian
- dbr:Ukrainian_Canadians
- dbr:Ukrainian_language
- dbr:Ursus_(genus)
- dbr:Butter_tarts
- dbr:Van_Houtte
- dbr:Vancouver
- dbr:Vancouver_Island
- dbr:Veal
- dbr:Vegetarian
- dbr:Victoria,_British_Columbia
- dbr:Vodka
- dbr:DavidsTea
- dbr:Donair
- dbr:Dough
- dbr:Dumpling
- dbr:Dutchie_(doughnut)
- dbr:Earl_of_Selkirk
- dbr:Indian_ice_cream_(Canada)
- dbr:Inniskillin
- dbr:Instant_mashed_potatoes
- dbr:Liqueur
- dbr:Oregano
- dbr:Partridge
- dbr:Pecan
- dbr:Raisin
- dbr:Shepherdia_canadensis
- dbr:Snack
- dbr:List_of_pear_cultivars
- dbr:Sockeye_salmon
- dbr:Peameal_bacon
- dbr:Pemmican
- dbr:Pot_roast
- dbr:Traditional_food
- dbr:White_bread
- dbr:White_meat
- dbr:Pelee_Island_Winery
- dbr:Smoked_fish
- dbr:Sussex_Golden_Ginger_Ale
- dbr:Pâté_Chinois
- dbr:Shediac,_New_Brunswick
- dbr:Confection
- dbr:Polish_Canadian
- dbr:Comfort_food
- dbr:Commonwealth_of_Nations
- dbr:Comox_Valley
- dbr:Country_Style
- dbr:Crab
- dbr:Cranberry
- dbr:Crispy_Crunch
- dbr:Crown_Royal
- dbr:Anatidae
- dbr:Matteuccia_struthiopteris
- dbr:McIntosh_(apple)
- dbr:Melba_(apple)
- dbr:Rupert's_Land
- dbr:Rye_bread
- dbr:Sake
- dbr:Salmon
- dbr:Salt_Spring_Island
- dbr:Chemainus_River
- dbr:Chenopodium_album
- dbr:Cherry
- dbr:Cherry_Blossom_(candy)
- dbr:Chess_pie
- dbr:Chex_Mix
- dbr:Elmira_Maple_Syrup_Festival
- dbr:Eskimo_potato
- dbr:Geoduck
- dbr:Nanaimo_bar
- dbr:Neilson_Dairy
- dbr:New_Year's_Eve
- dbr:Newfoundland_sheep
- dbr:Nicola_(apple)
- dbr:Nut_(fruit)
- dbr:Oatmeal
- dbr:Orange_(fruit)
- dbr:Oatcake
- dbr:White_sturgeon
- dbr:Pizza-ghetti
- dbr:Oreilles_de_crisse
- dbr:Tavern
- dbr:Pânsâwân
- dbr:Queen_Elizabeth_cake
- dbr:Chow_mein
- dbr:Christmas
- dbr:Cilantro
- dbr:Cinnamon
- dbr:Cinnamon_roll
- dbr:Clamato
- dbr:Clams
- dbr:Cloves
- dbr:Cocktail
- dbr:Coconut
- dbr:Cod
- dbr:Coffee
- dbr:Coffee_Crisp
- dbr:Coffee_Time
- dbr:Coffeehouses
- dbr:Elk
- dbr:Elmira,_Ontario
- dbr:England
- dbr:English_Canadians
- dbr:Fredericton
- dbr:French_Canadians
- dbr:Freshslice_Pizza
- dbr:Frying
- dbr:Game_(hunting)
- dbr:Gastown
- dbr:Goat
- dbr:Gooseberry
- dbr:Granville_Island
- dbr:Granville_Island_Brewing
- dbr:Grasslands
- dbr:Greater_Toronto_Area
- dbr:Greater_Vancouver
- dbr:Greco_Pizza_Restaurant
- dbr:Boston_cream_doughnut
- dbr:Bothwell_Cheese
- dbr:Bouillon_(broth)
- dbr:Miss_Vickie's
- dbr:Montreal
- dbr:Moose
- dbr:Morden,_Manitoba
- dbr:Mother's_Pizza
- dbr:Mr._Sub
- dbr:Muffins
- dbr:Multiculturalism
- dbr:Mushrooms
- dbr:Mussels
- dbr:Métis
- dbr:Nabob_(coffee)
- dbr:Blackberries
- dbr:Condensed_milk
- dbr:Cooking_oil
- dbr:Coriander
- dbr:Cornmeal
