Economic Value Research Papers - (original) (raw)

One of the primary tools for raising awareness on biological invasions has been the publication of species accounts of the most prominent alien invaders. Until now such compilations have been available only for particular taxa, biomes... more

One of the primary tools for raising awareness on biological invasions has been the publication of species accounts of the most prominent alien invaders. Until now such compilations have been available only for particular taxa, biomes and/or regions (Cronk and Fuller 2001; Weber 2003; Weidema 2000). In Europe, species accounts for selected invasive species have been published for a few countries or

The state of Rajasthan is situated between 23o3’ and 30o12’ N latitude and 69o30’ and 78o17’ E longitude . The total land area of the state is about 3,24,239 km2 , out of which about 1,98,100 km2 is arid and the rest semi arid. The... more

The state of Rajasthan is situated between 23o3’ and 30o12’ N latitude and 69o30’ and 78o17’ E longitude . The total land area of the state is about 3,24,239 km2 , out of which about 1,98,100 km2 is arid and the rest semi arid. The physical features are characterized mainly by the Aravallis and to the some extent by the vindhyan formation, and the Deccan trap. A major portion of western Rajasthan has desert soils and sandy plains. Sand dunes occupy a greater part of western Rajasthan ( 1,20, 983 km2). The soils of the desert plains are loamy sand to loam and the eastern part has alluvial soil which supports good forests and agricultural crop. Occurrence of saline soils with pH up to 9.0 is a common feature in the sandy areas of Rajasthan. The average annual rainfall in the state is 525-675 mm, and the annual precipitation in different tracts of Rajasthan varies from 13 mm to 1766 mm. Out of the total area , forests cover only about 37,638 km2 and are rich in biodiversity. Rajasthan ...

We consider a set of programs a family when it pays to look at their common aspects before looking at their differences. For commercial software developers the implications are twofold: First, making rational decisions about product-line... more

We consider a set of programs a family when it pays to look at their common aspects before looking at their differences. For commercial software developers the implications are twofold: First, making rational decisions about product-line processes and products requires the ability to answer the question: "Does it pay?" Second, whether or not something pays is ultimately a business (rather than software engineering) question. In short, making sound software engineering decisions requires understanding the business implications of those decisions, and vice versa. This paper describes work in progress to develop a product-line process model and common value metric that adequately link product value drivers (what it pays) with the software engineering decisions that affect those drivers. In it, we describe a systematic approach to quantifying the return on investment for both product and process improvements based on common software engineering principles and a common value me...

O objetivo deste artigo é examinar a evolução do direito de acesso à água, desde a perspectiva internacional global, passando pela regulação comparada na América do Sul, até o surgimento e a implementação do arcabouço regulatório... more

O objetivo deste artigo é examinar a evolução do direito de acesso à água, desde a perspectiva internacional global, passando pela regulação comparada na América do Sul, até o surgimento e a implementação do arcabouço regulatório brasileiro. Para atingir tal objetivo, analisou-se a formação do direito internacional de acesso à água, ressaltando o seu aspecto predominantemente econômico, bem como as políticas de privatização e monetarização da água enquanto bem de consumo, dotado de valor financeiro, apesar de já despontar no cenário internacional o reconhecimento do acesso à água como um direito humano. Visitaram-se os casos de Bolívia e Brasil, lugares onde o valor econômico da água redundou em privação do direito humano de acesso à água e de seus consectários, como dignidade humana e vida. Conclui-se que há dois macro-movimentos globais paralelos: o hegemônico, que defende o valor econômico da água e que tende à privatização do recurso, dificultando seu acesso aos mais vulneráveis e possibilitando futuros conflitos pelo direito à água; e o movimento que defende o acesso à água como um direito humano, ou mesmo como sujeito de direito e destinatário da norma, que tem embasado uma postura contra-hegemônica à comoditização dos “recursos” naturais. O presente artigo caracteriza-se como descritivo, exploratório e de natureza bibliográfica.

