氣 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)
〈空気〉 | air |
〈大気〉 | atmosphere |
〈気配, 雰囲気〉 | atmosphere |
さわやかな春の気が感じられる頃となった. The freshness of spring is in the air recently.当時の学校は自由の気がみなぎっていた. The school in those days was filled with an atmosphere of freedom.会場は厳粛な気に満ちていた. The auditorium was filled with an air of solemnity. |
〈風味〉 | flavor |
〈におい〉 | smell |
樽は酒の気が残っている. The barrel still smells of sake.
〈精神, 心〉 | spirit; (a) mind; (a) heart |
be sane; be in possession of one's senses; be in one's right mind《★否定文で》
【形式ばった表現】 be faint‐hearted
an astounding [《口語》 a mind‐boggling] sum of money
〈気丈な〉 brave; 【形式ばった表現】 stout‐hearted
〈はらはらさせる〉 suspenseful; 〈心配な〉 uneasy ⇒気が揉める
【形式ばった表現】 regain one's composure
brace oneself 《for the crisis》
彼は気が大き過ぎる. He is generous to a fault.そんな事をする彼の気が知れない. I can't understand why he should do such a thing.何事も気の持ちよう一つだ. Everything depends on how you look at it.気を確かに持て. Bear up.|Keep your spirits up.彼女は気を引き締めてその試練に立ち向かった. She braced herself for the ordeal. |
〈意志〉 | will |
〈意向〉 | an intention; a mind |
〈関心が〉 be interested 《in》; take an interest 《in》
〈意向が〉 be [feel] inclined 《to do》; have a mind to do
〈異性に〉 be interested 《in》; be keen 《on》; 《口語》 fancy somebody
〈関心が〉 have no interest 《in》; do not care 《for》
〈意向が〉 have no mind to do; have no intention of doing
〈多くの事に興味を持つ〉 《a man》 with a lot [a large number] of interests; 【形式ばった表現】 a man of many interests
〈移り気な〉 fickle; 【形式ばった表現】 capricious
【形式ばった表現】 with one accord
take one's mind off one's worries [troubles]
give somebody just a little [a glimmer of, 【形式ばった表現】 some slight] hope
cannot find it in one's heart to do
without meaning anything (by it)
この雨はいつまで降る気なんだろう. I wonder when it will (decide to) stop raining.承知したと言いたい気も大分あった[ないではなかった]. I had a good mind [half a mind] to accept the offer.その時はやってみる気もあった. I was ready [willing] to undertake it at that time.彼を怒らせる気はすこしもなかった. I had no thought [intention] of offending him.いつも伊豆へ行くから, 今度は一つ気を変えて信州へ行こうじゃないか. We always seem to go to Izu. How about going to Shinshu this time, for a change?どうして自殺する気になったのだろう. What induced him to kill himself?|I wonder what drove him to suicide.そんな事をする気にはとうていなれない. I couldn't bring myself [find it in my heart] to do such a thing.|I can't imagine [see] myself doing such a thing. |
〈気分〉 | one's feelings; a mood |
be always [forever] changing one's mind
【形式ばった表現】 be fickle
【形式ばった表現】 be irresolute
be impatient 《to…》
have a load (taken) [something is a load] off one's mind
【形式ばった表現】 capricious
〈親切な〉 kind; considerate
follow one's own whim [【形式ばった表現】 inclination, 【形式ばった表現】 bent]
as one's [the] fancy takes one
【形式ばった表現】 as one's whim dictates
be pleased 《by, at, with》
get [take] (great) satisfaction 《from》
【形式ばった表現】 displease one
あと 10 分しかないので気がせくよ. I feel impatient as I have only 10 minutes left.彼は 60 歳とは思えないほど気が若い. He is so young at heart that you'd never believe he was sixty (years old). |
〈気質〉 | (a) nature; 【形式ばった表現】 a disposition |
《2 人以上が主語》 get along well [《口語》 hit it off] (together); 【形式ばった表現】 be kindred spirits
〈相手と〉 get on [along] well 《with》; hit it off 《with》
〈短気である〉 be short‐[quick‐] tempered
a person with an even [【形式ばった表現】 a genial] temper
an even‐tempered [【形式ばった表現】 equable] person
【形式ばった表現】 timorous
どうもあの 2 人は気が合わないようだ. It seems those two don't get along well.彼は気の荒い男だ. He has [is a man with] a violent temper.あなたみたいに気がいいのはいいんだけれど他人につけこまれないようにね. Your good‐naturedness is all very well, but you mustn't let people take advantage of you. |
〈注意〉 | attention; care |
【形式ばった表現】 be attentive 《to one's duties》
take 《somebody's feelings》 into consideration
catch [attract] somebody's attention
sound somebody (out) 《on [about] something》
try to arouse somebody's interest 《in a subject》
see how somebody reacts [would react]
worry [bother] 《about》; be nervous 《about》
〈苦にする〉 take something to heart
〈心にかける〉 have something at heart
do not mind《★普通 mind は疑問文・否定文に用いる》; 【形式ばった表現】 care nothing 《for》; 【形式ばった表現】 be indifferent 《to》
take notice [【形式ばった表現】 account] 《of》
pay [【形式ばった表現】 give] no heed 《to》
気が張っていたので少しも眠くなかった. I was so tense that I didn't feel at all sleepy.気をつけっ! 【号令】 Attention!生徒たちは急いで気をつけの姿勢をとった. The students sprang to attention. |
as a small token 《of one's gratitude [friendship]》
気は心ですから, 30 円だけお引きします. I'll take 30 yen off, just as a gesture [just to show goodwill].