- dbr:Creston_(apple)
- dbr:Cretons
- dbr:Crunchie
- dbr:Crème_brûlée
- dbr:Crème_fraîche
- dbr:Labrador_tea
- dbr:Lacombe_pig
- dbr:Lagopus
- dbr:Marquis_wheat
- dbr:Milk_bag
- dbr:North_American_cuisine
- dbr:Pistachios
- dbr:Recipes
- dbr:Saskatoon_berries
- dbr:Saskatoonberry
- dbr:Saskatoonberry_pie
- dbr:Anna_Olson
- dbr:Lobster
- dbr:Lobsters
- dbr:Mackintosh's_Toffee
- dbr:Maize
- dbr:Manchu_Wok
- dbr:Caesar_(cocktail)
- dbr:Chinese_cuisine
- dbr:Chocolate
- dbr:Chow-chow_(food)
- dbr:Chowder
- dbr:Short_ribs
- dbr:Shreddies
- dbr:Shrove_Tuesday
- dbr:Smorgasbord
- dbr:Snacks
- dbr:Starch
- dbr:Statista
- dbr:Stews
- dbr:Stove
- dbr:Sugar
- dbr:Claytonia_tuberosa
- dbr:Club_soda
- dbr:Delicacy
- dbr:Zellers
- dbr:Freshwater_fish
- dbr:Fricot
- dbr:Fried_dough
- dbr:Fried_rice
- dbr:Fritter
- dbr:Fruit
- dbr:Fruit_preserves
- dbr:Cherry_wood
- dbr:Cloudberries
- dbr:Cloudberry
- dbr:Haggis
- dbr:Ham
- dbr:Hamburg_steak
- dbr:Hamburger
- dbr:Hardtack
- dbr:Harp_seal
- dbr:Horseradish
- dbr:Hot_chicken_sandwich
- dbr:Hot_dog
- dbr:Ice_beer
- Kanadská kuchyně (anglicky: Canadian cuisine, francouzsky: Cuisine canadienne) je národní kuchyní Kanady. Vychází z britské a francouzské kuchyně, byla ale ovlivněna také kuchyní původních obyvatel Kanady (Indiáni, Inuité, Métisové) a mnoha dalšími vlivy (velmi málo pokrmů pochází přímo z Kanady). Mnoho pokrmů je převzato také z americké kuchyně. (cs)
- カナダ料理(カナダりょうり)は、地域により幅広い相違がある。カナダの元首相ジョー・クラークは、次のように述べた。「カナダには料理の中でも最高の料理がある。それは様々な料理をごった煮にしたのではなく、寄せ集めたものである。」 カナダの3つの最初期の料理は、ファースト・ネーション、イギリス、フランスがルーツである。カナダ英語圏の伝統的料理はイギリス料理、アメリカ料理に影響を受け、フランス語圏の伝統的料理はフランス料理と毛皮商人の冬の貯蔵品から発展した。続く18世紀から19世紀にかけての中央、南、東ヨーロッパ、および中国からの移民の波に伴い、各地域の料理が引き続き拡大した。カナダは世界一のメープルシロップ生産国である。 (ja)
- La cucina canadese è l'espressione dell'arte culinaria sviluppata in Canada ed è tipicamente regionale. Le sue origini sono legate al dominio inglese e alla cucina statunitense, ma sono presenti influenze o reminiscenze della cucina francese. Nell'ovest del paese, la cucina è stata influenzata, oltre da quelle già citate, anche dalla cucina italiana, ucraina, polacca e . (it)
- Culinária canadense, é um termo utilizado para descrever a culinária e a gastronomia peculiares do Canadá. (pt)
- 加拿大飲食有著很大的地域差異。加拿大的飲食的源頭是原住民飲食、英格蘭飲食、蘇格蘭飲食和法國飲食。20世紀之後,隨著中歐、南歐、南亞、東亞和加勒比地區移民的增加,加拿大飲食的地區差異更加凸顯。加拿大飲食也因此被形容為是「大雜燴」。 (zh)
- Канадская кухня (англ. Canadian cuisine, фр. Cuisine canadienne) — традиционная кухня народов, населяющих Канаду. (ru)
- Канадська кухня (англ. Canadian cuisine, фр. Cuisine canadienne) — традиційна кухня народів, що населяють Канаду. (uk)