The information age has changed many of the "classical" business activities by altering the core values and management principles. Human resources management has also changed and has adapted to the new challenges of the 21 st-century... more

The information age has changed many of the "classical" business activities by altering the core values and management principles. Human resources management has also changed and has adapted to the new challenges of the 21 st-century information age. The hunt for knowledge and for the determined business value is driven by more complex and far-reaching human resources activities. Companies must change their "classic" view on human resources to prevail and to be successful in the new complex and speed century. Human resources have changed its old working principles to fit the requirements of constant data, information, and knowledge "hunting" and morphed to a proactive and dynamic business value driver. The main objective of the paper is to show and document that human resources management is 21 st-century business value and knowledge driver that business organizations must use in their quest for the ultimate competitive advantage.

Geographic Information (GI) is becoming more important everyday at all levels of society. GI has a central role in supporting economies, improving business effectiveness in the private sector, enabling more efficient governments, and... more

Geographic Information (GI) is becoming more important everyday at all levels of society. GI has a central role in supporting economies, improving business effectiveness in the private sector, enabling more efficient governments, and increasing citizens' quality of ...

ABSTRACT: This study investigates how private equity ownership affects corporate tax avoidance. Private equity (PE) firms have been accused of aggressively managing their own tax liabilities and those of their portfolio firms. We... more

ABSTRACT: This study investigates how private equity ownership affects corporate tax avoidance. Private equity (PE) firms have been accused of aggressively managing their own tax liabilities and those of their portfolio firms. We investigate the latter assertion based on ...

The economic value of grassland products is not always clear. In addition to demonstrating the social benefits of grassland products, the objective of the present study is to present the value of their diverse forms of utilization and... more

The economic value of grassland products is not always clear. In addition to demonstrating the social benefits of grassland products, the objective of the present study is to present the value of their diverse forms of utilization and their definitions in practice. This study groups marketable and non-marketable grass products and introduces a new category, the animal husbandry value of grasses. Among other factors, economists differ from researchers in other areas of science, as they are basically motivated by three issues The first question economists always raise is: “What can it be used for?”, the second is: “What is it worth?”, and the third is: “How can it (its value) be determined?” Any answers to any further questions are subordinated to the answers to these three.

It is common to understand the governing of rural space as the outcome of a conflict between some romantic protectors of a lost past on the one hand, and the people who worry about creating economic values on the other. However, the power... more

It is common to understand the governing of rural space as the outcome of a conflict between some romantic protectors of a lost past on the one hand, and the people who worry about creating economic values on the other. However, the power to shape the rural should not only be searched for in the open struggle between protectors and developers, but also should be analysed at the level of discourse, in the play between discourses about how to deal with the rural. In this paper I therefore present a modernist discourse and demonstrate how taken-for-granted truths about the rural – its history, its present and its future – are made possible by this discourse. Secondly, I will reveal how rurality takes on a different meaning in an alternative to the modernist discourse, emphasizing local and regional autonomy. In demonstrating that rurality is contingent upon a play between these two discourses, I want to provide some new insights into an important force behind the persistence of ideas a...

The state of Rajasthan is situated between 23º3' and 30º12' N latitude and 69º30' and 78º17' E longitude . The total land area of the state is about 3,24,239 km² , out of which about 1,98,100 km² is arid and the rest... more

The state of Rajasthan is situated between 23º3' and 30º12' N latitude and 69º30' and 78º17' E longitude . The total land area of the state is about 3,24,239 km² , out of which about 1,98,100 km² is arid and the rest semi arid. The physical features are characterized mainly by the Aravallis and to the some extent by the vindhyan formation, and the Deccan trap. A major portion of western Rajasthan has desert soils and sandy plains. Sand dunes occupy a greater part of western Rajasthan ( 1,20, 983 km²). The soils of the desert plains are loamy sand to loam and the eastern part has alluvial soil which supports good forests and agricultural crop. Occurrence of saline soils with pH up to 9.0 is a common feature in the sandy areas of Rajasthan. The average annual rainfall in the state is 525-675 mm, and the annual precipitation in different tracts of Rajasthan varies from 13 mm to 1766 mm. Out of the total area , forests cover only about 37,638 km² and are rich in biod...

