Low-dimensional topology (original) (raw)
In mathematics, low-dimensional topology is the branch of topology that studies manifolds, or more generally topological spaces, of four or fewer dimensions. Representative topics are the structure theory of 3-manifolds and 4-manifolds, knot theory, and braid groups. This can be regarded as a part of geometric topology. It may also be used to refer to the study of topological spaces of dimension 1, though this is more typically considered part of continuum theory.
Property | Value |
dbo:abstract | In mathematics, low-dimensional topology is the branch of topology that studies manifolds, or more generally topological spaces, of four or fewer dimensions. Representative topics are the structure theory of 3-manifolds and 4-manifolds, knot theory, and braid groups. This can be regarded as a part of geometric topology. It may also be used to refer to the study of topological spaces of dimension 1, though this is more typically considered part of continuum theory. (en) En mathématiques, la topologie en basses dimensions est la branche de la topologie qui concerne les variétés de dimension inférieure ou égale à quatre. Des sujets représentatifs en sont l'étude des variétés de dimension 3 (en) et la théorie des nœuds et des tresses. Elle fait partie de la topologie géométrique. (fr) 数学における低次元位相幾何学(ていじげんいそうきかがく、英: low-dimensional topologyは、4次元、あるいはそれ以下の次元の多様体の研究をする位相幾何学の一分野である。扱われる主題は、および4次元多様体の構造論、結び目理論および組み紐群などがある。低次元トポロジーは幾何学的位相幾何学の一部と見なすことができる。 (ja) La topologia in dimensione bassa è una branca della topologia (e quindi della geometria) che studia gli "spazi di dimensione 1, 2, 3 e 4". La topologia in dimensione bassa studia soprattutto le varietà, da molteplici punti di vista. A partire dagli anni sessanta, è emersa sempre più la peculiarità di queste dimensioni, il cui studio necessita di strumenti ad hoc, più specifici delle tecniche generali fornite dalla topologia algebrica e della topologia differenziale. Da cui la nascita negli anni 60/70 di un settore apposito, che studiasse tecniche adeguate, soprattutto alle dimensioni 3 e 4. Un esempio lampante di questo fenomeno è la dimostrazione di Stephen Smale della Congettura di Poincaré: gli argomenti usati dal matematico statunitense funzionano per tutte le dimensioni superiori a 4, ma non per le altre. La stessa congettura è stata successivamente dimostrata con tecniche complesse e molto specifiche in dimensione 4 da Michael Freedman nel 1982 e in dimensione 3 da Grigori Perelman nel 2003 (i casi 1 e 2 sono molto facili, come notò Henri Poincaré già alla fine del XIX secolo). I risultati sorprendenti ottenuti da William Thurston, Simon Donaldson, Michael Freedman, Vaughan Jones e Edward Witten nell'ambito delle varietà di dimensione 3 e 4, ottenuti tra la fine degli anni settanta, e tutti gli anni ottanta, hanno valso a tutti questi una medaglia Fields, e hanno portato il settore alla ribalta della geometria e di tutta la matematica. Grigori Perelman, anch'egli vincitore di una medaglia Fields, chiude infine nel 2003 la congettura di Poincaré, insoluta per più di un secolo. (it) De laag-dimensionale topologie is in de wiskunde een tak van de topologie die variëteiten van vier of minder dimensies bestudeert. Representatieve onderwerpen zijn de structuurtheorie van 3-variëteiten, 4-variëteiten, knopentheorie en vlechtgroepen. Het wordt als een onderdeel van de meetkundige topologie beschouwd. Een aantal nieuwe ontwikkelingen vanaf de jaren 1960 hebben lage dimensies als interessant onderwerp in de meetkundige topologie extra benadrukt. De oplossing, in 1961, door Stephen Smale, van het vermoeden van Poincaré in hogere dimensies liet de dimensies drie en vier des te moeilijker lijken; en inderdaad bleken er nieuwe methoden nodig te zijn, aangezien de extra vrijheidsgraden