- Canadian cuisine consists of the cooking traditions and practices of Canada, with regional variances around the country. First Nations and Inuit have practiced their own culinary traditions in what is now Canada since time immemorial. The advent of European explorers and settlers, first on the east coast and then throughout the wider territories of New France, British North America and Canada, saw the melding of foreign recipes, cooking techniques, and ingredients with indigenous flora and fauna. Modern Canadian cuisine has maintained this dedication to local ingredients and terroir, as exemplified in the naming of specific ingredients based on their locale, such as Malpeque oysters or Alberta beef. Accordingly, Canadian cuisine privileges the quality of ingredients and regionality, and ma (en)
- Die kanadische Küche umfasst die verschiedenen Esskulturen der Einwohner Kanadas, sowohl die der indigenen als auch die der eingewanderten Bevölkerungsschichten. Letztere unterscheidet sich wenig von der Küche der Vereinigten Staaten, da die ethnische Herkunft und die Lebensbedingungen in beiden Ländern sehr ähnlich sind. Die kanadische Verfassung erkennt drei Indigene Gruppen an und deren einzigartiges Erbe, Kultur und Bräuche: die First Nations, Métis und Inuit. Doch die indigenen Völker in Kanada ändern zunehmend ihre Ernährung. Sie konsumieren eine geringere Gesamtmenge lokaler traditioneller Lebensmittel und mehr importierte, kommerzielle Lebensmittel. Der Übergang von der Autonomie, die durch das Jagen, Sammeln und Fangen in einer natürlichen Umgebung gewährt wird, zum sesshaften Leb (de)
- La Gastronomía de Canadá es un conjunto de costumbres culinarias que corresponden a los habitantes de Canadá. La cocina canadiense es diversa y sabrosa, desde las carnes de bisonte, alce o vacuno, hasta pescados de agua dulce o marisco como el camarón boreal o el cangrejo de nieve. Cada región cuenta con platos únicos y posee mucha influencia de la cocina estadounidense, la inglesa y cocina francesa, especialmente en las zonas francófonas. (es)
- La cuisine canadienne présente des caractéristiques qui varient significativement selon la région du pays. D'une manière générale, la cuisine traditionnelle du Canada anglais s'apparente à la cuisine britannique et à la cuisine américaine, tandis que la cuisine traditionnelle du Canada français tire ses origines de la cuisine française et de la cuisine hivernale des coureurs des bois. (fr)