《事が主語》 lie heavy on one's mind
《人が主語》 be [feel] depressed [down]
卒論提出の締め切り日が近づくにつれてますます気が重くなってきた. The closer I got to the deadline for presentation of my graduation dissertation, the more depressed I got.
be sensible; 《口語》 be smart; be tactful (人扱いが)
〈思いやりがある〉 be considerate; be thoughtful
こんな所でぼんやり待っているのも気が利かない話だ. There is no sense in waiting here doing nothing.あの男は本当に気が利かないね. He is terribly slow to see what's required [what he ought to do]. |
be beside oneself with worry [anxiety]
娘が真夜中すぎまで帰宅しなかったので, 彼女は気が気でなかった. She was beside herself with worry when her daughter didn't come home until past midnight.
〈気にかかる〉 feel uneasy 《about》; worry
〈やましい気持ちになる〉 feel guilty 《about》.
be satisfied 《with》
彼は何でも自分でしなければ気が済まない. He is not satisfied unless he does everything by himself.借金を返して気が済んだ. Paying off the debt eased my conscience. |
feel; think; fancy; 《口語》 reckon
〈予感が〉 have a feeling [《口語》 hunch] 《that…》
休日はほかの日より日が短い気がする. A holiday always seems to pass more quickly than a weekday [an ordinary day].どこかであの人に会ったような気がする. I fancy I have met him somewhere. |
be nervous [worked‐up, on edge] 《about》.
《事が主語》 distract one [one's attention]
窓を締めてください, あの音楽が聞こえて気が散りますから. Shut the window, please. That music distracts me [my attention].
〈気づく〉 ⇒きづく; 〈行き届く〉 be attentive; be scrupulous; 〈正気にかえる〉 come to (oneself); come round; recover [regain] consciousness [one's senses]
彼は万事に気がつく男だ. He is considerate in everything.気がついて見ると, 救急車でどこかへ運ばれて行くところだった. The first thing I knew was that I was being taken somewhere in an ambulance.家へ帰るまで, 時計をなくしたことに気がつかなかった. I did not miss my watch till I got home.それに気がつかなかった. I didn't notice [never noticed] it.|It had escaped my notice.それはいいところへ気がついた. That's a good idea. |
be upset; be flurried; lose one's presence of mind
〈驚いて〉 be frightened out of one's wits
その知らせを聞いて彼はすっかり気が転倒してしまった. The news quite upset him.|He was very (much) upset by the news.
suffer from a guilty conscience
【形式ばった表現】 one's conscience pricks one
気がとがめてとてもそんな事はできません. I can't, in all conscience, do such a thing.
〈気落ちする〉きおち; 〈ビールなどが〉 go flat; 〈茶・コーヒーなどが〉 lose its flavor; 〈物事が〉 go [get, 【形式ばった表現】 become] stale [insipid]
flat beer.
このウィスキーは気が抜けている. This whisky tastes insipid.気が抜けたような音楽だ. This music has no zip. |
忙しい間は気が張っていたせいかどうやら病気にならなかった. Maybe it was because my nerves were at full stretch, but I managed to keep well while I was busy on that job.
feel small 《in somebody's presence》
feel inferior 《before somebody》
be [get, 【形式ばった表現】 become] self‐conscious
こんな身なりで外へ[人前に]出るのは気が引ける. I am ashamed to go out [I don't think I am fit to be seen] dressed like this.
when (one is) in the (right) mood 《to do, for something》
when the fancy [mood, urge] takes one
be unwilling [reluctant] to do
be in no mood 《to do, for something》
彼は気が向くと何時間でも続けて机に向かっている. When the urge takes him, he is at his desk for hours on end.
feel uneasy [anxious] 《about》; worry [feel worried] 《about》; 《事が主語》 have [keep] one in (a state of) suspense (はらはらさせる) ⇒気を揉む.
《a person》 one can feel [one feels] at ease with
【形式ばった表現】 close [good] 《friends》
まったく気の置けない人だ. I feel completely at (my) ease [at home] in his presence.