van hogere dimensies betekenden dat vragen daar konden worden gereduceerd tot rekenmethodes die beschikbaar waren in de . Thurstons vermeetkundigingsvermoeden, door hem in de late jaren zeventig van de twintigste eeuw geformuleerd, bood een raamwerk dat suggereerde dat meetkunde en topologie in lagere dimensies nauw vervlochten zijn, en Thurstons bewijs van de geometrisering voor Haken-variëteiten maakte gebruik van een groot aantal verschillende hulpmiddelen uit voorheen slechts zwak verbonden deelgebieden uit de wiskunde. Vaughan Jones' ontdekking van de Jones-veelterm in de vroege jaren tachtig van de 20ste eeuw stuurde niet alleen de knopentheorie in een nieuwe richting, maar bracht ook een aantal nog steeds mysterieuze verbindingen aan het licht tussen laag-dimensionale topologie en de wiskundige natuurkunde. Tot slot kondigde Grigori Perelman in 2002 een bewijs aan van het drie-dimensionale vermoeden van Poincaré. Hij maakt hierbij gebruik van Richard S. Hamiltons Ricci-stroom, een idee uit het veld van de . In zijn algemeenheid heeft deze vooruitgang tot een betere integratie van de topologie en de rest van de wiskunde geleid. (nl) A topologia de baixa dimensão, ou topologia geométrica, é a área da topologia dedicada ao estudo das variedades de dimensão inferior ou igual a 4. Inclui a teoria dos nós. O problema mais famoso desta área é a Conjectura de Poincaré. (pt) 在数学中,低维拓扑是拓扑学中研究二、三、四维流形或更广义的拓扑空间的一个分支。有代表性的研究主题包括三维流形、、扭结和辫群等的结构理论。低维拓扑是几何拓扑学的一部分。 (zh) |
dbo:thumbnail | wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Trefoil_knot_arb.png?width=300 |
dbo:wikiPageExternalLink | http://www.math.unl.edu/~mbrittenham2/ldt/ldt.html http://math.berkeley.edu/~kirby/problems.ps.gz |
dbo:wikiPageID | 621774 (xsd:integer) |
dbo:wikiPageLength | 18948 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger) |
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dbo:wikiPageWikiLink | dbr:Cardinality_of_the_continuum dbr:Presentation_of_a_group dbr:Properly_discontinuous_action dbr:Pseudo-Riemannian dbr:Robion_Kirby dbr:Euclidean_3-space dbr:Braid_group dbr:Homeomorphic dbr:René_Thom dbr:Ricci_flow dbr:Richard_S._Hamilton dbr:Riemann_surface dbr:Characteristic_class dbr:Vaughan_Jones dbr:List_of_geometric_topology_topics dbr:Robert_Gompf dbr:Complement_(set_theory) dbr:Complete_space dbr:Complex_number dbr:Complex_plane dbr:Mathematics dbr:Max_Dehn dbr:Gauge_theory dbr:Geometric_analysis dbr:Geometric_group_theory dbr:Geometric_topology dbr:Neighbourhood_(mathematics) dbr:Smooth_structure dbr:Solid_torus dbr:Tangent_bundle dbr:Circle dbr:Clifford_Taubes dbr:General_Relativity dbr:Geometrization_conjecture dbr:Geometry dbr:Braid dbr:Braid_theory dbr:Configuration_space_(mathematics) dbr:Conformal_equivalence dbr:Connected_sum dbr:Constant_curvature dbr:Theory dbr:Andrew_Casson dbr:Simon_Donaldson dbr:Singularity_theory dbr:Stephen_Smale dbr:Closed_manifold dbr:Complex_manifold dbr:Embedding dbr:Fundamental_group dbr:Haken_manifold dbr:Surface_(topology) dbr:Mathematical_physics dbr:Ball_(mathematics) dbr:Topology dbr:Torus dbr:W._B._R._Lickorish dbr:William_Thurston dbr:Heegaard_splitting dbr:Jones_polynomial dbr:3-sphere dbr:4-sphere dbr:3-manifold dbr:Ambient_isotopy dbr:Euclidean_space dbr:Exotic_R4 dbr:Exotic_sphere dbr:Number_theory dbr:Partial_differential_equations dbr:Diffeomorphism dbr:Floer_homology dbr:Knot_complement dbr:Knot_theory dbr:Riemannian_metric dbc:Geometric_topology dbr:Grigori_Perelman dbr:Group_(mathematics) dbr:Hyperbolic_3-manifold dbr:Hyperbolic_geometry dbr:Hyperbolic_space dbr:Riemann_sphere dbc:Low-dimensional_topology dbr:Surgery_theory dbr:Cobordism dbr:Homeomorphism dbr:Homotopy dbr:Teichmüller_space dbr:Tubular_neighborhood dbr:Diffeomorphic dbr:Differentiable_manifold dbr:Dimension dbr:Manifold dbr:Piecewise_linear_manifold