- 캐나다 요리(Canada 料理, 영어: Canadian cuisine 커네이디언 퀴진[*], 프랑스어: cuisine canadienne 퀴진 카나디엔[*])는 북아메리카에 있는 캐나다의 요리이다. 지역마다 특성이 다양하다. 대개 영국식 캐나다 요리는 미국식과 영국식 요리와 아주 흡사한 반면 퀘벡과 프랑스 어 사용 지역의 캐나다는 프랑스 요리의 특성을 상당 부분 지나고 있다. 서쪽 지방의 요리는 독일과 우크라이나, 폴란드, 스칸디나비아 식 풍습의 영향이 많이 나타난다. 두 요리 방식 모두 기본적으로 계절마다 요리가 다양하며 신선한 재료를 쓰는데 야생 가금류를 잡아서 먹고 음식을 구워서 먹는 방식도 많다. 캐나다-중국식 요리는 국가 전체에 널리 퍼져있는데 지방마다 다르다. 스칸디나비아식 요리와 일본식 요리법이 결합된 형식도 있다. 중국식 스뫼르고스보르드(smorgasbord)는 미국과 몇몇 캐나다 지역에서 발견된 요리이기는 하지만 밴쿠버에서 기원했다고 보는 것이 정설이다. 많은 스칸디나비아인들은 삼림업에 종사했고 빈민촌에서 중국식 요리와 자신들의 요리를 함께 만들어 먹었다고 한다. (ko)
- dbr:Canada
- dbr:Eastern_European_cuisine
- dbr:List_of_Asian_cuisines
- dbr:List_of_Canadian_heritage_wheat_varieties
- dbr:Dairy_Farmers_of_Canada
- dbr:South_Asian_cuisine
- dbr:List_of_breweries
- dbr:Northern_European_cuisine
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Canadian_Chinese_cuisine
- dbr:Canadians
- dbr:Poutine
- dbr:List_of_butter_dishes
- dbr:List_of_cuisines
- dbr:List_of_cuisines_of_the_Americas
- dbr:Moose_Milk_(cocktail)
- dbr:Boustan
- dbr:Betteraves_marinées
- dbr:List_of_pizza_varieties_by_country
- dbr:Cuisine_in_Toronto
- dbr:Cuisine_of_the_Americas
- dbr:Culture_of_North_America
- dbr:Canadaian_cuisine
- dbr:Indian_ice_cream_(Canada)
- dbr:List_of_potato_dishes
- dbr:List_of_sauces
- dbr:Smoked_fish
- dbr:Chicken_sandwich
- dbr:Nanaimo_bar
- dbr:Oasis_Drive-In
- dbr:Queen_Elizabeth_cake
- dbr:Sea-pie
- dbr:Golden_Prairie,_Saskatchewan
- dbr:North_American_cuisine
- dbr:Fried_dough
- dbr:Ham_salad
- dbr:Maple_leaf_cream_cookies
- dbr:Maple_liqueur
- dbr:Maple_slaw
- dbr:Maple_taffy
- dbr:Meat_pie
- dbr:Michael_Allemeier
- dbr:Toqué!
- dbr:Date_square
- dbr:Welcome_to_Sudden_Death
- dbr:Cuisine_Of_Canada
- dbr:Hawaiian_pizza
- dbr:List_of_American_foods
- dbr:Cuisine_of_Quebec
- dbr:Culture_of_Canada
- dbr:Food_Network_(Canadian_TV_channel)
- dbr:Nova_Scotia
- dbr:Lenore_Newman
- dbr:List_of_Iron_Chef_America_episodes
- dbr:Harvey's
- dbr:Hector_Jimenez-Bravo
- dbr:History_of_Canadian_cuisine
- dbr:Itaewon
- dbr:Jarvis,_Ontario
- dbr:Bagel
- dbr:Swiss_Chalet
- dbr:Honey_garlic_sauce
- dbr:Butter_tart
- dbr:Pierogi
- dbr:Great_Canadian_Food_Show
- dbr:Greenlandic_cuisine
- dbr:Kraft_Dinner
- dbr:Michael_Smith_(chef)
- dbr:Mille-feuille
- dbr:Canadian_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Canadian_cheese
- dbr:Seville_Expo_'92
- dbr:Maple_syrup
- dbr:Meatball
- dbr:Walleye
- dbr:Pizza_in_Canada
- dbr:Pizza_cake
- dbr:Schmoo_torte
- dbr:Pets_de_sœurs
- dbr:Outline_of_food_preparation
- dbr:Sushi_pizza
- dbr:The_Great_Canadian_Cookbook
- dbr:Canada_cuisine
- dbr:Canadian_food
- dbr:Traditional_foods_in_Canada
- dbr:Catalog_of_Canadian_cuisine
- dbr:Cuisine_of_Canada
- dbr:Food_of_Canada
- dbr:Nuns'_farts