The aim of this paper is analyzing the economic concept of time based on historical and cultural factors. The manuscript presents the historical evolution of the concept of time, highlighting its conceptualization since ancient times... more

The aim of this paper is analyzing the economic concept of time based on historical and cultural factors. The manuscript presents the historical evolution of the concept of time, highlighting its conceptualization since ancient times until now. Subsequently, the paper analyzes the economic value of time down through the history of no-time (leisure time) and its cultural contextualization (occidental culture/linear conception vs. oriental culture/cyclical conception). Finally, the contemporary state of the concepts of time and money, and suggests the need to establish a new culture of time, which should be taught from an early age.

This paper presents a contingent valuation study concerning landscape impacts generated by the construction of one dam (Baker 1) of the HIDROAYSEN hydropower project located in the Chilean Patagonia. A survey was used to collect... more

This paper presents a contingent valuation study concerning landscape impacts generated by the construction of one dam (Baker 1) of the HIDROAYSEN hydropower project located in the Chilean Patagonia. A survey was used to collect information about citizens’ opinions towards the hydropower project in four major cities in Chile. Specifically, a One-and-One-Half-Bound (OOHB) willingness to pay eliciting format was applied to capture citizens’ WTP. The economic loss, associated to the landscape impacts for people living in urban areas of the country, is found to be approximately US$ 205 million, which is nearly 28% of the total investment. Our results also show that the cities’ distance from the dam affects citizens’ willingness to pay.

Strategic business nets are increasingly important in producing economic value in the global arena. This paper examines the influence of national culture on knowledge sharing in different types of intercultural business nets. Knowledge... more

Strategic business nets are increasingly important in producing economic value in the global arena. This paper examines the influence of national culture on knowledge sharing in different types of intercultural business nets. Knowledge sharing is essential for the functioning of any business network as it influences the interaction between the actors and the outcomes they can achieve. Cultural factors have for long been known to influence the communication and success potential of strategic alliances. Similarly, culture is seen ...

This research project on the valuation of cultural heritage is developing a methodology for a quantitative valuation study of the use and non-use values of historic heritage places. The methodology developed in this project will provide a... more

This research project on the valuation of cultural heritage is developing a methodology for a quantitative valuation study of the use and non-use values of historic heritage places. The methodology developed in this project will provide a template for subsequent empirical applications to generate data of use in the formulation of heritage policies and programs. The initial stages in reaching

Certainly, the issue of accessibility has, in addition to a well-known social value, obvious economic repercussions. However, these are not easily measurable, as they can be investigated only on the basis of indicators that are mainly... more

Certainly, the issue of accessibility has, in addition to a well-known social value, obvious economic repercussions. However, these are not easily measurable, as they can be investigated only on the basis of indicators that are mainly qualitative and indirect. That said, this paper will highlight some aspects that can be considered a first approach, identifying the variables and key players in the economic field. The approach, according to the principles of Universal Design, already identifies economic implications related to the design of spaces, objects, and services. The socio-economic relevance has also been underlined within Sen’s economic theories based on the capability approach and is generally referable to the theme of corporate social responsibility. In recent years, all this has been finding a universalistic synthesis in the enunciation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
The analysis is conducted according to an interdisciplinary qualitative approach from two main perspectives: the company and the public administration.
The study highlights how accessibility—understood according to a broad meaning that considers material and immaterial factors—assumes significant economic value with different specificities, depending on the reference actor (company/public administration).
In particular, it is evident that for the company, the issue of accessibility (both with regard to products and services and organizational profiles) is taking on an increasingly important dimension with reference to marketing and ratings.
The present work defines with clear evidence the main areas in which the economic value of accessibility appears, although a more in-depth study is needed to define metrics useful for quantifying the phenomenon. The study can be useful in various public and private sectors that involve policy-makers, designers, managers, and companies that produce goods and services.