dbr:Poincaré_conjecture dbr:Spacetime dbr:Continuum_theory dbr:H-cobordism_theorem dbr:Identity_function dbr:Klein_bottle dbr:Knot_(mathematics) dbr:Michael_Freedman dbr:Open_set dbr:Orbifold dbr:Orientability dbr:Kleinian_model dbr:Topological_manifold dbr:Real_projective_plane dbr:Uniformization_theorem dbr:Euclidean_geometry dbr:Euler_characteristic dbr:Topological_space dbr:Topological_quantum_field_theory dbr:Spherical_geometry dbr:Subset dbr:Unit_disk dbr:Riemann_mapping_theorem dbr:Sectional_curvature dbr:Universal_cover dbr:Two-dimensional dbr:Simply_connected dbr:PL_manifold dbr:Tame_knot dbr:Kirby–Siebenmann_invariant dbr:Elliptization_conjecture dbr:Connected_(topology) dbr:Thurston's_geometrization_conjecture dbr:Differentiable_structure dbr:File:Trefoil_knot_arb.png dbr:Laurence_Taylor |
dbp:authorlink | Emil Artin (en) William Thurston (en) Oswald Teichmüller (en) |
dbp:first | Emil (en) William (en) Oswald (en) |
dbp:last | Thurston (en) Artin (en) Teichmüller (en) |
dbp:wikiPageUsesTemplate | dbt:Main dbt:Reflist dbt:Snd dbt:Harvs dbt:Topology |
dbp:year | 1940 (xsd:integer) 1947 (xsd:integer) 1982 (xsd:integer) |
dcterms:subject | dbc:Geometric_topology dbc:Low-dimensional_topology |
gold:hypernym | dbr:Branch |
rdf:type | dbo:Organisation |
rdfs:comment | In mathematics, low-dimensional topology is the branch of topology that studies manifolds, or more generally topological spaces, of four or fewer dimensions. Representative topics are the structure theory of 3-manifolds and 4-manifolds, knot theory, and braid groups. This can be regarded as a part of geometric topology. It may also be used to refer to the study of topological spaces of dimension 1, though this is more typically considered part of continuum theory. (en) En mathématiques, la topologie en basses dimensions est la branche de la topologie qui concerne les variétés de dimension inférieure ou égale à quatre. Des sujets représentatifs en sont l'étude des variétés de dimension 3 (en) et la théorie des nœuds et des tresses. Elle fait partie de la topologie géométrique. (fr) 数学における低次元位相幾何学(ていじげんいそうきかがく、英: low-dimensional topologyは、4次元、あるいはそれ以下の次元の多様体の研究をする位相幾何学の一分野である。扱われる主題は、および4次元多様体の構造論、結び目理論および組み紐群などがある。低次元トポロジーは幾何学的位相幾何学の一部と見なすことができる。 (ja) A topologia de baixa dimensão, ou topologia geométrica, é a área da topologia dedicada ao estudo das variedades de dimensão inferior ou igual a 4. Inclui a teoria dos nós. O problema mais famoso desta área é a Conjectura de Poincaré. (pt) 在数学中,低维拓扑是拓扑学中研究二、三、四维流形或更广义的拓扑空间的一个分支。有代表性的研究主题包括三维流形、、扭结和辫群等的结构理论。低维拓扑是几何拓扑学的一部分。 (zh) La topologia in dimensione bassa è una branca della topologia (e quindi della geometria) che studia gli "spazi di dimensione 1, 2, 3 e 4". La topologia in dimensione bassa studia soprattutto le varietà, da molteplici punti di vista. A partire dagli anni sessanta, è emersa sempre più la peculiarità di queste dimensioni, il cui studio necessita di strumenti ad hoc, più specifici delle tecniche generali fornite dalla topologia algebrica e della topologia differenziale. Da cui la nascita negli anni 60/70 di un settore apposito, che studiasse tecniche adeguate, soprattutto alle dimensioni 3 e 4. (it) De laag-dimensionale topologie is in de wiskunde een tak van de topologie die variëteiten van vier of minder dimensies bestudeert. Representatieve onderwerpen zijn de structuurtheorie van 3-variëteiten, 4-variëteiten, knopentheorie en vlechtgroepen. Het wordt als een onderdeel van de meetkundige topologie beschouwd. (nl) |
rdfs:label | Low-dimensional topology (en) Niedrigdimensionale Topologie (de) Topologia in dimensione bassa (it) Topologie en basses dimensions (fr) 低次元トポロジー (ja) Laag-dimensionale topologie (nl) Topologia de baixa dimensão (pt) 低維拓撲 (zh) |