それは君の気のせいだ. It's (just) your imagination.みんなが陰で君の噂をしているって言うのかい. 気のせいだよ. You say people are talking about you behind your back? I'm sure you're imagining things! |
〈趣のある〉 nice; attractive; 【形式ばった表現】 tasteful
〈頭の鈍い〉 《be》 slow on the uptake; 《be》 obtuse [dense]
気の利いたデザインだ. It is an attractive design.
【形式ばった表現】 swoon
be beaten [knocked] senseless [unconscious].
彼女は気を利かしてその男に主人は今日は留守ですと言った. She had the sense to tell him that her husband was away that day.
be watchful.
take care 《of》; be careful 《about》; keep an eye 《on》
〈用心する〉 watch [look] out; be on one's guard
病気にならないように気をつけなさい. Take care not to make yourself ill.以後は気をつけます. I will be more careful in future.階段を降りるとき足元に気をつけなさい. Watch your step when you go down the stairs.では気をつけて行っていらっしゃい. 〈旅立つ人などに〉 Good luck!|《フランス語》 Bon voyage! |
have one's attention caught 《by》; be distracted [preoccupied] 《by》
〈熱中する〉 be absorbed 《in》; be intent 《on》
テレビドラマに気をとられていて歯医者の予約があることをまったく忘れていた. I was so engrossed in [absorbed by] the TV play I was watching that I entirely forgot that I had a dental appointment.
【形式ばった表現】 collect oneself
現役で大学に入れない人なんてたくさんいるんだ. 気を取り直しもう一年勉強してまた来年挑戦してみたら. Lots of people don't get into university the first time around. Why don't you pull yourself together, spend an extra year study, and try again next year?
〈気をゆるめる〉 relax (one's attention)
〈充分注意しない〉 be careless 《in, about》
車の運転はひどく疲れる, 気を抜くことはできない. Driving a car makes me extremely tired. I must concentrate all the time [mustn't let my attention wander for an instant].彼の気を抜いた仕事振りにはほんとうに腹が立つ. I feel angry at his sloppy workmanship. |
be overawed [overwhelmed] 《by》
彼らは彼の前に出たらすっかり気をのまれて, 言いたいと思っていたことも全然言えなかった. Completely overawed in his presence, they couldn't say at all what they had to say to him.
be very successful 《in》
白神山地を破壊から守れと熱弁をふるって, 彼は環境保護論者のために万丈の気を吐いた. He put up a good fight for the sake of environmentalists by his fervent speech that the Shirakami Range should be protected from disruption.
〈疑う〉 suspect; be suspicious
〈しっとする〉 be jealous 《of》
気を回し過ぎるよ. 彼はそんなことをする男じゃないよ, 絶対に. You are too suspicious; I'm sure he is the last person to do a thing like that.
《事が主語》 worry one; keep one in suspense (はらはらさせる) ⇒気が揉める.
あの男にはまだ気を許せない. I don't trust him completely yet.|I can't yet put my complete confidence in him.
〈(人を)不快にする〉 offend [give offense to] somebody; hurt somebody's feelings; 【形式ばった表現】 displease somebody
〈不快に思う〉 be offended [take offense] 《at》; 【形式ばった表現】 be displeased 《by, at, with》
本当のことを言われたからって気を悪くすることはないんじゃないの. There's no need to take offense just because someone told you the truth.
【形式ばった表現】 gain somebody's favor
【形式ばった表現】 find [win] favor with somebody
《人が主語》 do not like
be dissatisfied [displeased] 《with》
be not to one's taste [liking]
彼は 1 目見るなりその若者が気に入った. He took to the young man as soon as he met him.私は田舎の生活が気に入った. I found life in the countryside very much to my liking.その着物はお気に入りましたか. How do you like the kimono?私はどちらも余り気に入らないわ. I don't think much of either of them.|I don't like either of them very much.物事はいつも自分の気に入るようにはいかないものだ. Things don't always go as one wishes. |
試験の結果が気にかかる. I am worried about my examination results.
《物事が主語》 be unpleasant
【形式ばった表現】 be disagreeable 《to》
《人が主語》 do not like 《his attitude》
be dissatisfied [【形式ばった表現】 displeased] 《with》
何がそんなに気にくわないのだ. What are you so annoyed [upset] about?|What am I supposed to have done?
《物事が主語》 be [weigh] on one's mind
父の健康がひどく気になった. I was very worried about my father's health.|My father's poor health lay heavy on my mind.
worry [be anxious] 《about》
そのことを気に病む必要はないよ. 事情を説明すれば彼女だって許してくれるはずだ. There's no need to worry about it. If you explain the situation I'm sure she'll forgive you.
〈気配〉 | a sign; an indication |
そんな気もない. There is not the slightest suspicion of it.