Trees in urban area nowadays plays an important roles towards environment, social and also economy. The economic value of trees in urban area reflects a variety of factors such as the value of the land, the location of the trees, their... more

Trees in urban area nowadays plays an important roles towards environment, social and also economy. The economic value of trees in urban area reflects a variety of factors such as the value of the land, the location of the trees, their age and history, quality of the tree, their benefits on social and environment and the cost for the maintenance. Different ways of estimating the economic value of the trees have been explored over time using many methods and for this research in Taman Tasek Seremban, we using tree valuation method from Thyer. Two hundred and fourty tree were selected to be valued using this method with the aim to get the new data of tree species, age, circumference, height, crown diameter and tree characteristics. Results indicated that Alstonia pneumatophora has the highest value, with an estimated mean tree value of RM530,755.00. Meanwhile, the mean value per tree was estimated at RM123,733.11. The trees value can be differ based on the physical and qualitative characteristics of the tree.

Municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ash contains economically significant levels of silver and gold. Bottom ashes from incinerators at Amsterdam and Ludwigshafen were sampled, processed, and analyzed to determine the... more

Municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ash contains economically significant levels of silver and gold. Bottom ashes from incinerators at Amsterdam and Ludwigshafen were sampled, processed, and analyzed to determine the composition, size, and mass distribution of the precious metals. In order to establish accurate statistics of the gold particles, a sample of heavy non-ferrous metals produced from 15 tons of wet processed Amsterdam ash was analyzed by a new technology called magnetic density separation (MDS). Amsterdam’s bottom ash contains approximately 10 ppm of silver and 0.4 ppm of gold, which was found in particulate form in all size fractions below 20 mm. The sample from Ludwigshafen was too small to give accurate values on the gold content, but the silver content was found to be identical to the value measured for the Amsterdam ash. Precious metal value in particles smaller than 2 mm seems to derive mainly from waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), wh...

This paper reports on the valuation of the marine halibut and salmon sport fishery of central and lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. The project was designed to simulate changes in economic value and regional economic impacts for environmental... more

This paper reports on the valuation of the marine halibut and salmon sport fishery of central and lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. The project was designed to simulate changes in economic value and regional economic impacts for environmental analysis but has also been used in fishery allocation management. This study develops a predictive model of participation rate changes for estimation of net benefits to anglers and links the resulting demand function to a regional input-output model for determining expenditure-based impacts of marine sportfishing to the Kenai Peninsula economy. The participation rate model is driven by changes in mean sport fishery attributes such as the expected catch rate and weight for various species as well as the average cost of a fishing day. The total estimated new money brought into the Kenai Peninsula as a result of 259,615 saltwater angler days in central and lower Cook Inlet was 37.4millionin1997,andthetotalcompensatingvariation,37.4 million in 1997, and the total compensating variation, 37.4millionin1997,andthetotalcompensatingvariation,25.4 million. Sim...

This paper develops an alternative (or supplementary) theoretical justification for the regulation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and social and environmental accounting and reporting (SEAR) to the justification contained in the... more

This paper develops an alternative (or supplementary) theoretical justification for the regulation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and social and environmental accounting and reporting (SEAR) to the justification contained in the extant academic literature. It does this by demonstrating how, contrary to the dominant business discourse, increased regulation designed to protect the social and environmental interests of a range of stakeholders can also serve to enhance corporate economic performance and shareholder value.The theoretical perspectives developed in this paper are drawn from Beck's and Giddens’ theories on reflexive modernity, and indicate that reflexively appropriated knowledge can be a key factor in developing socially constructed understandings of the social and environmental risks to a range of stakeholders inherent in business operations.In situations where voluntary self-regulation of CSR and SEAR has been ineffective in preventing corporate actions and decisions that have resulted in damaging social and environmental consequences, processes of reflexivity can substantially increase public awareness of the level of risk they face from corporate operations. Such increased perceptions of risk can lead to a loss of trust in an individual corporation or a whole industrial sector, and this can be exacerbated where stakeholders begin to actively seek out alternative risk discourses to inform themselves about possible risks of which they were previously unaware. We argue that effective statutory regulation could avoid these outcomes, and the loss of shareholder economic value that can flow from these outcomes.