owl:sameAs | freebase:Low-dimensional topology wikidata:Low-dimensional topology dbpedia-da:Low-dimensional topology dbpedia-de:Low-dimensional topology dbpedia-fr:Low-dimensional topology dbpedia-hu:Low-dimensional topology dbpedia-it:Low-dimensional topology dbpedia-ja:Low-dimensional topology dbpedia-nl:Low-dimensional topology dbpedia-pt:Low-dimensional topology dbpedia-zh:Low-dimensional topology https://global.dbpedia.org/id/GHcH |
prov:wasDerivedFrom | wikipedia-en:Low-dimensional_topology?oldid=1043825652&ns=0 |
foaf:depiction | wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Trefoil_knot_arb.png |
foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf | wikipedia-en:Low-dimensional_topology |
is dbo:academicDiscipline of | dbr:Vladimir_Markovic dbr:J._Hyam_Rubinstein dbr:Marc_Culler dbr:Nathan_Dunfield |
is dbo:knownFor of | dbr:David_Gabai dbr:Maggie_Miller_(mathematician) dbr:Hank_Risan dbr:James_W._Cannon |
is dbo:nonFictionSubject of | dbr:Braids,_Links,_and_Mapping_Class_Groups |
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of | dbr:Four-dimensional_topology dbr:Low-dimensional_topologist dbr:Low_dimensional_topology dbr:4-dimensional_topology |
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of | dbr:Catalan's_constant dbr:Robert_Riley_(mathematician) dbr:Robion_Kirby dbr:Benson_Farb dbr:David_Gabai dbr:Hodge_star_operator dbr:John_R._Stallings dbr:Jordan_curve_theorem dbr:List_of_Welsh_mathematicians dbr:Ricci_curvature dbr:Valentin_Poénaru dbr:Vaughan_Jones dbr:Vladimir_Arnold dbr:Vladimir_Markovic dbr:Introduction_to_3-Manifolds dbr:Ivan_Smith_(mathematician) dbr:Jacqueline_Jensen-Vallin dbr:List_of_geometric_topology_topics dbr:Not_Knot dbr:String_diagram dbr:Timeline_of_category_theory_and_related_mathematics dbr:Matilde_Marcolli dbr:Elisenda_Grigsby dbr:Gauge_theory dbr:Geometric_group_theory dbr:Geometric_topology dbr:Ruth_Lyttle_Satter_Prize_in_Mathematics dbr:Quantum_topology dbr:Ciprian_Manolescu dbr:Edward_Witten dbr:Geometry dbr:Geometry_and_topology dbr:Glossary_of_areas_of_mathematics dbr:Boundary-incompressible_surface dbr:Braids,_Links,_and_Mapping_Class_Groups dbr:Morrilton,_Arkansas dbr:Contact_geometry dbr:Convex_hull dbr:Erica_Flapan dbr:Martin_Dunwoody dbr:Mikhail_Goussarov dbr:Andrew_Putman dbr:Lenhard_Ng dbr:Mahan_Mj dbr:Sucharit_Sarkar dbr:Emmanuel_Giroux dbr:Francis_Bonahon dbr:Francisco_Javier_González-Acuña dbr:Plane_(geometry) dbr:Maggie_Miller_(mathematician) dbr:Autumn_Kent dbr:Tim_Cochran dbr:Tobias_Colding dbr:William_Thurston dbr:Jessica_Purcell dbr:John_Etnyre dbr:Jun_O'Hara dbr:Laura_Person dbr:Lisa_Piccirillo dbr:SnapPea dbr:A_K_Peters dbr:Alan_Reid_(mathematician) dbr:3-manifold dbr:Dan_Margalit_(mathematician) dbr:Danny_Calegari dbr:Brian_Bowditch dbr:Nicolai_Reshetikhin dbr:Gordana_Matic dbr:History_of_group_theory dbr:Kenneth_Millett dbr:List_of_Soviet_and_Eastern_Bloc_defectors dbr:Viveka_Erlandsson dbr:Rachel_Roberts_(mathematician) dbr:Gudrun_Kalmbach dbr:Hank_Risan dbr:Heisuke_Hironaka dbr:J._Hyam_Rubinstein dbr:James_W._Cannon dbr:Jason_Behrstock dbr:Jean_Gallier dbr:Jeffrey_Brock dbr:Jennifer_Hom dbr:Jennifer_Schultens dbr:A_Topological_Picturebook dbr:Abigail_Thompson dbr:Joan_Birman dbr:Karen_Hallberg dbr:Sylvain_Cappell dbr:Colin_P._Rourke dbr:Efstratia_Kalfagianni dbr:Mapping_class_group dbr:Marc_Culler dbr:Marc_Lackenby dbr:Clasper_(mathematics) dbr:Classification_of_manifolds dbr:Nathan_Dunfield dbr:Catharina_Stroppel dbr:Catherine_Cavagnaro dbr:Tara_E._Brendle dbr:Richard_Canary dbr:Trigenus dbr:Peter_Shalen dbr:Surface_bundle_over_the_circle dbr:Sherry_Gong dbr:Shelly_Harvey dbr:Slam-dunk dbr:Yair_Minsky dbr:Four-dimensional_topology dbr:Low-dimensional_topologist dbr:Low_dimensional_topology dbr:4-dimensional_topology |
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is foaf:primaryTopic of | wikipedia-en:Low-dimensional_topology |